Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 1295 In a Dream

It wasn't until she was truly exhausted and unable to beg for mercy that the battle ended. The battlefield was in a mess. Under the starlight, Jiang Zizai leaned in her arms and fell asleep. Since she left, she has never fallen asleep again, let alone this. A moment of peace, and the man who was smaller than herself in her arms had a flushed face and a smile on his lips. He also entered a dream. At this moment, the stars were shining on him, and the picture was so perfect that it was like a dream. A dream, but actually, not a dream.

Until the sun rose and burned me, someone pulled my ears and teased: "Little rascal, get up, the sun is shining on your butt. If you don't get up, you will become a little monkey."

When I opened my eyes in a daze, she was sitting on the edge dressing up. When her back and long hair appeared in front of my eyes, I dreamed back to that time. This familiar scene was so similar to before!

She's really back, she's really not dead!

In the early morning, it was the intense moment. Without saying a word, Jiang Zizai pounced on her again and carried her back to the bed. Without giving her a chance to breathe, she gave up after a few more clouds and rain. When her face was rosy, she continued. While dressing up, Jiang Zizai stood behind her and looked at her beautiful face. He had pinched himself countless times. He was really not dreaming.

She is really the Nine Immortals, not just a dream. She was just pretending before this. Sure enough, no matter how much she pretends to be, she still can't escape Jiang Zizai's eyes. His intuition is completely right.

But he still has a lot of doubts, such as what is her current relationship with the Immortal Lord? How does she exist in another identity? Is it the same as what I saw in the confusion of Huantian Eye, that it was the Immortal Lord who devoted her mortal career to another person, making her the new Nine Immortals, and she Abandon the mortal world and continue to be her immortal?

When he leaned on her shoulder and was about to speak, she spoke first. She shushed and said, "Don't ask anything. You just need to know that you and I are here. That's enough. What?" Don’t even ask.”


This time, Jiang Zizai will not make trouble unreasonably. She did not admit it before, and then she was moved by Jiang Zizai and admitted it. There must be something unspeakable. Now that she has paid for herself and changed, as a sensible self, naturally she cannot Make it difficult for her again.

Two people here are indeed enough.

Jiang Zizai just needed an answer, and now he had this answer.

But he absolutely swore that one day, he would have the strength to figure out all these things, and he would let her in front of him be upright and no longer need to hide. This is the oath from the bottom of his heart and his goal. He knows that this may mean fighting against the Immortal Lord, but he is fearless.

Without asking anything, you can guess what kind of pressure she has to face now that she is entangled with Jiang Zizai, and this pressure must come from the Immortal Lord.

If they were really distinguished, then Jiang Zizai would not have any feelings for the Immortal Lord, and would even be his enemy at some point.

He doesn't need to ask, he just needs to give her enough love. It's not easy for him, but it's never easy for her to survive with another identity.

After dressing up, she was still as pretty and charming as ever. Even after just a fight, she could make Jiang Zizai want to fight again.

"Lower your head." She looked at the mirror and asked Jiang Zizai to rest his head on her shoulder from behind. Then she reached out and pinched Jiang Zizai's face and said, "Looking at your charming face, your skills are still the same. So good, tell me, how many mistresses have you found for me along the way?"

"Mistress? What is it?" Jiang Zizai was stunned for a moment. She still spoke strangely like that. It should be the words in her memory from her previous life.

"You're just a bitch who ruins other people's marital happiness." She squinted her eyes and smiled.

"Absolutely not."

"What about little girl Long Yan? Did she push her down?" She turned around and asked with a smile.

"No, I'm not that kind of person." Jiang Zizai coughed twice.

"I believe you, haha. If you hadn't held it in for too long, how could you not give people a chance to breathe, little villain?"

Under the sun, Jiang Zizai held her waist and looked down at her. The deep ravine on her snow-white chest was still so charming.

What is a peerless beauty? This is the one in front of me.

Jiang Zizai couldn't resist her temptation anyway. With just a little temptation, he would turn into a beast and satisfy her.

"Forget everything, don't say anything, so that I can stay with you." This is what she said.

Therefore, we cannot talk about the past, nor the future, nor the reasons. These were all the pressures she was under. Jiang Zizai was very obedient. If she knew that she had enough resistance, she would definitely tell herself that there were some things that she couldn't rush into. She said that Jiang Zizai's current progress has made her She marveled, and he was hopeful to go down until he could change all the positions.

Therefore, we must cherish the time we spend together and must not embarrass her.

In the arms of this beauty, in the gentle passion, Jiang Zizai could forget about looking for the few mythical beast kings. He could give up walking on the Origin Continent and choose to stay on this Sky Island. He could also ignore others and get more. Because the Nine Immortals said that she felt that the treasures of the forty-nine sacrifices should be on the Sky Island, so there was no need to go down.

Jiang Zizai believed her. There was no one else on Sky Island. They lived a life in their dreams here, with only laughter and passion, and sleeping in each other's arms in the wind and rain. Jiang Zizai made up for what he missed in these years. Their battlefields were all over Sky Island, because Jiang Zizai knew that she would always leave temporarily, so he had to hurry up, lest she left when she woke up from the dream one day. If Jiang Zizai expected, she was still under the control of the Immortal Venerable and could not help herself.

Endless lingering, intimate love words, rubbing ears, love like a tide.

Say nothing, ask nothing, just one look, and you know what the other person is thinking, as if you are back to the beginning.

She was still young, lively, and free and easy, and a little eccentric, with a lot of ideas in her mind. What she had to do every day was naturally dressing up. Maybe her identity as the Dream God King was too oppressive for her, so when she was completely liberated, she would wear different clothes in front of Jiang Zizai every day. In her words, beautiful clothes should be worn for people who can appreciate them...

Living like this, Jiang Zizai sometimes wanted time to stop here completely.

But he knew that Yan'er was still waiting for him to save her life.

He also knew that Lingdang was still with the Immortal Venerable.

His parents and brother also didn't know where they had gone.

It was impossible to let time stay at this moment forever. She didn't say it, but Jiang Zizai knew she would leave.

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