Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1579: The future after the dust settles

"One more thing, boss. Since the beginning of the year, CNOOC and Royal Shell of the Netherlands have officially started negotiations on a 30 billion yuan integrated refining and chemical project. According to the information I have received, the negotiation has come to an end and the contract will be signed in the second half of the year at the latest. Not only that, PetroChina and Sinopec are also negotiating large-scale integrated refining and chemical projects. If all things come to fruition, it will put a lot of pressure on our investment in the refining and chemical industry in Jiangsu and Zhejiang."

The glass curtain wall of Shell Villa.

It's March 26th.


While the whole of Hollywood is paying attention to the Oscars ceremony in the evening, Simon took time this afternoon to sort out the various industrial layouts in China with Chen Qing.

Feeling the warmth of the afternoon sun outside the curtain wall, Simon crossed his legs and leaned on the sofa to listen to Chen Qing's report, while flipping through another report in his hand on the investment in China's textile industry by the Westeros system, and said, "Where does this project probably fall?"

"The site selection is uncertain for the time being, and many regions are vying for it. I have probably heard about Qingdao in Shandong, Ningbo in Zhejiang, and Huizhou in Guangdong." Chen Qing said, paused, and then said: "At that time, I will see if it can be operated, at least not in Ningbo."

Simon shook his head: "Don't do this kind of thing, it's too hateful, it might backfire."

Chen Qing said: "I will judge the scale."

"Speaking of things like scales." Simon curled his mouth slightly, and aimed at the girl next to him: "I don't believe you even more."

Feeling her boss' eyes, Chen Qing shrank her neck, and also understood that her boss knew that she was in the right place. It seemed, it seemed, she often went too far. Seeing that the man was still looking at her, she could only nod: "Okay, I won't interfere."

Simon looked back this time, turned a page of the information on his lap, and asked: "The investment is about 4 billion, so what is the approximate shareholding ratio?"

"Not surprisingly, it should be 50/50, 50% each," Chen Qing said: "The boss should be able to guess that CNOOC is in a hurry to prepare for another IPO, so it didn't strive for an absolute majority of the controlling stake. Royal Shell took advantage of it. PetroChina and Sinopec will definitely not be so easy to talk to."

In China's petrochemical industry, there is no requirement that state-owned capital must hold more than 50% of the shares. However, in the usual cooperation in the past, this rule was tacitly understood. Obviously, this time, as Chen Qing said, CNOOC's impatience gave Royal Dutch Shell a big advantage.

After all, CNOOC is not a local enterprise with few negotiating chips, but the core Chinese state-owned enterprise. The hidden resources it possesses are definitely not comparable to the local refining and chemical enterprises that cooperate with the Westeros system in China.

With these thoughts in mind, Simon didn't say much, but said to Chen Qing: "Don't worry about what other people do, we can just do our own two projects well. Moreover, with China's development speed and the prospect of joining the WTO, China's demand for olefin products will be in short supply for a long time in the future, and the competition in the industry will not be too fierce. In addition, China's tightening of access to the refining and chemical industry cannot last forever. In the next few years, we will just use the two projects in hand to cultivate our own management team and establish a complete procurement, production and distribution system. The timing is right in the future , Expansion is just a matter of words.”

Chen Qing listened with a serious expression, and nodded again and again: "The boss is still considerate."

Simon ignored this girl's flattery, and continued to flip through the information in his hand, while focusing on two purposes: "In terms of real estate, I saw the information, doesn't it seem to be too prosperous?"

Chen Qing nodded, with a gloomy look on her pretty face: "Boss, we seem to have spread our booth a bit too much. Although the state has successively introduced a series of policies to support the real estate industry, at least in the past two years, housing prices don't seem to have risen too high, and the market demand is not active enough."

"Isn't this a matter of course?" Simon was not surprised: "From welfare distribution to commodity economy, there will always be a transition period. What we have to do is to enter the market early."

Chen Qing whispered: "Boss, could you come in a little earlier?"

