Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1583: Earning Crazy

Suzhou China.

In mid-April, in the scenic area of ​​Jinshu Film and Television City in the west of the city, the beauty of ten miles of peach blossoms in spring has come to an end, but because it has frequently appeared in various film and television programs in recent years, coupled with the month-long Peach Blossom Festival held by the Film and Television City this year Recently, there are still a lot of tourists, and the organizers had to take measures to limit the flow in the busiest days of the past few days, which inevitably aroused heated public opinion again.

It is no exaggeration to say that Jinshu Film and Television City is already the most famous man-made scenic spot in China.

When visiting Taohuawu area, you must go to the Sansheng Stone Bank where you can take pictures. This is Thursday, April 13.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, this place was once again surrounded by a film crew. The passing tourists wanted to protest for a while, but when they saw a group of girls in ancient costumes who were quite outstanding, they couldn't help but calm down and watch instead.

Many people also recognized that this is the contestant of the model contest that CCTV has been broadcasting for the past two months.

I didn't expect to see a real person.

Coupled with the attire at this time, many people couldn't help but think of a word, beautiful and picturesque.

Not long after, another face that was more familiar to the public appeared, Shen Gui, the famous model who had won great reputation internationally together with Jian Xin, Tao Yuelei, Jiang Mi and other girls. Moreover, compared with Jian Xin and Tao Yuelei, who mainly focus on overseas, because of last year's "Time Like Water", which was popular with young bourgeois youths, Shen Gui's domestic popularity or closeness to the people is even higher.

If it is not blocked by the security team, the other party is also working. Many tourists have already stepped forward to ask for autographs. It is best to take a group photo. However, even though they couldn't come forward immediately, many people deliberately stayed and waited, just for the last chance to make contact.

\u0026nbv Model Contest was launched in early March, with one episode every Saturday, a total of eight episodes, and it is now coming to an end. It is expected to end at the end of April, and the top three contestants will go to the United States to participate in the finals of the 2000 Elite World Elite Model Contest.

Not to mention the follow-up, because the ratings are very good, CCTV and elite have initially finalized their intention to cooperate in the second phase of next year.

For this project, Simon knew about it from the very beginning, and once again felt the degree of openness in this era. After more than ten or twenty years, of course there are similar programs, but the one that can be on CCTV is still CCTV. Anyway, Simon I have no impression.

Apparently, I also know that I occupy the most popular scenic spot in Taohuawu area. In order to avoid taking too long and causing public anger, a total of 16 model contestants, including the staff, are methodical and agile, taking pictures and taking pictures. Single pose group pose host Explanation, etc., a series of processes were officially completed in just over an hour.

However, after work was over, the time was approaching five o'clock in the evening.

All the tall girls and their staff were able to evacuate smoothly, but Shen Gui was surrounded by a group of people asking for autographs and group photos when she was about to leave. Now that she had decided on a career development strategy that favored the domestic market, Shen Gui also showed great patience. It made a group of girls who got on the battery car and left envious, and hoped that they could have similar scenery in the future.

After being surrounded for seven or eight minutes, everyone else had already left, and Shen Gui was able to escape under the protection of the security guards. She took her assistant and An Xiaohan, the president of Elite China Branch, who was waiting beside her, into a smaller battery car.

After the car started and left the enthusiastic crowd, An Xiaohan smiled and said, "Isn't it great to be a big star?"

Shen Gui just smiled, and she also noticed the envy of those young goblins when they left. However, thinking about some of the girls whose appearance is not much worse than hers, it is inevitable that some of the former waves are worried about the latter.

But of course it won't be said.

An Xiaohan noticed Shen Gui's expression, hesitated a little, but didn't say anything after all.

In fact, the group of girls just now, or, since the audition in the early stage of this project, An Xiaohan has received some instructions from Chen Qing, and the content is not difficult to imagine.

The best, of course, is reserved for someone big.

