Hollywood Drawing

Five Hundred and Fifty-Five - Death, Taxes, and the Success Rate of Wayne's Movies.

No one expected that the copycat video tape not only did not affect "The Dark Knight", but also became the topic of discussion for countless people after dinner on Saturday, and also made some people who would not normally go into the theater to watch movies curious. The heart walked into the theater.

Also this weekend, "The Dark Knight" simultaneously landed in nearly 60 theater markets in continental Europe, Latin America, and other overseas regions and countries. Affected by the current era, it is basically impossible for a movie to be released simultaneously around the world. It's impossible, but a film that has proven itself in North America usually does well at the box office in overseas theater markets.

Compared with Wayne's previous works in the past few years, the rare North American localization attribute of "The Dark Knight" is not that strong, and the popularity of Batman, the superhero, is also destined to have a smaller audience size. Not small, it can be said that both men, women and children can find what they want in the film.

When Wayne joined the crew and they finished their promotion in Chicago, the crew split into two the next day. Charles Rowan led several main actors and boarded a plane directly to England, while Wayne Led another group of people, mainly the behind-the-scenes team, and continued to shuttle between major cities in North America.

This weekend, in almost all entertainment-related media, there will only be various news about "Jurassic Park 2" or news about "Batman: The Dark Knight". The two movies have used all their promotional methods, and theaters The extremely lively crowd of moviegoers also fully affirmed the influence of these two movies.

The audience reputation of "The Dark Knight" has always been very strong, so Warner Bros.'s promotions are also based on steady conventional methods, especially those fans who have been affected by the counterfeit video tapes. Their various complaints have become To help the film continue to expand its influence.

Although it is impossible to estimate how many people were affected by this incident and walked into the theater out of curiosity, the significant increase in traffic since Saturday afternoon is a constant reminder to theater companies and Warner Bros. , such publicity effect will not be low.

After the tumultuous Saturday passed, as Sunday came, the popularity of "The Dark Knight" showed no sign of declining. The more fans who watched the film, the more discussion there was.

On Sunday, since the next day is a working day, the number of moviegoers in theaters has also begun to decrease. Even though the discussion in the media is very high, the number of moviegoers on Sunday has declined steadily, which is a theater market in itself. normal reaction.

After more than a week of screenings, "The Dark Knight" has inevitably become a topic of discussion across North America as more and more people have watched the movie. What is rare about this film is not just the carnival of young people. In addition to this part of Wayne's basic fans, family fans also joined in, and more casual fans. Because of its overwhelming audience reputation and various continuously reported topics, it has caused The number of people watching movies continues to expand.

As the second weekend of the film is coming to an end, comparisons between Wayne and Steven Spielberg have once again appeared in the media. The showdown between these two Jewish directors is what determines the box office figures of the two films this weekend. Besides, the most eye-catching topic.

Countless people are waiting for the release of the first weekend box office of "Jurassic Park 2", and are also waiting for the release of the second weekend box office of "Batman: The Dark Knight". This box office statistics is becoming more and more popular as Monday is approaching. Recently, it has affected more and more people’s hearts.

At seven o'clock on Sunday evening, the publicity team led by Wayne arrived in Washington. After a brief rest in the hotel, he led the publicity team, which was mainly composed of behind-the-scenes teams, to attend a fan meeting that night. Faced with these die-hard movie fans, He enthusiastically shared many interesting stories the crew encountered while filming.

Similar activities are repeated in almost every city he visits. The difference is that after the fan meeting this time, in the VIP lounge on the second floor of the theater, Wayne accepted the most famous local media, the Washington Post. 》an exclusive interview.

This is facing the influential print media in North America and even the world. Even Wayne, who usually scorns the media, was very energetic when facing an exclusive interview.

The two parties did not routinely review manuscripts in advance for this interview, but Nina had communicated with the other party in advance about the general scope of the questions. The most important point was that she had told the other party that Wayne would not answer any questions related to politics. If problems arise, they have the right to unilaterally end the interview.

"God, even though I've seen pictures of you before, I still didn't expect you to be so young, Director Greenberg."

In the lounge on the second floor of the theater, a middle-aged white woman wearing a professional skirt shook hands with him after sitting down and chatted casually while waiting for the cameraman behind her to adjust the equipment. "I've seen every one of your movies, Wayne. Oh, you don't mind calling you that, do you?"


