Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 1433 Creation and Destruction (5)

"However, there are too many people in this world that I am attached to, and I can't let them be shattered!" Jiang Zizai said while retaining the last of his sobriety.

"You are wrong. This is just a small emotion. In the face of the reincarnation of all things, it is not enough. You adhere to the will of reincarnation of heaven and earth. You are the supreme god. You cannot even love sentient beings. What you love is reincarnation, and what you love is heaven and earth. Replacement, love is the law of the universe. Only when the origin is destroyed can the world reach perfection. In the future, countless lives will be born, and countless people can become your relatives and lovers. Those are all insignificant, only the origin. Destruction is the real eternity.”

Insignificant, only the destruction of the origin is eternal!

He saw that this world has endured countless births and destructions. Even if it is destroyed, there will be real rebirth in the future. The newly born life will be more perfect. It is the rebirth after destruction, absorbing the destruction. Only through subsequent experience can we find the highest path of life!

"You are not a sinner, you are the executor of the will of heaven and earth. Heaven and earth are old and need a Nirvana rebirth. You should pick up the butcher's knife and kill this old universe so that the new heaven and earth can give birth to eternal vitality. The heaven, earth, and universe are life, and they will also grow old, sick, and die.”

"That's it, that's it!"

Destruction is also a magnificent creation and a great ceremony.

Without destruction, there is no new life.

The old heaven, earth and universe must die, and the new world born in the future will be full of vitality and last forever.

But who is talking to me?

This is no longer important. What is important is that Jiang Zizai inherited the mission of destruction. That is a great mission! He clearly realized that this was not violent or crazy at all. He was very calm, because compared to his father's private ideal, the mission of heaven and earth should be his great pursuit!

He is the black sun, the burning force of destruction. He is no longer a human being. He does not need to have emotions, because compared to this great and magnificent mission of destruction, all of them are insignificant.

He saw it, saw a white dragon reborn and transformed into a familiar appearance. He was finally free. He looked at himself very excitedly, but very wary.

"This person just used your life to save himself. You fell into his trap, but this is a good thing, because you finally inherited the mission of heaven and earth. You finally became your true self, but you don't need to be grateful. , because from the beginning to the end, you are just his experiment. If you don't succeed, you have no value in his heart. It is only important that he escapes from the curse. Now that he is finally free, he is very happy, but you You are no longer Jiang Zizai, you are the messenger of destruction, and he is blocking the rebirth of the world! All those who block the rebirth of the world are sinners!"

Jiang Zizai understood.

No wonder it was so dangerous. He actually let himself take risks and deceived himself by using a realm beyond the gods. He just wanted to use his own life to free him from suffering. This was too despicable. Maybe, he had never been You don't think of yourself as his son.

"And that woman, she didn't stop you, she just wanted you to die. She has been too long, and she has seen countless men. Do you think she really loves you? No, she is just attracted by you. It's just that you conquered her with your talent and strength. It's not that she loved you. She can love any man who conquers her. In fact, love itself has no value, and all feelings are worthless, because these are just small loves. , can change at any time. If you die, she can fall in love with someone else in a few years. This is very simple. You can love her or Yan'er. Love is not worth mentioning. It is only the mission of the change of heaven and earth. , is the truly great love, your love for the world, your love for all living beings. Maybe they don’t understand, but it doesn’t matter. As messengers of destruction, we, great people, just love them and don’t care about that. "

Jiang Zizai finally understood.

He thought it was ridiculous.

With such skin, she could even kill herself in the ancient realm, what qualifications does she have?

It's nothing more than the male impulse of a creature.

"If she is ugly, you won't love her at all. You are just attracted to the male sexual impulse of living things, and you just want to mate with her. If you are not a human being, you are just a dog, then you will also look for it. Bitch. An insignificant bitch is not enough to affect the rebirth of the universe. All emotions are insignificant, only one-sided and deceptive. Only love for the universe is our mission.”

"Who are you?" Jiang Zizai asked.

"I am Jiang Zizai, and so are you. We are all. Our messengers from heaven and earth all have this name. This name will become eternal and will become the name of a new world that will be born in the future. That world is called 'Zizai Universe' ”

He nodded.

It's all so ridiculous.

It turns out that in the end, I was actually alone, embarking on this path that no one could understand. They must not be able to figure it out, and they must resent themselves, but so what, they are all deceiving themselves, especially this so-called father, who is now trapped in In the ecstasy of rebirth, did he care about his own adventure? It turned out to be just a ridiculous experiment.

"Honestly, he deserves to die."

"If you don't kill me now, you will kill me later. If he dares to play tricks on me, he needs to pay the price."

"He's going to think I'm manic right now."

"Actually, I'm not manic at all. I'm very sober. I'm sober as never before."

It's just that I'm no longer the fool who can let them deceive me.

He knew that they would continue to deceive themselves and would advise themselves earnestly. That was funny. Jiang Zizai had expected what they would say.

"Summer insects cannot talk about ice. They don't know my mission, my will, or the reincarnation of heaven and earth. They think I am destroying, but I am just for rebirth."

It doesn't matter if you are not understood. Just be yourself. This is the real you.

Jiang Zizai felt that he was liberated. When he despised those boring loves and painful loves, he felt relaxed. He returned to himself and found his true self. This is the life that should belong to him, not being dragged down by love.

Boring and uninteresting.

He looked around. If he wanted to destroy everything, he would start from this triple world. It was a cancer attached to the big world. It looked so annoying. It was because there were too many of these cancers that the universe would be sick.

He had infinite power.

He began to be very calm, using his own strength to destroy this triple world. When his power exploded, everything inside was shattered, space was torn apart, time shattered, all living things died, cause and effect collapsed, life was extinguished, everything returned to nothingness, and shattered under the destruction.

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