Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1599: It's so fake

"Simon, I'm surprised. Haven't you been increasing your investment in China in recent years? Why are you suddenly interested in Southeast Asia?"


In the new week after Easter, Simon flew to the capital on the east coast, mainly to communicate in person about Clinton's visit to Vietnam in August. After finishing the business during the day, the night is another White House private dinner.

It was not the president and his wife who asked the question, but Al Gore, who was fully committed to the presidential election.

Because the strong candidates of both parties in the United States are expected by everyone, different from the presidential candidates who were entangled until June and July to determine the parties. As early as March 14, the new presidents of the Democratic and Republican parties of the United States The candidates were decided, Al Gore on the Democratic side and George W. Bush on the Republican side.

In addition, among the many independent candidates, it is worth mentioning that there is also a third party quietly supported by the Westeros system, the Green Party candidate Ralph Nader.

Simon is not interested in this far-left independent candidate nicknamed 'Nader Fighter', and supports him in private for only one reason, copying the routine of the 1992 general election, allowing Nader to come forward and share Al Gore's votes, disguised as a small Bush campaign.

Inside the family restaurant on the second floor of the White House.

The Clintons and the Gores were both in pairs, and Simon did not stay alone this time, but brought Grace Krepp with him. The privilege of a big man, even if he brought his lover to the banquet, the other two couples would be enthusiastic about it no matter what they thought.

In private, he spared no effort to drag Gore back. At the moment, even in the face of Gore's obviously courteous inquiry, Simon didn't feel any guilt. He took a sip of the red wine that Grace personally refilled for him, and smiled. Said: "These two things do not conflict, Al, as a businessman, of course I have to work hard to develop every potential market."

"Yes, globalization," Gore also smiled impeccably. He was envious of the intimacy between Westeros and the female head of the fashion industry. He glanced at Clinton on the other side, and continued: "If I am lucky enough to be Bill's successor, globalization will definitely become an issue that I must focus on during my tenure."

Just one sentence shows Gore's emotional intelligence.

Al Gore wants to be the next president, there is no doubt about it, but if you say something like 'if I become president', it will inevitably make the current president who is still sitting in the restaurant feel uncomfortable, so I changed it to ' Bill's successor' rhetoric.

Then there is the hint about promoting globalization, which can be regarded as a promise to Simon.

It's a pity that emotional intelligence is not very useful to everyone sitting here. Clinton will not forget the fact that he is drifting away from his vice president because of Gore's mild remarks, and the other party has also selected Joe Lieberman, the first Democratic senator who publicly criticized him, as his running mate, let alone Simon. Because of Gore's implied promise, he will change his strategy of supporting Bush Jr.

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Simon still clearly remembered that at the same White House dinner last year, the Clintons did not invite the Gores, or Simon went to another reception held by the Gores afterwards.

Therefore, it is not difficult to guess that at this dinner tonight, the Gores probably forced their way in. It was a waste of the last eight years of working with Clinton, just to meet with Simon and win more support.

The main reason is that Simon only intends to stay in Washington for one day this time, and he has no time to go to Gore's house tomorrow night.

In fact, if he is keen enough, Gore should be able to understand Simon's potential alienation from him through these small details.

You know, in the recent approval rate survey, Gore’s approval rate of 56% surpassed Bush Jr.’s approval rate of only 39% by 17 percentage points. The advantage is very obvious, and he is almost recognized by many people as the next president of the United States. .

Under normal circumstances, since this is the case, during this day in Washington, Simon should take the initiative to ask the three parties to contact Gore even if he does not leave the current president and his wife alone to contact Gore.

Simon didn't do that.

Of course, Simon is not worried about anything. Compared with the Clintons, whose political influence can last more than ten years, the failure of this presidential election basically means the end of Gore's political life. Since there is not much residual value, There is nothing to pretend to be a snake.

As for the Gore reversal of Bush Jr.'s black swan incident that was different from the original time and space with the help of the Westeros system, it is true, Simon admits it.

However, not to mention that the probability of this is very small, even if it does happen, Gore will know the true tendency of Simon in this general election in the future, and it is impossible to take too much action against the Westeros system in the future.