Moreover, considering that too many aspects are staring at this group of goblins, there are more wolves than meat. In order to avoid being entangled, some outstanding ones have been quietly screened out in advance, and they did not participate in this show at all, but were sent by Chen Qing Take it away, the golden house hides the charm.

It is still conceivable that those who are selected will inevitably become competitors of the girls around them.

However, An Xiaohan also understood that these things were beyond her control. In this circle, I have never seen anything. For example, Shen Gui and the others are already very lucky. An Xiaohan does not deny that she will occasionally feel jealous in her heart. If they are replaced by others, well, she is just an innocent manager anyway. .

The two of them did not return to the station with the crew, but rushed to the foot of Dayang Mountain to meet Chen Qing, who had returned from the United States a few days ago, and they invited them to have dinner together at night.

Shen Gui took out a makeup mirror from her white Gucci satchel to check her makeup, and heard that An Xiaohan called Chen Qing to confirm where the other party was. over there?"

An Xiaohan nodded, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional: "Online games, guess what, how much did Jiangnan Interactive Entertainment earn in the past year?"

Shen Gui shook her head, she didn't care about this kind of thing, she has been busy in recent years, she didn't even have time to follow the trend and play online games in private, she just asked with a smile: "How much?"

An Xiaohan glanced at the driver and assistant in the front row, paused, moved closer to Shen Gui, and whispered in her ear: "260 million, net profit."

Shen Gui knows that there are many

Selling a super-phenomenal video game with a revenue of 1 billion US dollars, but she also understands the concept of a yearly net profit of 260 million in the domestic market, and she can't help being a little speechless: "Really?"

An Xiaohan motioned her to keep her voice low, and said, "Of course it's true. I heard everyone chatting at a dinner party in the capital a few days ago. Many people were gearing up and wanted to go in and get a share."

Shen Gui is a girl with a very clear stand. Even if the money does not fall on her, she still understands the weight of a certain man in it, and she can't help but say: "They, shouldn't they pose a threat to Jiangnan Huyu?"

"Of course, the technical content channels, etc. Jiangnan Interactive Entertainment and the advantages of several other companies are not comparable to others." An Xiaohan's tone was firm, but he continued: "However, I think if this side is smart enough, it should They will take the initiative to give up some markets, um, it seems that they are already doing this, after I heard the news, I checked it on the Internet, and the online game companies in the past two years have been quite flourishing."

Shen Gui can also understand the joints, the tree attracts the wind, not to mention the huge profits, if she eats alone here, she will definitely be targeted.

Thinking of this, Shen Gui shrugged like Westerners: "Don't think about it, anyway, these have nothing to do with you and me, let's just take care of ourselves at ease."

Hearing what Shen Gui said, An Xiaohan could only smile and nod.

Really can only envy.

The two chatted casually, left the film and television city area, changed cars, and went all the way to the headquarters of Jiangnan Interactive Entertainment at the foot of Dayang Mountain.

It's past the off-duty time, and the office building of the headquarters of Jiangnan Interactive Entertainment is still busy. Just looking at the bustling scene, the two women can't help thinking, whoever makes money if this kind of company doesn't make money.

The two of them didn't know that the reason for this was indeed because of the excellent performance of Jiangnan Interactive Entertainment. Then, the wages, bonuses and overtime pay were enough, and the employees were of course very motivated.

However, on the other hand, it is also because of the lack of IT talents in China, especially top-level IT talents, so companies such as Jiangnan Interactive Entertainment use one employee as two.

no way.

Fortunately, thinking about working here for a year, the salary and bonuses are added together, and many employees with a little qualifications can get 100,000 plus. With the current housing prices, they can even directly buy a house in Suzhou City. Everyone is fine. Complaints, after all, many people in this era only have a salary of two to three hundred yuan.

Of course, the high salary strategy is also a last resort.

If you don't give it, people will run away.

In the current circle, whether it is the first comer or the latecomer, whether it is a river dragon or a local snake, in order to dig people, all the hoes are frantically wielding. After all, online games are so lucrative that there is even a rumor that drug trafficking is more profitable than drug trafficking and has been spread quietly.

