Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 1127: Surrender

With their current knowledge, it is difficult to know.

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"Do you want to go in again?" Long Yan asked.

Such a big thing happened in the second level of the evolutionary world. I always want to see how it will develop in the future. Jiang Zizai said: "After killing the Blood Prison Twin Demons, this beast claw should not stay for too long. It may go to find other prey. I will sneak in and take a look in two days."

In fact, two days is long enough, but for the sake of safety, he still held back. He was mainly thinking, if the beast claw killed many divine beast kings, wouldn't there be many top evolution sources without owners? At the critical moment, you must seize the opportunity to go in and pick up the leak. If you go in a month later, it is estimated that the daylily will be cold.

It is difficult to guess from the outside where this beast claw came from.

Jiang Zizai waited patiently for two days and opened the door of the evolutionary world again to enter it.

After arriving here, he found that the bodies of the Blood Prison Twin Demons had disappeared. The whole world seemed to have returned to normal. There seemed to be no more divine beasts wailing, and there was a dead silence between heaven and earth.

"Could it be that the beast claws have killed all the divine beasts in this evolutionary world?"

He walked forward curiously and headed for the core area of ​​the second level of this evolutionary world.

The dead silence around was simply a bit horrifying. Now, apart from the blood flowing like a river on the ground, even the divine beasts were not seen. It felt like the beast claws had really killed them all.

Jiang Zizai walked forward a few steps.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a chill on his back. A gust of cool wind behind the back of his head made him shudder, and the hairs on his body almost stood up.

This dead silence was indeed shocking. He felt cold all over now. The green lightning dragon instantly merged into his body. Almost in the next moment, he turned around, and then he suddenly found that the beast claws had shrunk a lot and appeared behind him!

This was a feeling of seeing a ghost suddenly.

The moment he saw the beast claw, Jiang Zizai's head almost split open.

He was already careful enough and would come back in two days. According to his estimation, the beast claw would continue to kill people after killing the two demons of the Blood Prison, and it was unlikely to stay here. He never expected that after he came in, he would be followed by this strange beast claw in the next moment.

The crisis of death enveloped his whole body in this moment.

He almost didn't think about it and fled back at the first time. The speed of Chaos Lightning was pretty good.

At this time, he was already sweating coldly.

He didn't regret it. He came for the source of evolution, which was definitely an adventure. Now he just encountered the worst situation.

But how to escape next? It became the biggest problem. Jiang Zizai didn't want to die at all now, because he still missed the bell and owed Long Yan a debt to pay.

But no matter how fast he ran, no matter where he ran, the strange beast claw would appear in front of him in the next moment.

Jiang Zizai was slightly stunned, and the beast claw appeared directly on his forehead, then opened the bloody claws and grabbed directly towards the totem at the center of Jiang Zizai's eyebrows.

It was almost going to dig out Jiang Zizai's totem!

At this critical moment, Jiang Zizai instantly turned into the totem beast, and then turned into a whirlpool. At this critical moment, he avoided this fatal grab, but the key was that Jiang Zizai could not hold on for long, and the beast claw simply stopped during this time. Maybe it knew that Jiang Zizai could not hold on?

Sure enough, at the moment when Jiang Zizai turned into a human form, it opened the bloody claws and grabbed Jiang Zizai's forehead!

With the speed of the beast claw, it was completely impossible to resist. The next moment, he felt his forehead was cold, and felt that the beast claw had pierced into his flesh and skull, and then grabbed it tightly, almost tearing his head apart.

"Is he going to die?"

The beast's claws were too terrifying and straightforward, so there was almost no time to think.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. It was useless for Jiang Zizai to not want to die, because he didn't even have time to think. This was not a slow process.

The moment his mind went blank, everything was over.

He didn't die.

In the sea of ​​life, Jiang Zizai seemed to have forgotten one thing.

The black petal.

After he turned into a totem dragon, there were no black petals in his mouth, and the totem god also had no petals. It seemed that the black petals did not look like part of his totem.

But why did the source of destruction take the form of these petals?

He hadn't paid attention to it for a long time, but the black petals in the sea of ​​life brought a destructive blow to the beast's claw when it wanted to tear and take away the totem!

It was just a vibration. Although there was still a sting on his forehead, the feeling of death disappeared.

He was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his hand and pulled the beast's claw off his forehead. Although the blood on it was still dripping, he felt like he had survived a desperate situation because he survived!

The beast's claw still looked bloody and terrifying, especially the blood-colored claw, which looked scarier than Long Yan's Heaven-Slaying Blood Thorn. But unexpectedly, it was now held in Jiang Zizai's hand, motionless, as if it was asleep, or in other words, as if it was dead...

Although dead, its terrifying power is not weak at all, and it still makes the world of the second level of the evolution world fall into a dead silence. The beasts that should have fled have probably almost all fled.

Jiang Zizai weighed the beast claw in his hand, and he suddenly smiled after surviving the disaster.

"No matter how powerful you are, in my hand, it's just a claw."

He roughly guessed that the beast claw was controlled by a spiritual will, or it could be said to be a part of the soul. It should come from the owner of the beast claw. It was just that when it intended to invade Jiang Zizai's natal totem, the black petals directly destroyed it. Now the beast claw has not changed, but it has lost its controller, so it will not move in front of Jiang Zizai, just like a totem weapon that has lost its owner.

However, he didn't know whether its spiritual will would be able to revive. Overall, it was still a dangerous thing.

But Jiang Zizai was originally very courageous, and escaping death here made him even more courageous. He was still concerned about the evolution source of this evolution world, so he wanted to take this opportunity to look deeper, in case those divine beast kings had escaped and left the evolution source behind.

He took the beast claw and went directly to the center of the vortex. He also hoped that the divine beasts would be afraid of the beast claw. Once he encountered a difficult divine beast king or divine beast lord, the beast claw might come in handy.

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