Hollywood Road

Chapter 301

In early October, after Stanton Studios, Sky Film Fund, and 20th Century Fox each received $5 million in start-up funds, Murphy's preparatory studio officially started, and the crew's office was temporarily placed in the warehouse in the suburbs of Venice. Inside, the warehouse has become a temporary studio for many small crews since several films were filmed here. 1 small ≧ say ≧ > ≦≦≤≤\u003c≦≤﹤≤≦﹤≤≦≦≤≤

A week before Murphy brought people here, a small crew had just left after filming here.

The crew was small, but some renovations were done to the warehouse, especially the director's office in the temporary office area.

The original director's office was temporarily built as a large office in the warehouse, but now it has been separated from the middle and turned into two office suites, the inside and the outside, separated by a special glass wall, which is You can see the outside from the inside, but the outside can only be used as a mirror.

"The director of the previous crew," Paul Wilson said mysteriously as he accompanied Murphy around the remodeled and decorated office, "has some special hobbies. The actors called into the office inside, looked at the assistant directors outside, and gave them special guidance."

Paul Wilson didn't specifically explain these words, and Murphy understood what it was. He pushed open the door that was also made of glass on the glass wall, and went in to have a look. A work desk and a high-back swivel chair are provided.

Paul Wilson also followed in, "I have had the office cleaned carefully, and the back of the chair can be lowered as a folding bed for temporary rest."

Murphy took a look, then walked out again, "Put all my things in this room outside."

He has little interest in that boring hobby.

Later, under the leadership of Paul Wilson, he went to the area where the warehouse was used for filming. It is probably due to the increase in the number of filming crews in recent years. This is no longer a warehouse. It became a huge studio.

In the future, most of the indoor scenes of the film will be shot here.

The preparations have just begun, and the various departments have only officially started work a few days ago. A large number of staff are constantly bringing in various equipment, and the warehouse is extremely busy.

However, compared to the vigorous publicity campaign that started when "Deadpool" was in preparation, the current crew is much quieter, with basically no media attention, and Murphy and Kara Firth do not plan to promote it now. They have had in-depth exchanges with 20th Century Fox, and at the right time, they will launch an extraordinary publicity offensive.


Murphy. "

There was a greeting from behind, and Murphy turned his head. David Ellison came in from the outside carrying two handbags. His face was full of excitement, "I've settled the negotiation!"

Murphy was a little surprised, "So fast?"

"I have reached an agreement with Nokia, and the relevant documents will be sorted out and sent to you tomorrow." David Ellison came over and stood beside him, "They agreed to become the advertising sponsor of our project."

As he spoke, he handed the paper bag in his hand to Murphy, "This is a Nokia 667o concept phone with a video recording function that is rarely seen nowadays. It is said that it can support recording a video of more than 1o minutes. They sent some prototypes .”

"I don't need it." Murphy shook his head, and just about to say give it to someone else, David Ellison said again, "I didn't say give it to you, this is for Gail."

Murphy thought for a while, then took it over, "Say thank you to the manufacturer for me."

Different from the previous films, "Gone Girl" is temporarily named "g" due to promotional and marketing needs. Since the background of the film is modern society, some advertising sponsorships will naturally be introduced. His previous films were box office hits, not too much After a lot of effort, we found some advertising sponsors who were interested in cooperation.

Because of his relationship with the producer, David Ellison also joined the crew and volunteered to negotiate with the advertising sponsor. After Murphy and Kara Firth considered it, they also agreed. Anyway, he was not the only one involved in the negotiation. , along with Murphy's attorney, Robert, and a professional at Twentieth Century Fox.

Unexpectedly, David Ellison's performance in business negotiations is not only not bad, but also very good. The disadvantage is that he does not have enough experience, but overall he is quite good. In the earliest negotiation with Volvo Among them, while getting the sponsored car, it also brought in up to 3 million US dollars in advertising sponsorship fees.

The negotiation with Nokia this time turned out to be equally good. In order to allow a variety of mobile phones including the Nokia 667o to appear in the film, Nokia offered an advertising fee of 3.5 million US dollars.

"Our film has not been shot yet, and we got back $6.5 million." David Ellison was very excited to actually participate in the preparation and shooting of a formal film for the first time, "After signing a formal contract with Nokia, I I will look for sponsors for wine advertisements, especially the wine that the heroine uses to masturbate, and I must negotiate a high price."

"Well done, David." Murphy smiled at him and said, "You let go, Carla and I will support you, and I will save a close-up shot of the heroine using self-abuse."

