Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 1435 Finale (1)

Chapter 1435 Finale (Comments after the book) (20,000 words)

"Any grand mission must require sacrifice. Only when everyone sacrifices together can the future world be created for thousands of years. Life is precious. Maybe no one wants to give up, but please think carefully. The destruction of an era can be exchanged for the eternity of countless eras."

Jiang Zizai has killed 10 million people. This is just the beginning of his life, a small attempt. But now, it seems that a group of people are using their lives to stop him. Jiang Zizai knows who they are. They are all his closest people, and they are also the ones he intends to send them off in the end.

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His parents, brother, wife, daughter, and all his relatives are here.

Jiang Zizai still longs for them to understand, so he tells them almost earnestly.

They still had dull faces. Jiang Zizai sighed. Judging from their completely incomprehensible expressions, they were no longer on the same level as him.

This was sad.

He thought that even if he sent this world to an end, they would understand.

"In that case, I can only let you watch and destroy this dilapidated world together."

Jiang Zizai felt that he was not ruthless. He just finally understood what true affection and righteousness were.

When he raised his hand, the endless space collapsed in front of him. This time he did not kill anyone, but he made the origin of the land, the large area near the peak of the Holy Dragon Mountain, all destroyed in the destructive power and became part of the destructive power.

The power of destruction spread like a poison, which was completely irresistible. Everything in the world was shattered at the touch of this power. After destroying a large area of ​​territory, Jiang Zizai became stronger.

He had a premonition that after destroying this world, killing all living things, and destroying all the ways of heaven, his destructive power would be as strong as the peak. At that time, he would be able to create a world, because all the ways of heaven had become the nutrients that nourished destruction, and were still hidden in the power of destruction.

He was not a person now, he was a collection of destructive power.

The world was destroyed, and his power was trembling again.

"This is just a little display. For destruction, we still have to start from the totem world, which is relatively simple. After destroying these worlds that are as fragile as paper, it will be the turn of the small divine domain, then the forty-nine divine domains, and finally the place of origin, so don't worry, when I destroy here, you still have some time to survive." Jiang Zizai said lightly.

No one dared to attack him, because he was no longer a god, and even the power of a half-ancestor could only tickle him.

They all underestimated destruction, not knowing that the key to the destruction of the world was hidden in the flower of destruction. The world originated from the Origin Flower. The Flower of Destruction, which seems to be only a part of it, is the dark side of the Origin Flower. The flower will bloom and will eventually wither.

Now is the time when the universe withers.

"Qingyang Realm, this is where everything started. I saw the Great Jiang King City, the Tianlong Holy Dynasty, the Origin Divine Sect, and Fu Hai. He saw them. The girl is called Feng Xiaoxiao, and she still misses me now. Interesting."

Jiang Zizai saw her. He admitted that he had some feelings, but he did not show mercy, because the feelings of mortals are meaningless.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed this Qingyang Realm, a place with deep memories. He directly twisted it. The destruction of the world was very dazzling, and it looked like fireworks blooming. Jiang Zizai also specially let the people around him and himself watch it. It was indeed very beautiful. In the face of the destruction of the world, ordinary people have no power to resist at all. Their lives came to an abrupt end when the fireworks bloomed.

Everyone's expression was frozen in the first moment.

Then, they died.

Including Feng Xiaoxiao, she lay quietly in bed, could she have dreamed of herself?

"The wonderful thing is that she ended in a dream."

Jiang Zizai faced the crowd and asked them: "Isn't the destruction of the world very beautiful?"

He showed it to them specifically, wanting them to understand him, but what made him feel sorry was that the destruction of these sentient beings could only make them suffer. They watched all this with tears in their eyes, and their tears made Jiang Zizai feel boring. Showing these to them, they couldn't understand it at all, so what's the point, fortunately, I still do my own thing, and don't have to pay attention to them at all.

After all, when I killed them in the end, they certainly didn't understand it.

He began to destroy the second totem world. There were so many totem worlds derived over the years, countless, and I didn't know how many there were. It was still quite laborious to destroy them one by one, but that was because Jiang Zizai's current destructive power was not strong enough. When he destroyed more totem worlds, he might be able to destroy ten at a time, then a hundred, then a thousand, and ten thousand!

In this way, sentient beings are just symbols.

Is there any meaning for those mortals who have a short life span of less than a hundred years? This world is too cruel. Some beings can live forever, while others are like mayflies, born in the morning and dead in the evening. It is so unfair. A truly perfect world should be one where everyone has the same life span and the same life.

He was still continuing, his face was expressionless, but at this moment, someone suddenly came in front of him. She walked towards him without hesitation. There were other people with her. She was the Nine Immortals, and she was holding the one in her arms. It was a bell, and then his father, mother, brothers, and all his relatives came.

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"Do you want to stop me?" Jiang Zizai asked.

His tone was very calm, but to be honest, he was already a little unhappy.

