Hollywood Drawing

Eighty-nine - over 100 million

Karl's face didn't look good after hanging up the phone, but he still had the patience to call his secretary. "Please notify the publicity and distribution department to cancel the follow-up publicity plan of "Ambition of the Earth" and stop the loss in time."

After the secretary went out, he hammered the table hard. Although this project was decided by his predecessor, he was watching the subsequent announcements.

It is now possible to declare the film a failure in advance, and it is not yet known how many years it will take to recoup the investment, which will seriously affect his trust in the board of directors.

Time passed by, and on Friday morning, Wayne sat down at the dining table and saw a magazine on the table and the box office statistics sent by Warner Bros.

Facts have proved that no amount of small tricks can change the enthusiasm of movie fans. After "Get Out" won the championship last weekend, it continued to maintain a high box office.

At the beginning of a new week, the film made a profit on Monday. On Tuesday, due to discounted movie tickets, the box office quietly increased, making 6.31 million U.S. dollars.

In four working days, the film received a total of 25 rooms. Including the four weeks of the first weekend, the North American box office reached US$75.62 million.

Looking at the statistics above, "Get Out" will definitely hit a box office of over 100 million this weekend. Starting next Monday, the film will begin its overseas screening tour. The success at the North American box office has given Warner Bros. great confidence.

And Wayne also discovered one thing, that is, after Universal Pictures saw that "Ambition" had no hope at the box office, the gossip tabloids' remarks to smear him decreased significantly.

From his point of view, Universal should have basically given up on "Ambition", and even the follow-up publicity has dropped. The fans who still insist on going into the theater to watch this film are basically all for Tom Clark. Ruth went.

Every summer in North America, the war begins in May and ends in July, with a three-month box office war in between. This is the most important movie schedule of the year in North America, with films aiming for high commercial returns released every week.

As long as this period starts, it will not give any film the opportunity to collect high box office for a long time. "Get Out" is in good luck, as other companies' films are deliberately avoiding Tom Cruise and there are no big releases this weekend.

Being able to have no strong competitors for two consecutive weeks in May is an opportunity for the film to hit the box office in a short period of time.

Starting a few years ago, a movie released in the summer season will earn one to half of the film's total North American box office within a week or even ten days.

Because they face strong challenges every week, production companies eager for quick success will use publicity methods to send movie fans into theaters as quickly as possible. Whether a film can be successful can be observed just by looking at the box office results on the first weekend.

"Get Out" has been in theaters for a full week, and the total box office for the entire week has successfully exceeded the $70 million mark. It can be said that this film's $100 million mark is definitely not its end.

Even if it is limited by the short running time of the thriller and the intense fighting in the summer season, Warner Bros. can foresee that this film will create a large amount of revenue for them.

"You look like you're in a good mood." Halle Berry yawned and walked into the restaurant in pajamas, looking at Wayne staring at the fax with a smile on his face.

She sat next to Wayne, tilted her head and glanced at the data on the fax paper. "Congratulations, the film was a huge success."

"Thank you, Harry." Wayne put down the statistics in his hand, picked up the milk and took a sip. "We can't say anything yet. The final results of the film will depend on this weekend's box office."

Although the audience reputation of "Terra", which was released at the same time, has seriously declined, no one dares to underestimate the appeal of Tom Cruise. Even if the first weekend results were not ideal, the four working days combined still created a good box office, and the box office for the week was The total also reached US$39.67 million.

"The film will definitely exceed 100 million this weekend. Now no one can stop the progress of the film." Jimmy suddenly walked in. He smiled and took the coffee Hela handed him and sat down at the dining table.

"Warner Bros. and I have communicated that this weekend is the last period of Warner Bros.' intensive promotion of the film, Wayne. Starting next week, they will put their main resources on other summer films."

"It's okay, I understand Jimmy, this is the summer season." Wayne had already thought of it. He knew that his agent was afraid that he would feel uncomfortable.

Starting from this Monday, the promotion of "Get Out" can be seen to be significantly strengthened. TV stations from HBO to TNT and ABC, print media from gossip tabloids to the three major newspapers in North America, various gossip magazines to Vanity Fair and The Hollywood Reporter In such professional magazines, film reporting information can be found everywhere.

Warner Bros.'s approach is very crude and simple, that is, before the film's popularity fades, try to achieve better box office numbers in the second weekend when there are almost no competitors.

