Hollywood Drawing

Twenty-seven-1 favor

After leaving Jennings' office, Wayne drove his car and thought about the cause of all this. He believed that even if the other party had just a casual thought, it would be an unsolvable problem for him.

It became clear that the cause was a man he completely ignored, Adam Goodman. This was something he didn't expect at all. The other party actually couldn't play the game, and then asked the parents to stop and start a real-person PK.

Besides, Wayne hasn't been in school for half a year. This game that lasted for three years should have ended as each of them grew up.

“son of a bixxh!!”

He slapped the steering wheel angrily, never expecting that he would actually stump a spoiled child like Adam.

Is the method used by the other party clever? Not at all. From Wayne's point of view, even he didn't have to tell his father about it. He just needed to use his father's office phone number and name to call those small companies.

After going round and round, the reason turned out to be here, which made him feel funny for a moment.

Now that the root of the problem has been discovered, Wayne can't solve it with his ability. It's like a knot that tightly wraps around his hands and feet.

“Are we really going to sell the film to Miramax?”

He considered the gains and losses. Regardless of the wild words he said to Harvey Weinstein, the one thing he knew best was that a director without any qualifications wanted to take a small-budget film and sign a mainstream commercial film. of the issuance contract.

Think of Miramax as a charity? Or do you think Harvey Weinstein is a philanthropist? Or do you still think there is something wrong with the people at the publishing company?

Harvey is not an idiot and will never make any stupid decisions. All those unrealistic ideas were just excuses he used to deal with Harvey.

If this matter drags on like this, there will be absolutely no chance of anything happening by chance. He began to think about what he would do if he really sold the film to Harvey.

It is an absolute prerequisite that the film "Happy Holiday" be bought out. Harvey is definitely optimistic about the market potential of this film, but his patience may not be too much. This kind of small-cost independent niche film is far from the With a boss like him constantly chasing him, a film directed by a novice like him doesn't have that value.

Thinking about it gave me a headache. This was the first time Wayne felt that the movie was not as easy as he thought.

Putting everything aside for a moment, he returned to the apartment and entered the room opposite. He didn't tell Naomi about the trouble he encountered, and stayed on the other side after the two had dinner.

Faced with the enthusiasm of this blond girl again, Wayne actually felt as if he was in another world. Most of the time, women are always the best medicine for men. At least tonight, he temporarily forgot about those troubles with her.

At the same time, in a villa near the seaside in Marbury, Townsend Rothman, director of the distribution department of 20th Century Fox, received a phone call. Probably the person who called him was special. Townsend-Rosman sat up from the bed in surprise.

Signing to his wife next to him to stop talking, Townsend sat on the bed and patiently listened to what the other party said, replying one or two sentences from time to time. The wife also looked at Townsend strangely. He usually stopped caring about work after returning home. She didn't know who had been chatting with him for so long.

"Things are definitely fine, but are you sure you want to do this? I want to remind you and Ruben that this is not small money. If the final result is not ideal, you will most likely have to pay a large amount of money that will affect your life.

Okay, no problem, you can always call a lawyer to come to Los Angeles to sign the contract. I'll talk to Jeff about it tomorrow. I just didn’t expect that more than ten years later, Ruben, you would contact me because of this matter. Do you think I have repaid his favor? OK, don't worry. "

After hanging up the phone, Townsend-Rosman leaned on the bedside with some emotion, slowly recalling the past.

"Townsend, are there any problems at work so late?"

His wife's words interrupted his trance. He took off his glasses and placed them on the cabinet beside the bed. He slowly lay down. "No, an old friend called me. He wanted me to return a favor to him. Go to bed. It's getting late."

The sunshine in Los Angeles is always bright. Wayne slept until noon, and Naomia opened the curtains, and he was woken up by the sunshine.

"Oh, Nami, what time is it now? This sleep is really comfortable." Wayne yawned, sat up and slowly put on his shirt.

"It's time for lunch. I bought pizza. You really slept. I came back from class and realized you hadn't gotten up yet."

"I'm sorry, I haven't slept so comfortably for a long time. I have nothing to do anyway, and I don't want to go to school." Wayne answered her lazily and walked into the bathroom.

"Hey, young man, if you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten that you are still a child who has not graduated. So what are you going to do? You can't just lie in bed and sleep."

"Sweetheart, you know better than anyone whether I am a child or not. I was going to go out for a walk in the afternoon, and suddenly I felt relaxed. I really didn't know what to do." After Wayne took a shower, he sat next to Naomi and picked up the Ordered a piece of pizza and asked her:

"What about you, what do you usually do?"

