Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 884: Family (change)

The Queen of Starlight agreed very happily, but Shaoyu was not at ease.

After experiencing so much, he began to doubt everything.

Even under the witness of the temple... is the temple reliable? Only when one has mastered a powerful force can one not fear anything.

For a short time, he kept the Star Queen from leaving him within ten steps.

After that, it is to increase strength.

Go back to the jungle and find Green Wolf and Xiaofeng.

Assistance is also part of strength, and he should have returned to the jungle long ago... I really miss them.

Soon after, they stopped again, because they encountered a monster, it was not difficult for the three adventurers to kill, but they were too tired and it was getting late.

The encounter with Warcraft this time was a real accident, and Shaoyu was not in a hurry, lit a bonfire, set up some simple traps, and set up the tent with skillful movements that minimized the three adventurers' guard against him.

After drinking the broth, Shaoyu left with the Star Queen in the middle of the night.

On the way to the starry night, he has been communicating with the Queen of Starlight. The Queen of Starlight has a name, but because of its weirdness and difficulty in pronunciation, Shaoyu said that she would call her Starlight.

The Queen of Starlight promised.

During the exchange, Shaoyu learned a lot, and it proved that one thing was indeed affected. The Queen of Starlight said that this is a subconscious domination.

Obviously, when he returned to the Southern Continent, he should go back to the jungle at least once to see the green wolf and Xiaofeng, but he was affected. At the beginning, there were a lot of things to deal with, but then they didn't go.

Little S is afraid that he will get a strong boost when he returns there?

Shaoyu didn't have any doubts. In those days, the Green Wolf was extremely powerful and already had several territories.

The conversation ended after Starlight indicated that the body needed to be exhausted.

After bearing the starlight again, he soon saw the manor.

Under the moonlight, the wave of purple flowers made him think of Lily again, and he also imagined the reunion of Xinghai, but he didn't think... he stood still for a while and walked into the manor.

The front entrance of the manor is a bit deserted, but there are still signs of cleaning. It looked dark outside, and it didn't look like someone was there at all.

There was a magic trap, and a bell rang, and Shaoyu naturally stepped on it.

Soon, he saw the figure of the old housekeeper.

The old butler was wearing a black cloak and holding a short staff, and his granddaughter soon appeared, wearing a light armor and carrying a huge shield.

Not only the old butler was stunned, but Shaoyu was also stunned. What happened?

"It's Master Shaoyu who is back." After the old butler was finished, he immediately saluted.

"Why are you two here, on vacation?"

"I was fired, I can only stay here and wait for the adult to return." The old butler sighed in response.

"We were driven out. Fortunately, this manor was rebuilt by the grandfather, and we still have some strength to hold on." The granddaughter of the old housekeeper interjected.

"What's the matter, who gave them the right to expel you?" After a pause, he said again: "How many years have I been away?"

"Seven years, my lord"

"Seven years?" Shaoyu groaned for a while and then said, "Tell me what was sent in seven years, and do you know the experience of the princess? What's the matter."

"These, I have to talk about them one by one..." said the old housekeeper, letting her granddaughter guard him, and Shaoyu said: "Let her unload her armor to prepare food, and then fill the pool. I don't need to guard it. "The old butler nodded, and then led Shaoyu to the restaurant.

The lighted candles could not dispel the darkness in the empty dining room. The old butler took off the cloak and removed the leather armor as the candles flickered. He did not act like an old man with dexterity. There were muscles under his seemingly thin body, and there were old injuries. There are also new injuries.

"Thank you"

"It's nothing compared to back then. I've been at peace here for so long, but it's slow." The old butler stopped and looked at Shaoyu and said, "My lord has never asked me about my origin."

‘Since I’m under my command, I don’t ask where it came from. 'Shaoyu actually wanted to say that, but after thinking about it, she felt inappropriate, so she said, "Of course, although I found out, I don't think you are malicious. Later, you rebuilt the manor and took care of Eve and the others, so I trust you."

"Magic Cloak Professional" the old butler nodded, and said these five words very plainly.

‘Magic Cloak, a branch of the warrior department, one of the lost professions. A mechanical voice came to mind... This is the data in the auxiliary program left by Xiao S. This thing seems to be triggered automatically. It has been triggered several times before. If you encounter knowledge that you don't understand, the information will be called up by itself.

"It shows that the profession is not me long-winded, but has a lot to do with some things."

"Well, speak slowly, I'm not in a hurry."

"After the adult left, because there were many strategies left, everything was normal in the first two years. At the end of the second year, the adult's daughter, Shaomengli, successfully joined the Sword Fairy professional. At the same time, the rest of the year, Lis Attacked the neighboring country again.

In the third year, because Lord Lord did not show up for a long time, many rumors appeared in the territory, the most being that the Lord wanted to advance Xinghai Adventurer died, which made some forces around the corner. Fortunately, the ladies didn't believe it and stabilized the situation. "

"This rumor has noses and eyes, and he really entered the Xinghai" Shaoyu thought.

"In the fourth year, there was a rebellion. Several priests wanted to get stronger power and attacked the castle. Several forces created chaos in the territory..."

"Wait, Owen is watching that?"

"The king fell into a serious illness and died in the fifth year after the Lord left."

"What, Irving is dead?"

"My lord, do you remember the original agreement with the king?"

"What agreement?"

"Baby kiss," the old housekeeper said word by word.

Shaoyu was taken aback. The mainland didn't have this word. It was accidentally said at a banquet after he came back. At that time, I drank a lot, and I embraced Owen and said that if Owen had a son, we would pick a daughter and we would have a baby.

"The princess is the child born by the king who made a wish to God." Then the old steward "Here is another letter left by the king."

God naturally refers to Liyi. The priesthood of Liyi is harvest, and birth is also... Shaoyu has never used it, because he thinks it is better to be born naturally, but he didn't expect Owen to use it.

"Is it a daughter? I don't know which of his sons was picked. Shaoyu didn't even shake his mind, recalling the little things he had with Owen.

Later, in the story of the old housekeeper, the sky went from night to dawn until after lunch.

In the meantime, the Queen of Starlight went to take a bath, it seemed that she liked it, and then fell asleep.

Shaoyu sat at the table alone, sometimes knocking and sometimes walking, with Owen's letters on the table.

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