Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1586: Reform? !

When Yu Tingyu left, Simon leaned on the back of the mahogany chair, sipped tea, continued to enjoy the scenery outside the window, and casually asked Ren Jingxi who was opposite: "How is your side? I heard that a recent Kung Fu reality show Is the program good?"

"Yeah," Ren Jingxi was inexplicably happy when he heard him talking to him, but he suddenly felt that he was the same as Wuling, and continued: "However, I only plan to do one season. Someone reminded me that this kind of A show that leans toward real fighting doesn't quite fit, um, the current environment."

Simon smiled: "Yeah, it's fine to fight and fight in movies, but it's really not good in reality."

Ren Jingxi's delicate eyes glanced over: "You, heh, really look like a Chinese."

Simon raised his chin slightly on purpose, as a gesture of pride: "I have a Chinese name."

Ren Jingxi was curious: "What?"

Mo Wuling also slightly opened his eyes wide.

Before Simon could open his mouth, Chen Qing had already said in a somewhat disruptive manner: "Lianhua Westeros."



Simon glared at a certain girl with feigned anger, shook his head with a smile, and said, "It's just a joke. My proper Chinese name has Chinese characteristics. It's called Jianguo, Westeros Jianguo, how about it?"




Now the three girls are speechless together.

In fact, Chen Qing had heard her boss joke about it before, but neither Chen Qing nor the other two girls would ever be able to get this deep-sea stalk separated by an entire parallel time and space.

After a moment of silence, Ren Jingxi remembered something about himself, and said again: "Simon, when it comes to the name, I have always planned to change my company. The name of Huanzhu Film and Television is too narrow. This time , just to ask for your opinion."

When Ren Jingxi said that, Chen Qing immediately became vigilant, but before she could think of an excuse to stop her, Simon said, "Do you have any ideas?"

Ren Jingxi looked directly at a certain man and said, "Metropark, what do you think?"

Simon shook his head and smiled: "Is this too straightforward?"

Mo Wuling also looked over with a look of surprise on his face, unexpectedly... this is too bold. However, I couldn’t help but think wildly, if I, um, Wei Wu, Wei Ling, didn’t sound as pleasant as Wei Jing.

Chen Qing finally came to her senses, and rushed to answer the conversation: "Yes, Jin Shu will have opinions on changing this name, and it may cause many people to speculate. Anyway, it's too high-profile, so it's not good."

Because of the presence of a certain man, Ren Jingxi was not afraid of Chen Qing, and retorted: "I'm not afraid of these gossips."

After speaking, he looked at someone expectantly.

Simon shrugged: "If you don't think there is a problem with this name, of course I have no problem."

To be honest, Weijing, this name is indeed a bit too blunt and high-profile, but with Simon's current status, he really doesn't care about it. As long as the opposite girl can bear some of the consequences of this name.

"That's it." Ren Jingxi didn't give someone a chance to repent, and there was a bit of joy on her pretty face: "I'll call the capital later to start the name change procedure."

Seeing things turned out like this, Chen Qing immediately looked at Simon pitifully: "Boss, I want it too."

Simon put the almost bottomed teacup on the table, and was about to get the teapot next to him. Mo Wuling had already picked it up, leaned over to refill his tea slightly, nodded his thanks to the girl, and turned to Chen Qing: "What do you want?" ?”

"Wei Qing," Chen Qing said, "I also want to register a company called Wei Qing."

"This, sounds far-fetched, doesn't it?"

When the two words 'Weijing' are put together, they feel very harmonious for no reason, and 'Weiqing' suddenly feels a bit nondescript.

Chen Qing pouted and acted like a baby, and even grabbed her boss's big hand and began to shake: "I want this."

Simon could only agree again: "I don't care, it's yours anyway."

Chatting so casually, the time soon came to noon.

Simon had lunch with the three girls, sent Ren Jingxi, who hadn't left, to go to the garden by himself, and returned to the study on the second floor of the third-floor library with Chen Qing.

A world map has been hung up here in advance.

Simon went straight to the point, picked up a pen and drew a large circle in Southeast Asia, and said to Chen Qing: "Next, the investment layout of the Westeros system in Asia will be adjusted, and the investment strategy for China will remain unchanged, but, At the same time, we must strengthen the development of Southeast Asia."

