Qin Jiang shook his head. Judging from the current situation, there is a high probability that there will be no tomb after his death.

From the looks of it, the two tomb robbers were pretty good at killing the person in charge.

He gently pressed his palm on the tombstone, and strands of cold breath flowed into his body.

The potential points also slowly increased,

Gradually, the cold breath became subtle, and then disappeared completely, and the total number of potential points reached 1.6.

After absorbing the potential points, he looked at the sky, which was getting darker.

Without stopping any longer, he left quickly along the way he came.

This Black Mountain is mysterious and unpredictable. It is not a place where he can stay for a long time. Next time he comes, he cannot go so deep.

Walking out of Daheishan, the sky gradually became brighter.

It was approaching evening, and under the slightly yellowish sunlight, I saw a city in the distance.

Looking back, I saw that the black Dahei Mountain was covered with clouds, blocking out the sunlight and unable to shine at all. Just looking at it gave people a sense of heavy oppression from the entire sky.

Without staying too long, he had to go back quickly.

After walking for about an hour, Qin Jiang arrived at the city gate.

There was no one to defend the city.

In other words, the adults in the inner city did not regard the outer city as part of Black Mountain City at all.

Looking around, refugees in twos and threes were sitting outside the city gate, their eyes dull and their expressions numb.

Those in better condition ate dark ‘food’.

As for the bad, there are a lot of refugees in the corner who died and were ignored.

This was the last year of the dynasty. The productivity was not very strong, and the war destroyed the production system, causing countless refugees to flee everywhere.

He looked at the stone plaque on the city gate and could vaguely make out three words, Black Mountain City.

It was named because it is close to Dahei Mountain. It was originally built along the river. It was originally a small fishing village. Later, it gradually developed based on the unique black locust trees on Dahei Mountain.

Although it is said to be a city, it is actually a larger town, and the highest official in the government is still the county magistrate.

Heishan City is divided into an inner city and an outer city. The outer city is divided into four areas: east of the city, west of the city, south of the city, and north of the city.

He lives on the edge of the northern part of the city.

He lowered his head and walked through the refugee group into the city. Torches were lit on both sides of the street. There were also refugees on the illuminated street. The situation was not much better than those at the city gate.

The shops on both sides of the road are basically closed.

After all, if you die anyway, there will always be people grabbing something to eat.

Qin Jiang walked across the street. From time to time, refugees raised their heads to look at him, but they looked away after seeing the ragged linen clothes and the bamboo basket behind him.

The herbal collectors at Baiyun Medical Center cannot move.

That doctor Baiyun is a good person. He comes out every few days to give free consultations and doesn't even charge for the medicine.

After walking for a while, a checkpoint appeared in the middle of the street. The people guarding the checkpoint were not officers and soldiers, but a dozen strong men wearing black cloth.

They are from the Red Tiger Gang.

In these troubled times, various regions are divided and no one cares about the lives of ordinary people. Of course, there will be no officers and soldiers to maintain order in the outer city.

One by one, they all live in a state of intoxication in the inner city.

Therefore, these gangs are responsible for order in the outer city. The largest gang in Black Mountain City is the Red Tiger Gang.

Not only does he completely rule the south and north of the city, he also has a very high status even in the inner city. The leader of the Red Tiger Gang himself is almost on an equal footing with the county magistrate of Heishan City.

His sister Qin Hong is also from this gang, but she works in the inner city and rarely has the opportunity to come out.

"Xiao Qin, are you going to collect medicine again?"

The leader of the Red Tiger Gang smiled and spoke. He had dark skin, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and looked like an honest man.

"Well, I just came back."

Qin Jiang looked at the other person. He was the person in charge of the checkpoint in the north area of ​​the city. His name was Wang Dali, also known as Brother Li.

"Okay, let's go in."

With that said, Wang Dali patted Qin Jiang on the shoulder.

He knew Qin Jiang's sister, a fierce woman who was not easy to mess with. It was said that she had recently fallen in love with a big shot in the inner city.

Furthermore, he also knew that Qin Jiang went out to collect medicine for the old doctor from Baiyun Medical Center.

Although most of these gang members listen to whoever gives them food, they still have some respect for such people.

In other words, if you dare to mess around, you will be looked down upon by the gang.

After passing through the checkpoint, the city gradually gained popularity. Although most people were sallow and thin, they were much better than those refugees outside the city and those who had just entered the city.

