Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 201 Flying over the innocence

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Los Angeles.

September 12 is another new week.

Waking up in the morning, Amy Pascal has the viewership data for "Who Will Be a Millionaire" after last night's re-run.

On the first day of the official fall broadcast, the first episode of "Who Will Be a Millionaire" has reached 23.7 million viewers. Not surprisingly, the average viewership of the first season will definitely exceed this number, and the highest ratings are even expected exceeded the 30 million mark.

There is news from Robert Iger that abc is already considering raising the advertising price of the show again.

However, this matter has nothing to do with Daenerys Entertainment.

Daenerys Entertainment's next operational focus for "Who Will Be a Millionaire" is the overseas syndicated distribution of the series and the sale of remake rights. Although it is a real-time reality show, this show still has very good syndicate potential. Some Canadian TV stations are already approaching this. Iger said that each episode can talk about 250,000 US dollars. Although there is a big gap compared to the purchase price of abc, the packaged sales for the whole season are still a very considerable income, and there is almost no need to invest any cost.

Now just look forward to the ratings of the other three reality shows "Survivor", "Big Brother" and "Beverly Wife" in the next few days,

Simon has been away for more than a week, and Amy has successfully negotiated a cooperation agreement with John Hughes for "Uncle Buck", but there are still some details to be negotiated about the upcoming cooperation with Warner on "Flying Innocent". The weekly meeting in the morning was held directly at the company distribution in Burbank. After the meeting, Amy rushed to Warner Studios to meet with Terry Semel.

Near noon, the two chose a high-end restaurant near Warner Studios and planned to chat while eating.

Because it is the gathering place of several major studios, many Hollywood celebrities will choose to dine in this restaurant. Amy and Semel had just sat down at the reserved seats, and some people took the initiative to come over to say hello.

"Harry, I didn't expect you to be here, how was the shooting of Raiders of the Lost Ark 3?"

"Hey Jesse, you did a really good job in Steel Magnolia, and I think you're going to get another Oscar this time around."

"The casting of "Batman", our boss can only start when he comes back... "The Sixth Sense", Michelle, you have really good news, maybe we can arrange a meeting, Simon has been looking forward to working with you Well... he should be back this week."


Although the people who came to say hello did not give him the slightest coldness, Terry Semel clearly felt that Harrison Ford, Jessica Lange, Michelle Pfeiffer and other big names were more interested in Amy Pascal. For some eagerness.

Hollywood has always been very realistic, and Terry Semel understands that Warner Bros. isn't the only option for these big names, so the partnership has always been reciprocal. Although he is the leader of Warner Bros. Pictures, as a professional manager, Terry Semel's influence in Hollywood is not even as good as these first-line celebrities.

However, Daenerys Entertainment has become an anomaly. There have been several consecutive North American box office works that have exceeded 100 million yuan. Not only has this small company established only two years ago, but it also means that Daenerys Entertainment has Enough strength to make many even Hollywood's first-line celebrities take their careers to the next level.

Just like Robert De Niro, the two-time Oscar winner has few stars in Hollywood, but in fact, before "Pulp Fiction", there has not been any work that has exceeded 100 million at the box office. Whether it is "The Godfather 2" or "Taxi Driver", although both are famous, the box office is only tens of millions of dollars.

Even before this lunch, Terry Semel received some similar requests.

When the scene calmed down, Amy and Semel chatted and ordered lunch, and then began to talk about business.

"Terry, with regard to "Flying Innocent", since Simon and you negotiated a film contract at the beginning, as long as this film can reach the standard of breaking through 100 million at the North American box office, Warner has no right to participate in the production of a possible sequel. I do not I hope the two sides will continue to wrestle with this issue."

Terry Semel shook his head and said: "But it's not customary, Amy, Warner and Daenerys are co-producing, we should own half of the copyright of this film, and participating in the sequel is our rightful right. "

Amy didn't give in at all, saying: "If you insist on this, Terry, we can only wait for Simon to come back before making a decision. You know his temperament, Simon may even cancel this cooperation. Warners has disclosed us News of an impending partnership, and a gain in share price as a result, and if things turn around, you might even get the infamous accusation of deliberately declaring false news.”

Terry Semel took a sip of the mineral water just brought by the waiter and fell silent.

Although he wants to win more interests for Warner, Terry Semel knows better that at a critical moment when Time Inc. and Warner Bros. are negotiating a merger, it is best not to make mistakes on his own side.

After a while, Semel finally nodded slightly and said, "Okay, Amy, then, who are you going to cast as the hero and heroine of this film?"

Amy's face was calm and she said, "We plan to cast Meg Ryan as the heroine. Her style is very suitable for this film, and she just happens to owe Daenerys Entertainment a film contract."

Meg Ryan hits the scene with 'When Harry Met Sally', Terry Semel recalls 'Flying Beyond'

Ben and some information about the actress, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Where's the male lead?"

Amy said truthfully: "There is no one yet."

"So, what do you think of Mel Gibson?"

Amy thought for a while and said, "Is Mel's schedule scheduled?"

Seeing the drama, Terry Semel nodded and said, "Of course, Mel will complete the shooting of "Lethal Weapon 2" years ago. The schedule for "Flying Over the Childhood" is at the end of next year, and the film can start shooting at the beginning of next year, right?"

Terry Semel received the invitation from Mel Gibson. Like Robert De Niro, Mel Gibson has become more and more famous in Hollywood in the past few years, but he has not yet had a box office. The movie that broke 100 million US dollars last year, "Lethal Weapon", which achieved a box office of more than 60 million US dollars, is already his most successful commercial film, and neither Warners nor Gibson himself have much confidence in "Lethal Weapon 2" next summer. , It is difficult for everyone to predict whether the audience will still like a sequel, so Mel Gibson urgently needs a film that can guarantee his coffee position.