Simon smiled and shook his head. He didn't respond directly, but thought of a passage in Sun Tzu's Art of War, and read: "Anyone who goes to the battlefield first and waits for the enemy loses, and whoever goes to the battlefield later and pursues the battle will be exhausted. Therefore, those who are good at fighting are those who are good at fighting, but not others."

Of course Chen Qing understood, but she still complimented her: "Boss is so knowledgeable, what do you mean?"

Simon just glanced at her and said, "In short, if everyone finds that the market is getting hot and rushes in, how much profit can we make if we follow up?"

Chen Qing nodded, blinked her eyes, and continued: "The boss said so, I am relatively recent in the domestic stock market. After the bull market started last year, everyone is now discussing stock trading, tsk tsk."

Simon smiled and asked casually, "What about you?"

"Hey, I also invested a sum of money in last year, and it has doubled so far, and I am fully withdrawing."

Hearing that this girl knew she was about to start running, Simon didn't say much, just nodded slightly.

Chen Qing returned to the topic of real estate just now: "Actually, boss, I discussed it with President Wang of Vanke when I came here, and he asked me to ask, um, boss, how long do you think it will take for China's real estate industry to enter the next boom cycle?"

"After joining the WTO," Simon said, "In about a short time, the real estate industry reform in mainland China will be completely completed, economic growth will also accelerate due to joining the WTO, market demand will rise, and the prosperous period will come."

This argument obviously did not surprise Chen Qing. It was the same after reading various reports. However, Chen Qing thought about it and subconsciously lowered her voice a little: "Boss, in fact, since China and the United States signed the WTO accession agreement last year, there is another voice that is getting louder and louder. It is said that China's entry into the WTO is more likely to damage the domestic economy rather than benefit from it?"

"There must be damage," Simon didn't deny it, and said, "For example, China's agriculture will definitely lose its competitiveness in the face of mechanized large-scale production in Europe and the United States."

Chen Qing didn't expect her boss to be so straightforward, Wei Wei opened her mouth wide: "Huh?"

Simon glanced at her again and said, "Are you scared?"

Chen Qing is not the kind of person who doesn't eat minced meat. Her boss said it lightly, but after thinking about it along a certain line of thought, she was really a little scared: "Boss, it shouldn't be a big problem, right?"

Simon shook his head: "You have a generation, no problem."

Chen Qing breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the affirmative answer, but was also a little puzzled: "One generation?"

"The current generation of farmers in China still has a lot of obsession with the land. It's probably the kind. Even if they don't make money, they must never let their land go unused. This mentality is the biggest guarantee for China's agricultural production. However, when China's economy develops, the next generation, if they find that a catty of grain can't be exchanged for a bottle of mineral water, and they have been busy for a year, the harvest is not worth the investment." Simon shrugged slightly: "At that time, they probably won't have much enthusiasm."

Chen Qing subconsciously asked: "Then what should I do?"

Simon continued to turn over a page of the information in his hand, and said softly: "This is not my concern."

Chen Qing thought about it for a while, and suddenly felt that this is not something she should care about, anyway, she won't be hungry, not to mention her current position, so she put aside this matter and discussed with her boss about the textile industry issue he was reading.

While chatting, the sound of high-heeled shoes came, it was girl A, holding a blue folder in her hand.

As she walked closer, she handed the folder to her boss. Girl A said, "Boss, this is the latest news from Russia. The voting result is basically confirmed. Vladimir won 52%, an absolute majority."

Simon temporarily stopped discussing with Chen Qing, opened the folder that girl A handed over, and got serious.

Compared with the Oscars in the evening, this Sunday, Simon is more concerned about another presidential election held in advance in Russia in Europe.

Browsing the information in his hand, Simon was inexplicably in a daze.

This time, certain things, certain layouts, were completely settled.

The two girls stood and sat next to Simon, and they both clearly felt the inexplicable emotion revealed by their boss after hearing the news, which made them a little confused. They looked at each other, but neither spoke in a hurry.

