Hollywood Drawing

Five hundred and ninety-four-Export to domestic sales?

Wayne has been Warner Bros.'s signature since the 1990s. Almost everyone in the industry knows this. The reason why Warner Bros. is willing to facilitate this trip is that they see the market potential brought by the terrifying population base of this market. What’s more, I want my flagship product, the DC superhero series, to be promoted in this land.

The first stop for promotion is on the university campus. There is still more than an hour before the event starts, and the auditorium that can accommodate 800 people is already full. The school did not suspend classes. Some considerate teachers even announced the end of get out of class 20 minutes in advance, allowing restless students to join in the fun in the auditorium.

However, there were still too many people. Many students who had finished class early crowded in and lined up at the entrance of the auditorium. Regarding the arrangement of this venue, the school obviously did not expect that Wayne's influence would be so great.

"Want to grab a ticket to land on Noah's Ark? It seems impossible to get in without going through a bloody battle!"

In front of a long and bustling queue, a boy wearing white half-sleeves set up an awning with his hands. He looked at the noisy entrance of the auditorium and shook his head helplessly.

"If I had known earlier, I should have skipped the first acting class. This auditorium only has 800 seats, and now there are so many people crowded at the door. It's over. Don't even think about going in today."

There were also students around who were complaining, but they did not leave. They were all looking forward to some accident that would bring everyone in.

At this time, the auditorium was already full of people, and densely packed long guns and cannons were set up in the front two rows. Reporters from various media were also looking forward to it. Behind them were some invited guests, teachers and professors from the school, and behind them were the students who had successfully entered.

Although none of Wayne's films have been introduced to this land in recent years, this is a special place where you can fully see all of his director's works. Compared with his unfamiliarity among ordinary people, in the film major campus But I am very familiar with this name.

Both the students at the film school and the teachers here have watched the films he shot more than once, and even some of the shots and clips have been used as classroom demonstrations more than once. Of course, no matter where his works are found, some people like them and some don't.

"His works have too strong a personal style, and the content is not suitable for large-scale promotion."

A middle-aged professor sitting in the second row was chatting with two colleagues around him before the event started. "Hollywood movies are becoming more and more streamlined, and homogeneity is naturally becoming more and more serious. Wayne Greenberg is indeed the most special one, but his early works were too rich in personal style, and his current works are Although it has begun to bow to business, it is still too special and cannot be widely used by other directors to learn and promote."

The two teachers around me nodded silently, understanding that this is an objective phenomenon. Everyone here has read Wayne Greenberg's works more than once. As a teacher, these are the most frustrating. There is simply no way to promote it on a large scale.

Film noir itself has not been mainstream in North America and the West as a whole in recent years, let alone in this land. If Wayne had not appeared and gradually pushed dark stylized works into the mainstream, I am afraid that this type of film would still be a carnival for niche movie fans and would still not be recognized by the public.

"Some of his concepts and techniques are worth promoting and learning." A young teacher thought for a while and gave a different view. "I have already watched "The Dark Knight." Whether it is the unprecedented anti-hero setting, the theme of the entire film, or the ideas conveyed to the audience, this film is considered great. Although this film The film has obviously compromised on business."

"Audience is always a problem for directors of this type." The middle-aged teacher nodded, obviously agreeing with his colleague. "However, Wayne Greenberg has clearly found a balance between art and commerce. His films have never lacked an audience, even for his early works."

"It's very simple, because even if his films are rich in artistic attributes, they can always be understood by ordinary people!"

Another middle-aged teacher who had been silent gave his own summary. This sentence also gained the approval of two colleagues.

This principle is very simple, but it is not that simple to do it. Because no matter who directs a literary film, the attributes of the works they shoot are essentially the same. In the so-called field of literary films, directors never want to tell a story, but more to express themselves to the audience through the content of the film. mood.

Therefore, when watching literary films, many viewers will be confused by the obscure plots, and will also be bored by the long shots. Most people pursue the most original feelings such as refreshment and joy when watching movies. But often what literary films want to convey to the audience is the director's emotions, which inevitably makes them appear niche.

