Hollywood Drawing

One hundred and sixty-one - This is a devastating blow to me

Four days of turmoil have passed. This period is a carnival day for all media. All media practitioners in North America are about to fall in love with the dark madman Wayne Greenberg!

Everything that has anything to do with him during this period has always been topical, whether it is his achievements in movies or his appearance as a "social activist and philanthropist" to comfort and help the families of the shooting victims. As long as the name appears in the newspaper, sales will definitely surge the next day.

Before the weekend of the new week arrives, Warner Bros. has invited dozens of authoritative media outlets, large and small, to hold a press conference on everything that has happened during this period.

The main reason why so many media reporters flocked here today is that Wayne, who has remained silent during this period, will appear at this press conference.

Nowadays, both the media and the public have been debating whether the movie should pay for the innocent people this time. But here's the strange problem. No matter how fierce the outside debate is, "Joker" has not stopped on its journey in the theater market.

At the beginning of Monday, the movie once again achieved a box office of 2.74 million U.S. dollars, which is more in line with public expectations. Due to the influence of public opinion, this decline is considered very healthy.

Tuesday is the traditional discount day for theaters. The film's box office rose slightly, earning 3.81 million U.S. dollars, followed by 2.45 million U.S. dollars on Wednesday, 2.41 million U.S. dollars on Thursday, and another 11.41 million U.S. dollars in four working days.

By this time, all the media had no time to hype anything else. After three weeks, the box office of "Joker" unexpectedly exceeded US$250 million at an unprecedented speed, reaching US$258.61 million!

And this is not the end of the film. There is no intention to reduce the screening scale of the film. Obviously, the theater company will maintain the screening scale of "Joker" until the end of this weekend.

This film ignores market rules and has completely disrupted everyone's understanding of theater box office trends.

Calculated only based on the current healthy decline, the box office of "Joker" will definitely exceed 300 million US dollars. This is just a matter of time, not whether it can be done.

The first thing every reporter attending a press conference does after entering the conference room is to take a look at the director sitting in the middle of the table in front of him, and then silently blend into the strange silence in the conference room.

There was no noise or chatter, just the silent sound of the photographer in the back row installing equipment.

It was not until nine o'clock in the morning, after the staff closed the door, that the conference room was filled with footsteps, and the reporters in the front row began to squeeze forward in unison.

The first person to be called upon was Bella Grant, Wayne's old friend who had just been promoted to deputy editor of the Los Angeles Times. This beautiful reporter had a hot figure as always, and the first question she asked made her peers look at her with suspicion.

"Director Greenberg, what do you think of this shooting? Is it the same nature as the 'Reagan Shooting', a bad influence caused by the movie?"

This immediately cheered everyone up. The "Reagan shooting" happened in 1981, only about ten years ago. Back then, Hinckley, who had a crush on actress Jodie Foster in Taxi Driver, was trying to win her attention.

Imitating the behavior of the protagonist Travis in the film, he shot U.S. President Ronald Reagan near the Washington Hilton Hotel. Reagan was shot in the chest and several accompanying officials were injured.

Although the court finally found that Hinckley suffered from severe mental illness and was not guilty of murdering the president and only sentenced him to compulsory treatment, the view that entertainment and popular culture, especially violence and sex in movies, will have a significant impact on young people has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Facing the flashing lights, Wayne approached the microphone with an extremely solemn expression. "Imagine, if there is no violence or erotic content in the movie, and it is so clean that even the most conservative people cannot find problems, will the world become a better place? There will be no more violence? The answer may not be known.

But in this impossible imagination, what we can be sure of is how false and empty the human spiritual world will become. All artists and audiences will degenerate into demented children, pretending to be in a dream world of innocence and perfection. Isn’t the bankruptcy of the Hays Code in North America enough to illustrate the problem? "

"So you think this matter has nothing to do with the movie?" Bella Grant asked again.

"I think I've made my point very clear. I don't think this has much to do with movies." After pausing to think, Wayne continued into the microphone: "Movies, like other arts, are realistic. Deformation, reflection.

It is true that there are many movies that exaggerate or advocate violence, but at the same time, there are also perhaps more movies that make the audience more deeply aware of the seriousness of the problem of violence, making people vigilant and reflect on where violence comes from and where the darkness lies - this aspect is in " This is especially obvious in "Joker", so I encourage the public to watch the movie rationally. I believe you can feel more things worth cherishing from "Joker"! "

The purpose of this press conference is still to change public perception through the media and promote the movies that are still being screened. Wayne will definitely take the opportunity to add private goods. This is also the reason why both parties have a tacit understanding and named Bella Grant first.

