Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1618: Human nature? !

Fears become reality, and a certain guy is gone and never comes back.

Li Fuzhen was wronged and disappointed, but, thinking about it again, he really couldn't compare with the princess, and if she was placed in the position of a man, he would probably be like this, so he felt better.

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Delfina was also very disappointed, and she also took it for granted, and she also gave birth to some common enemies that she didn't know about. She stayed by Li Fuzhen's side until the end of the party. I have a good girlfriend.

The next morning, the two women were having breakfast and discussing what to do in the morning. When they received a notice that the movie mentioned yesterday had its premiere, the man didn't forget it. He sent a message to ask Miss Li if she wanted to go.

Of course not.


This was Delphine's suggestion. Her Royal Highness still couldn't hold back, and found an excuse, saying that she was a teacher in the past. After all, she left her female companion alone at the party last night. It was too tasteless.

Delfina thinks it makes sense and plans to go together.

The movie premiered in the morning was of course "The Devil Is Coming". The two girls arrived at the movie palace more than ten minutes early. There were already many audiences in the screening hall, and someone hadn't come yet.

You have to find a seat first.

Let's fight against the enemy again, the big man, the airs are really big.

Simon stepped on the spot and arrived without any fanfare or cover-up. He sat in the front row with many guests, so it was inevitable to cause some commotion, especially the media reporters who knew about the controversy about the film in advance were eager to try.

Miss Li and Delfina came to the front row from the back seat after the man arrived, but they couldn't sit next to the man, but behind him. Compared with other people, the focus of the two women is the two female companions brought by the man. Delfina is not familiar with them, but Li Fuzhen knows them well. One is Li Damei from Hong Kong, and the other is the little maid in "My Fair Princess" After all, whether it is a Hong Kong movie or a phenomenal TV series like "Returning the Pearl", South Korea is very popular.

Because there were only two vacant seats left in the front row, the two women also noticed that Li Damei and the little maid were fighting openly and secretly. In the end, Li Damei was better and was able to sit with the man. Still next to each other.

However, even though the sociable little maid took the initiative to greet her, Miss Li and Delfina were still very indifferent to her. As for Li Damei, who was sitting with the man, she was secretly crossed by Miss Li in her heart. In the future... She doesn't care about the rest of Asia, but the one-third of an acre of land in South Korea, hehe.

On the other hand, the two girls also quickly thought of another thing, why did they change two, what about a certain princess?

However, I only had time to say hello to the man in the front row, and the premiere officially started. Even if I wanted to beat around the bush with a certain problem, I had no chance for the time being.

Next to the two, the little maid didn't know their inner doubts, but she glanced at the figure of a certain man in front of her, until now, she was still full of emotion. After the premiere of "Kung Fu" last night, the two girls returned to the mansion on the top of Le Cannet Hill, and found that someone had arrived early, and then... Anyway, the little maid felt that she would never forget it for the rest of her life.

Besides, in the past, I couldn't help but feel that I was already the top star in China, why is it always worse than the "little maid" in TV dramas with a certain man? Now, I just feel that, with him, probably no woman can find a sense of superiority.

After a brief speech on the stage, the lights dimmed, and the movie began. The little girl put away her thoughts and turned her attention to the big screen.

Speaking of which, Ren Jingxi called in advance to remind her not to join in the excitement of the movie, or there might be trouble. The little maid didn't intend to attend, but since she was with a certain man, it didn't matter. Anyway, the domestic mainstream media will probably automatically ignore the news about this movie.

In the front row, on one side of Simon is Li Damei, and on the other side is the film director Lao Jiang.

The film has been seen before, and this counts again.

However, except for the black and white tones again, because Lao Jiang and Lao Wang are both inspirational creators who want to shoot wherever they think, the details are quite different from before.

The core theme certainly hasn't changed.

Simon watched the film quietly throughout the whole process. The two-hour film ended quickly, followed by an interactive session, and he did not express anything, which disappointed the media who were expecting him to speak out.

It wasn't until the reception at noon that I chatted with Lao Jiang about the movie.

In the banquet hall of the Grand Hotel near the movie palace, Simon patiently listened to Lao Jiang introduce the origin of his creation of this film, about the massacre of a village in his hometown by the Japanese on New Year’s Eve during the war, about the youth Thinking about why the polite Japanese exchange students could become the kind of Japanese soldiers back then.

