Hollywood Drawing

Forty-five - Warner gives you

Give $30 million in cash to a lawyer, find any reason to litigate with the other party, and drag it out until the other party goes bankrupt? Is this a lunatic?

Everyone felt ridiculous when they heard what the executive said. If you do this, it will definitely work. This simple and crude method has always been popular among the rich in North America.

As long as I am richer than you, I will find any reason and continue to sue you until you are bankrupt and can no longer afford the lawsuit. Wall Street is full of such asshole lawyer groups.

"Okay, gentlemen!" CEO Kevin Terrasuha knocked on the table lightly, tapped the information with his hand and said: "Don't worry about the director's private life, we want to discuss this project plan, there are What possibilities for success!”

"There is a situation that you should pay attention to!" Jeff Robinov, the director of the film and television production department, was the first to speak. "Not counting "Happy Death Day" and "Get Out," my people also inquired about other things from the Writers Guild.

Wayne Greenberg also filed a script called "Joket" and a brief framework of the script called "W" with the Writers Guild. Then my guy was looking at Random House’s previous issue of the magazine and found a surprise.

It published three short stories with the pseudonym Wayne, and it was found that he had submitted them through his mother's channel. Although this doesn't mean anything, it at least proves that this director has a complete career plan and is not a new talent who suddenly appeared out of luck. "

This is Hollywood, a highly commercialized world film center. The film companies here also have a highly programmed assessment mechanism for actors and directors.

The most intuitive way to evaluate a director is the three data points of the works released in the past three to five years. ----Total box office, ----Single screen, ----Single week box office, each film company has its own way of distinguishing directors, but they are all based on these three data.

Therefore, it does not matter how brilliant a director has been in the past few years. What matters most is the performance of the last three films. As long as the films he has recently screened in theaters have a box office of more than 10,000 yuan per screen, then he is a first-line director to the film company.

Wayne, who has only one film, is not in this category, so Warner needs to analyze him to see if he is the kind of character who gets lucky and then disappears.

At least Jeff's words gave everyone a signal that this was not the lucky guy with no brains.

Generally speaking, Hollywood film companies, like other commercial companies in North America, all speak with data and performance.

"His agent Jimmy has already started negotiations with 20th Century Fox. Isn't it too late for us to intervene now?" Vincent, the deputy general manager of the distribution department, reminded everyone.

"That's why I took out the project today!" Jeff Robinov said calmly and seemed confident. "I have definite information, his agent Jimmy and 20th Century Fox, negotiations have reached an impasse and this is our best chance to intervene."

The executive vice president sitting at the end of the table suddenly said: "Jeff, don't forget, he only has one film. The stability of such a director is worth worrying about."

"Yes, he only has one movie, but the global box office of that movie is about 110 million." Without Jeff speaking, Ralph, who is also in the film and television production department, had already spoken first. "No words are as powerful as business results and data. This is the rule of Hollywood!"

"Dang, dang." Everyone looked at CEO Kevin Terrasuha who tapped the table with his middle finger. When he saw everyone was quiet, he said in a calm voice: "

We have just shot "Batman 2: The Return of the Bat," in which a large amount of money has been invested. This is our top project, and no film plans can affect it.

Also, "Huntian Pao 3" and "Qianlong Bangtian", which have invested huge amounts of money, have not been completed, and we lack sufficient cash flow. The investment in this director's film is not high and the prospects are promising.

The differences in his negotiations with 20th Century Fox mainly focused on post-production rights and the share of the North American box office of the film. These things that Fox is unwilling and unable to give him, we can give him! "

Hearing the CEO's words, everyone was thoughtful. Yes, Warner's situation can completely satisfy this director's request. As long as his film is successful, Warner will still generate large amounts of revenue.

"And I have another idea." Kevin looked at everyone thinking, and a calm voice came out of his mouth again. "We at Warner Bros. don't have a director that we work closely with, and if Wayne Greenberg can continue to be successful this time, his potential commercially is immeasurable.

Jeff mentioned that his script filings will definitely become a hot commodity for all companies. We can negotiate an incentive-based tiered share contract with him, but the premise is that we must sign a priority investment right for subsequent projects.

If his "Get Out" is successful at the box office, then give him a stepped share and tie him to Warner Bros. If the market is not ideal, throw him away! ! ! "

Seeing everyone nodding in agreement, Kevin Trasuha finally said: "Jeff, contact his agent, give him what he wants, and sign a contract with the director as soon as possible. Be sure to respond before 20th Century Fox forward."