A reporter with a copy of the Washington Post on his chest took Bella's microphone and asked: "As we all know, Director Greenberg, the films you have shot since your debut are all full of dark styles, violence, and death. , twisted and struggling human nature, and crazy shouting, do you think this will affect the young movie fans who like you?"

"Absolutely not!" As soon as the reporter finished speaking, Wayne gave a decisive answer. "In fact, it is the movies that offer the strongest critical scenes of unprincipled and valueless violence, from the suggestion of a shotgun aimed at an innocent wild deer in "The Deer Hunter" to the horror science fiction in "Apocalypse Now" Ci murmured horror before he died! Horror!

I think "Joker" also shows everyone these things, and even children can understand some of them. The most basic truth it tells us is that violence cannot solve any problems, it is just the last resort of the oppressed! "

At this point in the press conference, what Wayne wanted to express was actually clear enough. He waved his hand to stop reporters who wanted to continue asking questions, and approached the microphone to prepare his final statement.

"I deeply believe that movies are one of America's greatest art forms and an important way for us to share stories and spend quality time through the screen. Cinema is like my home, and yet there are people in this place of purity and hope. It was devastating to me that such an intolerable and barbaric act of violence unfolded."

After speaking, he stood up and bowed slightly to the media reporters, looking at everyone with open eyes.

The photographer faithfully recorded this scene through the camera lens and various models of cameras. The reporters clapped their hands in unison and gave Wayne warm applause.

Standing up with a huge mountain that seemed to be able to pop open her shirt at any time, Bella Grant shouted: "Director Greenberg, the "Los Angeles Times" will publish your final statement word for word, and it will appear in On top of the special issue that will be released urgently at noon!”

This beautiful and beautiful reporter had a perfect understanding of human nature. Wayne smiled at her, nodded, and walked out of the large conference room.

"Thank you, thank you!" The staff member took the microphone from Wayne and said to a room full of media staff: "Thank you again for coming to the press conference. Warner Bros. has prepared some small gifts for you. Please don't leave before leaving. Forgot to collect it.”

With this kind of tacit understanding, people usually understand what is going on. After receiving the "gift" prepared by Warner Bros., you should stop relying on speculation when you go back. It's best to publish Wayne's final statement word for word!

Of course, you can also keep things and do nothing, and still go your own way, but basically reporters and media organizations like this will not get the latest news in the future, and the circle will squeeze your living space together.

Everyone was leaving the show one after another. In fact, they still had a lot of unanswered questions about the movie's box office, but compared to what Wayne said about the shooting today, it was enough for these people to write several articles.

After receiving the small gift bag handed over by the staff of Warner Bros., Bella Grant opened it without any scruples in front of many colleagues. We are all crows, and none of us should make fun of the second one!

The content in the small bag is very simple, but it gives everyone a little surprise. What Bella had in her hand was a Macy's shopping voucher worth two thousand dollars. She glanced at the photographer Bob who came with her. They also had a limit of two thousand dollars.

"Warner Brothers is such a big deal!" Photographer Bob shook his shopping coupon and whistled. "Now I don't have to worry about little Dylan's football suit. The boy recently joined the school team."

"Bob!" Bella also waved the shopping coupon and handed it to her old partner. "Buy some more pairs of shoes for little Dylan. I heard that teenagers' shoes are particularly easy to break when playing ball!"

Bob didn't have any embarrassment when he accepted the female reporter's shopping voucher. He wouldn't ask how much money Bella, a smart girl, made. The video he shot of Wayne flying to save the black girl was edited by Bella and sent to her. To Warner Bros.

That's this woman's ability and sense of smell. If she gets an amount that satisfies her, that's enough!

"Don't be embarrassed, Bob." She told her honest and responsible partner before getting in the car. "Today's interview, just like that video, will bring more box office revenue to Warner Bros. and Wayne Greenberg's movies, who knows!"

After saying that, she got in the car and rushed to report to the newspaper. The editor-in-chief was still waiting for her manuscript. What she hesitated about was another thing. That playboy Wayne Greenberg, in order to thank her for providing that clear video, invited her to his house for Chinese food next Monday!

"Should I agree or not?"

We are all adults and we all know what some invitations mean!

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