Hollywood Drawing

Five hundred and twenty-eight-Batman, attack

"Hey, stay here, come here, come and see this."

In an apartment on the Upper East Side of New York City, a little white boy was sitting alone in the living room watching TV. When he accidentally switched to the NBC Global News channel, the story the host was narrating gradually made his eyes lock on the TV screen. Then he immediately called his father and mother.

"Listen, I'm busy at work, and if you don't give me a legitimate reason, I'm going to cancel my weekend outing with you!"

A white man about thirty years old came to the living room mumbling. At the little boy's signal, he slowly stood there watching the TV, turned his head, and looked at his wife who was following closely behind. Watching the special news on TV in silence.

Just like this ordinary family, it is just after seven o'clock in the evening. It is almost the time for the whole family to sit together in the living room and have fun and relax after dinner. This piece of news that was confusing at first has gradually attracted thousands of people. The eyes of thousands of families.

On the TV, the pleasant background music continued. Under the gaze of countless people in North America, the screen switched to the streets of the town. Countless people moved. This inconspicuous town near the City of Angels, At this moment, it transformed into the famous Gotham City.

The local police chief appealed to the TV that they need to find Batman. A little girl was kidnapped by the bad guys. The police need to find Batman. The police need help.

The scene turned again, and a Batmobile that was extremely familiar to everyone rushed out. After the door opened, Batman wearing a full Bat suit appeared in the center of the camera. He was not wearing a Bat mask, and his face was exposed. It's not the Christian Bale that people are familiar with, but some fans who pay more attention to the movie recognized it. This is Wayne, who has the same name as Batman.

But it was obvious that he was not the protagonist this time. Wearing a bat suit, he walked around the car and opened the door on the other side. A little Batman in the same costume was helped down by his hand.

The short documentary was quite crudely shot, and many attentive fans discovered that the old man who flashed in front of the camera from time to time, wearing director's attire and carrying a camera, was the creator of "Star Wars", George Lucas.

However, the rough and crude documentary did not affect people's viewing experience, just because of the background of the story introduced by the host before. In fact, the short documentary lasts less than five minutes, and the story is quite simple. Thomas, the little Batman, accompanied by another Batman, Wayne, defeated the bad guys and rescued the little girl. This special "Gotham" "The city" once again restored peace.

What fascinates people is the singing that gradually sounds in the short documentary. Similar to this documentary, it can be heard that the song was produced in a hurry, and the two people singing are not professional, but this just triggered countless Human touch and resonance.

As the two Batmans held hands, raised their arms and yelled "Little Batman, attack!" I don't know how many people shed tears during the subsequent singing.

“I’ve been reading bosses of old“

“The leends and the myths “

“Achilles and his gold “

“Hercules and his gifts“

“Spiderman’s contro“

“And Batman with his fists“

"And clearly I don't see myself upon that list"

"But she said where'd you wanna go"

“How much you wanna risk“

"I'm not looking for someone"

“With some Superhuman gifts“

“Some Superhero”

“Some fairytale bliss“

“Just something I can turn to“

“Somebody I can kiss“

“I want something just like this”

“Oh I want something just like this“

“Oh I want something just like this“


Little Batman realized his dream amidst the cheers of the people. Both the singing and the documentary came to an end. Scenes of warm scenes gradually flashed by. Each participant held up a homemade slogan. The camera finally stopped at Wayne and On George Lucas, they were holding a cardboard sign that read: Little Batman --- Attack!

When the music and pictures disappeared, countless family viewers who were moved once again experienced what it means to be surprised. The TV only went dark for about two seconds and then returned to light again. Christian Bale, the real Batman in people's hearts, appeared on the camera. , waving his fist and saying:

"Well done Thomas, you saved Gotham City, saved the world, and brought peace to everyone."

The camera turned again, and the person who appeared this time became the commander-in-chief who had just been re-elected. The background behind him was familiar to everyone. It was the white house. He also waved his fist twice and faced The camera said with an expression: "Well done, Thomas, you successfully saved your hometown. You are a very good Batman!" The finale of the commander-in-chief was definitely something no one expected, regardless of whether ordinary people were Every day he uses words to bully the ruler, but his appearance means that a certain spirit is being transmitted.

Politicians have a very keen sense of politics. In fact, when Time Warner contacted this secretary, the other party did not even think about it and directly recorded this short video.

