Hollywood Drawing

Sixty Four – Mexican Food

In North America in the early 1990s, there were no movements such as Black Lives Matter and Mi Tou, and the so-called political correctness was still in its infancy.

Of course, those gays are also hiding in secret and trembling. They will never think that gays in Hollywood will be the biggest political correctness in the future.

Let’s just say that the largest group among ethnic minorities is undoubtedly African Americans. In the daily entertainment activities of these black brothers, going to the cinema to watch a movie is definitely the last choice.

Whether it is Warner hyping up the romance between a black and white pairing, or revealing the film's starring role and story synopsis in advance, its purpose is to drive these unscrupulous people into the theater who would not otherwise enter the theater, so that they can contribute to the project's unplanned box office.

In the studio of Warner Studio, Wayne was counting the dates. The shots here were about to be finished. There were not many scenes left, and most of them were scattered connecting scenes.

He wanted to calculate the completion time so that Halle Berry could move into his home at the end of pre-production in order to maintain the buzz of the film.

"Luke, how are the preparations for those deer? There won't be any animal protection organizations coming to cause trouble, right?"

Those deer will appear many times in the film, and the metaphor is African Americans.

"No problem! After you finish shooting here, you can go to the countryside to set up." Luke thought about it and said firmly. "No animal protection organizations have come to our door yet. We will film as soon as possible."


What worried Wayne most about the whole film was that if he used those deer, he would get into trouble from animal organizations. These people are all crazy. The people in the crew will not care about it. Even if there is a safety issue, they will not care about it. They will only care about those damn animals.

If these people come to the door, Wayne is not going to pester him, and is ready to implement the second plan and go directly to the props. The effect is definitely not as good as the real thing, but it avoids a lot of trouble.

"Okay, get ready to start. After taking these photos, we will have completed more than half of our mission."

Wayne went over the plans for the remake, put the record book on the table, and asked Luke to tell him to end the break and continue filming.

Nowadays, all kinds of fragmentary shots are shot. Frequent changes of scenes, positions, costumes, and performance conditions are exhausting for the actors. After a day's work, Naomi weakly walked up to Wayne and asked him.

"How many more days are going to last like this?"

Wayne's voice was casual as he stared at Luke packing up the film. "Come on, there aren't many shots left!"

"That's what you said a week ago!" Naomi said with a tired tone. "Will you come to my place tonight? Let's have a drink together?"

Only when he saw Luke locking the film into the box did he focus on the blonde beauty next to him. "No, I have an appointment with Harry, you should go to bed early."

"Hey! Didn't you say this was a publicity plan?" Naomi looked around and complained softly. "Is that bitch really that charming? I called the manor, and Hela said you often stay overnight."

Ignoring this woman's complaints, she was a professional actor, and he was too lazy to distinguish the true and false of the other party's attitude. There may be some emotional factors on the part of the supervisor, but he is more willing to believe that it is the woman's desire to compare.

"Go to rest early, Nami. And don't interfere in my private life!" Wayne packed up his things, handed the bag to Nina, and turned around and walked out.

After leaving the studio, Sergey was already driving and waiting at the door. Wayne opened the door and got into the back seat regardless of Nina getting into the front seat.

"Did the filming go well today?" Halle Berry had been waiting in the car for a long time. When he saw him coming in, he took the initiative to come up to him and massage his shoulders, just like a pair of real lovers.

"The scene here will be completed soon." Wayne glanced at her and enjoyed the other person's massage. "Pack your things. You can move to my place in two days."

He guessed what this woman meant, he knew what Harry wanted from the first day, and this was of great benefit to her. With constant exposure in newspapers, it can be said that her road to Hollywood has gained some fame in another way.

Seeing that Wayne seemed to be in a good mood, Harry rolled his eyes and had more ideas. "Maybe we can go back to my apartment and eat, I make good Mexican food."

"Mexico food?"

Wayne repeated with a strange tone, not understanding what this black pearl was thinking. He stretched out his hand to lift her chin, brought it up to him, and kissed her soft red lips slowly.

Sergey glanced at the rearview mirror, stretched out his hand and turned the mirror around.

"Nina, put me in Harry's apartment and you can go back." Wayne let go of the beauty in his arms and said to the two people in front of him.

The Russian security guard shrugged after hearing this. He has become accustomed to it during this time. Every three to five days, the boss would stay in the apartment for one night. It seemed that this black beauty really fascinated the boss.

