Hollywood Drawing


Nina helped Wayne introduce the people she met in a low voice all the way. It wasn't until he entered the second-floor lounge that he sat down and took a breath.

There were people from three or four theater chains who just greeted him, and almost all of the theater companies that came to participate in the preview were relatively large groups.

Each theater chain is an important target for film distribution, because the quality of the films shown in their theaters directly affects the company's income. No film can be released in thousands of theaters casually.

These theater companies also have a complex and standard set of rules for introducing films. Only after they pass the review of their movie viewers, will the screening scale be determined based on the quality of the film.

The situation Wayne is facing is much better now. Compared with the screening of his first film "Happy Death Day", his past performance has affected the distribution strategies of Warner and various theater companies, and the large-scale opening has also Everything will fall into place.

The specific number of this range depends on the quality of today's films and the response of the previewers from all parties.

Because the film has been previewed by Warner screeners, and the response given by them and Jeff Robinov was very good, so the lineup invited by Warner today includes many media and famous film critics.

When she first came in, assistant Nina saw Todd McCarthy of The Hollywood Reporter and Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times.

Most importantly, without Nina identifying him, Wayne saw a pudgy famous film critic, Pulitzer Prize winner Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times.

He calculated in his mind that Warner Bros. was just a few film critics in public relations, and the expenses they spent were at least six figures.

Before the film started, he would not take the initiative to say hello to the film critics. He was only a small role, and they were only able to come because of Warner Bros.'s public relations.

At this time, this authoritative figure in the film critic field, Roger Ebert, was already sitting in the middle of the movie theater. He observed his surroundings and took the initiative to say hello to the film critic on his right.

"Good evening, Kenneth."

Kenneth Turan saw him stunned and replied. "Good evening, Roger. I didn't expect you to come to Los Angeles too!"

"Of course, I am very interested in this young director." Roger Ebert smiled and pointed at Wayne, who was sitting in the front row. "I only watched his last film "Happy Death Day" after the fact. He is a director with great ideas and potential, isn't he?"

Kenneth Turan also had a smile on his face. He curled his lips in his heart and resisted the urge to roll his eyes. interested? Stop talking nonsense, if it weren't for Warner's six-figure public relations fee, you wouldn't come all the way to Los Angeles!

In the first row of the theater, Wayne took his assistant and Halle Berry to sit among the main creators, and Nina kept looking back.

"Boss, not far behind us are two film selection experts from Imperial Cinemas. On their left are film selection experts from AMG. These two are the largest cinema chain companies in North America."

Following Nina's whisper, Wayne also looked back. There were a lot of people, and he couldn't see clearly who was who.

Then the assistant continued: "Several investigators from Warner Bros. sat among the fans at the back. It seems that they will receive first-hand information."

Questionnaires mingled among movie fans, a common practice among Hollywood studios. They can not only observe the audience's reaction immediately, but also collect first-hand information.

"Don't worry about them, Nina. The movie will start soon, so don't look around."

Following Wayne's reminder, the lights in the theater began to turn off one after another, and a beam of light was cast from the projection room at the back and hit the curtain at the front.

The big screen slowly lit up, and the theater, which was noisy just now, slowly became quiet. The film only has the title of Warner Bros. without any advertisements. After the title is a line of large words, Works by Wayne Greenberg!

"Well, the beginning of the arrest." Todd McCarthy, who was sitting at the back, muttered softly, took out a pencil and opened the book in his hand. This is the habit of many film critics. They take notes while watching and write a film review afterwards. Much more convenient.

The bright beginning directly highlights the theme, black boy and white girl. This kind of plot is a hot topic in this era and will attract the audience's curiosity and keep them watching.

"The language of the lens is well expressed. The seemingly warm tones reveal the pale background."

Todd McCarthy briefly recorded in his notebook, yes, maybe among the film critics here today, he is the only one who knows the director best because he has watched the previous "Happy Death Day".

The dystopian film immediately attracted his interest. Todd McCarthy studied that film carefully. Such a small-budget independent production actually produced a lot of new ideas.

After watching "Get Out" for just a few minutes, he knew that this film was also a dystopian thriller.

