Holistic Fantasy

: 607 What will become what God will fall?

(Thank you very much for the 1888 reward for ‘I’m really just passing by!’ and ‘No Winds,’ ‘gs’ wet, ‘Fantasy’s no-fashion’, ‘Thunder’ reward!)

After entering the magical array, Noah clearly felt that his body was like being moved to another place. First, there was a flower in front of him, and the ground also lost his sense of the ground. After a while, the vision and down-to-earth of the eyes were The feeling returned to the body. ...oh,

Opening his own eyes, Noah immediately discovered that he had come to the school road of the King's Academy.

In front is the school building.

The rear is the school gate.

There wasn't even a person's breath around, and the silence was terrible.

The most strange thing is the scenery outside the sky and the school.

At this moment, the sky of the King's Garden is not blue, nor white, but like the lake, constantly turbulent and colorful.

In addition to the sky, the space outside the school gate is also the same as the lake's turbulent colorful, telling Noah, here is no longer a simple king school.

Guleifeiya said that this Yuwang Academy is a replica prepared in a different space.

In other words, Noah has not only left the human world, but everything in front of him is not the original Wang Xueyuan.

It was only yesterday that the gambling contract was put forward. Today, the replica of the entire Yuwang Academy was prepared in a different space. The devil's technology was actually above Noah's imagination.

However, this is also good.

"At least, I don't have to worry about myself being like before. One is not paying attention, and the result is that it has caused tremendous damage to the real world."

Whispered after such a sentence. Noah’s mouth raised and he looked up. Looked at the school building in front.

I saw that in the interior of the school building, a figure was slowly coming out of it, crossed the gate of the school building, stepped into the avenue of the school, and appeared in front of Noah.

"To tell the truth, I have to thank you for it."

Speaking of such a sentence, put your hand in your pocket, like a scorpion head. Risell, who strode out of the schoolhouse, seemed to be in a good mood, grinning, and his eyes were as fierce as ever.

"If it wasn't for you to make this bet, Liyas would have no way to do it if he was really self-willed, and I wouldn't be willing to directly deal with Liyas. Now, with this bet. Liyas is finally compromised, human. You have done a good thing."

At Noah, about ten meters away, it stopped, and Reese opened his hands to Noah.

"Don't look at me like this. In fact, I am also a person who knows how to report. I will pay attention to my feelings and try not to kill you, human beings."

however. In the face of Reese, it was like acting, and Noah did not fight back as it did yesterday. Did not show any response, the expression on the face became more and more calm. Even his eyes have calmed down, and he has a quiet temperament.

This appearance makes Reese's playful gestures seem to be in the air, and it doesn't work at all. The original good emotions are suddenly getting worse, so that he can lick his tongue.

"I have to see when you can pretend to be."

Having said that, Reese did not know what a good idea he thought of and smiled.

"Right, the opportunity is rare, I will introduce my servants to you to know."

When the words fell, Risell held out a hand and made a snap.


A blazing flame immediately exploded from the back of Reese, and like a whirlpool, the earthquake shook in all directions, and instantly covered the entire space behind Reese.

Immediately, in the blazing flame, a figure of high or low, quietly emerged, was printed in the eyes of Noah.

That is a group of fifteen or so people.

All the players are women who are no more than twenty-five years old. Some are wearing armor, some are wearing tights, and some even wear cheongsam, kimono or gym clothes. They are not tall and tall, and they are very complicated. Give people a sense of order.

And among these women, there are two leaders.

One is wearing a dress and tying a long blond hair to the shape of a drill bit. The age is about fourteen or five years old.

The other is wearing a magician-like costume with a long stick and a pair of female-like women.

Such a fancy dress, each with its own characteristics, but the uniform appearance of the female group appeared in the center of the burning flame behind Riesel, and as the flame dissipated, one by one came forward one by one. Reisel's side looked at Noah with all sorts of eyes.

In these eyes, there are curiosity, ridicule, scrutiny, and embarrassment, but without exception, all of them are accompanied by a relaxed expression.

Obviously, these girls know that Noah is about to challenge their masters.

However, these girls do not think that Noah can win.

Therefore, one by one will be such a performance.

"Unlike Liz, I am a superior demon who has grown up. The number of genus is also the highest fifteen. Unlike Liyas, even the genus has not yet been assembled."

Risell reached out and seemed to show the superiority. He grabbed the two women closest to him and looked at Noah.

"Right right, by the way, telling you, before playing against me, you have to play with my ancestors first, and only after knocking them down can you play with me!"

As soon as this sentence came out, the women standing next to Risell immediately followed Noah with a funny expression and look.

Noah didn't know what Ruisell was thinking.

However, there is no doubt that this is a foul.

As the referee of this bet, this time, Guleifeiya should come out to stop.

However, without waiting for that time, Noah's face was still calm, and said such a sentence.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"What? I want to know why I want to do this?" Reeseer spread his hand and looked helpless.

"That is of course because of the quality of the grades, I am a pure-blooded superior demon, and you are just a human being. If you play with you, it will really lower my grades. So, if you can't even beat my family." If that, then I am not qualified to follow me..."

Risell kept talking and talking, but before he could finish the sentence, Noah made a direct noise and interrupted his performance.

"I heard that if an angel has a bad thought that should not be there, it will fall and become an angel, right?"

Reeseer stunned, and all of his family members were stunned.

And Noah's next question is to let everyone who peeped into this different space also hold on.

"Then you know what will be what God will become after it falls?"

This question, let alone Risell, is that all those who have clearly heard the words of Noah are unclear.



God will fall?

Haven't you even heard of it?

"If you don't know, let me tell you." Noah's faint opening.

"The gesture of God's fall is called the **** of disobedience. It is a **** that runs counter to the myth and only brings disaster to the human world. Therefore, if human beings can kill in a miracle that is impossible to appear. Such a word of God, then they will receive the power from God, exercise the power of God, and become a blasphemy."

In the moment of the fall, Noah straightly turned his eyes to Reese.

"I am a blasphemy."

When the sentence reverberates in the whole space, the time for not responding to any one person is astonishing, and the horrible magic like a volcanic eruption is centered on Noah’s body. Like the turbulent waves that rushed out, it exploded in all directions.

"In order to win, come to my face, the undead sun, please give me the shining horse, the spiritual horse with the sacred foot, bring the light wheel that symbolizes the Lord."

The stone plate that had been in the heart of Noah’s heart for a long time was all lit up, and suddenly turned to the pattern of the white horse of Shen Jun who stood up in the silhouette.

Then the sky is lit up.

A sun rises gradually in a sky that is constantly turbulent like a lake.

"I don't know, Phoenix, known as the undead flamingo, is stronger than this flame from the sun?"

"Try it..."

As if in response to this, like the understatement of the sound from the sky, a white horse from the east rises quietly.


With the sound of a horse screaming in the turbulent world, a line of fire fell from the sky. (To be continued...)

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