Not long after, Qin Jiang came to a medical clinic.

The doorpost on the left says "Baiyun Medical Center", the one on the right says "Treat everyone equally", and the plaque on the wooden door reads "Xuan Hu Ji Shi".

Walking in, two medical apprentices were wiping the counter. The rags in their hands were so black that the original color could not be seen.

In the lobby, an old doctor with white hair and beard was taking the pulse of a middle-aged lady.

Qin Jiang didn't interrupt, patted the dirt on his body, found a chair, sat down and waited quietly.

After a while, the old doctor wrote the prescription and waved his hand. An apprentice came over to take the prescription and take the medicine.

The old doctor looked at the aunt and said, "It's nothing serious. I will be relieved after taking the decoction tonight. Half of the medicine will be enough, but I still need to finish the whole medicine."

"Hey, I understand. Thank you, doctor." The aunt's eyes were filled with gratitude, and she wiped the sweat from her forehead with her shiny sleeves.

The old doctor nodded slightly, looked a little surprised when he saw Qin Jiang, and then nodded to signal him to wait a moment.

After a while, the apprentice prepared the prescription, wrapped it in yellow paper, tied it and brought it over.

The old doctor took the medicine bag and handed it to the aunt, "I'll count you as twenty."

He looked at the aunt's somewhat tattered linen clothes, which were not even as clean as Qin Jiang's, and a trace of sympathy appeared on her wrinkled face.

"Just give me ten cents."

The aunt quickly clasped her hands together and thanked her repeatedly, "Thank you, thank you, you are such a good person! Such a good person! Thank you."

He took out ten blackened copper coins and kept thanking the old doctor before leaving.

Qin Jiang couldn't help but feel a little inexplicably depressed when he looked at his aunt's leaving figure.

Ten cents, according to purchasing power, is about thirty yuan.

He didn't want to think that one day he would be humbled by ten cents.

"Xiao Jiang, why are you back so late today? Did something happen?"

The old doctor walked over to him and sat down with his rickets.

Qin Jiang thought for a while and did not tell about the encounter with the tomb robbers, but he couldn't help but said, "We encountered thick fog and probably encountered the rumored spirit."

The old doctor frowned and said, "Extend your hand and show it to me."

Qin Jiang stretched out his hand, and the old doctor put three fingers on his wrist.

After a while, the old doctor looked at him with some confusion, "Have you mastered Wu Qin Xi?"

Qin Jiang raised his eyebrows and asked with a surprised smile, "How did you know?"

Is it so magical? You can even see this?

He wasn't worried about exposing anything. In the outer city, it was too late for everyone to care about their own affairs, and no one cared about this at all.

"Have you really mastered it? I just want to ask, your qi and blood are stable and you don't have any signs of panic. It stands to reason that ordinary people will have unstable qi and blood when they encounter spirits."

The old doctor took back his hand and pointed to Qin Jiang's medicine basket, "Give it to me. It's getting late today. If I give you the money, go back and rest early."

Qin Jiang handed over the medicine basket and couldn't help but ask: "Doctor, how do you know that encountering spirits will cause qi and blood to become unstable? Do you have any explanation?"

He will have to go to Dahei Mountain to collect herbs in the future. It is not a bad thing to know more anecdotes, maybe he will be able to use them one day.

The old doctor counted the herbs, "I don't have much to say. I encountered them several times when I went to Daheishan to collect herbs in the early years.

It’s just that I haven’t heard of a spirit appearing in Daheishan for so many years, so I forgot to tell you. "

After counting the herbs, he took out four copper coins and said, "Four hundred coins. These Ganoderma lucidum plants haven't been powdered yet, so they are worth more."

In today's world, if you don't have enough to eat, you may die from any minor injury or illness, so medicinal materials are naturally more valuable.

Qin Jiang put away the coins and looked at the old doctor, "You haven't said anything yet. What did you forget to tell me?"

The old doctor looked away from the herbs with some confusion and raised his head to look at him.

"Oh, yes, I'm really old and can't remember things."

As he said that, he looked at the two apprentices and said, "I don't know if I can see them leave the school again."

He lowered his head and murmured to himself, "It's coming soon, it's coming soon, just a few more years will be enough."

Qin Jiang looked at the old doctor who looked lonely and lost in thought but hesitated to speak, "Doctor, what exactly are you going to tell me?"

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