As it happens, "Flying Over Childhood" seems to be more appropriate.

In addition to this project being hand-picked by Simon Westeros, Mel Gibson also happened to know the general situation of this collaboration between Warner and Daenerys. The two parties agreed that the contract will not be terminated until a film with a box office of over 100 million is produced, so Daenerys Entertainment obviously does not want to be so entangled with Warner.

As a result, the probability of "Flying Over Childhood" breaking through 100 million at the North American box office will be very high.

As long as he can get this film contract, Mel Gibson can ensure that he has an extra layer of protection on the risks of "Lethal Weapon 2", everything goes smoothly, and even allows him to successfully join the starring ranks of the billion-dollar box office club.

Amy heard Semel's suggestion and said, "Last time you seemed to recommend Mel to play Bruce Wayne, but Simon refused?"

"That's because Simon wanted to pick a new guy to play Bruce Wayne like Superman did," Terry Semel explained. A meeting should be arranged to discuss the project carefully."

"It will wait for us to sign the contract," Amy said, without Semel's eagerness, "Also, this matter must be decided by Simon."

"Simon will definitely agree," Terry Semel smiled and pointed to the west, "He's in Australia now, and Mel is Australian too."

When Amy and Semel met, it was the early morning of September 13 in Melbourne, 18 hours ahead of Los Angeles.

The official work of this trip has ended. Simon and Janet woke up in the morning in Brisbane, Queensland, northern Australia. They came to visit the class yesterday, produced by George Miller and starring Nicole Kidman Over the Horizon was filmed near Brisbane.

Because he had already made the decision to win over the Hollywood Aussie Gang, Simone took a day off to come here.

At breakfast, George Miller also brought up the topic Amy and Semel were discussing across the ocean, and he also received a similar call from Mel Gibson.

In addition to the two action film series "Mad Max" and "Lethal Weapon", Mel Gibson has also appeared in successful romantic comedies such as "Percentage of Men". Since the characters are very suitable, they can still end up with a favor, Simon. Without hesitation, he readily agreed.

However, Nicole Kidman found Simon after breakfast and politely declined the invitation to "Rampage".

There are indeed too many problems in the script of "Rampant Pretty Baby" starring Brooke Shields. Since Nicole refused, Simon did not force it.

After breakfast, Simon and Janet said goodbye to George Miller and others. However, the two did not rush back to Melbourne directly, but flew to Hobart, the capital of Tasmania, just south of Melbourne.

Simon has never forgotten his ambition to encircle this super island at the end of the world, and Janet has been secretly eating all kinds of plots on the island in private.

With the help of the Johnston family, Simon's shell company bought a vast woodland area of ​​more than 500 square kilometers in northern Tasmania for only $7 million some time ago. There are various strict restrictions on logging and other matters, but Simon has never thought about harvesting these precious virgin forests, so these restrictions are also irrelevant.

Including some other farmland and woodland, Simon is already a large landowner with 150,000 acres of land.

Of course, this is still far from the Kidman family.

The Kidman family owns a total of nearly 100,000 square kilometers of land across Australia, which translates to more than 24 million acres. This is the real super-landlord.

However, compared to the relatively thin Johnston family, the Kidman family is very large. Starting from Nicole's great-grandfather Sidney Kidman, the number of the Kidman family has exceeded the number of generations over the generations. Hundreds of people, Nicole's family has deviated from the core of the Kidman family, and can only obtain some rights and interests through the family trust.

After another day in Tasmania, it was probably time for the return trip.

Back in Melbourne, the two drove back from the airport to the Johnston family mansion together. Simon leaned back in his chair leisurely and flipped through the information on several of his lands, but Janet picked up the car phone and dialed a series of numbers. Obviously no one answered, the woman was unwilling to broadcast several more consecutive calls

, and finally connected.

"What, Singapore, what did Bingshan go to Singapore... Really, my father won't eat her, why should I keep hiding, she doesn't want to marry, and my father won't forcibly throw her to anyone, you know Is her number in Singapore... um, how long does it take to get from here to Singapore... hum, just asking, I won't chase after her to see her, just hide if you want... hang up, bye. "

When Janet hung up the phone, Simon smiled and said, "Is it still there?"

"It's a temporary business trip to Singapore again. I don't think we should come to Melbourne often in the future. Hehe, just come here once, and my aunt will be tossed around and run around," Janet said with a smile on her face, very Said helplessly, and then said again: "Actually, it's understandable, you don't think that your father is so good to you. In the past few years, every time I came back, I always had a straight face, and forced me to go on a blind date several times. Otherwise I wouldn't be hiding in Los Angeles and wouldn't come back."

Simon couldn't help being curious about Aunt Janet. He suddenly discovered that although he had seen real people or photos of other Janet family members, he had never seen a photo of Veronica Johnston: "Your aunt and You should be different, right?"

"It's all the same, you know, my aunt is a few years younger than Tony. Although they are brothers and sisters, most of the time, my father treats her like a daughter. Aunt is also very afraid of my father, hehe, in fact, everyone in our family is very Afraid of Dad."

Simon listened to Janet and said with a smile: "Why didn't I feel it, your father is fine."

Janet came over, hugged Simon's face and kissed, saying: "Dad can't be satisfied with you any more, how could he possibly murder you. However, it may not be certain in the future. Wait, um, wait... ...you see."

Simon shook his head: "I don't understand."

"little bastard."

Janet cursed and leaned over to put her pillow on Simon's shoulder. Perhaps she was too tired from playing all day. The woman's body quickly slid down softly and finally lay on Simon's lap.

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