This kind of publicity couldn't be given to "Get Out" forever, and Wayne knew that was the rule of the summer season.

"They took a good photo of you, you look like a star." Jimmy saw the magazine on the table. This was the latest issue of "Vanity Fair". The cover showed Wayne lowering his head and looking down at the camera, with a line of titles below. :

"Wayne Greenberg! Miracle worker!"

He opened the magazine and found the exclusive interview with Wayne. He looked at it and nodded. Although there were some discrepancies in the questions posted there, there were not many controversial issues.

After breakfast, Jimmy led Wayne to get busy again. The creators and main actors of the show were still promoting across the United States, and Los Angeles became Wayne's main base.

In the morning, he and Halle Berry had just completed an exclusive interview with the Los Angeles Times. In the afternoon, he was going to participate in a recording for a local TV station. The weekend was filled with busy promotional activities.

Originally, Warner Bros. arranged for him to appear on Oprah's talk show, but in the end he gave up the opportunity due to coordination issues with the other party.

He himself had no interest in Oprah Winfrey as a person, and he didn't like her warm embrace. Since it was all propaganda, he didn't feel it was a pity to give up.

The effect of Wayne's work in Los Angeles is very remarkable. Constant reports from various large and small media have always attracted the public's attention, prompting movie fans who took weekend vacations to buy tickets and enter the theater out of curiosity.

When the first ray of sunshine in the early morning in Los Angeles shone into the manor and another working day arrived, Wayne looked at the freshly released weekend box office statistics and a stack of newspapers brought by Nina, which gave him an unparalleled sense of accomplishment. .

All the media in North America seemed to be waiting for the weekend box office statistics. It was not until they saw the accurate figures that they suddenly burst into great enthusiasm. They were overwhelmingly praising "Get Out" and the director Wayne.

Statistics sent by Warner Bros. show that "Get Out" grossed 12 at the box office on Friday. More people came into the theater, and the attendance rate increased significantly. It scored 1 again. Because the next day was a working day, the box office was 12. It fell back and got $15.6 million...

A total of 571 profits were earned in the three days of the weekend, successfully exceeding US$100 million, reaching a terrifying US$127.36 million!

After seeing the accurate box office statistics, Wayne instantly felt that the mental exhaustion caused by the endless promotional work these days was gone.

At this time, not only was Wayne looking at the box office statistics, but in another mansion on Mulholland Road, Tom Cruise was also staring at the newspaper in his hand.

The dazzling weekend box office numbers of "7 Ambition" made him so angry that he wanted to smash everything on the table.

"Tom, don't pay too much attention to the box office numbers. Since this film is destined to be impossible to succeed, we have to make plans for the next project."

Pat Kingsley was also staring at a newspaper that reproduced a cover of Vanity Fair, a photo of Wayne looking down at the camera.

The effect of black and white newspapers and white magazines is completely different. At first glance, it will give people a signal that this is a successful person.

"This director is in his prime creative years, Tom." Pat Kingsley put down the newspaper and looked at his client.

"Pat!" Tom Cruise heard what she meant, which made him feel offended. "Don't forget, just last week, we just contacted the media to smear him."

"That was just a normal means of competition. You had no personal conflicts! The matter is over now."

Pat Kingsley's words made Tom Cruise think deeply. Yes, they have no personal conflicts. These things are too normal in Hollywood.

No one expected the failure of his film. He needed to regain success as soon as possible, and participating in that director's new project was indeed a shortcut.

"You keep an eye on that director's new project through CAA." Tom Cruise took a deep breath, glanced at the newspaper on the table, and told his agent.

"I will, Tom. Wayne Greenberg's first two films were almost seamless productions. I believe that an energetic young director like him will soon plan his next project.

Directors who have such a consistent streak of success are much less likely to miss. I believe no one can refuse to cooperate with a superstar, which will make the film naturally have commercial appeal. "

Seeing that his client understood what she meant, Pat Kingsley patiently explained.

The failure of a film is not the end of the world. A star of Tom Cruise's level is a scarce resource in Hollywood. As long as the films he participates in do not continue to hit the street, it will not be too difficult to maintain his status. .

As a competitor of Wayne Greenberg, no one knows the director's abilities better than Pat Kingsley. The main problem is how to convince his clients. It is not an easy task to get Tom Cruise to let go of his proud character.

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