After arriving downstairs in the apartment, Wayne ignored Nina and the others and followed Halle Berry upstairs in a familiar manner.

"Mexican food? Huh?"

After opening the door, the two people couldn't wait to hug each other.

She knew very well that what interested Wayne was this delicate and charming body, which was also her biggest asset now. Only by making the director feel her contribution can she implement her own additional ideas.

Twenty-five-year-old Halle Berry is definitely the most beautiful stage of a woman. During this time, Wayne enjoyed another kind of beauty that was different from that of a white girl. This helped him relieve the anxiety and stress caused by intense work.


After the passion passed, Harry lay on his chest, looking at Wayne's profile with dark eyes and a lazy voice. "I heard that you have two scripts filed with the Writers Guild. Will the next one be a thriller?"

She could feel the change in this man's attitude toward her, even if it was just because of her efforts to please him. This is enough, she wants to get more from this.

"The next plan will take a long time." Wayne reached out and picked up the cigarette and fire from the bedside. "The post-production of this film will be completed around January. Warner will hold a media preview in February, and the release date is initially set for May. The box office feedback of this film will determine the timing of the next plan."

"Wow, this film will definitely be a success." Halle Berry asked curiously.

"Is the next film going to be a thriller?"

"Not exactly." Wayne shook his head. "If the results of this film meet expectations, I will make the next film in my own style."

Wayne is telling the truth. The biggest purpose of the first two films is to give him a foothold in Hollywood and give investment companies confidence. The cost of the next cheap production will definitely skyrocket, and it will no longer be possible to make this kind of low-cost production.

The biggest role of the film "Get Out" is to give Warners the confidence to pay for their subsequent major productions.

He understood what Halle Berry meant. This woman was desperately trying to please him during this period, and her personality changed very quickly, just for a possible opportunity.

Wayne is not someone who only knows how to take without giving anything. As long as she can accompany her to complete Warner's plan with peace of mind, in addition to what Warner gave her in the contract, her next project is suitable for the other party's role, so there is no harm in giving it to her. ?

Wayne put out his cigarette on the bedside and lowered his head to kiss her. "I know what you want, and it takes some patience!"

Hearing Wayne's words, Halle Berry's dark eyes were filled with joy. "How can I thank you?"

"Execute Haona's plan."

Wayne's eyes traveled across her delicate face, all the way down. "Harry, your figure is really hot and very charming."

After the charming night in the apartment passed, Wayne, like most men in this circle, kept his passion in the night and got up early to prepare for hard work.

The next day, Wayne arrived at the studio early in the morning. The filming of "Get Out" was in the final stage. The planned scenes in the studio would be shot today, and he would hand in simple landscape shots. To Luke.

After another morning of scattered shots, no one went to take a break for lunch today. They were all looking at the few people surrounding the monitor.

As the core creative staff of this team, production manager John, assistant director Luke, lighting engineer Steve, cameraman Robert and director Wayne all stared at the monitor screen and watched all the shots shot in the morning.

"Look here, Robert."

Pressing pause, Wayne pointed to the picture on the screen, which was a shot of maid Mays carrying fruit to the other actors in the living room.

"What you are using here is a horizontal parallel shot. Would it be better if you change the method and use a follow-up shot from the lower right side to get a close-up of Metz's profile?"

"Place the center of the shot on the side of Metz's face?" Robert gently pinched himself with his left hand, thought for a while and said, "I think it's okay. In this case, with post-production, it will be easier to give the audience a sense of weirdness."

"Reshoot this one." Wayne signaled to Luke and asked him to organize the actors to prepare. "For shots like this, we can increase the Mace focus and slightly blur the surroundings during post-production to increase the weirdness of the film and give the audience psychological hints."

"Everyone hasn't gone to dinner, so we can shoot." Robert saw that Luke had already begun to organize the actors' positions. He looked at the monitor again and went to arrange the camera positions.

After the shooting started, Wayne kept staring at the monitor. From the screen, he could clearly feel the change in Robert's shooting feeling. He nodded and shouted "cut!"

Several people came back to him and watched it again together. From time to time, they discussed the camera issues with him. Until everyone was sure that there was no problem, they all focused on his face as the director.

Looking at the dozens of people in the entire studio, Wayne said loudly with a smile: "All the scenes in the studio have been filmed, everyone has a day off!"

"Yes! I can finally rest!"

“holy s..”

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