Caressing Miss Li's slender waist, which finally found a chance to squeeze the other two girls away from him, Simon took a sip of red wine, and when Old Jiang finished speaking, he said, "So, Jiang, since you have clearly realized these , why don’t you understand?”

Old Jiang was puzzled: "What?"

Simon didn't answer directly, but said: "I remember a novel based on real events called "The Wave", which tells the story of a middle school teacher who conducted an experiment in order to let students understand communism. He used five days to Time to instill discipline and teamwork in the students, and then, a *** team is born."

Old Jiang seems to have realized something.

Simon continued: "I understand that you want to discuss human nature through this theme of war, but, Jiang, in my opinion, this is not human nature, or it is not accurate to use 'human nature' to describe these elements. For example, you are What is expressed in the film, whether it is brutal or ignorant, whether it is fickle or numb, etc., are just social characters created by the macro environment imposed on the group. For example, refer to the different historical stages of your China in the last 100 years I think you should have a deep understanding of the spirit of the people below."

Lao Jiang pondered for a moment, nodded suddenly, and then thought of another section, and asked: "So, Simon, what about the Chinese and Japanese?" Without waiting for an answer, he gave the answer himself: "This, it should be a long-term history. National character in cultural context, right?"

"Yes," Simon said, "However, which are the national characters formed under the long-term historical and cultural background, and which are the social characters created by the short-term macro environment? From the perspective of a bystander, for the Chinese, I don't think you have Think it through."

Old Jiang hesitated for a while, but still said, "This is my movie?"

Simon nodded again, thought about it and continued: "Moreover, in addition to national character and social character, there is also the most fundamental point of human beings as a species on the earth, biological character. One that cannot be changed, because it is determined by our genetic instinct. Jiang, do you know what our biological personality is?"

Lao Jiang thoughtfully, then subconsciously shook his head.

Simon said: "To put it simply, it can be summed up in two words, inheritance. Species were born on this planet and were dominated by information engraved on the genetic level. For hundreds of millions of years, all creatures have actually only been doing one thing, They want to pass on their genes on a longer time scale and a larger space as much as possible, and they will do whatever it takes to do so.”

Old Jiang smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I feel that my outlook on life has begun to be impacted."

Simon said with a slight smile: "I'll hit you again, about human nature, you know, of course I won't completely deny this concept. Moreover, in my opinion, human nature is a very noble thing, because It allows us to get rid of ignorance, can compete with our most fundamental biological character, and let us move towards civilization. However, another fact that you may not want to believe is that in many cases, the more abundant a nation's "humanity", the more fundamental it is. In the process of species inheritance and competition, they are at a disadvantage because they always feel that they are human beings, some things must be done, some things must be done carefully, and some things must not be done, so they bind themselves in countless boxes Among them. In comparison, a nation that retains more species instincts, or a nation whose national character is closer to a biological character, may be more competitive for survival on this planet. Because they have much less scruples. For the sake of the ethnic group Inheritance, what they have to do is to occupy more resources, eliminate more of the same kind, so that they have more space for reproduction, so that the population can survive for a longer period of time, that's all."

After Simon's words fell, Old Jiang's eyes widened slightly, obviously he had really suffered a bigger shock. Even, thinking back on my own movies and thinking about some of the confusion, now, what else is there that I don’t understand?

After thinking for a while, Old Jiang tried tentatively with some uncertainty, despondency, and trepidation: "Simon, you think, I mean...you mean, all of this, this movie, doesn't make sense, does it?"

"Yes," Simon did not deny: "I am a pessimist. In my opinion, a specific social environment will inevitably produce a specific social character, and human beings are the best at forgetting and the least absorbing on this planet." A creature that has been taught a lesson. Therefore, this movie, what you want to discuss, what you want to warn, is very likely to be repeated in the future.”

Old Jiang was silent for a moment, and finally said firmly: "But, Simon, I still think that no matter what, we should do something."

"Of course," Simon also gave an affirmative answer without hesitation, with a smile on his face: "Back to the movie, I will give you a suggestion. For example, this movie, in China, at least on the big screen, must not be seen. Because you can’t see it, it will naturally not cause widespread social discussion, let alone the reflection you expected. This is the problem. If your work does not even have the opportunity for people to see and discuss it, It still doesn't make sense, and that's what you need to fix."

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