"Dad, Mom, how about we change our plans for the weekend?" After the TV show ended, in the living room on New York's Upper East Side, the little boy looked at his parents with tears in his eyes, and suggested in a childish voice: "Let's go see it this weekend. Batman, right?”

The child's parents looked at each other and saw some kind of tenderness in each other's eyes. The child's father shrugged and asked: "Are you sure you want to give up the farm outing you have always wanted to do? Haven't you already made appointments with Henry and Franjie? Ok?"

The little boy lowered his head, as if he was making a choice. After a while, he raised his head and said, "Of course, I can inform them to change their plans and let's go watch Batman together."

"Okay, go and inform your friends!" The child's father nodded, turned around and walked toward his study room and agreed. The child's mother's ears moved. She heard her husband, still laughing in a low voice. Humming, I want something just like this..."

This is just a scene in an ordinary family in the city of New York after watching TV. Similar conversations and exchanges are spread throughout North America after the news program ends.

No one can deny that although the ugliness in this society can be seen everywhere, most people still yearn for light and warmth in their hearts. Even if their parents are all jerks, they will subconsciously educate their children to be "good men" from an early age.

I don’t know how many people have changed their family plans for the weekend, choosing to accompany their families and children and go to the cinema to watch Batman together. In the minds of countless people, this is definitely not a bad thing.

After this ordinary yet special night passed, early the next morning, various news about Wayne and "The Dark Knight" in the media overshadowed for the first time in this period the hotly-hyped duel between the two Jewish directors. incident, the media tacitly chose to give all space to Wayne on the eve of the release of "The Dark Knight".

"I believe that many North American people do not know that Wayne Greenberg's films have, to a certain extent, achieved unexpected results in the internationalization of Hollywood films. Unlike the human nature, evil and other elements shown in his films, he In reality, he is a low-key, kind-hearted billionaire. Behind countless good deeds, there is this Hollywood director with a tough appearance.

Unlike other people who couldn't wait to use their influence to make money after winning the Oscar, he chose to put down his work at the most important moment before the release of his new film to fulfill the childhood dream of a little boy, and the spirit of chivalry was put into him. It is perfect for him. His behavior may not be understood in the eyes of many people, but outside of the movie, it warns the world that there must be love in the heart..."

Various reports analyzing Wayne were flooded in all available media. What was even more surprising was that countless movie fans started calling Warner Bros. the next day. They hoped that Warner Bros. would release Wayne and George as soon as possible. -This single by Lucas.

Along with the short documentary on the NBC channel, no one expected that the first thing to become popular was the imperfect song "something just like this".

That day, many TV stations played the song again at the end of the program, and some even directly played the documentary about Batman Jr.'s attack again. Radio stations in cities all over North America also played the song. Overnight, it became the most requested song.

"I want something just like this

Oh I want something just like this”

At eight o'clock in the evening on May 14th, as the host hummed two lyrics, the TV screen focused on the ABC TV studio, and the host said in a deep and emotional voice: "That's all I want. That’s all, this is all I want, this is the only thing I want!”

Following the host's voice, the camera slowly moved, and Wayne and George Lucas appeared on the TV. The two sat side by side on the sofa, watching the host who was moved by the lyrics.

"Wayne, George, your behavior is simply unbelievable in today's North America. Wayne, what prompted you to appear in that town and organize this dream project?"


Wayne pondered for a few seconds, shrugged slightly, and said to the camera: "You know, when I knew that the child was terminally ill, but he still remained optimistic about life and was full of a sense of justice in his heart, I couldn't help but think Do something for this sense of justice. As a public figure, I hope to use my power to take the lead and let people see that there is still a lot of kindness in this society."

"I heard that in order to fulfill Thomas' dream as soon as possible, you gave up the promotion work of "The Dark Knight"?" the host immediately continued to ask.

"Yes, work-wise, I did make a deserter this time." Wayne replied, with an obvious wry smile on his face. "I hope the hard-working members of the crew won't blame me."

"How could that happen?!" The host's face turned serious, with respect in his tone. "I don't think anyone will blame you. What you saved was not just the dream of a little Batman. After the TV show was broadcast, countless viewers said that what you saved was the values ​​​​in North American society and countless people with dreams. "Little Batman," as the host said, the small light above the camera began to flash, and Wayne secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that the close-up was about to end and the camera was about to turn.

