Holistic Fantasy

: 996 will never die first in one step

(Thank you very much for the ‘Morning ☆’, ‘no wind and the sky’, ‘the big fat man in the fat man’, ‘the clausal festival month’, ‘the fairyland’s visitor’s reward!’

The morning sun hits the forests of the elven forests, and the whole elf forest is filled with a kind of vitality, a special warm heart.

On a path paved with stone roads, Noah is holding the hand of Astor and slowly descending into the depths of the forest.

Asting held Noah's hand, while supporting Noah's footsteps, slowly moving forward, his head was still groaning, staring at Noah, full of mysterious big eyes filled with doubts.

"Master, do you want to tell me?"

Yesterday, all day, because of Noah’s request, Esther had been resting, and turned into a wizard-like elf costume, which was carried by Noah.

So, Esther didn't know what happened yesterday.

However, just now, Noah suddenly awakened Astor, and did not say that he took Este to the Elf Forest for a walk.

Intuition tells Ester that Noah seems to have a very important thing to say to himself.

After entering the Elven Forest, it has been half an hour.

In the past half an hour, Noah has never talked with Astor, just walking forward, making the doubts in Astor's heart more and more intense.

Finally, Esther can only say such a sentence.

"Is it something that I did wrong, is the master going to punish me in a very h way?"

Noah's indifferent expression was directly defeated by Esther's words, and the whole face was smashed.

"Why do you have this idea?"

"Isn't the owner ever said it?" Este rubbed his eyes.

"If you do something wrong, you will be punished in a very h way."

"That was used to scare Alice, not really intending to do this." Noah suffered a face.

"Aust, you shouldn't take it seriously?"

Hearing, Esther cast an incredible look at Noah.

That way, as if to say that it is not the same.

"Okay..." Noah sighed.

"I didn't intend to punish you in any way, it wasn't what Ester did wrong, just wanted to talk to Astor."

Astor looked directly at Noah, and a pair of eyes full of mystery began to flash slightly.

It was looked at by Este with such a look. Noah did not go any further, but stopped and let go of Astor’s hand and squatted in front of Astor. Keeping in line with Esther's line of sight, it is on the eyes of Astor.

It seems that it was seen from Noah's dark eyes, and the inexplicable swaying in the eyes of Ester became more and more shaken.

“Don't you know that?”

Noah did not answer in the first time, but reached out. As always, I touched the face of Astor.

"You mean, do you have the essence of cursing the contractor?"

As soon as this sentence came out, Esther was silent.

"I saw it." Noah still caressed Astor's small head, and his eyes did not move away from Astor's line of sight.

"Your last contractor, the final ending of Arecia, who is called the salvation of the world by the world."

Astor’s eyes are full of waves that are difficult to control.

However, the gleaming eyes of the past, at this time, are as bleak, and suddenly lost a lot of brilliance.

"I didn't know it until then." Este said with a blank expression.

"I am a magic sword with a curse that will eventually let the owner die. It is not a holy sword at all."

Say such a sentence. Although there was no expression on Ester's face, there was a trace of sadness in his eyes.

"Iresia is killed by me. If I know that I am such an ominous sword, then I will never conclude a contract with anyone."

However, this little wish is not realistic at all.

Because, Astor has a curse that will eventually make the owner die. There is no second way to know except to contract with the elf and see it for himself.

Unless Ester from the outset, he didn't know that he had such a curse and never thought of a contract with any elf.

Otherwise, when Esther finds his essence. It is the day when I witnessed my own curse and ruined my own master.

This matter is also ironic.

"As the highest level of Elf costume, I can break any curse in this world, but I can't break my curse." Astor is not talking about his own business. Looking straight to Noah.

"The holy sword that even the devil can kill, its body, if it is a powerful force that must be exchanged for at the expense of life, it would not be a strange thing to destroy the demon who inherited the power of the Dark Elf. ""

Listening to Esther's words like self-deprecating, Noah has been caressing Astor's head. Looking at Astor’s eyes is full of tolerance.

This time, Esther finally had no way to hold back, staggered Noah’s line of sight and whispered.

"My existence is itself a sin, master, in fact, I am not qualified to become a sword for anyone."

With the fall of this sentence, the indescribably heavy atmosphere pervaded around.

However, Noah is laughing.

Laughing to dispel the heavy atmosphere around him.

"Do you really think so?" Noah looked straight at Astor.

"If you really think so, why should you conclude a contract with me?"

"Because..." Esther's tone could not help but bring a little bit of affection.

"Because the master doesn't have a curse that can immunize anything, is it like me, or even a higher curse resistance than me?"

The legendary holy sword with the name of the demon sword (de touch nslayer) does not qualify for a contract with any elf.

However, that is in the case of eventually killing the owner.

If the elf has the ability to be unaffected by the curse, what will it become?

At that time, Esther, who intended to reject Noah’s contract, was unable to accept Noah’s contract when he learned that Noah had such a curse resistance.

Even, in order to engrave the elves in Noah that even the elf contract can be invalidated, Ester will almost exhaust the power of the form.

What does this prove?

"Is it lonely?" Noah said with some pity.

"These days are sealed in the sword..."

"Master..." Aster's eyes swayed.

"I don't want to conclude a contract with anyone, it's just a lie." Noah uttered the feelings of Astor's heart.

"Otherwise, after knowing that I will not be cursed, you will not spare the power to burn the elves on my body and conclude the contract."

"I know, you must be very lonely." Noah smiled and touched Esther's head.

"But that's it."

In this world, there is no more elf than Noah that is suitable for contracting with Astor.

Because, the curse of Astor can't affect Noah at all.

"You said, I hope I don't die before you, right?"

At this moment, Noah's tone was unusually soft.

"Listen, Este, I will never die, so you have to be my sword forever, live happily, do you know?"

"Master..." Este raised his eyes and stared at Noah, and a pair of eyes reappeared in bright colors.

Then, Esther took a deep breath and his voice sounded stronger than ever before.

"Then, please ask the host to make a contract with me, and I will never die first."


That is a ritual used to swear by the elves and the elves.

The content of the vow is determined by the parties who intend to make a vow, and is established under the witness of the ceremony.

Once the breach of the agreement made by the pledge, the party that breached the contract, whether it is an elf or an elf, will be subject to very serious penalties.

For example, if there is an elf that violates the vows, then the person will not be able to receive the grace of the elves brought by the elves for a long time, and will be hated by other elves. If the circumstances are serious, the power of the contract elves will be lost.

Because of such an effective ritual, the ritual content of the vows is even seen as a step to conclude a formal contract with the high elves.

The content of the vows is to kiss each other after making a vow.

"I swear here and will live forever as your sword."

Alice couldn't help but sneak into Noah's arms, lifted her chin and looked down on Noah.

"So, please also make a vow, never die before me."

As the words fell, Esther closed his eyes, just raised his chin and confronted Noah.

When a contract is made, it must be carried out through the steps of kissing, but it does not specify which specific part must be intimate.

For the sake of reason, even if you kiss the back of your hand, it will make the vows set up.

However, there are also unwritten rules that show that the more important the position of the kiss when making a vow, the stronger the effect of the vow.

Therefore, for the elves who must keep the body and mind pure and the elves who only open the room to the ice-clear jade, the kiss is definitely the most important position.

It is conceivable how much Astor values ​​this vow.

Seeing the beautiful elf girl snuggling in her arms, to the beautiful scene of her own kiss, Noah's heart has no evil thoughts, and some have only endless pity and warmth.

"I also swear here, as long as Astor lives as my sword one day, I will never die first."

Leaving this sentence, Noah did not hesitate to capture the lips of Astor. (~^~)

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