Hollywood Drawing

One hundred - I'm too young

Alvin Martin directly ignored Jimmy's disgusted gaze, with a decent smile, and directly stretched out his right hand.

"Hello, Director Greenberg! Sorry, I should say hello in advance and come visit again." He held hands with Wayne and shook them slightly. "I happened to be passing by here, so I came to try my luck."

His words almost made Jimmy laugh. Passing by? Greenberg Manor can be said to be at the end of Mulholland Drive, the highest point of Beverly Park. Where are you going when you pass by? Jump off a cliff?

Wayne also thought inwardly, ‘Interesting’.

"Hello, Mr. Martin, sit down. If you have anything to say, you can tell me directly. I'm here..." He pointed to Colin Howard and a stack of documents on the coffee table.

Alvin Martin glanced at everyone in the room, sat opposite Wayne, and silently observed his attitude.


After taking the cup of coffee brought to him by Hela, Alvin Martin opened his mouth and went straight to the topic.

"I've read the script of your new project, you know..." He stretched out his hand and drew a circle, indicating that there were no secrets in this circle. "If you are willing to hand it over to CAA for packaging and production, I can assure you that preparations can start within half a month at the earliest!"

Wayne was listening happily at first, but when he mentioned the packing service, his eyes immediately hardened. "Mr. Martin, Warner Bros. has not yet passed the review. It is too early to say this now."

"They will pass because you are Wayne Greenberg!" Alvin Martin licked his lips, paid a special compliment, and changed his tone again. "Even if they fail the review, CAA can help you find other investment channels and distribution channels!"

Seeing the other party's confident expression and words full of confidence made Wayne cringe.

"Just tell me." Wayne didn't want to get lost in the ink. There was no room for discussion on this matter. "Mr. Martin, I am signed with an agent under CAA, and I have no intention of changing, and I am not interested in the packaged services you provide!"

What is packaging service? To put it nicely, it is a full-service service for the convenience of directors and producers. To put it poorly, under this service, all directors, actors, and crew members are puppets.

This kind of service can indeed effectively save a lot of time. He also believes that CAA is fully capable of starting pre-production preparations quickly and with high quality, and has prepared all the crew and various actors required for the film.

But these are contrary to Wayne's production philosophy. The reason why he formed a core production team is because he does not want to be interfered with and have his power taken away during filming.

"Director Greenberg, don't you want to hear about the conditions we can offer?" Alvin Martin was still making his last effort, and he was unwilling to give up even if there was a glimmer of hope.

"No need, I'm still busy. Let's talk next time." Wayne stood up and extended his hand.

The development of the matter was obviously beyond Alvin Martin's expectation, but he was considered a decent man. Although his expression was full of stiffness for a moment, he shook hands with Wayne, turned around, left the living room, and walked out the door.

Wayne looked at his back, not wanting to hear the other party's conditions. The purpose of Alvin Martin's arrival is obvious, to bring himself to their side through better conditions, so that he can not only attack the competitors within the company, but also promote packaged services to Warner Brothers.

Don't think what he said is nice. If he really agrees to his conditions, his main purpose is to use himself to put pressure on Warner Brothers to promote their packaging services.

"Maybe you should listen to the conditions he gave you!" Jimmy returned to his smile now, with obvious relief in his tone. "That is definitely an offer that no one can refuse, otherwise he would not be able to come directly to the door with confidence."

"Jimmy, go ahead and do your work. There's no way I'm going to be a puppet."

This sentence shows Wayne's own attitude. He needs the services of his agent, but he will never let his agent control his work.

Now he is very satisfied with Jimmy and his boss. They belong to the gentler type of agents. All their jobs are to serve customers and help them plan their careers.

And Alvin Martin, who followed the agent emperor Michael Ovitz and even inherited that strong style, will definitely not get the slightest favor from Wayne.

He could all guess what they would get by joining the other party, and one of them would definitely be that they would change their status in front of the film company, from a vulnerable group to one who could talk to them on an almost equal footing.

Although I am now a vulnerable group in front of Warner Bros., Warner Bros. is different from them. The two parties are just a pure business cooperation, and they have absolutely no intention of controlling themselves as a director.

"You don't know what you missed." Jimmy walked to the door and couldn't help but turned around and said. "It's Oscar, Wayne. This is their biggest condition, and it's also Alvin Martin's biggest source of confidence."

After speaking, Jimmy walked out. Why did he look ugly? Just because he guessed their conditions. Can any director or actor in Hollywood refuse the temptation of an Oscar?