The two of Shen Gui arrived, and Chen Qing was still in the meeting.

About the performance summary of the first quarter, and a summary of a series of projects that Jiangnan Interactive Entertainment is operating and developing.

The reason why I personally attended this meeting that lasted for an entire afternoon was also because of the brilliant performance of Jiangnan Interactive Entertainment.

At the end of 1998, Chen Qing told her boss that at that time, Jiangnan Interactive Entertainment expected annual revenue of 120 million yuan and a net profit of 30 million yuan. billion, with a net profit of more than 100 million.

However, it turned out that she was still too conservative.

Even with the competition from Paradise Online, Xiangshan Technology, Hudong Global and other large and small companies outside the circle, in 1999, with the three main games "Paradise", "Counter-Strike ol" and "Happy Farm" and For some other products, the revenue of Jiangnan Interactive Entertainment’s game business alone exceeded 800 million yuan in 1999, which was 60% higher than the expected revenue of 500 million yuan.

Not only that, with an ultra-high net profit rate of nearly 30, the annual net profit of the game business has also reached 260 million, which does not include the share paid to overseas game developers such as "Paradise".

In a word: earn crazy!

As a result, even if Jiangnan Huyu and other companies try their best to hide their financial data, all kinds of information will inevitably spread rapidly. In order to avoid envy and hatred, even though many adjustments have been made in terms of equity and other aspects, each family has to add some mitigation measures since the beginning of the new year.

Shen Gui and An Xiaohan waited patiently for more than half an hour before Chen Qing ended the meeting.

Everyone got together, and went to the nearby club-style Chinese restaurant, and asked for a small box. Not long after the three women sat down, another guest arrived. It was Zhu Momo's mother, Mo Yiling.

Seeing that Shen Gui and An Xiaohan were still there, Mo Yiling was obviously surprised, which also made the other two women, who were quite smart, realize that the two of them might be used as a shield.

I just don't know what Mo Yiling wants to talk about, and Chen Qing obviously doesn't want to talk to him.

Could it be Zhu Momo?

Mo Yiling was already powerless to interfere with the affair between her daughter and a certain man, what's more, if she really wanted to talk about it, she wouldn't talk to Chen Qing.

In fact, it is also for Jiangnan Mutual Entertainment.

In order to attract Jiangnan Interactive Entertainment and other Internet new technology companies, the local government gave very favorable conditions for tax reduction and exemption. Simply put, tax exemption for two years and half reduction for three years, and corresponding subsidies.

Moreover, as long as the conditions for high-tech companies are met, basically, as long as the policy does not change, there will be permanent income tax benefits in the future.

Referring to some cases in the West and China, under normal circumstances, high-tech companies are unlikely to be profitable for many years at the beginning, so similar

The discount, in fact, is the most important one, the subsidy. As a result, there are so many cases of fraudulent subsidy all over the country, and an industry was even formed later.

No one expected that the momentum of Jiangnan Interactive Entertainment would be so strong.

Mo Yiling asked Chen Qing to have dinner together this time, just to discuss, it's very simple, Jiangnan Interactive Entertainment, can we make some contributions to the district in advance.

Seeing that Chen Qing brought two other people over, Mo Yiling roughly understood the other party's attitude. However, she was not the kind of person who would give up easily. Shen Gui and An Xiaohan left first. The two girls had no choice between Chen Qing and Mo Yiling. They instinctively took Chen Qing's side. After all, Mo Yiling didn't have much direct relationship with them. Hearing this, they looked at Chen Qing. Qing, got confirmation, and then got up to leave.

When only Chen Qing and Mo Yiling were left in the private room, seeing that the hint was invalid, Chen Qing also went straight to the point: "Aunt Mo, you may also know that in the past two years, we have made enough concessions, and we can't give up any more. .”

Mo Yiling also went straight to the point: "The problem is, you haven't given much benefit to the district."

This is the truth.

However, it is also an inevitable choice.