Standing beside her boss, Chen Qing scanned the country map of Southeast Asia one by one, and asked curiously, "Boss, why?"

Southeast Asia was just destroyed three years ago by international speculative capital such as Soros headed by the United States. In Chen Qing's view, this actually has the consideration of restraining the economic development of Southeast Asian countries.

Now, why the other way around?

Simon didn't hide it either, and reached out his hand to make a few virtual circles in Mexico below the United States, Ukraine in Eastern Europe, and even Angola in Africa, and said: "It's very simple, considering the interests of the Westeros system, I don't want to put eggs in one basket."

Chen Qing blinked, and if she realized something, she bent her lips and said, "I always thought that the boss was very optimistic about China, but now it seems that I still underestimated the boss's opinion of China?"

Simon didn't deny it, and stretched out his hand to pinch Chen Qing's chin with a smile, and said, "The problem is, you still only saw half of it."


Qing tried to lower her head and hook her boss's big hand with her chin, but failed. Hearing this, she tilted her head slightly as if thinking, and after a while, some uncertain flashes of light flashed, and she hesitated: "Boss, you, um, you don't like the United States. Prospects?"

Simon didn't answer right away, but talked about another seemingly irrelevant thing: "Have you learned some history about the Age of Discovery?"

Chen Qing shook her head suspiciously: "Not much."

Simon stepped forward a little, and tapped on the Spanish territory of Europe: "The first maritime overlord, Spain, at its peak, and later the empire on which the sun never sets, was just a group of pirates in the eyes of the Spaniards. Guess, Spain is How did it decline?"

Chen Qing directly shook her head this time: "I don't know."

Simon smiled and said: "The decline of a country often has quite comprehensive reasons, and it cannot be purely due to one aspect. However, one of the most important points of Spain's decline is that at its peak, Spain controlled the world. More than 80% of gold and silver mining rights."

Chen Qing was a little confused, and didn't quite understand the causal relationship.

Isn't it a good thing to have more than 80% of the gold and silver deposits in the world?

Simon continued: "Your first reaction will probably be, isn't this a good thing? The problem is that because you have mastered a huge amount of gold and silver mineral resources, you almost have the inexhaustible currency that was commonly used in the world at that time, so, Spain keeps giving up other low-profit industries, and buys everything it needs with money, so that in the end, even warships and munitions need to be purchased from other countries. Think about it, what is the result?"

Chen Qing reacted, and quickly organized the language to continue: "As a result, because of the lack of strong national defense and livelihood industry support, when the war broke out, the former Armada was defeated by the pirate country that I have always looked down upon?"

"That's right."

Chen Qing drew inferences: "What does the boss mean, the United States is now on a path similar to Spain because it has broken away from the gold standard and can theoretically issue unlimited U.S. dollars?"

Simon's eyes fell on the world map in front of him again, and he nodded when he heard the words: "The same method but the same effect."

Chen Qing was not sure: "Boss, I think the United States should not repeat the mistakes of Spain, after all, it is not hundreds of years ago."

"The only lesson history has taught mankind..."

"...It's just that human beings never learn their lessons," Chen Qing answered skillfully, but then said again: "However, things are not absolute, isn't the boss just planning for a rainy day?"

Simon shook his head: "The key is that the general trend of a society is difficult to reverse."


Chen Qing caught a certain word and felt a little weird. The two had been talking in Chinese. She thought that her boss should not misuse the difference between 'country' and 'society', so she asked: "Then, what about the country? ?”

Simon smiled bitterly: "It is possible for the country, but these days, I have considered some possibilities and asked the affiliated think tank to make some models."

Sure enough, there is nothing wrong with it.

Chen Qing made up her mind, and seeing her boss stop talking halfway through, she asked curiously, "What model?"

"About the model of reversing the future through certain means," Simon hesitated a little, but said: "Just like Spain once, the United States now has the dollar advantage and can directly print money to buy large amounts of material, but, as you can imagine, this Certainly it cannot last forever. Therefore, if you want a society that has gradually relied on direct money printing and hidden plunder to turn back to self-sufficiency in production, you must forcibly change many things, such as high prices that cannot be supported by actual national strength. Social welfare, another example is the ever-shortening working hours. Oh, now many European countries are constantly reducing working hours, eight hours, six hours, or even five hours and four hours. You Chinese must think that this is an advanced civilization. symbol, right?"