After all, elections are followed by elections, elections are followed by elections, elections are endless, and capital lasts forever. Capital can make trouble for the spokesmen elected by capitalist countries, and if it fails once, it will be twice, and the spokesmen elected by capitalist countries can only make things difficult for capital for a maximum of eight years.

That's right, on the one hand is 'initiating trouble', the kind that can end the opponent's political life. On the other hand, it can only be 'difficult', and the lethality is similar to a child's prank.

In the final analysis, in a capitalist country, capital is the master.

Hillary actually has a grudge against the Gores who forced their way in. She is also running for the New York State Senate this year. She wanted to discuss with this young tycoon how to cooperate closely. The Gores are here,

Some things are not suitable for discussion, and we can only discuss some public topics at the moment: "Simon, I don't quite understand, Singapore, Malaysia or Thailand are nothing, why do you seem to value Vietnam more?"

There is no need to hide some thoughts, Simon said frankly: "Because compared to countries such as Singapore that have experienced a certain degree of development, in my opinion, Vietnam, with a GDP of only 30 billion US dollars, is like a blank sheet of paper, and this The country has a population of 80 million people, a huge resource of cheap labor, enough for us to paint as we wish."

Mrs. Gore, who didn't speak much in most cases, heard this, opened her eyes slightly, and finally couldn't help interjecting: "Simon, to be honest, it's Vietnam there, do you really think, um, you can paint as much as you want? "

Simon glanced at the second lady who had been working hard for decades to support her husband's political career but eventually died together with her husband, and said with a smile: "Mary, there is a saying in China called 'sugar-coated cannonballs', you do you know?"

Mary Gore was born in a wealthy family in Washington. After marrying Al Gore in 1970, she basically engaged in the kind of life that Robin White played as Mrs. Dongmu in "House of Cards". Of course, she knows a certain phrase, Hearing this, he nodded and said, "Of course I know."

"The Vietnam War is an eternal pain for the Federation," Simon said: "However, in my opinion, the way the Federation tried to conquer Vietnam by means of war was completely wrong."

"You mean," said Mary Gore, "that we should use 'sugar-coated cannonballs'?"

"That's right," Simon said, "One of the reasons why the Soviet Union collapsed is that their citizens find that their lives are far from ours in the West. People always yearn for a better life instinctively. The top leaders of the Soviet Union were unable to bring about this kind of change for them, and instead it got worse and worse, and they would naturally abandon their own government. Similarly, for Vietnam, if we used economic means, it might have ended in a different way.”

After Simon finished speaking, Grace nodded slightly in agreement with her man unconditionally. The other three did not refute for a while, but Clinton had no scruples and said with a smile: "Simon, you think too simple about Vietnam. Back then, North Vietnam was the hardcore Soviet Union. Allies are not so easy to win over through economic means."

Simon also didn't have any thoughts about the bad debts in Vietnam back then, and said: "Maybe it didn't work back then, but now, it must be okay. According to the information I got, Vietnam will also determine a national policy of substantially opening up the economy next year. This is our opportunity. .”

This time, everyone nodded.

Al Gore deliberated for a while, and said again: "Simon, if I'm right, apart from the economic layout, you may also have the intention to contain its northern neighbor through Vietnam, right?"

Simon shook his head without thinking: "This is a question that you politicians in Washington need to consider. I am just doing what a businessman should do."

Clinton followed with a chuckle: "Oh, Simon, I don't think the whole world will think that you are just a businessman."

Simon smiled and looked over: "So, Bill, what should I be?"

"Super capitalist," Clinton said without hesitation, and with a somewhat half-true and half-fake tone: "Now, even if it's just a few of us, I hope to get your help."

"That's for sure," Simon said. "As a group, we need to help each other."

So the topic was cleverly turned by Clinton to the ongoing 2000 election.

First, Hillary stated in person some of the policies she would implement if elected as a New York state senator. Of course, they were related to the Westeros system, such as further strengthening support for the Internet industry and liberalizing the media industry. controls and the like.

These Simons have read the materials in advance.

In reciprocation, Simon also clarified what kind of support he would give to Hillary, and even went a step further, hinting that one day in the future, it is not impossible for a husband and wife president to appear in the Federation.