Smiling and nodding to each other, Wayne looked up and down without leaving any trace. This woman was quite approachable. Even in neat professional attire, she did not give off a strong feeling.

"First of all, congratulations, Wayne." The woman adjusted her sitting posture, always paying attention to the movements of the photographer behind her. "The birth of another great movie, "The Dark Knight" is simply a masterpiece. As a die-hard fan of yours, it was really shocking to me in the theater at that time."

While casually chatting with the female reporter, Wayne's compliments to die-hard movie fans went in one ear and out the other. If the other party says that he has watched this movie, he feels that the credibility is quite high, but if he says that he has watched all of his previous movies, this is a bit nonsense.

Even women such as Naomi Watts, who has a close relationship with him, have expressed their dislike for some of his previous films. He knows this better than anyone else. Black-style films must not contain elements such as violence, gore, and crime. Either way, these gadgets are the biggest dissuasive weapons for women.

"Okay, let's officially start." After the cameraman adjusted the equipment and a director gestured to them, the female reporter straightened her face and said, "Wayne, we all know that the film "The Dark Knight" Before the movie was released, there were a series of turmoils. Before the movie was released, did you ever think that you would achieve the results you have now?"

This movie has been released for more than a week. As long as you investigate carefully, you can find the specific box office figures, the incredible records it has broken, etc. It is obvious that this movie continues to continue its glory in the theater market. .


Wayne shrugged and replied unceremoniously: "I mean, before the film was released, I was confident about the film's box office performance. Warner Bros. and I expected the box office for the first weekend to be more than 150 million US dollars. This is enough to break a series of box office records. If you ask me the source of my confidence, I will tell you, because I believe that North American movie fans are the most knowledgeable movie fans in the world!"

"Wow even."

The reporter made a surprised expression, then smiled into the phone. "Obviously, your confidence is right. The results of "The Dark Knight" have exceeded your expectations."

After a pause, the reporter glanced at Wayne's face and asked: "The hottest topic in the media right now is the showdown between you and Steven Spielberg. What do you think about this? We can talk about it. Talk?"

This is a quite sensitive topic. When the female reporter asked, she was actually ready to avoid this topic. However, with the current popularity of this matter, she had to ask about relevant topics.

After thinking for a moment, Wayne smiled at the female reporter, shook his head slightly, and said: "Steven and I are very good friends in private. You know, filmmakers like Steven , is my senior in my heart. As for the duel discussed in the media, what I want to say is that it is the greatness of Steven and the struggle of a great filmmaker like him that made me who I am today.

But for the sake of Warner Bros. behind me, I have to say, Hey, man, I have to win this battle between the two of us, even if I ask you to play golf afterwards, I have to win this battle. "

Having said this, Wayne pursed his lips and spoke in a teasing tone towards the camera. His expression successfully aroused a burst of laughter and applause from the female reporter.

After the laughter, the female reporter asked: "Can you talk about why it is for Warner Bros., so we must win?"


Wayne thought for a moment and shrugged. "You know? There is a saying that has been circulating within Warner Bros., death, paying taxes, and the success rate of Wayne's movies are themes that will never change in this land. How can I bear to let those at Warner Bros. have confidence in me? Are people disappointed?

Yes, Warner Bros., I love this film company. I still clearly remember that when I was an unreliable new film director, this company gave me treatment and treatment that far exceeded my status in the industry at that time. Confidence, when I told the executives that I wanted to shoot a rich film noir, they always gave me unswerving support.

Training and accumulating experience in a movie means making high-risk investments again and again. This is why we have the current Oscar-winning director and the record-breaking "Batman: The Dark Knight". From "The Departed" to "The Departed," Warner Bros. and I have been working closely together over the past few years, which is a great feeling, so I will not let down those who have confidence in me. "

Through this interview, Wayne is actually sending a signal, that is, the inseparable cooperation between him and Warner Brothers. The main reason is that after the work on "The Dark Knight" is over, he will not immediately start work on "The Flash". He needs to take advantage of the rare preparation gap to cooperate with 20th Century Fox to develop "X-Men" Get it out.

And when he officially begins to accept the job of "X-Men", there will inevitably be a lot of media speculation about whether there is a rift between him and Warner Bros. The shareholders of Warner Bros.'s Time Warner will inevitably be affected. The impact of these messages, and some words, is to calm the hearts of these people in advance.

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