"No problem, boss!"

At this time, in Wayne's apartment, Naomi was packing clothes with him. He had to do it himself by sealing the information box with tape. There were some diaries he had written in the past. Although no one here knew the Chinese pinyin, he had to be cautious.

He didn't have much clothes, and his suitcase wasn't even full. He only brought a few items that he usually wears, and three or two black suits were all he needed. In addition to a box of information that he had sealed with his own hands, there were also two boxes of video tapes that he had collected.

From high school to his first three years of college, he watched films almost every day, and some even had to be watched repeatedly to learn shooting techniques and concepts.

"Bang! Wayne!"

Jimmy suddenly pushed open the door and rushed in, held his shoulders and shook him twice. "Good news, someone is willing to give you all the conditions you want!"

"Hey, Jimmy!" He broke away from Jimmy's hand, pulled him to sit down, and then suppressed his surprise and asked him: "Did 20th Century Fox agree? Aren't they very tough? Why did they suddenly change their mind?"

"Fox? No! It has nothing to do with Fox. I deliberately spread the news that the negotiations with Fox were at a deadlock!" He said with a wide smile and took the coffee poured by Naomi. "Thank you, Ms. Watts."

"Then, Jimmy, what then?" Naomi couldn't wait to ask Wayne before he could speak. "Are there other companies willing to invest and are they willing to start negotiations with us?"

"Of course, just before I came over, I received a call from Jeff Robinoff, the head of Warner Bros.'s film and television production department, and he asked us to go to Burbank tomorrow to talk to their company.

He made it very clear on the phone that he can give you the treatment you want, but we need to discuss the specific terms, and he hopes you can meet him in person, and he needs to understand your thoughts. "

"Well done, Jimmy!" Wayne was not stingy in his praise at this time, and kept saying nice things. "I knew you could do it! You are the best agent!"

"Of course, of course! Wayne! It's not you who is working hard, I have to keep up with you." Jimmy looked at him sincerely.

Seeing Jimmy's expression, regardless of how genuine it was, Wayne also knew what he wanted. He was afraid that he would succeed too quickly and ditch him to directly sign with a big agent. After all, Jimmy's connections were not as good as those of famous agents. compared to.

"Don't worry, Jimmy, you are the most suitable agent for me. I promise you that as long as you don't make any principled mistakes, I will never fire you! Before the official filming of this project begins, I will go to CAA with you to renew my contract. Economic Contract.”

"Okay, so I can rest assured that I will provide you with the best service. You are my most important customer, and I guarantee you will be in the future. My future work will only revolve around you. Yes, I am the most suitable customer." Your agent."

Jimmy got the promise he wanted. The cost for stars or directors to fire their agents is so low that it can even be ignored.

Wayne never thought about kicking Jimmy, as he said, now this is the best agent for him, no one. Compared with those big-name agents, although he has no personal network, he has his own trust, and trust is difficult to establish quickly with strangers.

"Hey, gentlemen, the matter is settled, what about the moving issue tomorrow?" Naomi saw that they had finished talking about the business, and then pointed to a few boxes and asked.

"I'll go to Warner first tomorrow." He thought as he looked at the boxes. "Nami, you and Nina help me move there together. Just take these few boxes. By the way, Nami, on the second floor of the manor, you can choose a room that belongs to you."

"Oh my god! Really?" Naomi covered her mouth excitedly. "Wayne, you know, my dream is to live in Beverly Hills. Honey, I'm so touched!"

"Stop, don't get me wrong, Nami!" Seeing that she didn't understand, he quickly continued with a straight face: "Listen, you can pick a room. This is what I promised you a long time ago. I won’t arrange for others to live there in the future, but that doesn’t mean you are the mistress of the manor!”

Naomi was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, yes, they had talked about this issue, but she had ignored it.

"No problem, this is also very good. I have decided that I also want to move in early. Wayne, is that okay?"

"Whatever you want, you know I don't hate you at all. My only request is, don't think too much!" Seeing that she understood, Wayne breathed a sigh of relief.

His career has just started, and he absolutely does not want to have a relationship, which will involve a lot of energy on his part. Even if he admires Naomi very much, he himself is not allowed to indulge in emotional games.

"Then let's meet in Burbank at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. Pay attention to the time, Wayne. I'll go back and make preparations first. I have to work overtime tonight. You should pay me a bonus, Director Greenberg!"

Jimmy made an exaggerated expression, opened the apartment door, nodded like Naomi, and walked out.

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