Hollywood Road

Chapter 330 Fascinating

In the USC School of Film, students in twos and threes walked into a studio-style classroom. Akers was carrying a shoulder bag and came to an empty seat. He sat down and took out a pen and notebook to review the content of the previous class. , but the discussions around him made him feel uneasy.

These people seem to be discussing a film?

Unable to review with peace of mind, Akers simply closed his notebook. This is the USC Film School, and the films that can be discussed publicly are definitely not mediocre.

"A friend of mine knows Paul Wilson." It was a girl who said, "She got a few tickets to the premiere, and I went to the premiere. God, this is incredible, Murphy Stanton's The new film is incredible."

Another boy nodded, "Well, I haven't watched such a wonderful drama in recent years, it's not a lie, your first reaction after watching it is to laugh, but after laughing, you will feel a chill down your spine. "

Next to the boy was a Latino, and he said in admiration, "Murphy Stanton is definitely the best director among the younger generation of Hollywood directors!"

"You're wrong!" The first woman who spoke retorted first, and then gave a thumbs up, "He is a well-deserved leader among the younger generation of directors!"

Where there are supporters, there is often no shortage of opponents. A young white man snorted disdainfully and said, "You guys are exaggerating too much. He is just a director who only knows how to play tricks."

The others glared, and the young white man said disdainfully, "Just say how many basic mistakes have been made in the "The Lost Lover" you touted?"

"The most basic mistake?" The second boy who spoke was unconvinced, "Why didn't we see it."

The white young man pointed to his eyes, "Because you don't have my bright eyes."

Seeing that other people were not convinced, he sneered, "Then tell you, number one"

He raised his right index finger, "Why didn't the hero immediately find the police for help when he found the gifts in the cabin, and wait until the police come to investigate before he has to say, those gifts can be destroyed during this time!"

Another finger was raised, "Secondly, the heroine's money was stolen, so she had no choice but to find her ex-boyfriend for help. In order to return to her husband, she killed her ex-boyfriend and fabricated false facts. If the money hadn't been stolen, she wouldn't have found her ex-boyfriend." , then how did she return to her husband? Judging from the plot, the heroine just wants to control her current husband, and the part about finding her ex-boyfriend seems accidental, but it feels like the heroine planned it from the beginning."

Finally he raised his ring finger,

"Third, how could the public believe her tricks so easily? Did the director really treat everyone as fools?

Hearing the most basic mistakes of the white youth plausibly, before anyone else could speak, Akers stood up.

He has also seen this film, and although it is not as unrestrained as those before, he also thinks it is a masterpiece, and the words of the white youth who don't know what to say also arouse his dissatisfaction.

"These so-called mistakes of yours are totally unfounded!" Akers replied with the same cold snort, and began to refute one by one, "One is the gifts. When Nick discovered the gifts, they had already attracted the attention of the media, and there were basically Reporter, if you don't talk about dealing with these things at this time, if you just move them out, they will probably be discovered by the media immediately."

"Secondly, finding an ex-boyfriend was not in the plan, because he was robbed in an accident. It was not in the plan to return to her husband. The plan was to commit suicide and frame Nick, so I found my ex-boyfriend and decided after seeing her husband hinting at me in front of the TV. Going back is all a temporary change of her plan."

"Thirdly, it is about the trial of public opinion. The basic group is a group of rabble, and they only want to believe what they believe. Then under the pressure of the trial of public opinion, add some bureaucratic habits, and strive to close the case as soon as possible to avoid causing greater negative social impact. The impact, the less obvious loopholes, were largely ignored, and Murphy was obviously using it to satirize the media."

As if telling the most basic facts, Akers' tone was unusually calm, "In the end, Amy actually wanted her husband to die at first, so she was going to commit suicide to frame him, only to find out after watching Nick's performance on TV This is still the Nick I love, so she wants to go back, but at this time, it is not so easy for her to go, but she can kill a person in order to go back."

He shook his head, "This is truly true love."

"Well said!" Several other people echoed, "Akers, you are so right!"

Looking at the white youth, Akers said with a sneer, "Don't use your superficiality and ignorance to judge a director with a unique style like Murphy."

People around looked at the white youth with obvious mockery.

Although Murphy Stanton is not an academic director, he is the object of their admiration.

"I don't know when the academy will invite him to give a speech."

Someone muttered something, but got a response.