Chen Qing couldn't deny it, so she nodded.

Simon shrugged: "The question is, if a person works only a small amount of time a day, is the material produced enough for him to live a good life? Of course, there must be differences in individual productivity, but at the level of society as a whole, think about it Look, everyone only works 6 hours a day, up to five days a week, and there are various holidays during the period, so, is the material produced by this society enough to satisfy everyone's superior life?"

Chen Qing didn't know how to answer for a while.

Simon glanced at the girl beside him, and said with a smile, "You probably think, isn't that the case in some countries in Western Europe?"

Chen Qing nodded slightly again.

Simon said: "This is because Europe or the entire Western world still has enough technological and cultural advantages, so they can sell their products made in 6 hours to other basic industrial products that can be produced in 60 hours or even 600 hours in other backward countries. Quite high price, and then conduct an unequal exchange to get the materials you need. But, then, do you think this technological and cultural advantage can last forever, and once it can’t last?”

Chen Qing was stunned.

The result is certainly predictable.

Simon didn't wait for her to answer, and shrugged again: "So, this is not an advanced civilization, and it can even be said that it is very despicable. In my opinion, the reason why human civilization is civilization is the difference from animals. One point is that we can take the initiative to engage in production, rather than hunting, or more bluntly, plundering, to fill our stomachs like animals."

Chen Qing calmed down for a while, and returned to the topic just now: "Then, what is the reversal of the United States that the boss said?"

"I've just said it, it's very simple, cut high welfare, restructure social distribution, reform the labor system, etc."

Chen Qing was puzzled: "Can't it be done?"

Simon's big hand allocated on the world map returned to China, and said with a smile: "These things, according to your Chinese side, are actually another very appropriate word, do you know what it is called?"

Chen Qing didn't react for a while: "What?"

"Reform," Simon still smiled, but the smile was a little cold: "The people who started the reform in Chinese history, whether they succeeded or failed, tell me, how many people have a good end?"

A series of names quickly flashed through Chen Qing's mind, from Shang Yang to Wang Anshi, from Zhang Juzheng to the Six Gentlemen of 1898, um, it seems... for a while, I really couldn't think of a few that were considered complete. Shang Yang's reform was successful, and then he was torn apart by the car. Wang Anshi failed and died in depression, which also led to the long-term tearing of the Northern Song Dynasty. Zhang Juzheng's reform extended Ming Dynasty's life for a hundred years. After his death, his house was blocked and his family was ransacked, and his descendants were starved to death. As for the Six Gentlemen of 1898, this is more straightforward.

Beside, Simon quickly continued: "I am not great enough to be willing to sacrifice my life for others. Moreover, the situation in Western society is different from that in China. For example, in the United States, if you want to change, you must first change the existing political system to a considerable extent. Otherwise, the White House and the Congress will check each other, and the central government and the local government will fight each other, so nothing can be done at all.

A word came to Chen Qing's mind. After thinking about it, she said, "Isn't the boss always working quietly? I don't think there is such a possibility?"

"Yes, there is such a possibility," Simon said, "Then, the problem comes back to the reform just now. Even if I try my best to realize this possibility, it will actually hurt the interests of all vested interests from top to bottom." Rights and interests, even if these rights and interests don't change, they can't last for too long at all, but they still only feel that they have been hurt, and then, you understand."

Chen Qing nodded slightly.

Simon said: "So, it's the current state. It's not bad for all classes. If things are messed up, even if the situation is the most extreme, at most the government will resign collectively, and then let them choose some people to come to power."

"But, this doesn't solve the fundamental problem, does it?"

"Of course," Simon said, "so, once we encounter an economic crisis like the Great Depression in the United States, it's hard to say what will happen. Heh, when I was thinking about these issues, I was a little worried. Fear, I'm a capitalist after all."

Chen Qing blinked, changed her mind a little, and immediately understood what her boss was worried about.

A spark.

Thinking about the fact that I and my boss are grasshoppers on the same boat, the one who even has children, thinking about it, Chen Qing is inevitably a little worried: "Boss, what should we do?"

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