Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 908: Forward (legion)

After two years of retreat, Shaoyu finally realized the heart swordsmanship.

It’s a wonderful feeling. There are a lot of contours, shapes and a little color in the dark world. These contours are not the human form seen by the eyes, nor are they in the form of lines or dots, but a very strange composition.

In fact, to put it bluntly, heart swordsmanship is to change a set of sensory systems. Ordinary people use their eyes to see, hear, and touch to feel with their bodies, while divine minds use spiritual minds to perceive, while heart swords are another, very idealistic. Feel.

In the state of heart swordsmanship, he can'see' more and even hear some.

It is to retreat from the skin's look, and go straight to the source.

Since there was no guard at the gate when the exit time was uncertain, Shaoyu walked around the castle with his hands...At first, the women took turns to guard them, but he said that there was a sword formation guarding them to leave, so there was no need to waste time and Resources.

After leaving the customs, Shaoyu didn't use God's Sense, and under the heart swordsmanship, he saw everything very strange. Since it is only a beginner's guide, some things are not ‘know’, so they have to be differentiated and compared based on memory.

Perceiving this world again, everything appears different in the heart....

Soon Shaoyu was discovered when he left the customs...it was naturally the guard, a star-tier soldier who had just become a guard. Naturally, this new guard didn't make any ignorance about Shaoyu as an enemy. As long as you step on the fourth floor of the abandoned city, you can see the statue of Shaoyu standing on the small square. The first thing to remember when joining the castle is to remember important people. Shaoyu's magical portrait is naturally the first to appear.

However, Shaoyu found a difference among the people who rushed. Many guards' bodies were abnormal, and they all had the same origin. The origin quality was named by him, which is the origin quality seen with the heart sword. At first, Shaoyu was not sure, but as soon as the number increased, he determined it.

Although he couldn't tell what effect it had, he was able to reach the source of these origins, Iina who came slowly.

Iina pushed away the surrounding women: "It's just time." Then she looked around and said, "Everything will be put aside first. I will borrow him first." A disc appeared under Na's feet and floated away.

Shaoyu looked at the women who came first: "Get the food ready and come back soon" and Yu Jian chased him.

Inna flew very fast, flying to a very ordinary peak in the cannibal mountain range and then plunged.

Within the mountain peaks are naturally unique. Shaoyu saw countless ogres busy in it and rows of puppets that were three meters high and used giant scissors. Iina's voice also sounded at the right time: "This was prepared by our old guys when you left."

In the past, Shaoyu would definitely ask: "Then why he didn't show up at all after he came back." At this time, the diffusion of divine consciousness discovered that there are several layers here, and the bottom layer of lava that seems to be the center of the earth is attracted... ...

Iina didn't mind, she said, "But you haven't changed."

"No change?"

"After so much, it hasn't changed..."

"Has it changed now?"

"Although it's not the expected change, it's more perfect." Inna smiled and said: "Now is the time..." She seemed to have opened a chatterbox and kept talking.

Here is Iina, the old ogre, the old butler, and some other presence... The alchemy workshop where Versace participated.

This kind of alchemy workshop is still ancient technology, which can continuously create war puppets and alchemists trained in batches. Although these alchemists can no longer advance, and they don't know how to study alchemy, they are proficient in warfare, can make war weapons in a short time, they can also command and poison, and finally they can blew themselves.

Besara actually found some clues, but unfortunately, she never found it.

Shaoyu patrolled with Iina while listening.

Over the course of several decades, more than 26,000 war puppets have accumulated here. Among them, more than 16,000 are ordinary war puppets, more than 8,000 are elite war puppets, more than 1,500 are war puppet lords, and more than 500 are magic war puppets. In addition, there are more than 800 war alchemists and more than 100 war alchemists.

This is an extremely powerful force!

Inna also ordered the alchemist to conduct actual combat. In Shaoyu’s mind, the body of ordinary war puppets is very hard and it is difficult for ordinary soldiers to directly destroy them. These war puppets with their hands like scissors can double-cut and even medium-sized shields. Cut it off at once.

Considering that puppets only have the core weakness, the combat power of these ordinary war puppets is between fifteen and twenty.

Shaoyu has understood a lot about the combat power in the retreat. In the past, Xiao S used the mage as the benchmark to express the combat power. The magic apprentice is about 15, the magician is about 30, the high-level magician is 90, the magician is 200, and the magic The master is 1000. In other words, an ordinary war puppet is equivalent to a mage apprentice. In other words, the army of these puppets is stronger than the main army of the kingdom under the same number.

In addition, the elite war puppet is a shield with one hand and a giant blade in the other.

The weapons of the war puppet lords are diversified, many of which are long-range weapons, and they also have similar war capabilities! Group increase puppets.

Magic war puppets may not be as powerful as the lords, their bodies are not even as hard as ordinary puppets, and they have a single attack, but they can emit magic rays, and they strike together according to the number of rays of gems.

Feeling these magic rays whose power at least exceeded the magical rank, Shao Yu couldn't help thinking of Ai Lian.

During the inspection, Iina actually sighed: "There are fewer and fewer old friends, and I'm almost..."

Shaoyu couldn't help asking: "How long is there."

"If you can have replaceable parts, plus fall asleep from time to time, there will be thirty to fifty years."


"These are your powers, just use them..." Inna smiled, and then continued to introduce.

The Alchemy Puppet Legion is very strong, and can even fight with the Invincible Legion, but it has a big drawback, it moves slowly.

This movement does not mean moving in the middle of the battle. An ordinary puppet with a height of three meters is a few steps of an ordinary person, and it is tireless and has the ability to fight and charge.

This refers to the marching movement, the puppet moves to consume alchemy gems. Although alchemy gems are called gems, they are actually extracted from various crystals. Well, some weapons can also be decomposed....

It burns money when it moves, and the movement is so huge that these puppets are very heavy and cannot pass through some terrain.

However, there is a solution, teleportation array.

Iina said that it was time now and one more meaning, this problem could be solved, and Vansek finally found the location of the Magic City...and even in the cannibal mountains.

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