Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 1312: Xinghan God King

He said so much, and he had done his best. This was because everyone was a dragon totem. Next, he wanted to gather them together. He might have to rely on himself in the future, and he also concentrated on finding the phantom demon.

It took about five or six days to finally gather seventy-five God Kings. The others may have left. Three died at the hands of the mixed cave demons, and some may have died at the hands of the phantom demons. Because Jiang Zizai also encountered phantom demons and God Kings walking together during the search, there must be a phantom demon that succeeded.

At this time, he had collected fifteen phantom demon crystals and killed seven phantom demons.

In the dead of night, he used the swallowing essence technique alone to refine the corpse of the phantom demon. The realm that had not increased for a long time finally began to improve, and it was infinitely close to the sixth level of the God King. As long as phantom demons continue to appear, his progress is inevitable.

But the headache is that it is very difficult to distinguish the phantom demon. He must guess and use auxiliary words. For example, if he finds a new God King, he needs to talk about how he killed the phantom demon, and then guess through the other party's reaction. In this process, he guessed wrong once or twice and almost killed a good person by mistake. Fortunately, he stopped at the brink.

Even he can hardly distinguish, let alone ordinary God Kings. So as long as they are in the inner world of the blue sun, they will be threatened by the phantom demon. Jiang Zizai can help them for a while, but he can't help them for a lifetime.

When he has tried his best to get all of them together and confirmed that there are no phantom demons among them, he said: "I'm leaving."

Naturally, they tried their best to keep him, but Jiang Zizai was determined to leave, and they couldn't keep him.

"This is the test of Qingyang Taigu God. I can't bear it for you. Everyone, please wish for your own good fortune. How many steps you can take and what you can get depends on yourself. Everyone is together. It is safe, but it is unlikely to have any good fortune. So everyone has their own choice whether to want good fortune or safety. I don't need safety, so I'm leaving first." Jiang Zizai said.

"Let him go." Guangyao God King said to everyone.

"We, the Supreme Dragon Clan, definitely need someone to sprint for the first place. Jiang Zizai, it's up to you."

"The future of the Sacrifice Dragon Divine Domain and countless Supreme Dragon Clan depends on you. We strayed into this place and under the threat of the Phantom Demon, we should put safety first. You are right, we can't die either." Lingxian God King said.

They also wanted to brainwash Jiang Zizai and let him fight to kill the Immortal Venerable, but their words were already difficult to enter Jiang Zizai's ears. After fighting with the Chaos Demon Clan and helping them solve the crisis of the Phantom Demon, Jiang Zizai's status was already above them.

On this day, Jiang Zizai left directly and no longer cared about their life or death.

From now on, he will walk his own way.

It must be much easier for one person. He directly covered it with the Heavenly God Soul. As long as he saw someone, he would immediately distinguish whether it was a phantom demon. After leaving that area, Jiang Zizai suddenly found that some phantom demons had not yet transformed into God Kings, and were still wandering around in the body of phantom demons looking for opportunities. In this way, there was no need to judge, and he could directly search and kill them. For his current strength, normal phantom demons were not a threat.

After leaving them, the number of phantom demons killed was actually increasing. In about a month, in the update of the golden text, Jiang Zizai had already ranked first with the number 81. Mu Fan, who also had the Heavenly God Soul, was surpassed by Jiang Zizai, with the number 69. The third place was the Phantom God King, with the number 43, followed by Sikong Feichen, the Flower Thorn God King Liu Yiyi, and then the Kongkong God King and the Silent God King, all of whom were above 30.

The golden text only listed the existences ranked above 20, and it was very likely that they were less than 20, and it was difficult to move forward, let alone have the opportunity to sprint to the first place in the 49th Festival.

On this day, Jiang Ziyu met an acquaintance while moving forward in this twisted world.

To be honest, the sun blue fire that kept falling from the sky was aimed at dense crowds, so not only the Supreme Dragon Clan, but all densely targeted crowds would basically be bombarded by the sun blue fire within a few days. The Qingyang Taigu God used this purpose to separate the crowds, and then survive under the threat of the phantom demons, so that there would be people who stood out.

So he finally gathered the Supreme Dragon Clan together, but if nothing unexpected happened, they would probably be hit by the sun blue fire again and scattered, and then the phantom demons would swarm in.

The acquaintance he met was a pretty and charming woman, Yin Xijun from the Galaxy God Realm. There were more than a dozen people from the Galaxy God Realm around her, basically all of them were elders who protected her, and they were all top God Kings, but the trouble she encountered was that in front of her, there was an identical self, and this self was now panicked and nervous, just like herself, and accused the other party of being a fake.

She was actually impersonated by the phantom demon, which was really funny.

Now, the two of them were arguing to the death to prove their identities, and everyone present was extremely worried and had no idea who was the daughter of their Xinghe Tiandi. Jiang Zizai appeared.

"I know who the phantom demon is. Should I kill her directly?" Jiang Zizai said.

He was the first in the phantom demon killing list. Yin Xijun felt like she had found a life-saving straw and hurriedly said, "Help me quickly!"

Today, she already knew that Jiang Zizai, who was her opponent at the beginning, was now high above and could no longer be touched.

While she was talking, the phantom demon also said, "Don't listen to her nonsense, she is fake!"

Jiang Zizai smiled, and he came to the real Yin Xijun, sneering: "Don't struggle, I have killed more than 80 phantom demons, and I can tell at a glance that you are fake, and I will skin you alive now."

"Wow!" Yin Xijun was so scared that she cried, and she collapsed on the ground, screaming: "Jiang Zizai, you are blind, you killed so many phantom demons..."

While she was crying, the 'Starry Sky God King' who was the ninth level of the God King beside her suddenly took action and killed the phantom demon on the spot, leaving the crying Yin Xijun stunned.

Yin Xijun was only the third level of the God King, and the phantom demon that transformed her was not strong, and died in one kill.

"Xijun, it's okay, Jiang Zizai just scared you, he has already given me instructions." Starry Sky God King quickly helped Yin Xijun up, and she survived in despair.

"Asshole, you come to scare me." Yin Xijun was exhausted, this phantom demon was too scary.

Jiang Zizai smiled slightly, then looked at the Star Han God King and said, "You just took a Phantom Magic Crystal?"

"Yes, you found the Phantom Magic, I'll give it to you directly?" He was about to take out the Phantom Magic Crystal.

Jiang Zizai shook his head and said, "I can't give it to you. Once it's in my hands, it will return to you. I want to do a test. Do you want to cooperate?"


"Let me see if defeating you can change the ownership of your Phantom Magic Crystal."

If this test is successful, it may be a battle between God Kings later, rather than a game of hunting Phantom Magic.

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