A district in sz city, no matter how big it is, is only a department-level organizational system, which also means that for a high-quality enterprise like Jiangnan Interactive Entertainment, not to mention the area under its jurisdiction, even the entire sz city can only try its best to win over.

As for which county magistrate is not as good as the current one, after all, it depends on the background of the party being managed. Jiangnan Interactive Entertainment, if we talk about the background, the word "Tongtian" is not an exaggeration at all.

For this reason, the balance of all kinds of benefits adopted here, and all kinds of benefits, fall into the district, but there are very few.

For example, the shares of Jiangnan Interactive Entertainment, a part of the state-owned assets actively introduced, directly come from the national prefix of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. There are also some private financing. According to some information, Mo Yiling can roughly guess some kind of inside story behind the scenes.

In the final analysis, Chen Qing's strategy is to 'grasp the main contradiction'. To put it bluntly, her own side is the shield, and whichever side of the spear may pose a threat to her side, she will manage that side.

Inside the box.

The two women were straight to the point, and the atmosphere couldn't help but feel a little stalemate.

After a while, it was Chen Qing who spoke first: "Aunt Mo, we are serious business people, and the few chickens placed here are not yet ready to lay eggs. Well, I mean, what do you want, the premise is Is it that I can promise you?"

Mo Yiling didn't answer directly, but took out a stack of materials from the satchel he was carrying: "Let's talk about Jiangnan Interactive Entertainment's financial report for the past year, Xiao Qing, don't you think the transfer of benefits is too obvious? So much money has been transferred abroad as a share, and the losses in other businesses outside the game have also been too large?"

If it was someone else, Mo Yiling might have to feel guilty when he brought out the materials, but Chen Qing was not affected at all: "Aunt Mo, it is useless for you to use this as a bargaining chip. If there are any objections in the district , as long as the request is made, we can relax and cooperate with the audit."

Seeing that Chen Qing was indifferent, Mo Yiling was not disappointed. He still pressed the materials in his hand and said, "It's against the rules, but it's against reason. Xiaoqing, you're so smart, you should know better than me. In China, reason is often more important than Rules are more important."

"The problem is," Chen Qing blinked, "our big boss is foreign capital."

"Foreign capital in China must abide by our rules, otherwise it will not last long."

The two strong women, big and small, went back and forth for more than half an hour, and finally reached a tacit understanding.

Chen Qing promised that in the next two years, an additional 300 million U.S. dollars will be invested here in the field of new Internet technology, including purchasing land, building staff dormitories, and providing start-up funds for start-ups, so as to cooperate with the establishment of the area east of Dayang Mountain. Plans for a new technology industrial park.

As long as the plan is achieved, on the basis of the original large-scale pole pattern on the east and west sides of Suzhou, one for cultural tourism and the other for industry, with Dayang Mountain as the boundary, the entire Huqiu District will form a small pole pattern, with culture and entertainment on one side and entertainment on the other. It is network technology.

In fact, plans for a new technology industrial park in the eastern part of Dayang Mountain had already been brewing last year, and Chen Qing was just going with the flow this time.

As for Mo Yiling, at first she hoped to win a share of Jiangnan Interactive Entertainment for the district. After all, with the growth momentum of this company and with reference to the almost crazy stock prices of new technology companies overseas, if she wins some shares now, she will definitely win in the future. It will increase in value to a considerable fortune.

It's a pity that Chen Qing obviously expected in advance that even if the initial investment of 1 billion RMB was raised all the way to 300 million US dollars, she still didn't let go of the shares.

This is also helpless.

After several consecutive transfers, the shares currently held by the Westeros system in Jiangnan Interactive Entertainment have barely exceeded 50, which can be regarded as a majority holding, and the absolute controlling stake will be lost if it is less. Therefore, at least before the IPO, the shares of Jiangnan Interactive Entertainment will not be split and diluted. As for the re-arrangement from the beginning of the year, it is basically the transfer of profits from other aspects, and no longer involves equity transfer.

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