Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 816: Founding (Part 1)

Unexpectedly, this stay lasted more than half a month. After 41 divine power and all divine nature were consumed, the sword classic said that it was only half completed.

It is not impossible to deduct, on the one hand it needs to be practiced, on the other hand it is not enough energy.

Shaoyu was also scratching his scalp. Apart from slaughtering the gods, this divine power and divine nature can only be obtained from divine tools, and now there is no equipment that can be extracted...

Fortunately, half of what the swordsman said is the creation of a career.

The foundation-laying practice of my daughter is complete. He also figured out the name of his daughter, so she was called Shaomengli.

In fact, Shaoyu has never named it because it is a bit entangled, because the mainland of Al is the Western style, and the family names are very long, and the father’s name is added to it. He has been hesitant to do the same with the locals. After a few days of hesitation, I suddenly realized it.

This is his family, why should he follow the habits of other people!

This awakening not only has the names of the daughters, but also the names of the sons and grandsons.

Dreaming back to the stars, holding the sword for happiness.

For the daughter, take the first sentence and place it in the middle and lower rows in order of generation, and the son will take the second sentence and put it in the middle and lower rows in order of generation.

Although there are only five characters, although the strokes are not from few to more, but this is fine. As for the lower generations, then think again.

After Shaoyu announced at dinner, the women were puzzled.

In various inquiries, Eve was shocked when she read her daughter's name. She understood that Shaoyu's name was also in memory of Lily.

In the meantime, Mansa jumped out and said: "Although you are a commoner. But now you have become a nobleman, you must give your daughter the name of nobleman, or you will be ridiculed..." Then she was knocked on the head, but Mansha always opposed. He also said that he would never let his children call that.

When Ye Shaoyu ‘persuaded’ her overnight. Unable to get up the next day, Mansha, who was staggering on the third day, was finally persuaded.

After completing this major event, Shaoyu looked at the girls at the round table, feeling in his heart that he still owed them a wedding, and he must have a grand ceremony when he became the owner and the abandoned city...

Speaking of the abandoned city, there has been no movement for half a month.

But some news came.

Nancy, who is in charge of the internal affairs, said: "Sister Lucy has negotiated with the second largest chamber of commerce and several nobles about caravans and trade, and she can come back only after signing a contract. Sister Kayla..." The two sides exchanged information. Not through the magic letter tower, but the dimension box.

Shaoyu left the dimension box to Lucy, and the other to Nancy. Nancy is in charge of the news on the second side. In addition, because Kayla helped Owen train the army in Liena Makis, the recruitment and training of the manor guards were also handed over to Nancy, with only five people.

During this period, Owen sent the Cavaliers to send news, and it will take some time to let him not rush.

Another thing the old butler mentioned caught Shaoyu's attention.

From the cannibal mountain range, there was news that the alien race was stronger, and they suffered heavy casualties.

Shaoyu thought for a while and decided to let Nicole go. The alien seems to be the goblin clan among the hundreds. I wanted to see it in person, but decided to hurry up to complete the professional certification... After dinner, he asked Prissy to live with him. In fact, Nicole is enough to go alone, but it must be one Do not stay.

It may be useful to keep some ‘samples’.

Prissy's blacksmith's shop stopped temporarily and drove there after possessing the abandoned capital.

Shaoyu took some gold coins from Tammy, then flew with his sword, and lived alone in Nari, the capital of the Principality of Hill.

The Principality of Hill is one of the three principalities that once split from the Kingdom of Hill. It is located in the southern continent where the east, west, south and north cultures converge and exchange. The commerce is very prosperous, and it is the center of the center. Its capital, Nali, is the center of the center.

The Southern Continent can only register for new occupations in Nali.

Nali is very far away from the abandonment. If a year ago, Nali would be only a matter of teleporting the formation several times, but now that it has been so long, the teleportation formation has not recovered. Shaoyu could only go on the road alone, flying with his sword.

With full force of the sword, he flew to Nali after ten days.

Think about the time when I went to Nali with the adventure group, I was shocked by the prosperity of this place. After I went to the North Continent and saw the magical civilization city there, I felt that it was the same.

However, I always think of my life and poetry.

Nali didn't change much, Shaoyu didn't wander around, nor did he look for Shishi, he went directly to the hotel that year, and after a good rest for a day, he came to the guild street and came to the certification office.

This occupational recognition house happens to be between several major guilds, which is also convenient for occupational certification, or the guilds for new occupations can be quickly dispatched.

But this very large house was deserted at this time.

There was no one in the hall that could hold nearly a hundred people, and no one was seen behind the counter.

Shaoyu is a little strange. Although it is impossible to create a new career every day, the certification of the professional is also carried out here. Isn't it reasonable to be so deserted that there is not even a staff member? .

After approaching, he found an old man sleeping in a chair under the counter.

He called for a few times, the old man sat up, opened his eyes and took a look, then said angrily: "Two days after the professional certification", then he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Shao Yu said: "Create a new career."

The old man didn't open his eyes when he heard it, he fumbled under him for a long time, and then threw a crystal plate saying: "One hundred gold coins, pour in from there."

Shaoyu saw that a nozzle was opened at the counter, and he directly took out a hundred gold coins from the ring and threw it in.

Hearing the clear sound of falling gold coins, the old man opened his eyes and looked at Shaoyu repeatedly and said: "Look clearly, if you decide not to authenticate, you can refund you ninety gold coins."

Shaoyu picked up the crystal board. This should be of the same type as the exchange. The information is magical text appearing on it. If you have mental power, you can read it directly.

The first is that it costs 10,000 gold coins to create a new profession.

This one is not dark, and Shaoyu also knows... Please all the members of the big guilds, there is still space consumption, there is almost nothing left.

The second one is a warning. This warning is very long. In short, if it is found to be a farce, it will be deprived of its name and will not be served by the guild for life.

This is a very serious matter, because many wealthy nobles once did it. Some of them have a lot of money, some want to come and play, some have some goals, and some simply overestimate themselves, which brings a lot of trouble to professional certification.

Because, once successful, you can get the name of new job founder and career mentor.

These two are not ordinary names. Not only will they be entered in the Book of Era, not only the first name, but the founder can get some of the expenses of each employee.

There is also blessing and protection.

The incumbent cannot actively hurt the founder.

These are all the information Shaoyu got from the books, the girls and Inna.

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