Sure enough, after a brief movement, the camera focused on George Lucas, who had been silent, and the host's question also rang out at the same time. "George, as a Star Wars fan, I would like to ask on behalf of countless viewers, when will the new "Star Wars" be available to us? You know, we can't wait to see it."

"I have already written the script and am now making preliminary preparations." The father of Star Wars spread his hands and replied: "Maybe it won't be long, but I can't reveal the specific date yet."

"Okay." The host did not continue the topic. He knew what the topic of the conversation was. "George, what prompted you to take part in this operation?"

"I think it's clear to everyone that Wayne and I have a pretty good personal relationship."

Mentioning this, George Lucas showed a smile and reached out to touch the beard on the side of his face. "About a week ago, I was busy at work, and then I received a call from him. He said to me..."

He raised one hand as if to answer the phone, his voice full of comedy. "He said to me, hey, George, do you want to form a group with me and we can enter the Grammys together?!"

His answer caused a burst of laughter and applause from the audience. The host applauded and praised at the same time: "Obviously, your performance is indeed worthy of a Grammy trophy."

This show was the last one to use this incident to promote the show before the release of "The Dark Knight". The inclusion of George Lucas was just an accident, but it made the incident more violent.

When the talk show came to an end, the scene on the TV changed again to a documentary about Batman Jr.'s attack, and the song that touched countless people also sounded at the same time.

There is less than a day left before the film's premiere. Due to the influence of the documentary, media eyes across North America are watching the film's performance. For the premiere, Warner Bros. specially invited many famous guests to the stage in order to maximize the influence of the film.

At the entrance of the TV station building, Wayne and George Lucas hugged. "That's it, George, I still want to thank you for your help this time."

"Who made you release such a big temptation of Grammy?" George Lucas shook his head, joked, raised an arm and patted him on the shoulder. "Go back and rest early. We'll talk again at the premiere tomorrow. You know, now I'm not only on your side mentally, but also in action. Don't lose to Steven."

After saying that, he waved his hand gracefully, got into his car and gradually drove away. It wasn't until the car disappeared from his sight that Wayne looked back and breathed a long sigh of relief. He really cleared his mind this time and hoped that all his efforts would not be in vain.

"Where's Sergey?"

After about two minutes, he turned back and looked at the assistant in confusion. It was very rare that his bear-like Russian security guard was not waiting downstairs in his car.


Nina raised an arm, pointed her finger at the grass beside her, pursed her lips, and said, "Now, I swear, that big guy kneeling on the grass is him."

While the two were pointing and talking, Sergey also noticed the two people coming out. He said something to a few people around him, hurriedly got up from the lawn and ran to the car.

The Rolls-Royce stopped in front of the two of them. As Wayne got into the car, he asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

Following the small window connecting the front and back, Sergey proudly held up a pile of change, which looked like about one or two hundred dollars. He shook the small pile of banknotes vigorously and said, "Dice, boss, these are all for winning." It’s coming!”

"Shit, drive now!"

As the car accelerated steadily, as he passed by Beverly Park and was about to walk up the mountain, Wayne, who had been closing his eyes to concentrate, suddenly opened his eyes and knocked on the baffle connected to the cab with an ugly expression.

When the partition opened, he looked at the Russian Xiong who was driving with a confused look on his face, and his voice was full of sternness. "Listen, next time you need money, just ask me, hell, or you can talk to Nina, Hela, or even Nami!"

"Winning money is more fun." Sergey replied casually while looking at the car ahead.

Wayne's voice remained serious. "What if you could lose?"

"Hey, I won't lose when playing dice." With one hand on the steering wheel, Sergey spread out his other hand and shook the wad of change towards the window again. "I was good at this when I was in the army, very good at it, so boss, I won't lose! The salary you gave me has guaranteed me the rest of my life. I'm not short of money."

"Kneeling on the sandy grass, throwing dice and winning a few change, does this make you feel happy? Does it make you feel like a winner?" Under Nina's strange gaze, Wayne suddenly raised his head With his hand, he tapped Sergey who was driving.

"Hey, hey, boss." Xiong, a Russian, heard the severity in his voice and saw his gestures in the rearview mirror. As one of the closest people, he knew very well that the other person was really angry. , so he hurriedly explained. "Don't be so serious, boss. Those drivers and security guards are like this. We are just having fun waiting for our boss to get bored."

"Listen, you're different from them."