Wayne smiled and shook his head. Based on his IQ, couldn't he guess it? This is the reason why I don't let Alvin Martin speak.

"Let's go ahead, Colin." Wayne pointed to the files. "You don't need to explain it to me in detail. I won't understand it. Just tell me how much money you make."

Colin Howard was stunned for a moment. After he came to his senses, he picked up a piece of printing paper and couldn't help but raise his head and asked him: "Is what Jimmy said true? Can that person really make you win an Oscar?"

Looking at the accountant who was burning with gossip, even Nina on the side had blazing curiosity in her eyes. Raising his eyebrows, he reached for a cigarette and lit one.

"They do have this ability. If CAA works hard to lobby the judges and film critics, they can indeed make me a candidate for some awards."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but smile sarcastically. "But I am too young. This is a fact that no one can change. Would those old men in the college give the statuette to a young man in his early twenties?

It's just to save qualifications. What's more, I will definitely provide the funds required for all research activities during the prize competition period. what is this? You want me to spend money to buy a qualification and then get nothing? "

In this matter, except for Wayne himself who remained extremely sober, even Jimmy was confused by Oscar's name.

"Okay, that's probably what happened. People like Alvin Martin want to use Oscar to seduce me, but I'm not naive!"

Nina and Colin Howard both showed expressions of realization, and the accountant sighed.

"The Hollywood world is too deep!"

Wayne had not cared about it since he handed over the funds to Colin, but these stocks did not stop growing because of his neglect.

Microsoft and Oracle are both giants in the Internet. After Colin bought them, both companies went through one or two stock splits, and then their stock prices were quickly pulled back.

The original shares with a total price of almost 10 million U.S. dollars are worth more than 14 million U.S. dollars based on today's market price. This is only a conservative estimate. If there is no rush to sell, the selling price can increase by at least 10%.

This solidified Wayne's idea. Most of the more than 20 million US dollars subsequently invested in Greenberg Studio will definitely continue to be invested, even if the purchase of these two stocks is relatively slow.

"Actually, you can consider other Internet companies. Their stock prices have also risen..."

"Don't think about it, Colin!" Wayne waved his hand to interrupt his persuasion. Who would leave the ready-made official server cheats without logging in, and then recharge money to play some unprotected private server?

After seeing off Colin Howard, Wayne put on a pair of loose clothes, took his two golden retrievers, and lay down together on a lounge chair on the lawn.

The bright sunshine in California has developed the habit of sunbathing for a large number of white people. Many of them hope to have wheat-colored skin, but after all, they are a minority.

Most Anglo-Saxons will turn red when exposed to strong sunlight, like a steamed lobster.

Wayne likes to lie here or on the third floor, but does not like to sunbathe. He just greedily enjoys the scenery and the tranquility of emptying his head.

For two years, he was like a clock that was wound up, working hard all the time, wishing he could sleep thinking about it. Rest time is a luxury for Wayne, and he must seize this gap. Once the preliminary preparations begin, he will be surrounded by pressure and busy work.

For him on this side of the Pacific, what is the best way to release stress and relax? That's right, it's the girl walking in front of you.

Cameron Diaz was wearing an ordinary short-sleeved T-shirt and a pair of sky blue tight jeans. Even such ordinary clothes can't hide her very good figure.

The most important thing is the face with a sweet smile. She didn't wear too much makeup, maybe just a little lipstick. These days, she looks like this naturally. As long as she can find a professional makeup artist to tinker with it, it will definitely add another 20 points to her appearance on the big screen.

"Hi, Wayne." She said hello with a smile, picked up a glass of juice from the table, and sat cross-legged next to Wayne. The large recliner immediately squeaked in protest.

"Daddy! I hope those reports didn't cause you any trouble."

When he heard Cameron Diaz's naughty name, Wayne understood that she was referring to those gossip tabloids, and the woman might not be involved in them. If there were some things that were not mentioned, it did not mean that he was not clear about them.

No matter what method she uses to promote herself, at least she has gained some popularity. In this circle, actors are never afraid of other people's comments, even if it is negative news. What they are most afraid of is that no one will comment.

Otherwise, Nicole Kidman wouldn't have suffered a series of movie failures after her divorce. Every time she appeared, she would have her ex-husband. However, Tom Cruise was beaten to death over and over again by her, and it became a matter of maintaining his own personality and discussion. The best tool man.

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