Excellent publicity and marketing, overwhelming media audience reputation, hot topics that spread extremely fast, the first choice movie for couples to date

These are all favorable factors for Gone Girl, and they are also constantly driving the attendance rate of the film.

According to the current practice, when counting the box office on the first day of a film, the box office of the early screening will be included in the statistics, and the more than 6 million US dollars in the early screening will be taken into account. It is more than 12 million US dollars.

It is impossible for a movie with this kind of subject matter and rating to be a big hit on the first day. Murphy knows very well that it is the strong stamina that really determines the final success of The Gone Lover.

In fact, Murphy and 20th Century Fox are still a little bit worried. The Gone Lover created a lot of topics in the early promotion, and many passers-by audiences were attracted to the theater on the first day because of the topic, which is why such an excellent single-day box office The results, but one day passed, and the topics created by relying on publicity and marketing must have been consumed a lot. In the following day, it was the real test for the disappearing lover.

Just like the topic about the amazing Amy that was hyped up before its release, the word-of-mouth popularity of Gone Girl has only increased since its release, especially the go-to movie for dating, the movie that destroys marriage, and the movie that wants to test you. If you want to watch the lost lover and other topics that have been thrown out by 20th Century Fox one after another, they have ensured that the film will continue to receive attention.

As Sunday rolls around, Murphy also gets Saturday's box office stats.

During the day on Saturday, the filming rate and attendance rate of The Lost Lover increased all the way compared to Friday, and it closed at 19.2 million US dollars that day.

Compared with the more than 12 million US dollars actually received on Friday, the film saw a 50% surge on Saturday.

It almost foretells Gone Girl will have a strong reputation.

In order to achieve a strong box office for the film, 20th Century Fox used all available conventional promotional methods, even inviting Roger Ebert, who had just undergone surgery and is recovering.

No one can deny the influence of the name Roger Ebert among movie fans.

Of course, Roger Ebert did not promise anything to 20th Century Fox. At his level, he would not be moved by ordinary petty profits. His agent's reply to 20th Century Fox was very simple, wait and see everything Let's talk about the movie.

Due to Roger Ebert's physical condition, it was impossible to go to the theater to watch the movie by himself. Twentieth Century Fox sent someone to deliver a copy to his mansion in the suburbs of Chicago.

Twentieth Century Fox is willing to do this mainly because Murphy has enough confidence in the film, and Roger Ebert has always admired Murphy's production style.

The private doctor and agent accompanied Roger Ebert to watch the disappearing lover in the private theater of the mansion.

Then, the famous film critic locked himself in his study, and it was not until several hours passed that his agent got a film review, hurriedly left by car, and rushed to the editorial office of the Chicago Sun-Times.

This film review would not be published in the newspaper until the next day, but it appeared on the official website of the Chicago Sun Times and Roger Ebert's personal blog that afternoon.

"This is Murphy Stanton's best and most representative film so far. It is cold, mysterious, precise, and has a strong integration of story and rhythm. This is Murphy Stanton!"

"For a movie, it is not easy to vividly present the plain, happy, sick, and crazy aspects of married life in a limited time, and to reveal the truth of marriage in depth. Murphy Stanton in the disappearing lover It is incredible, and I have to say that this is a perfect creation! Of course, this is not just a marriage story, it is fundamentally a suspense and reasoning film."

"Murphy Stanton not only uses images to show a series of twists and turns, wonderful and meticulous plots, but also subtly provokes the primitive desire in everyone's heart and goes directly to the darkest corners of human nature, creating a mysterious and captivating film. Eye-catching and interesting movie. Some people say that Murphy Stanton is the kind of director who can make a 50-point story into a 100-point movie, or even a 120-point movie, which is indeed an exaggeration!"

"Few people have brought audiences a true movie and a complex, conflicted movie ending that wasn't completely happy or completely unhappy like Murphy Stanton. Powerful but not explicit, holding the pipa half-hidden, revealing nothing until the last moment."

"Whether you are disappointed or happy, excited or disgusted after watching the movie, Murphy Stanton's movie is still quite deep and connotative compared to other movies. It is a movie with a strong purpose and far-reaching meaning. Conflict, social metaphor, or cultural dimension, Gone Girl is a brilliant, captivating piece of work!"

Finally, a signature thumbs up!

As I said before, there is no doubt about Roger Ebert's influence, especially on older fans, and his film reviews can also attract many people into the theater.

All of these have brought extremely positive effects to the film, and the most direct response is the box office figures. To be continued.

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