Hollywood Road

Chapter 312 The Standard of a Good Man

?As the representative of the American International Insurance Company in the crew, Kevin Price's most important job is to ensure that the filming can be completed according to the plan, but this is the first part of the start-up. Murphy filmed the whole morning and continued in the afternoon , and now we have to shoot again, which has greatly exceeded the planned щww{][lā}

The crew was preparing for the re-shooting, and he found Murphy quietly.

Kevin Pulis is definitely not a rookie who can hold this position, and no insurance company will use such a position to train rookies.

Therefore, he pays attention to the way and the method.

While Murphy was drinking coffee from his cup, Kevin Pulis came over and said, "Director, how long will this shoot be?"

"It depends." Murphy turned his head and glanced at him, "This one is very important."

"I know." Kevin Pulitzer still reminded in a low voice, "It's beyond the plan."

"Don't worry." Murphy put down the coffee cup, "We have 100 days of shooting time, that's enough."

Different from the short and fast shooting method of "Deadpool", he set aside 100 days of shooting time for "Gone Girl".

It took two more shoots before Murphy called for approval. However, after the tone of the shoot was confirmed and James Franco and Charlize Theron gradually found their status, the rest of the shoot went smoothly. At that time, all the content planned for shooting today was completed.

As Murphy grew older and accumulated work experience, he became more and more proficient in lens design and shooting.

The crew finished their day's work, but Murphy didn't leave work. It's not the weekend, Gal Gadot is at school, and there is no one home, so it's better to stay here and continue working.

Since a careful plan has been made, the shooting of "Gone Girl" can go according to the plan, and Murphy can also distract some of his energy and turn to review the script story outline of "Game of Thrones" submitted by George Martin.

It is impossible for a TV series to be filmed completely according to the route of the novel, unless the production company's heads are collectively flooded to be so stupid, let alone Murphy thinks so, even George Martin, the original writer who has worked as a Hollywood screenwriter, knows this a little.

Compared with the original work, the story of the script has been slightly changed, and it is more compact and suitable for filming. Of course, the story still closely revolves around those few families.

The office door was pushed open from the outside, and Kara Feith walked in, "Why haven't you left yet?"

Murphy shrugged, "I have nothing to do when I go back."

Kara Fiss pulled a chair across from his desk and said, "One of the people in the company's public relations department just called me and thought we had a movie that was anti-family and anti-family. The tendency towards marriage is too obvious, and the public relations promotion in the future awards season will face more difficulties."

"It's okay." Murphy closed the script outline and said indifferently, "This is not a mainstream commercial film, and the negative impact in this regard will be much smaller."

If there is no negative impact of such direct ridicule, it is absolutely impossible, but Hollywood's so-called mainstream film values ​​are more applicable to commercial productions, rather than this kind of film with a very strong personal style.

"If I were filming a commercial masterpiece, I would definitely not choose such a theme." Murphy stood up, went to the coffee machine, and took a cup of coffee for himself and Kara Firth,

"Instead, it will conform to the value orientation of normal Hollywood movies."

Kara Firth took the coffee from Murphy and asked suspiciously, "For example?"

"The most typical situation is that the hero's background is that the couple divorces, the child remarries with the mother, the mother remarries, the film starts, and finally the third person dies—even if he saves the protagonist's family several times, he will die—the husband and wife reunite."

Murphy took a sip of coffee and said as he paced, "If the man remarries, the woman's third party will not die, but will withdraw in embarrassment."

"Although the United States is a seemingly diverse country, its mainstream values ​​have always been absolute." Murphy continued, "The status of the family is extremely high. The motherland is full of love, loyalty, hard work, optimism, and firm belief.”

Kara Firth almost spit out the coffee she drank in her mouth, "Why haven't I seen it on you?"

She sighed, and said, "No matter how avant-garde a film is, or how beautiful it is in Cannes, Berlin and Venice, things that have some 'negative energy' at the Oscars are often not very popular."

"Bingo!" Murphy snapped his fingers, "So, the Oscars, especially the Oscars in the past decade or so, have always only chosen the right ones, not the good ones."

"Our film wasn't right," Kara Firth said.

"Our goal is not to win an Oscar!" Murphy seemed very indifferent, "It is impossible for this film to win a statuette, I just want to tell those old men through this awards season that I am not a pure commercial film director, but It’s a stylized director, don’t let them have too much prejudice against me, so I can prepare for the future.”

