Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 1062 Uncle

Zulongquan as a gift, this is the first time in Guangming Dragon City in many years.

Even many gods are actually very envious of him.

Everyone could see that Guangming Dragon Lord was in a very good mood, and they probably guessed that it was the performance of Jiang Zizai and Long Yan that made him look good in front of his old rivals.

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Such a grand and grand event is about to be planned so that the Bright Dragon Clan can enjoy endless glory among the Holy Dragon Celestial Clan. It is also an exciting event.

All this will be specifically arranged by the King of Glory God. He has actually been ready for a long time, so he also made a little announcement at this time.

Before he spoke, Bai Mu said: "Dad, I can't calm down. I'd better leave first."

"Go back and calm down. There is still a long way to go. Although it is uncomfortable now, it may not be that important when we look back many years later." King Guangyao said.

After saying that, Guangming Dragon Lord called him over.

Bai Mu agreed and withdrew from this lively world. When leaving, he took one last look at Jiang Zizai and Long Yan. When he saw them shining brightly among the crowd, he felt cruel. Twitched hard.

"I have helped you so much, but you have taken away what belongs to me again and again. Jiang Zizai, you are such a white-eyed wolf!"

He took a deep breath and quietly left the crowd, lowering his head with red eyes. What was even more painful for him was that no one noticed him when he left.

He had become a divine king in the Origin Dragon Cave. He should have been noticed and praised, and he should have received the Ancestral Dragon Spring prepared for him!

Nowadays, shouldn’t the envious look that people look at Jiang Zizai be from him?

He was now trapped in the quagmire of nightmares and left with heavy steps. After getting away from the noise of the crowd, his eyes became even more ferocious.

"Everything that belongs to me, the inheritance of the War God King, the inheritance of the Killing God King, these are mine! This Ancestral Dragon Spring has been prepared for me a long time ago! I gave you the opportunity to go to the Bright Dragon Tomb. I helped you several times in the Dragon Tomb, and you didn’t even reveal that you brought people into the Dragon Tomb without permission, but you did this to me, it’s so shameless and disgusting!”

There seemed to be fire stuck in his throat, and his face was full of twisted murderous intent. He didn't dare to look back at this moment, because he was afraid that he could not help but rush over and ask the Bright Dragon Lord why he was doing this.

"At this time, you must be digesting me. You got everything that belongs to me easily, haha..." He could only sneer. His father taught him to give up, but how difficult is it to give up? It would be okay if it was just once, but this How many times has it been?

"A few despicable people from the Small God Realm came to our Bright Dragon Clan, but they were so arrogant and didn't take me seriously at all. If I hadn't taken good care of you, where would you be today! I didn't expect not to be grateful, but to repay kindness with hatred. Ah, that’s really interesting.”

His eyes were full of dazzling light, and the power of the divine source was constantly fluctuating, enough to make even the ancient gods who came close tremble.

"This is the third time. What I have lost, one day I will get it all back!"

"No matter how successful a person from the Small God Realm is in his career, it can't change his poor background and dirty bloodline, right?"

The Guangming Dragon Clan is the most noble and pure Holy Dragon Celestial Clan. He doesn't understand why the Guangming Dragon Lord values ​​two alien bloodlines so much. You must know that he is the direct descendant of the Guangming Dragon Lord!

In his rage, he didn't even know that the direction he was leaving was not even the direction of 'Glory Palace'.

At this moment, a playful voice suddenly came from the front.

"Uncle, is my father back too?"

He was startled for a moment, raised his head, and saw a two-foot-tall little girl standing in front of him. This little girl was wearing a little white dress, with a bell hanging around her neck. Her eyes were big and round, very pretty and cute. Now her eyes Looking at Bai Mu with expectation, anyone would make her look cute now.

But Bai Mu stood frozen for a while.

"Uncle, have you seen my father? Is he in front?" Lingdang asked. She remembered that the last time she ran out, her father beat up a bad guy, and then this uncle appeared. She knew that this person also went to the place called Origin Dragon Cave.

Bai Mu was stiff and suddenly showed a smile. He said: "Yes, he is right in front. My little friend, what is your name? I will take you to find him. It's not like your father won't let you." He was running around, why did he run out again?"

"My name is Lingdang. I know that daddy is back and there is a lot of noise, so I want to see him as soon as possible." The little girl said with hope.

"Why do you only miss your father, but not your mother?" Bai Mu asked, and he discovered this, because there seemed to be no meaning of Long Yan at all in this girl's eyes.

"I miss you, but my mother is far away, and the bell is waiting for her to come to me and my father," she said playfully.

Bai Mu was stunned for a moment, then showed a playful smile and asked: "Long Yan, isn't it your mother?"

"Aunt Yan? She's not, but Aunt Yan is very good to Lingdang. Uncle, I want to see daddy soon. Do you know where he is?" Lingdang asked anxiously.

"Of course I know." Bai Mu smiled and said, "Come, uncle will take you to find your father."

"Thank you, uncle!" Lingdang jumped up excitedly, with a look of joy on her face, but she couldn't see that when Bai Mu turned around, the sneer on the corner of his mouth was so ferocious.

"You have robbed me of so many things, so it's time to pay off your debt and get married in three months? These three months should be enough for you to forget about this extra daughter."


After the Bright Dragon Lord left, no one dared to leave.

The King of Glory God has basically explained the details clearly, and there will be someone responsible for how to handle it when the time comes.

The wedding that Guangming Dragon Lord personally ordered must be grand and grand. Jiang Zizai didn't need to worry about this. He and Long Yan could just be nothing when the time came.

However, because he obtained the God-King Level Evolution Source in the Origin Dragon Cave, he is now the absolute center of attention no matter where he goes, and there are too many people who are curious about him.

Long Yan used to be the most favored, but now Jiang Zizai seems to be slightly more satisfied with the Bright Dragon Lord.

After all, it is of great significance to get something from the Origin Dragon Cave. It is estimated that the other four supreme dragon clans will be very shocked when they hear this news.

Jiang Zizai himself didn't know what other meaning this evolutionary source from the Origin Dragon Cave had besides being terrifying.


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