Hollywood Drawing

Nineteen-The essence of Hollywood is the assembly line

Burbank, the post-production editing room here is considered to be located in the suburbs, and all you can see from the window are woods. Wayne took the burger and looked out the window while eating it to relieve the sore feeling in his eyes from staring at the screen for a long time.

He had to admire that Julia, who came from the post-production studio of this small film company, had really outstanding professional skills. At first, Wayne had to make some requests, but once she got used to Wayne's style of making this film, he almost didn't need to put forward various opinions.

Looking at Julia who was also eating and resting, Wayne asked her modestly:

"Julia, I've never heard of an editor as good as you. Have you always worked in this small studio?"

"Yes, I graduated from the University of Southern California, and I can be considered your senior. It has been ten years since I graduated and I have been working here."

Julia heard Wayne's admiration for her skills and was more than happy to chat with him.

"You are so perseverant that you have been working here for more than ten years. Have you never thought about going out to look for better opportunities?"

He asked doubtfully. He believed that this senior who looked like a middle-aged aunt could find a better job opportunity if she was willing.

"No, I have been interning at this company since I graduated, and I haven't left since. I don't want to leave either. I have everything I want here, and everyone in the company respects me. It can also satisfy my usual editing work."

This kind of situation is relatively rare. In Hollywood, all capable people are thinking about how to gain more fame and fortune. For someone like her who has been working in a company with peace of mind for more than ten years, this is the first time he has heard of it. .

"Then how do you maintain your passion for work? I can't believe how boring it must be to stay in the editing room every day and cut scissors on different films for more than ten years."

Julia tilted her head and thought for a moment before answering him:

"No, I like this, so sometimes I feel that the work is boring or I lack the inspiration for progress. I will adjust myself. These are just some of my personal experiences. I can share them with you if you need them."

Wayne nodded and said:

"Of course, this is my first film. I'm still a newbie. Of course I want to hear about your work experience."

"You need to keep watching movies, or TV series, documentaries, etc. that are well received by the public. Sometimes you will re-edit some old movies and cut them into another story.

This can add a sense of freshness to my work. Another advantage is that the videos I edit have to face the audience after all. Only by watching more films that the audience likes can I know how to make edits for them to accept. This can give me inspiration. . "

Although Julia is not famous at all in this Vanity Fair, her skills and work experience are what Wayne lacks most now.

"Okay, actually these can stimulate my work enthusiasm and editing sensitivity. I don't know if it will be of use to you. The time is almost up. If you work hard, you should be able to complete the rough cut in the afternoon."

Wayne watched her drink the remaining coffee in the cup, return to the screen, and start her afternoon work, slowly thinking about what she just said.

"Hey Wayne, how's the editing going? I came over to take a look at our film and stopped by to visit your class."

He raised his head and saw Naomi following Luke back to the editing room. She was holding several cups of coffee in her hands and standing playfully in front of him.

"It's not bad. We should be able to finish the rough cutting today. If you're lucky, you can see it first. Aren't you at the apartment these days? I haven't seen you."

He hadn't seen Naomi in the apartment since the filming ended, and he didn't know what she was doing.

"I went back to Australia to rest for two days and spend time with my mother."

"Well, I thought you had moved away. I heard that Australia is overrun with wild animals and is a good place for hunting and vacation. If work is over, you can consider going to Australia for vacation."

"Australia is certainly a good place to go on vacation. Not only can you go hunting, but we also have beaches there. The sun shines all year round. It's a great place for a vacation."

Hearing that Wayne wanted to go on vacation in Australia, Naomi naturally began to introduce the scenery of their country. Wayne saw Julia looking back at them and knowing that chatting here would affect her work, he pulled Naomi and walked out of the editing room.

After leaving the small building, the two of them sat on a bench under a tree by the roadside, chatting about what happened in the past few days when Naomi returned to Australia.

"Wayne, I heard that you didn't get much investment. How about it? Can you still finish the later stage?"

Naomi asked him worriedly. She was also afraid that the first movie she starred in would die due to lack of funds. Wayne answered her confidently:

"Don't worry, there are still 300,000 US dollars, which is enough. If the editing goes well, there will be at least 100,000 US dollars left in the end."

Naomi looked up at him in surprise. She knew that Wayne only had a total of 1.2 million U.S. dollars. It was good that the early shooting did not exceed the budget, but he still had so much.

"Oh my god, how did you do it? We thought we were almost done filming."