"No, we want to help you." Jiuxian's eyes were red, but she tried her best to soften her tone. She smiled gently at Jiang Zizai at this moment, as if she was no longer afraid of him. Could this change mean that Is it because she finally understands herself?

This made Jiang Zizai's depressed mood slightly relieved. Although the other party was essentially no different from a bitch, after all, she once fell in love with him vigorously. After this experience in life, if she could understand him, then it would at least be a gain. .

"Daddy." The child in her arms looked at her timidly, with some fear in her eyes, but to be honest, she was still a little cute like this, with her chubby face and big, dark eyes. It's very shiny and has some teardrops on it, which makes it even prettier.

Jiang Zizai didn't quite know why he suddenly felt better, but when he saw this child, even though he felt that she was just born and didn't deserve such good conditions, the way she looked at him with such nostalgia still reminded Jiang Zizai. When he once missed her, he suddenly felt that human feelings are actually quite beautiful, but it is a pity that the common people are righteous and the world reincarnates, so he must sacrifice his life for righteousness.

"Go and play aside. Daddy has serious things to do."

Jiang Zizai waved his hand and smiled slightly. He felt that he must kill this cute child last.

"There is plenty of time, don't be so anxious, we can chat. In fact, I thought a lot, and I suddenly understand you. What you did is right." Jiuxian's voice was slightly trembling, and she held the child close to her. Although she was afraid of herself, she was actually afraid of herself, and she was afraid of death, but what she said made Jiang Zizai feel much more comfortable.

She was quite brave, which made Jiang Zizai appreciate her a little, and she was finally more pleasing to the eye.

Behind her, those relatives suddenly relaxed, such as her father. He pondered for a moment and said: "She is right. In fact, we can all understand you. The mission you inherited is beyond our imagination." If you don’t, you do need to make choices in life. You did the right thing, and the sacrifice in your heart must be the biggest.”

Hearing such words, Jiang Zizai couldn't help but have the urge to burst into tears. They could finally understand him. In this way, he no longer felt guilty. Only then did Jiang Zizai recall many details, Thinking of all the moments between himself and the Nine Immortals, he suddenly felt that love is actually not that boring. There are always some touching things between each other. Now that he thinks about it, those beautiful things are actually not bad.

They were truly the best relatives in the world, and he did something so incomprehensible that they could understand him.

"Lingdang, tell me." Jiuxian kissed the daughter in his arms.

"Daddy, Lingdang loves you." The little girl pouted and looked at Jiang Zizai with dreamy eyes. There was some infinite emotion in her eyes, which was her dependence on herself.

Jiang Zizai suddenly trembled. Looking at this cute little thing, even though he still felt that she was not worthy of having such good conditions when she was born, he still couldn't help but want to love her. Maybe this was a contradiction. He didn't expect that his There will be such contradictions in the body.

"Daddy has to do something very important, don't blame me." Jiang Zizai said softly.

"I know that Lingdang's life was given by his father and mother. He can take it back if he wants. After Lingdang dies, he will miss his father. He is a great man and a fighter. He has never let him down. My relatives have never let down all living beings. He is the best person in the world and the greatest in my heart." Lingdang shed tears as she spoke. She is no longer young and she can already figure out many things.

"Oh." Jiang Zizai trembled again. He had a headache. He didn't expect that she admired him so much, and that such a young girl could understand him like this. It was really uncomfortable for him, because he would kill her later, so he had to do it. Disaster.

So difficult!

When he thought about killing her, he felt very uncomfortable. He began to suffer. Why should he inherit such a great mission? If he could, he would choose death directly!

"Can I hug you?" the woman suddenly said. She knew she was feeling uncomfortable, so she felt uncomfortable too. After she said those words, she came to Jiang Zizai's eyes and put the bell in Jiang Zizai's hand. Then she stretched out her hand to hold them. She leaned her face on Jiang Zizai's right chest, while Lingdang's head was on his left chest. He was holding two extremely important people in his life. They both raised their heads, Those tearful eyes looked at Jiang Zizai, and she hugged him so hard, as if she was worried about leaving her arms.

Her embrace was very soft and warm. Jiang Zizai was so familiar with it. Every time he lay in her arms and smelled the fragrance, it was simply the most beautiful enjoyment in life.

"Are you saying that this world is in a terrible mess? It is sick and needs to be destroyed before it can be reborn and establish new rules? Only in this way can it survive for generations to come, right?" Nine Immortals asked.

"Yes. You are right." Jiang Zizai breathed a sigh of relief. She finally understood and understood herself. She felt less uncomfortable when she felt like she could be understood. She originally thought that if she achieved a great cause, everyone would stand by her. I didn’t expect it to be the opposite of myself!

She could understand such a mission, but he looked at her in this way, which made Jiang Zizai feel a little ashamed. He thought about every bit of the past, and remembered that she had helped him in the beginning. He thought he could get out of Dajiang King City. There are countless details, and their lives have long been tied together.

