Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 1262 Reasonable Explanation

In a silent encounter, Jiang Zizai directly caused Zhao Wuxin to be severely injured on the spot, dying, on the verge of death, and directly lost all his mental will.

Jiang Zizai did not stop at all. He felt that several people had noticed the breath of his two great divine weapons and were catching up, so he quickly rushed out of the water, entered the jungle in a blink of an eye, and disappeared in the canyon abyss in front.

During this process, Jiang Zizai and Guangyao God King and others met. They did not follow into the lake, but stood there. They saw Jiang Zizai escape from it with their own eyes.

Just now, they helped him a little, so he had room to escape, so Jiang Zizai smiled at them and disappeared from their sight. In fact, they were very worried, and that was why they were so surprised when they saw Jiang Zizai appear.

"He escaped?"

"It should be. Everyone else is in the lake, but he has come out easily. Maybe no one knows he came out from here."

"As long as there is time, he should be able to hide again and no one can find him."

"Just this time now is enough." Guangyao God King narrowed his eyes and looked at the direction where Jiang Zizai disappeared. This ancient realm is really too big and very mysterious. He knew that if he relied on himself, he could not catch up with Jiang Zizai now. He could clearly see that Jiang Zizai had made great progress.

"Has this guy improved? So fast? So brave? I remember when he first came, his combat power was about the third level of God King. Now he can escape from such a chase, which is definitely not simple."

"It is also possible that he just increased his speed? After all, you and I are both in the God King realm. We know how slowly flesh and blood grow. No matter how high your talent is, it is sometimes useless."

"What method did he use to increase his speed like this? Talisman?"

Just as they were discussing, many people suddenly rushed out of the lake and chased directly in the direction where Jiang Zizai disappeared, including the top figures.

"Where are the people?" The God King Wu Tian suddenly rushed in front of them, his eyes fierce and blood red, staring at the God King Guang Yao and the others, and roared in a low voice.

"Who are you asking?" The God King Guang Yao said lightly.

"My brother was almost beaten to death! Just wait and see, Supreme Dragon Clan!" The God King Wu Tian roared in a low voice. The people in front had already chased forward, so of course he could only follow again. All the people who saw him also chased in that direction, leaving the God King Guang Yao and the others looking at each other in bewilderment.

"It's been a while, I guess they can't catch up. I think Jiang Zizai's ability to disappear is really strong. Anyway, this guy is used to running for his life. He was almost killed in the Zulong Academy." A God King of the Demon Dragon Heaven Clan said.

"What did Zhao Wu Tian mean just now?" The God King Guang Yao pondered for a while, and suddenly saw a member of the Hundong Demon Clan holding a young man coming out of the lake. The young man was pale and had lost his mind. He looked almost dead.

"Zhao Wuxin? Is he injured?"

"Looking at the attitude of God King Wu Tian, ​​it must be."

"He is seriously injured. I know what God King Wu Tian meant just now. Is he saying that our people injured his brother? We didn't even enter the lake?" Someone laughed.

"No, his soul was seriously injured. The injury to his flesh and blood came from the space rupture, and it can be healed." God King Guangyao frowned.

"Jiang Zizai defeated the crystal beast with the help of the ancient black fire pillar and the chaos soul bell. In other words, he said that the attack on the soul of the sky is very terrible. What God King Wu Tian meant is that Zhao Wuxin was defeated by Jiang Zizai?"

"How is it possible? Jiang Zizai is only in his twenties. How can Zhao Wuxin be the seventh level of God King? I can't take him down."

"But this should be the fact." God King Guangyao didn't dare to think about such a question. If he thought about it, he would probably suffocate. It was completely unbelievable.

"Isn't he still a Godly Lord? He should have just become a Godly King. It's only been a few months. How can he achieve the same results as others who have practiced for hundreds or thousands of years? Since ancient times, even the most extraordinary geniuses need more than a thousand years to reach the seventh level from the third level of Godly King's combat power!"

They looked at each other in bewilderment, unable to calm down for a long time. They found that Jiang Zizai, whom they used to treat as a child, seemed to be a little out of control in this ancient realm. He was growing wildly in a terrifying way, and even the God of Glory shuddered at this time.

"Five years later, who knows what he will be like when he returns to the Dragon Sacrifice Divine Realm in five years? Will we still be able to control him then?"

"I thought I had thousands of years to educate him well, but now no one knows that he has grown like this. What should we do next? The gods have no way of knowing. Now that this ancient realm has come in, don't even think about spreading the news."

If it was just progress, they might be happy.

But is it just progress now? That boy suddenly made them feel terrified. They still regarded Jiang Zizai as a child, but they did not expect that, without knowing it, the child suddenly turned into a bloody killer overnight, which made everyone present feel terrified.

"It's only been half a year! If he keeps improving at this rate..."

"Everyone! I know the reason! You forgot that he has the Heart of the True Dragon of Reincarnation! He must have entered the state of reincarnation to defeat Zhao Wuxin just now, so he could cross the realm and defeat Zhao Wuxin." Suddenly, a God King said loudly.

"Oh, why did I forget this too!"

"Haha, that's how it is. It seems that he was too scared when he was being hunted, which triggered the reincarnation state."

"I was wondering why it was so terrifying. It turned out to be this reason. This makes a lot more sense. How can someone take half a year to achieve the hard training of others for thousands of years?"

The growth of the God King is slow. The Totem Beast needs to grow slowly. After all, the life span is strong. Every person who has just become a God King is like the birth of a top-level young beast. It takes countless time to grow up before it can become an adult and have the opportunity to challenge the gods.

A life span of 100 years takes 18 years to grow up.

A life span of tens of thousands of years, of course, also requires tens of thousands of years to grow to the peak. However, most of the God Kings, because of their talent limits, stop growing at a certain level until they die.

The explanation finally makes sense.

Many people chased out and never came back, so it is unknown whether they caught up with Jiang Zizai.

The Supreme Dragon Clan was also preparing to leave. Now that they had gathered together, they had no intention of separating. They would act together. Although the chance of getting first place in the Forty-Nine Festivals had become smaller, at least their ability to survive had increased. Here, they had to at least save their lives first, and then talk about other things.

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