Hollywood Starts with Animation

The five hundred and twentieth chapters love tossing Jobs

the next day.

Apple headquarters.

The first executive board meeting in May was held following the company's general shareholders meeting in early May.

Chairman of the board of directors, concurrently CEO: Steve Jobs;

Company Executive President and Executive Director: Tim Cook;

Former Intuition CEO, Apple's current chief senior vice president, board director: William Campbell;

One of the most accomplished ice hockey coaches in NCAA history, Apple director: Jerry York;

Former Vice President of the United States, Apple Director and Advisor: Albert Gore;

Chairman of the American Firefighters Welfare and Security Foundation, Apple shareholder representative: Ms. Mitchellson;

First Secretary General of the American Marine Environmental Protection Association, Apple shareholder representative: Ms. Cech;

Representative of the Association for the Protection of Minor Children: Ms. Anal;


A total of 22 people, together with Zhu Ke, who has not attended Apple's board meeting for a long time, attended Apple's executive board meeting.

There is only one issue this time.

[Does Apple need to enter the mobile phone market? 】

"Must, Immediately, Immediately Enter the Mobile Phone Market!"

Facing a group of board members, Jobs said loudly: "Since the first mass-produced Motorola portable mobile phone came out in 1998, the development of the mobile phone market has been changing with each passing day. One change every day has created one sales miracle after another."

"Sony, Samsung, Nokia and other electronics industry giants have entered it one after another."

"In March 2000, the Nokia D1 model mobile phone was launched in the North American market at the price of 399 US dollars, 455 US dollars and 530 US dollars respectively. So far, in one year, the cumulative sales volume in the North American market has reached 4.2 million, and the cumulative global sales volume has reached 4.2 million. Over 10 million."

"Everyone, how much is the total sales, do you know?"


None of the people present spoke.


"You, Jobs, want us to ask aloud one by one, can't we cooperate with you?"

Zucker chuckled.

"$4.7 billion!"

Jobs replied directly: "Yes, $4.7 billion!"

"Guys, the Polish-based Nokia company's turnover last year was only $6 billion, and the newly opened mobile phone market directly accounted for more than 75% of their profit ratio. Just ask, such an amazing profit, why should we Let go?"

The shareholders did not speak, watching Jobs perform.

Zucker didn't speak either.

15 minutes!

In order to get shareholders to support his resolution, Jobs spoke on the stage by himself for 15 minutes!

However...his account was a failure!

The first person who jumped out against it was former U.S. Vice President Albert Gore.

Gore said solemnly, "Jobs, give up your unrealistic ideas."

"Impossible! I can't be wrong." Jobs said coldly.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, Gore sneered: "Then let me ask you, how much cash is currently available in the company's accounts?"

Jobs blurted out: "Not less than $300 million."

As soon as this remark came out, Gore immediately retorted: "I said it was the cash available in the accounts. Exclude the dividends that will be distributed to the company's shareholders and stockholders, the bank debts that are about to expire, and the debt repayments of various suppliers. …”

"After removing this, how much is left of your so-called $300 million in cash?"

Jobs' face suddenly became extremely ugly.

300 million dollars really has nothing left~~~

He is not one to give in easily.

Jobs said directly: "Repay the bank debt that is about to come due, we can also borrow from the bank again, after all, since the beginning of this year, our MP3 sales have been very good."

"Stop kidding, man!"

Gore looked at Jobs with a foolish look, and said slowly: "Don't forget, I was the vice president before, and I also participated in the presidential election last year. Yes, I lost. However, because of I failed, and I knew perfectly well the new administration's policies on the economy."

"After the Nasnaq dot-com bubble in the early 2000s, the new administration in the White House has set a tone of fiscal austerity."

"The banks that will bear the brunt will absolutely have strict controls on lending."

"I'm not sure about other things. From this year to next year, it is impossible for the company to apply for more loans from the bank!"

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Everyone looked at each other.

Jobs was very unwilling, so he turned his attention to Zucker: "Zuck, what do you think?"

Zucker Wald?

In an instant, all the shareholder representatives present focused their attention on Zhu Ke.

No way, who made Zucker the richest cub in the audience?

At the same time, Zucker is also Apple's individual shareholder with the largest number of shares.

"Please, everyone! Since I attended the general shareholders meeting in April last year, I will attend any meeting of Apple at a time. I have a black eye. You say, what do I want to see? What do I want to say?" Zucker held his hands A stall.

Want me to make a direct statement?

Oh, think more!

During this period, Jobs winked at Zucker more than once, trying to get him to support his decision, but Zucker ignored them all.

In 2001, Apple entered the mobile phone market?

Just kidding!

Before smartphones were developed, how did Apple compete with those industry giants in the traditional non-smartphone market?

Looking for death? !

At this stage in the original time and space, the North American mobile phone market was divided up by several industry giants such as Samsung, Sony, Nokia, and Motorola.

It was not until January 2007 that Steve Jobs announced that Apple was entering the mobile phone market.

In August 2007, Apple's first mobile phone was born.

In the same year, Apple Computer officially changed its name to Apple.

"Now that Apple has just recovered from the Internet bubble in the early 2000s, how can there be enough funds to invest in the research and development of mobile phones?"

"When Apple's foothold is not stable, rushing into the mobile phone market will only make investors panic and cause Apple's stock price to fall further."

"I wonder, will those shareholders of the company allow Jobs to mess around?"

"Think about it and know that stability and persistence are the strategies that best fit Apple at present."

Zucker thought to himself.

In fact, Zucker was right.

Those who opposed Jobs' resolution were not only former US Vice President Al Gore, but also more than 90% of the people, including Ms. Mitchellson, Ms. Cech, etc., opposed Jobs' resolution.

Representatives of Firefighters Welfare and Security Foundation, Marine Environmental Protection Association Ms. Cech, and Minor Children's Protection Association...

It is absolutely impossible for these foundations that hold Apple stock, for the sake of safety, to let Apple rush into an unfamiliar field under the current severe economic situation.

[Apple's entry into the mobile phone field? 】

Jobs put forward this motion in 2001, with such a disapproval of more than 90%, there is no possibility of realization at all.

after the board meeting.

Old God Zucker patted Jobs on the shoulder and said, "Dude, look away."

Jobs complained: "Why don't you support me?"

Zucker shrugged and said, "Over 90% of the negative votes, I support you, does it work?"

Before the advent of smartphones, Apple entered the mobile phone market and could not compete with these old giants!

Jobs, who has always been willing to toss, once again made a disgraced face.


Before leaving, Zucker smiled at Jobs: "Don't worry too much, be happy. Uh, our company's new film "The Ninth District" will be released on the 25th of this month, don't forget to buy a ticket to watch the movie."

"You...!" Jobs was annoyed.

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