Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 1112 Divine Beast King

About ten days later, they walked from the desert to the mountain abyss, then walked through a black deep sea, and finally landed again, reaching the endless mountain abyss again. The terrain here seemed much higher than before, and closer to the blood-colored vortex in the sky.

It seemed that you could touch it by looking up.

In these ten days, they really encountered thousands of divine beasts. This is a world of divine beasts! Almost every divine beast has a divine-level evolution source. So far, Jiang Zizai has seen 10,000 divine-level evolution sources. He took more than 3,000 of them and planned to return to the Great Jiang King City when the time comes. He can train a group of super elites for his brother.

There are slightly fewer divine king-level evolution sources. Only those large groups of divine beasts, or divine beasts close to the realm of divine kings, can have them. The scale encountered in these ten days is relatively small, so there are more than 20 divine king-level evolution sources.

At this location, looking up, this is almost the core of this world. The bloody vortex is just above the head. If you walk five days further, you may reach the bottom of the vortex.

At this place, the number of divine beasts is much less, but once they appear, their level and strength will be very high.

Jiang Zizai has encountered divine beasts comparable to the Lord of Gods. This kind of divine beast is one level higher than ordinary divine beasts and is usually called: Lord of Divine Beasts. Lord is a small king. Any Lord of Beasts is the king of ordinary divine beasts. There are also divine beasts comparable to the Lord of Gods. There are some in the Sacrifice Dragon Divine Domain. The kind called the Lord of Divine Beasts is the real emperor among the divine beasts, which is much more terrifying than the Lord of Divine Beasts.

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Usually, if he can still deal with the Divine Beast King, he will follow some of them, but if they are comparable to the fifth or sixth level of the Divine Beast King, he will basically choose to give up.

Because he still wants to go forward to confirm his guess, that is, whether there is a Divine King-level evolution source in the second level of this evolutionary world?

If there is, it is of extraordinary significance.

He continued to move forward. There were many Divine King-level evolution sources in this position, but the opponent was not so easy to deal with. There would be plenty of opportunities to deal with them in the future, so he began to move forward with his head down, to see if he could avoid most of the Divine Beasts this time and reach the center of the vortex of the second level of this evolutionary world.

After three days of moving forward in hiding, this place is already very close to the core area.

It must be said that there is black fog and blood fog everywhere, the range of vision is already very small, and it is simply full of dangers, and the terrifying breath of the Divine Beast King is everywhere.

"If there is a Divine King-level evolution source here, then there must be a 'Divine Beast King'."

This is the reason why Jiang Zizai is cautious. After all, the Divine Beasts here are almost all extremely vicious. Once you encounter such an existence, your life may be lost here.

There are black stone forests everywhere here. The stone forest is tall and thin, and hundreds of thousands of them are piled together, just like a forest. You can get lost walking in it.

Jiang Zizai stayed in place, and he still used the totem god to explore the way. The totem god must not be too far away from the main body. They took a detour to come here. This is already a very dangerous place. Not long ago, Jiang Zizai saw a Divine Beast that was at least comparable to the eighth level of the Divine King. Fortunately, it was not discovered by it, otherwise it would be troublesome.

A strange black dragon, trying to become very small, shuttled through this black and strange stone forest.

He was also patient and only looked at it bit by bit. Basically, he would avoid the breath of a powerful beast.

"The powerful beasts here basically occupy their own territory. Anyone who is found to break in will definitely cause a fight. Most of the time, they should be at peace with each other, because they may have their own evolutionary sources."

But if there is a fight, Jiang Zizai will have a chance, after all, his totem god is silent.

He shuttled through the stone forest. Inadvertently, he suddenly saw that there seemed to be an open space in the middle of the stone forest in front of him. The open space should be an altar. The altar was completely black and had many blood-colored symbols on it. These were nothing. Anyway, this place was weird. But in the next moment, he suddenly saw a black and white stone in the center of the altar. The black and white stone was in the shape of a sphere. It looked simple, but it was very strange if you looked closely.

Many people may not have any reaction when seeing this black and white stone, but Jiang Zizai himself was shocked, because he was a person who had received the inheritance of the God of War, so he went to learn about the God of War. The totem of the God of War was the "Great Fortune Yin Yang War Dragon Totem", and the evolution source of his achievement of the God of War was a top-level God of War evolution source called "Great Fortune Yin Yang"!

So he learned a little about the details of this "Great Fortune Yin Yang", and what shocked him at this moment was that the spherical stone in the center of the black altar that suddenly appeared was very similar to the God of War evolution source "Great Fortune Yin Yang" described!

The seemingly ordinary stone actually contains the terrifying power of Great Fortune Yin Yang. This kind of evolution source can be ranked among the God of War evolution sources. The fact that the God of War was so powerful in the past has a lot to do with this Great Fortune Yin Yang evolution source.

Between heaven and earth, the power of the extreme yin and the extreme yang can be used by this evolution source.

Jiang Zizai didn't know the specific details, but when he knew that this black and white stone was probably the source of the great fortune of yin and yang evolution, he was very excited.

The key was at this moment, when the ground shook suddenly. He looked towards the center of the vortex. The distant sky was engulfed by blood-colored clouds, but it was obvious that two terrible beasts were fighting!

The noise of the battle was too loud, and it was obviously a beast comparable to the God King!

"Could it be that this stone forest is the territory of one of the beasts, and it just happened to go to fight?"

Jiang Zizai became bolder when he thought of this. Anyway, he came here as a totem god, and he could leave the evolution source at any time, so his body had already opened the door to the evolution world. About a quarter of an hour later, the door to the evolution world was about to be opened, and when the battle over there reached a white-hot stage, Jiang Zizai's totem god suddenly moved forward and rushed into the altar.

When he entered the altar, the altar suddenly became very scary. Sure enough, the black and white stone was guarded here. Now the countless blood-colored symbols on the altar were dazzlingly shining. It can be seen that those blood-colored symbols were all blood-red bats. These symbols turned into blood-colored bats and came towards Jiang Zi in this totem god. It was even more terrifying than his three hundred sacrificial dragons!

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