Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1721: Justice League: Invasion

The carnival-like red carpet ceremony lasted until six o'clock. More than 2,000 spectators who were lucky enough to get tickets entered the auditorium of the Holy Citizen. The main creators of the red carpet stage have fully interacted with the media and the audience. Therefore, the host just gave a brief speech , the screening is just beginning.

In the dark auditorium hall, the specially installed super large imax screen flashed the labels of Warner and Daenerys successively, and then entered the feature film.

A very unconventional opening.

No wedges, the opening starts on Paradise Island, with a short duration with some necessary subtitles, and then Steppenwolf's alien ship descends.

Ancient Protoss vs Alien Civilizations.

Because the previous series of films have done quite a lot of foreshadowing, this direct enlargement move is not abrupt at all.

Simon here refers to the battle of Paradise Island in Zack Snyder's version of "Justice League" in memory, and adds more details, such as changing Steppenwolf's teleportation to alien spaceship invasion, which does not seem to be so high-end, but as The arrival of the super-large spaceship in "Day of Solitude" gives people a strong sense of oppression.

What's more, these spaceships are not decorations.

On the side of Paradise Island, it is no longer limited to the large-scale riding battles in the past, and there are also various displays of divine power that can be said to destroy the world. The thunder and lightning were induced, which directly destroyed a spaceship of Steppenwolf.

However, the enemy was prepared and aggressive, and Paradise Island was finally defeated.

At the last moment, Queen Hippolyta activated the teleportation array on the island, and let the three Amazon female warriors carry three mother boxes and randomly teleport to the human world.

At the same time, a rocket was fired at the human world, igniting the ancient temple of the Amazon, and warning the distant Diana Prince.

In the opening 20 minutes, after a hearty battle, the picture finally cuts back to the human world.

Even in the enchantment, the changes in Paradise Island are still noticed by humans.

On the other hand, Diana Prince, who pretended to be an archaeologist in London, also learned about the burning Amazon ancient temple from the media for the first time and started her own exploration. In the end, in the underground ruins of the ancient temple, wearing Anna understands the history related to the mother box through the murals, and also has a premonition that Paradise Island has suffered a catastrophe.

The story begins with a multi-line narrative.

Diana Prince, who was reminded and learned the truth, immediately found Batman Bruce Wayne, and at the same time told the history of the mother box, he sought help from the other party, and planned to return to Paradise Island to find out the truth.

Bruce Wayne, who has experienced various major events on the verge of destruction, is working on a new armor with the help of Cyborg, using the alien technology inherited from Cyborg from the mother box, more than in "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" The anti-Superman armor is more powerful, in reference to the gradually formed 'Justice League' team, Bruce Wayne named this armor Justice.

Justice Armor!

This is also the biggest adjustment compared to the version in memory.

Simon doesn't want to see such a popular 'Master' acting like a soy sauce in all kinds of fierce battles.

However, the research and development of justice armor also fell into a small bottleneck, lacking some kind of reliable power.

A potential consideration is still the mother box.

Wonder Woman's visit happened to be what Bruce Wayne was looking forward to.

The two set off and drove a bat fighter to Paradise Island. They saw that the island was in ruins. Queen Hippolyta was seriously injured, and most of the Amazon female warriors were killed and injured. Back to space again.

Next, it is to test which of the two sides finds the three mother boxes that are randomly sent out.

If the Steppenwolf side finds it first, the earth will encounter the greatest crisis in history. And if they find it first, the crisis will still not be resolved, because the enemy is still there, and the Steppenwolf must be eliminated.

While Wonder Woman and Batman are discussing countermeasures on Paradise Island, the first randomly teleported female Amazonian has been spotted.

The Amazonian female warrior, played by Fernanda Lima, one of Victoria's Secret spokespersons, was accidentally teleported to Metropolis.

Metropolis without Superman.

Because of some misunderstandings, the female fighter showed her superpowers, so she was noticed by the UN Special Crisis Management Committee. Amanda Waller sent a suicide squad to the scene, and Rick Freig brought several members of the Suicide Squad series. After a short fight, the anti-heroes quickly subdue the female fighter and get the mother box.

At the beginning, humans had an unpleasant relationship with Wonder Woman because of the custody of the mother box. They got a mother box from the female warrior, and learned about the incident on Paradise Island. The United Nations began to intervene. On the one hand, it also began to look for the other two The teleported mother box, on the other hand, is actively responding to the Steppenwolf invasion.

Scene transition.

Another Amazon female warrior, who was a guest star of the second-generation alien girl Megan Gale, was accidentally teleported to the boundless sea and was lucky enough to meet the patrol soldiers of the Atlantis Empire.

Arthur Curry was still unwilling to inherit the King of Atlantis. The kingdom was temporarily managed by a council composed of Nudis Vico and others, and he obtained another mother box. At the same time, he learned the inside story of the attack on Paradise Island. Several members of the council had an argument.

Some people want to hide the mother box, some people want to destroy the mother box, and some people suggest using the mother box to fight the Steppenwolf. Because, the history of a long, long time ago was not annihilated here in Atlantis.

