Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 1085 Debt of Love

Geniuses of this level usually become divine kings in their twenties, but it may take hundreds or even thousands of years to become a divine king. The age range of divine kings is very large, and ninety-six is ​​really not that many.

If calculated by age, there is actually not much difference in the number of people going in each age group.

"Isn't Bai Mu banned?" Jiang Zizai said.

"In the face of such a big event, his matter is already insignificant." The Heavenly Dragon God King said.

Jiang Zizai naturally knew that he was just complaining.

Next to Jiang Zizai, there were Jiang Yaning and Ruo Xiaoyue.

"After I send you to Zulong Academy, I will send them back to Qingchuan and let Tiandu take care of their cultivation." said the Heavenly Dragon God King.

Jiang Zizai had already discussed this matter with them.

Now Jiang Zizai has to leave here and go to the Zulong Academy, and he has no idea how long it will take. The Heavenly Dragon God King also has to go there, and there is no time to return to the Heavenly Dragon Palace. It will definitely be inconvenient for them to be two mortals here.

For those who are not so talented, practicing in the Dragon Sacrifice God Realm and the Small God Realm are almost the same...

Over at the Divine King's Palace in Tiandu, Su Yuexi will definitely take good care of Jiang Zizai's sisters.

In the past, Jiang Zizai needed their help to take care of Lingdang, but now Lingdang has been taken away.

They definitely can't go to Zulong Academy, and the evolutionary world has no cultivation conditions, which is not good for their development, so they still need to settle down.

It was their own decision to return to the Small God Realm.

If Xiao Yue needs to be separated from Lu Dingxing, it doesn't matter to them, because after arriving at Zulong Academy, they can't come out casually, but Tianlong God King can easily take them back to Qingchuan, and there are many opportunities to meet. Don’t worry about missing me too much.

Even so, Jiang Yaning still secretly shed tears. In fact, she still missed Lingdang too much and was always worried that she would not have a good life there.

"If you have any news about Lingdang, you must tell me as soon as possible so that I know she is safe." Jiang Yaning said.

"Don't cry. You're not young anymore. When you get to Qingchuan, you might be able to find a suitable person to marry." Jiang Zizai helped her wipe away her tears.

"If I don't see the bell for one day, I will never marry." She said seriously.

Jiang Zizi was speechless. He knew that she had devoted too much emotion to Lingdang.

"Definitely." He hugged her as a promise.

"Take care of yourself. Man." Jiang Yaning's eyes were gentle.

My dear sister, blood dissolves in water, how could he not protect her.


Now everything is fine, just let her rest assured.

And Xiaoyue, she has grown up too.

"Brother, no one can control your future." Ruo Xiaoyue said seriously.

"Don't praise me, I know. I will help you keep an eye on the panda. If he messes with others, I will definitely report him." Jiang Zizai said with a smile.

"You fart, you pick up a hundred girls, and he won't even look at other women." Ruo Xiaoyue said with disdain.

"Xiao Yue, it's the most beautiful." Lu Dingxing said seriously.

"I can't stand you guys, let's go, let's go." It's so frustrating to have to show affection before leaving.

So when we parted at the end, we were still smiling.

In fact, there are indeed many opportunities to meet in the future. Jiang Zizai just reported to the Zulong Academy first and settled down first. As long as the Tianlong God King is free, he can take them back to the Little God Realm at any time. After all, the Zulong Academy only guarantees that most geniuses They are safe, and those who threaten their safety will not track them to the Little God Realm to kill Jiang Zizai.

The entire Guangming Dragon Clan has a quota of one hundred, among which there are five God-Kings who serve as Dragon Sacrificial Masters, but except for the Heavenly Dragon God-King, none of them are known to them.

The Heavenly Dragon God King is not as familiar with the entire Guangming Dragon City as the Guangyao God King. He himself has nothing to do. It is normal for him to be arranged to be a Dragon Sacrifice Master. Moreover, I heard that he has trained so many geniuses. I definitely trust his ability in this area. Guangming Long Zun recommended him personally, and he must also value his ability to take care of Jiang Zizai and the others.

Five Dragon Sacrifice Masters gathered together and took a hundred people directly to Zulong Academy.

Jiang Zizai met Bai Mu again.

Bai Mu's expression was cold. After seeing Jiang Zizai, he smiled slightly and said, "I didn't expect your life to be so exciting. You have even played with the Immortal Lord. You are really romantic."

There was sarcasm and ridicule in these words. It seemed that he was still resentful of losing to Jiang Zizai.

"If you were lucky enough to break the dog leash, don't bark as soon as you come out. You will avoid getting whipped." Jiang Zizai said.

His words were still sharp.

"Haha." Bai Mu continued to smile. He looked at Long Yan and said, "It seems that you failed to get married. Now she is not your woman, right? You don't seem to love her yourself? In that case , then I seem to have a chance, brother, you might be able to help me, right?"

"Go away, you are just a piece of shit in Yan'er's eyes." Jiang Zizai said with a frown.

This guy really doesn't know how to live or die, and he jumps around as soon as he comes out. Jiang Zizai will have many opportunities to beat him in the future.

Unexpectedly, he said shit, and Bai Mu was still not angry. He continued to smile and said: "Shit can live for thousands of years, but she seems to only have ten years. It's a pity, beauty and bones, she is a Short-lived ghost, and it was all caused by you, a cruel murderer, who deceived and played with her feelings, and even killed her, you are really a beast. "

Jiang Zizai's heart was really hurt this time. Bai Mu was very smart and directly tore open his scar and sprinkled salt into it.

"Moreover, all the casualties of my Supreme Dragon Clan in the future, including the death of Blizzard Dragon Lord, are caused by you, a beast! These are all your sins! Jiang Zizai, others dare not say, but I dare to tell the truth, from now on, you are the sinner of our Supreme Dragon Clan, you deserve to die."

After saying this, he actually laughed.

There were other gods beside him, their faces were cold, and they didn't say much. They didn't care about Long Yan's matter, but now, the whole world knows that the Immortal Lord was able to die and be reborn because Jiang Zizai saved her!

This was said by the Immortal Lord himself, and everyone listened.

Jiang Zizai himself didn't expect that these days, public opinion has developed to the point where I don't know how many people want to kill him to vent their anger.

What Bai Mu said was already considered light.

He has been in contact with Bright Dragon Lord and others, but he doesn't know what others are talking about.

But these are all what he should bear, he doesn't care much, and he may not be on the side of the Supreme Dragon Clan now.

However, what Bai Mu said about Long Yan was really painful.

But at this time, a hand suddenly grabbed him. Jiang Zizai turned around and saw her smiling at him from behind.

She didn't say anything, but this warm and gentle smile cooled Jiang Zizai's murderous heart.

She really never blamed herself.

At such a time, she was the one who suffered, why did she need her to comfort herself, fearing that she would feel uncomfortable.

Such a girl is always so good that Jiang Zizai feels that he is committing a crime.

Sometimes, love is really a debt that must be repaid.


Volume 8

[Zulong Academy]

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