He can clearly feel that this young director has made great progress. Compared with the immature lens language of the first work, this one is much better.

As the plot slowly progressed, no more voices were heard in the theater, and Todd McCarthy also focused on the story.

More than half of the film was played without even realizing it, and the biggest feeling he felt was that the director used the language of the camera to make a story that should have been bright become weird and dark.

Especially from the time he entered the town to now, whether it is the suspenseful setting or the performances of the actors, even a senior moviegoer like him is full of interest in this story.

When the film came to the end and saw that the actor was not hypnotized, but actually put cotton in his ears, Todd McCarthy felt excited.

The black male protagonist plucked cotton from the chair and stuffed it into his ears, thus killing the opponent. And what is the significance of picking cotton? Because picking cotton is the most representative job for black slaves. . .

And those deer are also a metaphor for black people. This young director's grasp of the details of the film is simply outstanding.

Twisted film, this is Todd McCarthy's temporary definition of the film when he sees it here. From the fact that most of the audience in the theater were amused by the cold humor, to the accumulation of all the details in the final part, people will unconsciously feel chills on their backs and even their scalps will be numb.

Everyone was on tenterhooks with this black guy, and when they saw him start to fight back, everyone felt a hearty feeling of joy.

"He still pays too much attention to bloody scenes. Playing with dark humanity has simply become the director's instinct. It may also be his only excitement."

Todd McCarthy shook his head regretfully after seeing the end of the film. He had just seen Wayne Greenberg in the distance, a very young and refreshing man. I don’t know why he always likes to play with these things. Is it possible to leave this kind of discussion about human nature? Dark and twisted style, he can’t make movies?

This will not be Wayne Greenberg's last film, nor will it be the last film in which he uses "social evil" as the main entry point. Todd has seen similar directors with the same style, but No one can combine his personal style with the appeal of mass moviegoers like Wayne.

There were no subtitles added to the film. After it ended, the screen immediately went dark and the lights in the theater also came on. Many viewers were still immersed in the film, and it was not until half a minute passed that everyone realized that the film was over.

Not only the movie fans sitting in the back row, but also the large number of media reporters in the front half fell silent. Everyone looked at the director in the first row, as if he was brewing something.

Suddenly, I don’t know where it started, applause sounded like a tsunami, and the sound even reached outside the theater door, especially the crowd of movie fans in the back, who were still clapping their hands and shouting loudly!

The applause continued, and then John came over with his head lowered and gave him a thumbs up.

Originally, it was a common rule for everyone to applaud politely after watching a movie, and Wayne thought so too, but he didn't expect the applause to last for so long.

Fans in the back row have begun to line up slowly to go out. Warner Bros. investigators are now at the door of the theater, taking back questionnaires one by one from the hands of the talking audience.

"When the film is officially released, I will definitely call my friends to watch it again."

"Yeah, I kept my eyes wide open too, and I just didn't dare to miss any details."

Listening to the comments from the audience who walked out one by one, Warner's questionnaire surveyors were also constantly collecting feedback.




"A, this is a perfect horror thriller!"


The staff at Warner understands the target group of the film, and today they invited all these young people, but they were still taken aback by the overwhelming response from the audience.

These extremely eye-catching audience ratings make the staff very excited. According to today's screening trend, the film has a very high possibility of becoming a box office hit.

Wayne was still staring at the audience behind him and slowly walked out. The film critic invited by Warner Bros. had already left the theater first and went to the banquet hall of the hotel next to the theater, where there was also a reception.

The three main actors of the film have already gone to the second floor of the theater for interviews.

While Wayne was watching the audience in trance, John, the production manager of Warner Bros., hurried over.

"Oh my god! Wayne." John hugged him hard. "We have a good chance of success. Did you hear the applause of those people just now? Did you hear it?"

"Yes! John, yes, I heard it!" This hug interrupted Wayne's trance. It was the continuous applause just now, and he instantly felt that all the hard work was worth it.

"Oh, we have to go there quickly. Jeff asked me to come over and call you. He wants to introduce those people to you."

John slapped his forehead, took Wayne and the two women behind him, and came to the banquet hall together.

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