Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 853: Xinghai (Civilization)

How big the universe is, Shaoyu only had a vague concept when he was on the earth. He only knows that it is very big. If you compare the universe to a picture, the planets are just the points in the picture that you can see with a magnifying glass.

Before boarding the spaceship, he mastered some basic knowledge. I don't know if Maureen passed this knowledge to the ‘spacesuit’ or he brought it with him...Little S also told something she remembered.

The division of the temple is not like the earth. It is ordered by constellations and galaxies, and it uses simple letters and numbers. At first, I saw those B0-0.1, Z20, F6-97, J1-1.9, etc. Shaoyu are I think so. After seeing it, he realized that these letters all have a meaning, like mecha and spaceship, representing type.

This type is not a gas star or a solid star, but is divided by civilization.

For example, the mechanical civilization is J, the number represents the civilization level, and the separated ones represent the danger level... This danger level is marked by themselves, and the danger assessment they face with their current strength.

Z represents the resource, the number is the resource type, and X represents the unknown, the unknown also has a type, unexplored and unexplored, etc. Shaoyu has not seen all of them. The small S indicates that there are also star regions and zone divisions. All before the letters.

Shaoyu has a headache.

Maureen didn't tell him where he was in the star area he was going to now, only knew that it was I5-66...the danger of 100 was death, 66 was very high.

I represents personal evolution civilization. Little S said before that his sword repair is a fairy civilization. In the division of temples, magic civilization also belongs to I, and some other things such as abilities also belong to I.

5 represents the civilization level, which is different from what Shaoyu understood on earth. Although he practices martial arts and reads less, it does not mean he knows less. The earth is in the era of information explosion, and he has all kinds of information with his mobile phone. He still remembered that the earth only divided seven levels of civilizations. It seemed that the fourth level didn't say anything about cosmic travel, and it could also travel along the dimensions, ascending and reducing dimensionality, and so on. It could be called invincible.

The temple is not divided in this way.

The first level of civilization is the birth of the principle of civilization.

The principle of civilization is like referring to the fairy heaven, the magical Gaia consciousness. When the principle of civilization is born, it can be called civilization, which is the first level of civilization. Otherwise, even if you could enter the universe and destroy the stars with one hand, it would not be considered a civilization.

The second level is to enter the universe.

Being able to fully utilize the energy of the world and entering the universe is the second level of civilization. This entry is not about launching something into the universe. It is the second-level civilization that allows ‘ordinary people’ to reach other planets for development.

The third level is to have a star area.

There may be many civilizations in a stellar area, and only having a stellar area can be regarded as the third level.

The fourth level is the dimensional shuttle.

When you have a star area, you will look at other star areas, but you must master the dimensional shuttle technology to leave the star area, otherwise the dimensional boundary of the star area will completely trap a third-level civilization. The fourth level is a watershed. When you travel to other star areas, you will definitely not encounter flowers and applause... be invaded or occupied.

The fifth level is the overlord.

Successfully occupying more than two star areas can be called a fifth-level civilization. After absorbing the principles of different plain texts, the overlord has more and needs more.

The I5 they are going to is such a star area.

Does Shaoyu suddenly feel that the fleet is just this point? The fifth level civilization is so strong! Little S said: "If it is a real fifth-level civilization, it will definitely not work."

"What's the situation?" He was puzzled.

"We are going to the ruins, so this fifth-level civilization is a broken fifth-level civilization for some reason." Xiao S slowly said.

"Uh, I don't understand." Shaoyu thought for a while, and directly said that he didn't understand.

"No one" Xiao S gave the answer.

"No one? Oh, you mean there are only things like magic guards left?" Shaoyu said suddenly.


"I'll go, that's okay." After a pause, Shaoyu was puzzled: "I originally wanted to ask where people went, but I thought about it, how did you know it? You said that you reasoned. ."

"Maureen transmitted data," Little S said.

"Oh, what's the matter with that person?" Shaoyu didn't think much, but he was a little puzzled why he didn't know.

"Unknown, maybe it's because of a cosmic disaster, maybe it's an invasion, maybe it's a loss for both sides. The news that Maureen bought before is not complete, so we have to investigate it ourselves."

"If I go, the overlord will also be destroyed by natural disasters?"

"There are many in the universe..."

After the two exchanged for a while, Shaoyu continued to look at the information, but the information only had the introduction of Level 5 Civilization, so he asked "Little S, do you know the latter?"

Little S said that the sixth level of civilization is a super civilization.

It can travel to any corner of the universe, and ‘technologies’ such as resurrection have been widely used.

The seventh level of civilization, the emperor.

The ability to destroy dimensions is no longer restricted by the body. Civilization at this stage is even more dangerous, and it has already moved towards a unified universe.

The eighth level of civilization, guard

If civilizations are not destroyed, they must be able to master multiple dimensions. After being able to walk between multiple dimensions, they will have no demand for resources and strength, but will maintain dimensional balance. In many civilizations, the eighth level of civilization is called a god.

The ninth level of civilization is diverse.

Information is missing!

This is not only the lack of information for Little S, even Maureen doesn't know it, and even she doesn't have the information for the eighth level of civilization.

Shaoyu also asked a question: "The temple is an eighth-level civilization? Didn't you say before that the remains of a fairy civilization prove that there was an eleventh-level civilization?"

Little S was silent for a long time before saying: "It can prove that there has been level 11 civilization, and the temple is at least level 12."

After listening, Shaoyu didn't know what his mood was, no wonder, Xiao S, who was an enemy of the temple, would despair... He didn't understand before, but now it's even more terrifying to understand.

It takes dozens of days to get to I5, and you can sleep for these dozens of days... Just lie down on the back of a chair. Of course, you can also choose not to sleep. This small spacecraft was specially modified for him. You can see the universe and stars outside. It also has a food maker, toilets and other essentials for life. There are even two smart maids standing there. The left and right sides of the chair wait for orders.

Shaoyu was in the fleet and seemed to be here alone.

He doesn’t have any opinion. It’s okay if you don’t contact Maureen’s teammates. There was one who was unkind before. The two who fought and couldn’t fight said that they caused damage on the spacecraft... The only regret is that they can’t visit the fleet. This is still Maureen's flagship.

Shaoyu is going to spend these dozens of days getting familiar with the battle in the universe.

I5's natural environment data is naturally given away. There is gravity, but gravity is three times higher than that of the El continent.

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