David Ellison was born in a family full of business atmosphere, and his thinking is quite active. He immediately thought of the audition that the crew will hold in the next stage, and couldn't help saying excitedly, "If you can sign a first-line actress to play Amy , I will have more confidence in negotiating. Think about it, a bottle of wine that can walk out the back door of Oscar's best actresses such as Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts and Charlize Theron will definitely impress the audience. Make a deep impression."

"Great idea!" Paul Wilson on the other side suppressed a smile and kept admiring, "Great idea! It's really a very good idea."

This guy! Murphy glanced at David Ellison and nodded in agreement. He liked the product placement very much.

However, the actress who plays the leading role may not accept it, it depends on how it is discussed.

According to the list he mentioned before, Bill Rossis has sent role scripts and audition invitations to many well-known actresses including Nicole Kidman, Charlize Theron and Julia Roberts. -Roberts has already turned it down, she is going to participate in the filming of Steven Soderbergh's Lohan series, and there are scheduling conflicts.

Nicole Kidman and Charlize Theron have not yet given a clear answer, it seems that the interest is not particularly strong, and it seems that they deliberately hang the crew.

The former has just entered the Hollywood 20 million club, and is a veritable superstar; although the latter is not a first-line superstar, but has just won the Oscar for Best Actress, and has the same status as Jessica Alba, who Murphy has worked with before. It's not the same as Jessica Chastain, who has enough capital to choose their favorite scripts and roles.

Regardless of what happened before, at this level, Nicole Kidman and Charlize Theron are already extremely scarce resources in the circle, and they are completely different from worrying about winning roles.

It is no exaggeration to say that the scripts and audition invitations their agent receives every month can pile up on the desk a foot high.

Of course, Murphy also knows that these two seem to have great fame, prominent status, and amazing momentum, but in fact, their future development will be extremely difficult, especially Nicole Kidman, whose vision of picking scripts and characters is really impressive. If you can't be flattered, you will gradually degenerate into a queen of bad movies that is slightly worse than Nicolas Cage, and in the end you even have to keep mentioning your ex-husband Tom Cruise to gain your sense of presence.

As for Charlize Theron, since she won the Oscar queen, her reputation is very loud. In terms of fame alone, she is definitely at the level of a first-line superstar, but looking at the films, roles, box office and salary she can get, at most It's just a bit above the second-tier Hollywood level. It wasn't until ten years after winning the Best Actress that she really supported the box office of a film on her own.

Apart from some other factors, the two people's vision for choosing movies and characters is poor enough.

In fact, Murphy's favorite object is Charlize Theron. Even if South African Diamond won the Oscar, but because there is no masterpiece before, and he has never proved himself commercially, the salary is only a million dollars. On the other hand, Nicole Kidman is already a member of the 20 million club, and she hasn't messed with herself yet. Without a salary of $15 million+, it may be difficult to impress her.

Murphy invited her to audition before, mainly because Nicole Kidman is also a client of CAA. If the script and role make her feel very good, it is not impossible to reduce the price to act.

Murphy thought more about the heroine, James Franco, than the heroine.

After a busy day, when she was about to leave work, Gal Gadot also came to the warehouse. She greeted the crew members familiarly and walked into Murphy's office. Murphy was still discussing with Philip Raschel The cinematographic style of the film, handing her the mobile phone that David Ellison sent, beckoning her to wait for a while.

Gal Gadot simply entered the suite inside, sat on the office chair and fiddled with the new phone.

It wasn't until half an hour later that Murphy's voice calling her came from outside. The sound insulation effect of this suite is not good, and the words outside can be heard clearly inside.

"Can we go?" Gal Gadot asked after going out.

"Let's go." Murphy lifted the briefcase and shook his head, "Let's go home."

Gal Gadot came over and took his arm, and said as he walked, "Nate is planning to hold a party tomorrow night in the hotel where she is staying. She wants me to invite you to join her, and she will call you."

The two walked out of the warehouse, and Murphy asked, "I remember you are going to participate in a school event tomorrow night, right?"

"Yeah." Gal Gadot turned on the phone's camera function and aimed at the sky, "I don't have time to participate."

She recorded a short video, looked at it, and said, "The function is not bad, better than I imagined."

"This is a trial model provided by the sponsor." Murphy walked to the side of the car and opened the door for Gal Gadot first. The phone rang suddenly, and he took it out and looked at it. It was an unfamiliar number.

Gal Gadot next to her also saw it and said, "This is Nat's number." (To be continued.)

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