"After the filming, I will take classes three times a week, and the rest of the time I will go to the crew to audition for small roles without lines." Naomi asked Wayne tentatively with hesitation on her face:

"Is there really no way for our movie to be released? I know that you have been busy all this time just for this matter. Is there no way at all?"

Seeing her cautious look, Wayne sighed and said, "The last option is to sell it to Miramax at a loss. Apart from them, no small and medium-sized company with distribution capabilities is willing to buy it."

Wayne sometimes did think that if this woman was not in this industry, she would definitely be a good candidate for a formal girlfriend or wife. But the fact is that she cannot leave this industry. This is her dream. When Wayne saw her look at Beverly Hills that day, he knew that she could not give up her dream of fame and fortune.

He admired Naomi from the bottom of his heart, appreciating her perseverance and patience. She is scheming and has no shortage of means. She is decisive enough to stand out at any opportunity and dares to gamble. These qualities are absolutely positive in Hollywood and are the basis for success.

But these are definitely graveyards for lovers, and Wayne doesn't want to end up with countless hats unknowingly. He has long discovered a pattern: the more famous people in the circle are married to each other, the faster they will get divorced. The more affectionate someone shows off, the sooner they break up.

This is the natural rule of this circle, and no one can escape it.

"If no company is willing to buy it in the end, will you sell it to Miramax? Wayne, I know you. You believe more than anyone else that it can be successful. It's just that I don't know the reason for your confidence yet. You absolutely You won’t be willing to sell it at a loss, right?”

Naomi looked at him seriously. Of course she hopes the film will be released. Only if this film is released can she have a slightly better resume.

"I don't know, Nami. I really don't know now, but you are wrong about one thing. My bottom line is much lower than you think. In the end, if there is no other way, I will definitely not be willing to accept this film. It’s just a graduation project.”

The two were talking, but Naomi put her hand in front of her mouth to signal him to keep quiet. Under Wayne's confused eyes, Naomi listened carefully for a while before speaking:

"I seem to hear your phone ringing all the time. I thought it was a hallucination just now. Someone should be looking for you. Go back and have a look." After Naomi said, Wayne seemed to also hear the sound of the phone.

He quickly put on his leather shoes and the two of them returned to his apartment. The moment he opened the door, the phone stopped ringing for a few seconds, and then started ringing again.

"It seems that someone is looking for you with something urgent. Go pick it up and see who can be so patient and keep calling for so long." Naomi pushed Wayne and the two of them sat by the phone together.

Wayne shrugged indifferently and pressed the speakerphone directly: "Hello, this is Wayne Greenberg."

"Director Greenberg? This is Terry from the distribution department of 20th Century Fox. I want to talk to you about the distribution of the movie "Happy Holiday". When are you available?"

Naomi and Wayne were stunned for a moment when they heard the words from the other side. No matter who it is, they would never and would not dare to think of finding such a giant film company to distribute a movie. Wayne is not that naive.

Seeing that Wayne was stunned, Naomi quickly pushed him and pointed to the phone. "Of course, of course, I'm free at any time, just in the afternoon. "

"Okay, Director Greenberg, do you know the address? It's in Beverly Century City. When you arrive, you can come to me directly in the distribution department."

"Okay, I'll leave in a minute." Wayne waited for the other party to hang up the phone, looked at Naomi blankly, and picked her up. "Nami, did you hear that?"

"I heard it, it's indeed Twentieth Century Fox."

No, something is not right when Wayne puts Naomi down. He would never believe that pie would really fall from the sky, unless he had the halo of mental retardation today.

Seeing Wayne sitting down, he suddenly put away his happy expression and became calm again. Naomi asked him doubtfully: "What's wrong? Hurry up and change clothes. We have to rush to Century City, so we don't have enough time." "

"Well, it's always a good thing. Let's go and take a look first. Call Jimmy for me and ask him to go directly to the Fox Building. He is close to there. Do you want to go and take a look together? OK, go change clothes. We'll leave right away." He said as he walked into the bedroom and prepared to change into formal clothes.

Entering the bathroom, Wayne straightened his tie in the mirror. No matter what the reason was, he was not prepared to let go of this opportunity to be contacted by an industry giant like 20th Century Fox.

He had no other choice, unless he was willing to accept the oppression of that disgusting fat man. Even if it is sold at a loss, as long as it can use the distribution channel of 20th Century Fox, Wayne will smile.

Distribution companies have always been at the top of the industry, and the distribution networks of Hollywood giants are definitely the most powerful channels in the world. Except for some multinational record companies, no company can compete with them.

"Wayne, are you okay? Jimmy said he was waiting for us in front of the Fox Tower."

"Okay, let's go right away."

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