Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 905: Forward (four)

These four places are the core of the Excalibur.

Sword Spirit was very ambitious at the beginning, he wanted to become the strongest and eventually become a sword star after constantly changing the sword master.

As the largest school in the world, Yujianmen is the only original jade disc from when the sword star was originally built.

After tens of thousands of years of countless sword masters and even a sword master who became the deputy master of Yujianmen, the sword spirit succeeded. In the meantime, he also collected countless materials scattered among various doors. These four cores were originally set up by him integrating ‘civilian’ materials, the other two were stolen to create jade discs, and the last one was the true core of the Excalibur.

Shaoyu'entered' the first place, and the sword spirit was named the land of the supreme.

Entering the Divine Sword is very different from the spiritual world. In the spiritual world, he will condense a spiritual body, and entering the Divine Sword he uses the soul to enter.

The spirit is different from the primordial spirit, and it is right to change the way of thinking. After entering, Shaoyu felt for a long time, and was touched by the heart swordsmanship.

The spirit is the reflection of the human brain on the objective material world, and the human form is condensed in the spiritual world only according to his cognition. But inside the Divine Sword, his eyesight, who entered with the body of the second soul, was restored.

This can be regarded as a method that can be seen again.

After a few days of comprehension, Shaoyu carefully observed this called Taishang, and the highest is also the initial place.

The huge white jade blades are spliced ​​together regularly, and there are countless runes carved on them... These runes are naturally not magic runes. After walking for a while, Shaoyu was stunned. He gave birth to a This kind of original self should have shocked emotions.

The initial place is the frame of the sword star!

Since he had actually stepped on the Sword Star, after walking around, he found that it was a frame of the Sword Star stretching out one after another, totaling nine layers.

The diameter of the completed frame is about 3,000 meters, which seems to be very large, but compared to the planet-sized sword star, it is only a miniature.

It's a pity, three words popped up in Shaoyu's heart. Even if he could be transformed into the material of this world, it would be impossible to complete the sword star. The sword canon left the method of making the sword star, but he couldn't understand it at all. This is the way of comprehension. If you use scientific methods, it is a technology that starts at least from ABCD and then to nuclear fusion until... Shaoyu became a monk halfway through, and only used it, knowing it, not knowing why. At most, I have learned a branch of study, practicing swords.

It's like you know how to use a computer, use all the software, and even assemble, disassemble, and modify, but you can't make components.

Components are the foundation of a computer.

These materials can be used to build flying swords, and can also be used to create a set of flying swords.

A single sword pillar can smelt at least a hundred flying sword materials, and all of them are top-level materials. If the runes are special, there will be special bonuses if they are handled well... It's just a pity.

The second place was established after the sword spirit stolen the jade disc, named Lingquan. There was only a huge dry well left here... This was the energy core of the sword star, which was not refined at all. The energy stored in it was extracted when the sword spirit body was damaged.

The third place was also set up after the sword spirit stolen the jade disc, and Shaoyu was stunned as soon as he entered.

Behind him, he would no longer be shocked in a daze, he just saw too much, and there was too much information to be'processed' and he stood in place... One was shocked and unable to react, the other was analyzing.

The space here is huge, with peaks floating in the air in the black background, and some of the peaks are blazing into the sky, and some are constantly thundering.

This is refining the ‘part’ of the sword star.

And up to this moment, it is still being refined.

Well, some mountain peaks have fallen and smashed on the ‘ground’.

There are only a dozen floating peaks, which seem to form a cycle, which can be maintained without energy supply.

Shaoyu tried to get closer, and he could see what was going on, but he couldn't get in, or if he entered one of them, it would break this energy cycle and cause all the mountains to crash.

If you can find a way to replenish energy, you can get the treasures in these mountains.

Shaoyu didn't try to inject Jian Yuan at all. For these small island-sized peaks, this was at least a massive amount of energy.

But this involves energy conversion. These mountains require pure aura. Although the sword star can also absorb energy for conversion, not all energy is possible, at least when the sword spirit came into this world.

After so many years, Sword Spirit has actually found a way to transform Lingquan, and then can transform pure crystal...Unfortunately, Sword Spirit can't support it after finding a way. Even if he has time, Shaoyu can't or collect enough materials. .

Naturally, there are methods left in the classics, using the technique of the sword-making formation to transform it, and it is not difficult technically with Shaoyu's current attainments. Now he is sitting on the border area and has a lot of resources.

The real core of the last Excalibur contains the memory of the sword spirit. This memory is not a memory or something, but some objects. Some special things left by the sword master, some things left by the sword spirit in a critical period, some are not entities but will or something, which can be said to be very valuable, and some are really memories.

But Shaoyu couldn't get in at this time, because the sword spirit had not been gestated yet.

When he really mastered the Divine Sword, Shaoyu once dreamed of another one waking him up by himself. It was not a dream, but his sword spirit, a sword spirit made from his soul.

Caressing the divine sword that is broken like a broken iron bar, who would have thought that there would be such a universe in a small sword. The restoration of the Excalibur must be on the agenda, not only that the various miracles that cannot be nurtured by the sword spirit will never be completed.

Shaoyu spent three months in retreat. The completely damaged Baofeng at the bottom of the Lianbao Cave was cleaned up, and the materials were transported out a little bit and then sent to Nancy and Prissy in batches when greeting after leaving the customs.

Nancy and Yini Wendy happened to worry about the auction of the abandoned city, and they were very happy.

Prissy is also very happy, there are a lot of materials to build.

Then Shaoyu asked Lucy to collect all the materials on the list, and Moxin gave Besara the same list, asking them to collect all the materials on it.

After checking the information, he closed again.

The situation is very complicated. The changes in the abandoned capital, the changes in the Kingdom of Lis, where rebellions have occurred to suppress them, and the changes in each person are actually nothing major. In Shaoyu’s view, the only major event was that Shaomengli’s single sword destroyed an orc stronghold. She reported that these orcs came from the sea, and then continued to trace the source to Barcelona and lead several sword gate cores. The disciples went to support.

After a period of retreat, Shaoyu went out of the gate to check the materials first, and then check the information, and then summoned everyone to inquire, then his sword went to Liena Makis, and after landing several people, the sword returned to the retreat.

This is a warning. In three months, Besara only sent a cart of materials. Shaoyu checked the information and inquired while holding down the heart of the former residence. He had seen the rebellion in the intelligence before, and the border area must be too large, and it was violently seized, perhaps because of these delays. But combined with these seeing Liss production and collection efforts, he set off.

Shaoyu didn't feel angry, but his needs were not met, so he went to kill the people around her in person.

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