Hollywood Drawing

Seventy-eight-Unite those few

Throughout the screening of the movie, Wayne had been observing the reactions of these ordinary movie fans, which at least allowed him to confirm one thing, that is, this film did not appear to be acclimatized.

As long as there are no big problems, he believes that success has begun to wave to him again.

"Aren't you going to attend the press conference?" John suddenly remembered that Wayne, the film director, also had to shoulder the task of promoting the film.

"No need for today. The media stage belongs to actors like Will Smith, but starting tomorrow I will be participating in promotions with the team. If anything happens, please call me."

After the film is released, he will quickly lead the crew to participate in the film's promotional activities in accordance with the plan specified by Warner Bros.

As the film's second producer and director, Wayne also signed a ladder-share agreement with Warner Bros., so he had to do his best to promote it. The higher the film's North American box office, the more revenue it can earn.

He and John sat in the lounge for a while, then went out to find Halle Berry. Wayne wanted to go back and rest early. Now besides waiting for the box office statistics, he only had to think about the promotion of the film.

"Director Greenberg, don't you think the scale of those bloody scenes at the end of the film is very large?"

Before he and Halle Berry got into the car, two reporters ran over and asked loudly. "Will such large-scale bloody footage have an unnecessary impact on young people and students?"

He ignored the reporter, opened the car door and let Black Pearl sit in before turning back to answer.

"This is a thriller, and the film does have large-scale shots, so the MPAA gave it an R rating!"

After saying that, he got into the car and asked Sergey to leave immediately. This reporter was obviously sent by the tabloids to find trouble, otherwise they would not have asked him these questions. Larger media and newspapers would usually give Warner Brothers some face.

"Are we going back now?" Halle Berry looked back at the theater. When the media reporters went to interview the actors, her eyes were filled with jealousy.

"Yes, you will go to the promotional event with me tomorrow, and go back and have an early rest today."

After saying that, he closed his eyes and rested on the large sofa.

Also resting on the sofa with his eyes closed was Tom Cruise. After yesterday's grand premiere, "Terra" has been showing in theaters all day.

But the news Pat told him was not very good. The attendance rate during the day on Friday was not high, and it might be due to the working day, but he heard that even after dark, the theater attendance rate did not increase much.

Tom Cruise opened his eyes and glanced at the time. It was just past ten o'clock and he had to wait a while.

"Pat, how's things going?" He picked up the phone and called his agent.

"All 2 million US dollars have been spent!" Pat Kingsley's voice came from the receiver. "But Tom, based on the observations of Global Investigators in the theater, these 2 million US dollars will not have much effect. I suggest that subsequent investments be stopped."

“Let’s take a look at the box office on the first day!”

Tom Cruise hung up the phone, lowered his head and began to consider whether he should continue to invest. I'm afraid that no matter how much I buy at the box office, I won't be able to arouse the enthusiasm of movie fans!

That's right, the moment he noticed something was wrong with the movie's attendance rate, he began to think of ways to change the situation. It wasn't the first time that he bought the box office of a movie starring himself. This was an expensive and quick-effective method.

The public has a herd mentality, and he feels that as long as "Ambition" can win the box office championship, the film can still be saved.

Time passed in a tick-tock manner, and just when Tom Cruise was leaning on the sofa and about to fall asleep, Nicole Kidman walked over quickly holding a fax.

"Tom! The rough box office statistics are out!" She pushed her husband, watched him open his eyes, and put the fax in his hand on the coffee table.

"How's the box office? Read it for me, you know..." Tom Cruise rubbed his face hard and pointed at the fax sent by Universal Pictures.

""Earth Ambition" opened in 2,538 theaters today, with an average of 2,538 theaters per theater..."

“Talk about box office, Nicole!!”

Hearing her husband's impatient voice, she set her sights directly on the end. "Rough statistics of "Earth Ambition", the box office on the first day was US$9.98 million."

This number can only be said to be very average, less than what Tom Cruise and Universal expected. Don't forget, he invested US$2 million himself.

In Hollywood in the early 1990s, the screening cycle of each film was still relatively long, and box office numbers grew slowly. It's not like thirty years later, when the first week's box office could account for more than half of the film's total box office.