But not all directors can't see through this. For example, "Farewell My Concubine", which is considered a great Chinese film, no matter who it is, can't deny that this is a literary and artistic film in which the director expresses his emotions. Therefore, the only reason why it is popular among the public is that ordinary people can understand it, which is extremely important.

There was a lot of commotion in the venue, and everyone was whispering to each other, but people's eyes never left the figure sitting in the crowd on the stage, whether it was students or the media.

Just before the event officially started, another group of students poured into the auditorium. Finally, the school opened the entrance to the auditorium again and let in those students who were willing to stand. After a slight chaos, the scene returned to order. .

At exactly ten o'clock in the morning, a host walked onto the center of the stage with a microphone, and the scene fell completely silent at the same time. After a brief introduction, the host said into the microphone: "Our guest today is Wayne Greenberg, the winner of Hollywood's Best Director."

From the seat on the side of the stage, Wayne stood up with a smile on his face, picked up the microphone prepared on the table, and walked toward the center of the stage with long strides.

He is still dressed as he has for thousands of years, a dark slim suit with no brand logo visible, and casual leather shoes. The round flaxen haircut, no more than two centimeters long, highlights the strong lines of the face. There is no tie or bow tie in the suit, making him appear free and casual.

This outfit does not appear to be strong, but it is full of the tough temperament that a man should have. When he walked onto the stage, he left a relatively good impression on most people present.

Along with the warm applause in the auditorium, Wayne smiled and bowed slightly to everyone. Only he was left in the center of the stage, but the host did not stay. This made many people present feel strange. You know, being meticulous. The host chosen by the host often also shoulders important translation work.

This year, the biggest obstacle to communication between the two sides is language. But the moment Wayne raised the microphone and spoke, the scene immediately became excited again, and many students in the back row whistled excitedly.

"Hello, my name is Wayne, Wayne Greenberg. According to my own words, my surname is Wei..."

"Does this ghost guy speak Mandarin so well?"

"Ha, did I hear correctly?"

There was a moment of astonishment at first, and then the crowd's shouts towards the stage gradually increased.

"The Dark Lord!"

"The Lord of Darkness..."

When the crowd gradually quieted down, Wayne spoke into the microphone again: "I took Chinese as an elective when I was in school. It seems that I made a very correct decision. It made the communication between us much smoother."

Others didn't know it, but he knew very well that with his authentic Beijing film skills, it was absolutely possible to become an old friend here, so in the communication session before the event, he directly chose to remove the host's question This link is for this current scene.

"It seems that you have given me a good nickname, ha, but the first thing I want to tell you is, don't call me the Lord of Darkness!"

Shrugging at everyone, Wayne ignored the low laughter at the scene, straightened his face, and continued: "Most of the students here will become film and television workers in the future, whether your goal is to become an actor or Screenwriters, directors, photographers, it is inevitable that we do need to watch the film and television works of many masters and watch many excellent films, but we do not need to be their fans or worship them.

We are all young people. My suggestion is to explore human nature in your works, to deeply feel the most common human emotions, to photograph your own life and your own feelings, and to express the voices of young people. "

A burst of warm applause sounded like a tidal wave. Even now, some teachers are still clasping their ears with their fingers, feeling incredible about this fluent Beijing film. Some people are looking at each other, feeling incredible about a white foreigner speaking Chinese.

"Okay, the serious and stereotyped topic is over, let me formally introduce myself." Wayne waved one hand, put on a warm smile again on his face, and continued into the microphone: "My name is Wayne , my friends all call me that, don’t get me wrong, it’s not Bruce Wayne’s Wayne, although many people call me the real-life Dark Knight..."

"Isn't this a fucking fake guy?"

A media reporter sitting in the first row turned his head mechanically and murmured to himself in a low voice to the cameraman beside him.

"Who knows?" The photo studio raised his head and replied with the same blank expression. "Now I want to go up and peel off his white skin with my hands to see if there is another color hidden inside."

"Could it be that the export is going to be sold domestically?"

A reporter next to him had a smile on his face, and his words caused several colleagues to burst into laughter, covering their mouths and laughing.

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