"Make a good plan and strictly implement the plan. Every link in the work must be like a screw in the assembly line. Even if we did not go well in the early stage of shooting, after planned adjustments, we can completely catch up in the later stage of filming. "

He explained carefully. Naomi muttered in surprise:

"assembly line?"

"Yes, Nami, the essence of Hollywood, or the essence, is the assembly line. You may not understand it now, but you will definitely understand it in the future."

Wayne looked at her seriously, hoping that she could understand the nature of Hollywood as soon as possible and abandon her glamorous illusions.

Naomi looked at Wayne in confusion and murmured to him:

"How can the essence of Hollywood be an assembly line? Shouldn't the essence of Hollywood be film art? Wayne!"

He took out a cigarette from his pants pocket and lit it with a sarcastic smile.

"Nami, in fact, it was Hollywood that destroyed the art of film. In the beginning, film was indeed an art. The audience looked at filmmakers like they looked at artists like Picasso or Chopin.

Later, the industrial revolution came, and everything that could be commercialized was commercialized. Even the Mona Lisa was put into a printer, put into frames and sold one by one. There was no art left. "

After taking a long puff of cigarette, his voice continued through the smoke:

"So, movies have long been a tool for making money, and the movie production process is like an assembly line. Do you know what Hollywood investigation companies rely on to survive? It's because the capitalists need it.

They send people to do professional market research to see what kind of movies audiences like to spend money to watch, and then hire specialized departments to write scripts that audiences are willing to pay for.

Then the director, lighting, props, and scenery all perform their duties to make films that the audience is willing to pay for. This is modern film, a commodity produced like an assembly line and has nothing to do with art. "

Naomi watched him finish, stamped out the cigarette butts under her feet, and shook her head in disappointment.

"Wayne, then who are we? We work hard to practice our acting skills, waiting for slim opportunities, just to become pawns of capital."

"No, Nami, we are all the same, because what drives us forward is actually fame and fortune, and so do I. Don't think too much, no matter what, this complete system has already become a money-making tool for Hollywood. .Aren’t you all curious why I dare to make such a movie?

That's because I'm sure it can make money, and it can be turned into a good product. Although most of the team that produced it are novices, strictly speaking, it can be regarded as a good product produced in an assembly line.

Remember, if someone uses film art to seduce you in the future, don’t be polite and say fxxk off to them! Let him get away, because he hasn't seen through the nature of this circle, and he can't succeed. "

Naomi smiled slowly when she heard this, and said to him in a funny tone:

"My film will definitely be able to participate in the Oscars. How about it? Although the salary is not much, the artistic achievement is definitely very high. Do you want the leading role? Do you want to go to the Oscars? If you want, come to my room tonight to study Study the lines! Hahahaha.”

He was also happy. Yes, most actresses who wanted to achieve something in so-called art would be willing to study it. To put it bluntly, Oscar is just a beautifully packaged product.

It’s just that the Oscar game is far from what Wayne and the others can play now.

"Nami, it seems that you are very experienced. Has anyone done this to you before?"

Naomi smiled and hugged his arm and said to him:

"I'm not qualified yet. It's my fellow Australian. She was lucky enough to marry the famous Tom Cruise not long ago. I attended a party of Australian actors and heard her talk about it."

Oops, suddenly he remembered that mermaid Nicole Kidman had married Liangtang this year. He remembered that Nicole Kidman during this period was dizzyingly beautiful.

He still remembered that in his previous life, he went to the forum to download the full version of Nicole Kidman, which was an eye-opener. This film was also an eye-opener for him as a movie projectionist. The Australian movie queen has never been shy about taking off her naked body.

"How is your relationship with your fellow Australian? Nami. If the relationship is good, you can move around more. As Mrs. Cruise, she can help you a lot."

Naomi was clearly unimpressed.

"On the surface we have a good relationship, but she won't help me, and I don't need to beg her for a few small roles with no lines. You don't understand how women think. There is only one Nicole Kidman among the most famous female stars in Australia." Deman is enough, she won’t allow two.”

He knew that what Naomi said might be right. This world is too complicated, and female celebrities are the fighters in the complexity. Feeling that it was almost time, he said goodbye to Naomi.

"Nami, I have to get back to work. Thank you for visiting my class. The coffee is very good."

"Okay, I'm going back too. You can come to my place in the evening. I'll bring back a nice bottle of red wine. I think you'll like it."

Naomi stood up, winked at him, waved and left. Wayne looked at her back and muttered, "Red wine, I'm sure that thing is not as attractive as your figure."

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