Therefore, this number is still acceptable. If the box office can grow steadily on Saturday and Sunday, it will not be difficult to reach the US$30 million expected by Universal Pictures.

"Okay, let's go to bed early!" After hearing the first-day box office announcement, Tom Cruise was half relieved and called his wife to go and have a rest together.

"Wait, Tom." Nicole Kidman waved the printing paper in her hand with an ugly expression. "There's some other news, bad news!

According to news from Universal Pictures, the first-day box office of "Get Out," an R-rated thriller, was second only to our "Phantom", with a whopping $9.75 million! "

"Aha?" Tom Cruise suddenly woke up, took the fax from his wife, and read it carefully. "It shouldn't be, how is it possible? I'll call Pat and ask her to find out what's going on?"

Nicole Kidman understands why he is excited. From this point of view, if he had not bought the box office himself, "Terra" would have lost to a low-budget thriller!

Although the box office figures on this fax may not be accurate, they will not be too different. The error will not exceed one hundred thousand dollars.

She herself was very surprised. When she thought that her fellow Australian might become famous through this film, her mood instantly became even more unpleasant!

"Nicole, we found the reason!" Tom Cruise hung up the phone, rubbed his temples with his hands, and said helplessly.

"What? How did that movie do that?" Nicole Kidman was also very confused. It stands to reason that the first choice of movie fans must be "Earth Ambition" with its superstars.

"African Americans and ethnic minorities." He threw the phone aside and leaned on the sofa tiredly.

Warner Bros.'s hype is very obvious, and it showed clearly on Friday.

Through early communication with various theater companies, the theater companies in North America that will release "Get Out" today have all arranged additional screenings in theaters near ethnic minority communities. Warner's film copies have also been specially provided to these theaters. Sent some more.

These African-American communities exist in major cities in North America, usually in the city center. Unlike white communities, these communities where ethnic minorities gather are basically slums.

For these people of color, when they choose entertainment methods, watching a movie is definitely the last choice.

But this film is different. Through long-term reports from Warner Bros.’s media and bottomless stories from various gossip tabloids, most black people have paid attention to this film.

The main actors in this film are black, especially Will Smith. Although he is not well-known in the film industry, he is very popular in the rap circle. He just won a Grammy not long ago.

The main entertainment for black people is rap. No form of entertainment can shake this. Will Smith has huge appeal among these compatriots.

These black compatriots rarely walked into the theater to buy tickets to support their idols.

There is also the director of the film. The director of this film has a black girlfriend, which is also quite rare.

Moreover, the director was willing to cast more than one black actor in the film, which made Wayne very popular among these black people.

Under Warner's publicity offensive, young people in various black communities immediately walked into the theater to see what kind of film it was.

And this is just the beginning. When these black people who have watched the film for the first time return to their communities, schools, and neighborhoods, they will watch the film with their friends, family, and classmates.

Just because in this famous novel, the black male protagonist kills all the white people in the end!

The reason is simple but powerful enough to support these glass-hearted groups and go to the theater to have a carnival together.

In fact, both Warner Bros. and Wayne underestimated the influence of publicity among the black community. They didn't realize it until the next day when Wayne led the team to fly to New York to promote the film.

In the same promotional event as last time, Warner held a fan meeting in Times Square in New York.

But today’s fan meeting. But the police in New York felt like they were facing a formidable enemy. Within two hours, they urgently dispatched three additional police forces.

Finally, in response to these police calls for help, the city government also dispatched a large team of riot police.

Wayne was a little confused when he looked at the dark crowd in the audience. The square was packed with movie fans, shouting the actors' names loudly. Wayne felt that it was the black guys who were confused.

Among all movie fans, black people account for at least one-third. This is definitely a big group of time bombs.

The host was also afraid of problems, so she quickly walked up to Wayne, interviewed the director in advance, and finished today's activities as soon as possible. She couldn't bear to look at the squeezed police officers.

"Director Greenberg, fans are particularly interested in knowing, when will you and Miss Halle Berry get engaged?"

The host handed him the microphone and pointed to the audience in a hidden way.

"Harry and I are in a stable relationship now, and thanks to the fans for their concern, we have agreed to focus on our careers for the time being. After all, we are both still too young!"

Wayne's answers were very common, and they were all communicated in advance.

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