With a click, Wayne lit a cigarette, raised the finger holding the cigarette, and pointed at the back of the other person's head. Knowing that the Russian bear could see it, he said unhurriedly: "They can't choose spiritual dignity. , and you can." After saying that, he took back his fingers, took several puffs of the cigarette one after another, looked at his legs through the smoke he exhaled, and slowly lowered his voice. "From the time you shot to save me, you can, remember, pat the dust on your knees before getting out of the car, and don't kneel down to make money in the future..."

Silence returned to the inside of the Rolls-Royce. Nina acted as if she hadn't heard or seen anything. She frowned and studied the financial statements. She sighed secretly in her heart because she wasn't sure whether the big guy really listened. I understand what my boss means.

In fact, the situation is similar to hers. Ever since Wayne trusted her with private matters such as finance and investment, the relationship between them has long been no longer a simple employment relationship. In fact, Nina has never seen anyone A personal assistant to a director or producer can have a net worth of millions.

The same goes for this big guy. He makes no less money than the commission-based agent Jimmy. To a certain extent, he is even more important than agents and assistants because he is responsible for Wayne's safety. Wayne trusted him. Trust is the most precious thing.

"By the way, boss, Angelina Jolie called while you and George were recording the program." Seeing that the car had turned onto Mulholland Drive, the assistant lady put a few documents back into the briefcase. , looked at his boss and said.

"Did something happen?"

Nina didn't hesitate at all and said directly: "The temptation in her words means that she wants to walk the red carpet with you tomorrow."

There is no way, "The Dark Knight" has received too much attention this time. It is originally the most anticipated film by the media and fans this year. Coupled with this little Batman incident, the media attention it has received is unprecedented. Any normal person knows that walking on the red carpet of a premiere with Wayne has an exposure effect no less than that of the Oscars red carpet.

It's normal for Angelina Jolie to have thoughts. Anyway, it doesn't cost anything to make a phone call to test it out. She understands that at most she will be rejected. With her proud figure and face, the man's fascination is not concealed at all. Give it a try Try it, if you really agree to it, you will make money.

Wayne chuckled and shook his head. "Ignore her."

The weather in Los Angeles has officially entered the summer vacation. Even in the evening, there is still no coolness. A red carpet was rolled out early in front of the Chinese Theater in Hollywood. On one side of the red carpet, movie fans who had already arrived in advance, The surrounding area is impenetrable.

For these movie fans who more or less bear some Batman symbols on their bodies, they cannot see the movie earlier, but it is also a blessing to be able to see the big stars in the crew in advance.

The fans were enthusiastic, and the media area on the other side of the red carpet was not much better. A large number of media reporters, with work IDs around their necks, crowded to grab seats to prepare for the upcoming red carpet, especially those carrying... The arrogant photographers all looked like they were over the moon, blushing and pushing forward with their equipment on their shoulders.

It was not only security personnel who maintained order at the scene, but also some Warner Bros. employees and dozens of police officers sent by the Los Angeles Police Department. The "Joker" movie theater shooting was still fresh in our minds. This time "Batman: The Dark Knight" ", one of the protagonists is still the clown who caused madness in society. The police officers all looked serious, and from time to time they glanced at the movie fans who might cause chaos.

When the time slowly reached 5:30 in the evening, a low sound of "boom", "boom" and "boom" sounded, and the fans at the scene immediately fell into madness. Everyone was pushing forward desperately, holding hands to intercept The crowd's security and police officers immediately changed their expressions.

Many people are familiar with this sound. It is just like what most movie fans imagined. A huge and domineering Batmobile came around the corner. Although it was not fast, it was as big as a tank and full of technology. , the feeling of oppression is simply unparalleled.

Perhaps only men can understand the romance in it. This big guy is almost tailor-made according to the ideal chariot in men's minds.

The monster-like black Batmobile finally slowly stopped in front of the red carpet. Before the door was opened, it caused a burst of screams from fans, and the flash lights in the media area illuminated the front of the red carpet as bright as day.

More than ten seconds passed slowly, and some people at the scene realized something was wrong because the car door never opened. Just when more and more people were feeling confused, dozens of large speakers were arranged at the scene, and music sounded at the same time.

This is the masterpiece of John Williams, and it is also the main background music of Batman. The Dark Knight Theme sounded. As the low drum beat changed from slow to fast, from dull to exciting, everyone at the scene felt a stirring of emotion. The epic feeling comes over you.

At this moment, the door of the Batmobile slowly rose, and a man wearing a Bat armor stretched out his dark legs first...

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