After a while, seeing that her boss had finished flipping through only two or three pages of information, and seemed to be in a daze, Chen Qing finally spoke first: "Boss, what's wrong?"

Hearing the voice in his ear, Simon came back to his senses, smiled, glanced at the two women who were closest to him, and said in a strange way: "It's nothing, it's just that history has just been created, and then, I'm a little worried about the future."

Simon's words were a little thoughtless, but Girl A immediately realized that she was following someone after all, and Chen Qing thought about the documents in her boss's hands, and thought about the many actions of the Westeros system in Eastern Europe, and she quickly understood.

Russia's general election has its own boss.

Even, the one who was just elected, or was it pushed by his own boss? !

Thinking of this, Chen Qing became puzzled again. Her boss didn't seem to be happy about it, so she probed: "Boss, isn't this a good thing?"

Simon didn't nod or shake his head, but said, "I was just thinking about another future."

In other words, facing the doubts of the two girls, Simon did not continue.

Another future?

For example, without this election, the new president of Russia has changed to someone else, a real and complete puppet, so Russia, which has 17 million square kilometers of land, will disintegrate again one day in the future.

What will happen?

Moreover, in fact, Simon doesn't care about what will happen to Russia at all, but is a little worried about what will happen ten or twenty years later.

For people after the 1990s, to be precise, people living in most peaceful countries, it seems that the world will always be so peaceful.

Actually not.

In the long history of mankind, there are only a few peaceful times, and most of the time, they are actually in a state of war.


warn never change!

Therefore, it may not be possible to predict exactly when the peaceful period after the 1990s will end, but it is inevitable that there will be a day.

Again, because it is easier to plunder than to produce, because it is easier to destroy than to build, because it is easier to blame others than to reflect on oneself.

Thinking of this, feeling that the two pairs of beautiful eyes around him were still looking at him, Simon glanced over, smiled, and said, "Do you remember when the Soviet-German non-aggression pact was signed during World War II?"

The question was a bit confusing, and girl A was still a little confused, but Chen Qing had already said, "1939?"

Simon nodded: "Then, two years later, Germany launched an attack on the Soviet Union."

The two girls still looked puzzled.

Simon smiled again and said: "I was just thinking, if one day, the world situation becomes tense again, maybe many people think that the third world war will not break out, but they may have forgotten that the outbreak of the first world war was only because of an assassination. However, was it really only because of an assassination? No, because everything is inevitable, because the development of the mainstream countries in the world at that time has entered a bottleneck. , In fact, I don’t blame them, because doing so is too difficult and takes too long, and it may require some people to give up their vested interests, how is this possible? Compared with it, it seems easier to launch a war and destroy one’s competitors.”

The two girls both felt the inexplicable heaviness in their boss's tone, and Chen Qing hesitated a little, then said again: "Boss, why did you say this?"

Simon lowered his head, flipped through several pages of election results statistics from Russia again, and said: "It's just some emotion, but if one day, um, for example, things progress again, a group of nuclear-armed countries suddenly jump out and say that we should sign an agreement that absolutely cannot launch a nuclear war. After all, destruction is not good for everyone. Then, what do you think will happen next?"

Chen Qing subconsciously continued, "Nuclear war?"

"I hope not," Simon suddenly lost interest, let go of the information in his hand, stood up, stretched his body, looked at the two girls around him, and smiled again: "No work, go out to play."

Chen Qing echoed: "Boss, what are you playing?"

That's a problem.

Simon thought for a moment before he said, "Drag racing, from Los Angeles to San Francisco, and come back before the Melisandre party at night, how about it?"

Chen Qing didn't nod this time, but looked at girl a.

Well, drag racing is quite dangerous, what's more, the last time his boss touched the steering wheel, he probably doesn't remember.

Simon didn't wait for the two girls to agree, but already walked out by himself. I'm not in a good mood, so I plan to indulge and stimulate.

Then, come back and think about how to fix it.

After all, this time is not the past, he does not need to follow the trend, but has enough strength to change many things.

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