Gore followed.

Since the party is still firmly on the Democratic side, the Westeros system supports Al Gore, the Democratic candidate, with great fanfare.

However, the related operations are very skillful.

For example, in the doomed blue states, or the hard-core red states, such as California, New York, Texas, etc., the resources invested by the Westeros system for Gore can be said to spare no effort.

Because these states, no matter how they operate, the result will not change.

The key is swing states such as Florida, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania, which are the key to the operation of the Westeros system.

Just recently, the Green Party candidate Ralph Nader, who was quietly supported here, was arranged for a series of election procedures in Florida. In short, one vote is one vote.

You know, in the 2000 general election, the key state of Florida, Bush Jr. was only ahead of Gore by more than 500 votes. This time, on the previous basis, if Ralph Nader can pull away 10,000 or even thousands of votes that originally belonged to Gore in Florida because of the arrangement here, then Bush Jr.'s victory will not be How much suspense will there be.

Such delicate surgical manipulations, at least for now, are apparently undiscovered.

Gore just sincerely hoped that Simon would give him more support at the two major media levels of TV and the Internet, and he also made some clear requests and made some promises again. Simon pretended to think about it for a while, and agreed one by one.

As for how much the specific operation process will be honored, the ghost knows.


After dinner, it was already ten o'clock in the middle of the night.

When the car left the White House, Simon felt the woman beside him softly leaning over, stretched out his arms and asked with a smile: "How does it feel to have dinner with the head of state?"

Grace said softly: "It's so fake."

Simon said: "Politics is a show. Since it's a show, of course it can't be too real."

"I mean..." Grace raised her head and glanced at someone narrowly: "You are much more fake than them, and you have told a lot of lies."

Simon was still interested at first, but when he heard the woman say this, he immediately pretended to lower his face: "You actually said that about me, it seems that you have to clean up later."

Grace was not afraid, but looked forward to it, and there was a little water in her eyes: "Okay."

Simon was disgusted again immediately: "It's too boring, you should pretend to be afraid."

Grace nodded her head like a little girl: "Yeah."

Still insincere, so the hand that Simon hugged was raised decisively, and twitched lightly.

Grace let out a cooperating little ah, leaning closer to the man, and said, "For example, you're obviously lying about Vietnam."

"Oh, you think they see it?"

"I don't know," Grace shook her head slightly: "But, probably not, I can tell because you are my man."

Simon hummed.

Grace was actually very curious, and looked up again, seeing that the man didn't mean to explain, so she stopped asking. Anyway, whatever he wants to do is right with her.

So I took the initiative to change the subject, and it was deliberately provocative: "Speaking of Southeast Asia, Jenny mentioned to me in a private chat that you were in Kuala Lumpur a few days ago, with 45 women in three days, so amazing?"

Simon didn't count at the time, and subconsciously asked: "45, are there that many?"

Grace raised a pair of slender bare hands and snapped her fingers in front of the man: "26 models from China, Japan and South Korea, and 19 Korean actresses, add up to a total of 45, tsk, an average of 15 a day, if you count like this In a year, you can have, well, more than 5,000."

Simon wanted to deny it.

A man must not be too frank before getting close to a woman.

But, it seems that during those three days, I was so busy during the day that I was never idle at night. Whether it was deep plowing or shallow plowing, I really... tried all of them, and never let go of one.

Seeing that the woman beside him was still staring at him, Simon simply became "annoyed": "It's really too much, I decided to take a rest tonight."

With a smile on her face, Grace immediately begged for mercy: "No, I was wrong."

Simon raised his head slightly and turned to one side in a male chauvinistic manner: "I'm not sincere at all, think about how to make up for it with actions?"

Grace climbed over like a cat: "Recently, outstanding girls from all sub-divisions around the world have been selected. May I help you make up 45 more?"


"It's too small, I can't ask for 90, can you bear it?"

"Woman, are you questioning me?"

"Okay, I was wrong again, I apologize." Grace posted to the man: "Then I will help you choose, this time, um, for a change, I want Western girls, how about it?"

"Seeing that you are so sensible, I forgive you."


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