The theme of this film is indeed not very pleasing to the Oscar judges, but it is not that serious. After all, the hero and heroine are more about controlling each other than destroying other people's families.

In Hollywood movies, destroying other people's families is really hated by gods and ghosts. Although such cases of destroying families have happened countless times in Hollywood in reality, it is easy to publicize in movies, and it is easy to hit the street with word of mouth and box office, even if handsome Like Leonardo DiCaprio, Jack Dawson still has to fart in the end.

In addition, Murphy has already seen part of the script of "Superman Returns" that Warner Bros. is currently producing from the channel of CAA. Bryan Singer, who has filmed "The Usual Suspects", dare not violate this rule in a commercial masterpiece. .

The famous green tea Louis Lane in the DC world has an affair with Superman’s body and transformation state, and then he has a husband whose child is born with Superman. Because he is of mixed race, he has to take a bunch of pills for a long time. In fact, her husband will die soon. I realized it, but in order to protect the immature heart of the child and the integrity of the family, I was determined to continue to love being a father silently...

In the end, the child drew a picture of a family of three plus Superman.

Putting down the coffee cup, Murphy continued this boring topic, which can be used as a relaxation after work, and can also remind Kara Firth of the minefield when making films in the future.

"This tends to subtly affect many aspects of mainstream commercial films." He added, "For example, in youth horror films, the earliest casualties must be girls with indiscreet private lives, and the last ones who fight back to the extreme are all moral and kind-hearted girls. "

"It seems..." Kara Firth thought for a while, then nodded slightly, "It seems to be true."

She is extremely smart, and immediately connected with the social reality from the film, "Family and marriage are also valued by the society. Before marriage, no matter how debauched it is, but once married, you have to take responsibility. Cheating and so on are also very popular in real society. For example, a presidential candidate must show that he has a perfect family, so that he can be favored by voters with a loving mother and filial son.”

Murphy laughed, "That's why Hillary, who has a heart for the presidency, never divorced Zipperton."

The two laughed for a while. Anyway, there is no need to worry that such private jokes will have a negative impact on themselves. They made a few remarks about the big shots in Washington, and the topic returned to movies.

"Actually, I've always been a little worried about this film." Kara Firth said suddenly.

Murphy was a little confused, "Because of what you just said?"

"Those count as part of it." Kara Firth said directly, without hiding it, "In blockbuster movies, there is always a positive male lead, but our male lead is a waste."

"So you're worried about this." Murphy deliberately joked, "Although I'm poor, rough and unmotivated, I know I'm a good man. Real trash has a good job, is considerate, handsome, and wears formal clothes. My woman It's just that I was blind for a while, and I fell for the trick of a hypocrite, only I know who the real Loser is..."

"You..." Kara Firth pointed at him and laughed.

Murphy spread his hands and said, "Of course it is impossible to succeed with such a person as the leading actor, but Nick Dunn is not such a person. After Amy left, he went from muddle-headed to self-rescue, and then to TV interviews. The manifesto has progressed into the Nick Dunn that Amy wants to see, he is working very hard."

Kara Firth rolled her eyes, "Stop joking around, I'm serious."

Although she has been fully supporting Murphy since she knew that Murphy had this script, the worries in her heart have always existed.

The awards season is fine, after all, there are too many factors that affect the awards, but can such an anti-mainstream film really sell well at the box office?

"This film does not lack entertainment elements, and there are many scenes that the audience loves to see."

Seeing Kara Firth nodding, Murphy said seriously, "Don't forget our special publicity plan. Even if these are excluded, there are still many favorable factors."

"The mainstream values ​​of Hollywood-style movies are indeed recognized by the vast majority of audience groups, but are they really untouchable?"

Without Kara Firth's answer, Murphy gave the answer, "After so many years of baptism of Hollywood-style mainstream films, this kind of old-fashioned and old-fashioned movies have only just reached the general level of the Hollywood production line. This kind of Hollywood The plot of the main theme, which makes people feel very boring after watching too much, is a point deduction item, and it is the performance of the screenwriter's laziness. He wants to please the audience but has no good ideas. If there are no other bonus points in the movie, this kind of movie The standard is destined to be no higher than mediocrity.”

Murphy said confidently, "And what about our film? It will bring a fresh and completely different movie-watching stimulus to the audience who have been hypnotized by this model to the point of numbness!"

"You have overlooked another point!" Murphy raised a finger, "Our film has a natural audience, and it will resonate with them!" (To be continued.)

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