Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1616: Does your mother know

Amidst the gazes around him, Simon raised his hand to stop his bodyguard from trying to drag him down. He looked at the round-faced man who claimed to be the so-called "Humanite" reporter Peter Honecker, and asked, "So, are you Helming me on behalf of people in Africa who are suffering because of wars, right?"

Peter Honecker was released by the bodyguards. Feeling the attention of the people around him, Peter Honecker subconsciously straightened up a little bit, and nodded solemnly and said: "Of course." After speaking, he immediately added: "Besides, I also hope that You can speak out in public and immediately end your military operations in Africa."

Simon corrected himself: "You mean, my military operations in Angola?"

Honecker nodded: "That's right."

Simon turned around slightly to look at the other party, crossed his legs, and stroked the high foot of the red wine glass on the table with one hand, with a look of great interest: "So, here comes the problem, you know that there are actually more regions in Africa. Is there a war, say, the big dogfight over the DRC that's been going on for two years?"

Honecker paused, and quickly said, "Mr. Westeros, please don't change the subject!"

"I haven't forgotten your question, but since you are concerned about the African people, then, answer my question first, do you know how many people have died in another big melee in Africa since two years ago?"

Honecker was at a loss for words.

Simon stared at each other, waited patiently for a while, and said, "You don't know, do you?"

Honecker didn't answer.

"I know," Simon retracted his gaze, looked at the bright red wine in the goblet, and said, "According to the statistics of several humanitarian organizations I funded in Africa, the civil wars surrounding the Democratic Republic of the Congo, together with those involved in Angola, Rwanda, South Sudan and other more than a dozen countries, in the past two years, the death toll has exceeded 1.2 million according to the data we have obtained, and it may actually be more. Moreover, if the war is not effectively curbed, this number It will increase rapidly. In addition, I have to add that we have widely released these figures on the Internet, including various videos, pictures and other video materials, to call for the attention of the international community. However, as a media reporter , or a media reporter who claims to care about Africa, but doesn't know the number, which means that you don't actually care about Africa that much, right?"

After Simon finished speaking, Honeke blushed a little in the face of the gazes from around him, and retorted: "I'm just a reporter, Mr. Westeros, since you have the ability to do this, why don't you try to stop it?" What about the war in Africa?"

"You are wrong, I just said that I have funded many humanitarian groups, I have been trying, I have been calling, and I have been helping war-torn countries in Africa, so many people risked their lives as I just said Dangerously counted casualties," Simon shook his head: "And, you accused me of military operations in Angola, which was also my attempt. Angola's civil war began in 1975 and has lasted for more than 20 years, with countless casualties. I want to completely end the civil war in Angola, which is why I have this military operation, but, unfortunately, in your case, this military operation has become me launching a war in Africa to poison the people."

Honeke caught something, and immediately refuted again: "No, you launched this military operation because your coffee plantation was attacked, not the grand reason you gave."

After saying this, the man glanced around and felt the emotional changes in the eyes of the people around him, and he gained a little more confidence.

Simon did not refute, but nodded: "Yes, in your opinion, this is a personal enmity, and it is the same."

Speaking of this, Simon paused for a moment before continuing: "The problem is, it is a pity that you just asked me why I have the ability to end the melee in Africa, but I didn't do it. Like the one six years ago, I The answer is right here. Because the rules, the rules in the real world, I can only use this excuse of retaliation for an attack on my coffee plantation to do something that is actually good for that country, to help them end Civil war, so that the people will no longer be harmed by the separatist armed forces. However, other countries that are still at war, such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, unfortunately, I have no such excuse. If you intervene rashly, people like you will be the first Time jumped out and said that I wantonly launched wars in Africa, disturbed the internal affairs of other countries, trampled on the sovereignty of other countries, and so on, plus other possible substantive consequences, there is very little I can do."

Honecker was speechless for a moment.

In the hall, after Simon finished speaking, many people around were also lost in thought.

Simon waited for a moment, saw that the other party stopped talking, and asked, "Do you have any questions?"

Honeke shook his head, and wanted to turn around and leave, but he hesitated, somewhat unwillingly.

Simon picked up the goblet he had been caressing and shook it, but he didn't bring it to his mouth. Seeing that the man still didn't leave, he narrowed his eyes slightly and looked over with obvious disgust: "In this case, I still have a question. "

Everyone at the scene turned their attention again, and even Honeke himself was a little curious.

"I know you want to gain some fame through me. If you can answer my question just now, it shows that you really care about Africa, then I can give you what you want. However, you don't know anything, just I just want to sensationalize the public," Simon said here, staring at the other party, and said slowly: "So, my question is, you are so hypocritical, does your mother know?"

When Simon said these words, there was some laughter around him.

However, realizing that many other people were not laughing, these laughter quickly turned into dry laughter, and then fell silent.

Peter Honecker round face from up

Hong turned to Zihong, his head seemed to explode on the spot, felt ashamed for a moment, and felt the pull of Simon's bodyguard who was still standing beside him, finally got a step, turned around, and left the party hall in despair.

Seeing that the little turmoil was gone and Simon didn’t suffer, Bernard Arnault hurried out, jokingly appeased everyone, and motioned for everyone to continue. When the party continued to resume as usual, he didn’t forget to come and apologize to Simon. His etiquette was impeccable.

Simon knew that Bernard Arnault had no reason to instigate this kind of shit behind his back, and he didn't care about it. He continued to dine and chat with the two girls around him, and socialize with the guests who came to talk to him from time to time.

Since it's a charity party, there's always a fundraiser.

This is a common charity auction. As usual, the items come from various celebrity donations or corporate collections. For example, Concubine Diana donated one of her own dresses again.

Simon didn't take advantage of him, nor was he stingy. During the period, he raised his card twice and spent a total of 900,000 francs. He took pictures of a satchel and a necklace for the two girls around him, which are considered small gifts. Mainly, both lots are new and belong to the LVMH brand collection.

As for Concubine Diana's dress, even though she noticed that Miss Li seemed a little moved, Simon didn't raise his sign, as he wasn't used to it.

Miss Li was very happy to get a satchel, even though she could certainly afford it, but after all it was a gift from a man. The young lady of the Arnaud family was a little upset. This man bought herself a necklace of her own brand. Well, no matter how you look at it, it is a little bit dishonest. Although, the girl herself didn't realize it, mainly because after the verbal confrontation just now, she had been following someone by his side unknowingly.

Simon has always been very generous to the little white rabbit who jumped at him.

The auction ended, the party came to an end, and guests began to leave one after another.

Simon was about to ask a certain little white rabbit who had become more and more familiar with Li Fuzhen if he wanted to go to his mansion on the top of the mountain in Le Cannet to watch the moon, when another middle-aged man who looked like a bodyguard came over and whispered to him A few words or something.

It's Princess Diana.

Simon hesitated a little, but got up and went over.



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