Vico finally decided to find their king and let Arthur make a choice.

The scene shifts again.

The last mother box was transported to the depths of the snow-covered Antarctic continent. The Amazon female warrior who left with the mother box had passed away due to serious injuries and cold. In the wind and snow, crimson light and shadow appeared. This is a demon.

The third mother box fell into the hands of Steppenwolf.

The story goes back to the Batman line.

Returning from Paradise Island, Batman immediately began to use all resources to find the whereabouts of the mother box, and called the Justice League. At the same time, he also started communication with the United Nations.

The United Nations concealed that it had obtained a mother box, and also expressed distrust of the Batman side, on the grounds that the Amazons insisted that the three mother boxes were safe on Paradise Island, but they failed.

Wonder Woman fought back, saying that if the mother box was in human hands, Steppenwolf might have taken all three mother boxes in the first attack and destroyed the earth.

The two sides broke up again.

Returning to the Batcave, feeling the powerful threat of Steppenwolf, trapped in the internal disputes of mankind, the tired Batman had a nightmare, dreaming that the war against the Steppenwolf on the earth finally failed, Gotham, Metropolis, Central City turned into ruins.

Waking up from a nightmare, watching Wonder Woman, Flash and other companions, Batman had a pessimistic question.

Can we really succeed?

Everyone knew that Bruce Wayne was thinking of the dead Superman.

In a private conversation, Cyborg revealed to Diana an idea that he could try to use the power of the mother box to resurrect Superman, just as he encountered it.

However, the stakes are high.

First, the team doesn't have a mother box.

Secondly, even if they got the mother box, what they resurrected would probably be another ‘Doomsday’, surpassing the more powerful ‘Doomsday’ that Lax Luthor mutated into.

The story continues.

Steppenwolf, who got a mother box, got help, and used the power of the mother box to launch a blow on the earth, destroying a city, and at the same time issued an ultimatum to humans, asking for assistance in finding the other two mother boxes.

Steppenwolf also promised that as long as he got three mother boxes, he would immediately leave with his alien army.

Seeing the tragic state of the destroyed city, human society was also divided.

Some people tend to help find the mother box and give it to the Steppenwolf in order to send the plague god away.

Some people do not believe that Steppenwolf will easily leave after getting the three mother boxes. The reason is that the other party has already destroyed a city, so it is not impossible to destroy a planet in the future, so they advocate counterattack.


Involving the life and death of the whole world, Arthur Curry, who was wandering outside, finally returned, after some discussion, he temporarily agreed to take charge of the king's authority. contact.

One obstacle to resurrecting Superman is solved.

It was followed by a round table meeting.

Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Cyborg, Martian Manhunter and just joined Aquaman Arthur Curry.

The vote is three to three.

into a stalemate.

Then, Cyborg put forward a soul torture. If Clark Kent himself was sitting here, would he choose to continue to protect human beings, or stay out of it?

During the dispute here, human beings made a test to the army of Steppenwolf parked in the universe.

The most powerful nuclear weapon failed to injure the Steppenwolf army at all, and the result was the destruction of another metropolis with a population of 10 million.

Another result is that the Justice League decided to resurrect Superman.

The process was a bit bumpy, but the results were neither good nor bad.

Clark Kent woke up smoothly, his memory was incomplete, and he had conflicts with several members of the True Alliance. It was not until Louise Lane appeared in time to appease Superman that more serious consequences were avoided.

Superman, who has not yet fully recovered, left with Lois Lane, everyone was a little disappointed, and felt that, at least, Clark did not become an upgraded version of Doomsday, and things were not bad.

Steppenwolf's ultimatum time is getting closer.

Zhenglian has decided not to hand over the mother box to the other party, and began to actively prepare for the battle. At this time, the problem appeared again. The mother box used to resurrect Superman has accidentally entered a sealed state and can no longer be used to power Batman's righteous armor.

It didn't last long, and the turning point came quickly.

Under the persuasion of Catwoman, the Suicide Squad turned against the tide and took back the mother box they had previously obtained from the United Nations and handed it over to Batman. The Justice Armor was thus complemented, and the Justice League also obtained Catwoman, Poison Ivy, and Captain Rick. , Death Archer and other extra-staff forces.

The ultimatum time has come, and Steppenwolf has launched an attack on Earth.

Humans also launched a counterattack, but their strength was limited, and they could only be used as a demon-like army to assist in the fight against the Steppenwolf.

Justice League and side staff launch.

The decisive battle begins.

The magnificent battle scene that lasted for more than 20 minutes made everyone in the Holy Citizen Auditorium exclaimed.

Superman lived up to expectations, suddenly appearing at a critical moment when Steppenwolf was about to kill Batman, becoming the last force to turn the tide of the battle. In the end, the Justice League team pushed the Steppenwolf army back into outer space all the way, and completely destroyed the Steppenwolf alien fleet.

Once again, justice defeated evil and succeeded in saving the world.

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