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"Then it must be hard for you, but it doesn't matter. We can all die. We are willing to fulfill your mission. You must not show mercy to us. We don't want to become sinners in history. But no matter how many years have passed, you must remember that you There is a wife who is willing to sacrifice for your mission, she has no regrets, and your daughter, although she is still young and knows nothing, she will never forget that she has a father who loves her. , it was your love that made her willing to die for you, and your parents, they didn’t say anything, but did you see that if your mission also required their sacrifice, they would never say anything more …”

Jiuxian hugged himself hard and said these words to himself with tears in his eyes. I don't know why, but every word hurt his heart. Making him tremble and feel uncomfortable. But the reality shouldn't be like this.

"I know, I will remember you, I will remember you, I will remember the bell, I will remember my parents, my brother, my relatives..." Jiang Zizai found that he felt uncomfortable even talking.

The embrace was so forceful that he couldn't help but reach out and hug this poor woman. She was so great, and he didn't expect that her love had no conflict with him at all.

"How about you kill me first? If you do this, you will feel better. Little villain, it doesn't matter. I am willing to die for you. It doesn't matter at all. It was you who saved my sex." Life, I live for you in this life. If you kill me first, I will not be afraid. I will not be angry. I want to die before this world. I don’t want to stay behind. Jiang Zizai, kill me. "

She suddenly became excited. She held her shoulders and told herself very hard.

Jiang Zizai stretched out his hand. He could kill her easily now. Under her ardent request, Jiang Zizai had no choice but to take action. This was the beginning. Let her sacrifice for this great mission first. He shouldn't be able to do it later. It must be so uncomfortable.

"I will remember you. Don't be afraid. Death is just a game. It will be over in a moment. You will have nothing in the future. There will never be reincarnation again. You think that is the end, but in fact it is. Liberation, because life is a journey on the sea of ​​suffering, and after death, it is equivalent to landing." Jiang Zizai said very affectionately.

"Okay. Kill me." Jiuxian closed his eyes, and two lines of hot tears fell down.

"Dad, please, please..." The child held her neck, with tears on her face, and said, "Don't kill your mother first, just let Lingdang die. Lingdang is not afraid of death. Lingdang just wants everyone to live well, we are happy, we don’t need to be like this.”

"The child is too young. She doesn't understand anything. Don't listen to her." Jiuxian opened her eyes. Although there were tears on her face, she still smiled.


How easy it is to kill a god.

Jiang Zizai's hand pinched her smooth neck. With just one twist, she died. The name Jiu'er was completely over.

But why are my hands shaking?

"I love you." The woman who was pinched by him had hot tears streaming down her face. She looked at herself tenderly, as if she were looking at a child. She allowed herself to make all her mistakes.

"Huh?" Jiang Zizai felt a little fuzzy. His heart was trembling and he couldn't hear clearly what she was saying.

"I love you." She repeated, and then said: "Thank you for letting me know what love is. In my previous life, I was just a sad person. I didn't understand this. Now I understand. Please send me away. I want to go home, I want to go back to my earth. I miss my mother. She must have had a hard time alone after I left. I miss her."

Earth, Earth...

By the way, she comes from another world, the world called Earth.

Was that world ever destroyed and reborn?

"Kill me!" Seeing Jiang Zizai hesitate, she suddenly became excited and held Jiang Zizai's hand.

Behind her, all her relatives were trembling at her madness. What kind of courage did she have to stand in this place and say such words to Jiang Zizai now?

"Kill me, kill me..."


kill! !

kill! ! !

Jiang Zizai roared crazily in his heart, this is a great mission, this is his destiny, he shoulders the mission of rebirth of the world, this mission must destroy everything, except himself, everything in the old world can no longer exist, kill The one you love the most is a perfect start!

But why are my hands shaking?

Why tremble...

Isn't it easy to kill her?


The pain in his head was unbearable.

"It hurts so much. It hurts so much." What on earth is causing me so much pain?

Is it love?

How can love be such a sharp weapon?

However, if it is not sharp, how can it pierce the darkness!

Taixu, Taixu Cosmic Soul Refining Technique, was a unique skill given to him by his father. Jiang Zizai knew that only in this way could he relieve his pain. He remembered that every time he relieved his pain, he used this method.

Who is speaking?

He said: The deceased soul master is not your biggest enemy.

Your biggest enemy is the Curse of Destruction, the Flower of Destruction. It is the most terrifying devil in the world, because it is the key to the destruction of the world and the symbol of the end. Only when the world ends can the Flower of Destruction replace the Divine Flower of Origin. , grew to the extreme and became a blooming magic flower in the 'original space'!

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You have been deceived.

There will be no new world at all.

The old world never gets sick. The perfect world has no end. It just has no real master yet.

What is this voice saying?

Jiang Zizai used Taixu Universe Soul Refining Technique to relieve the pain. He did this every time, but when he came to Taixu Universe, he suddenly saw a man standing on the millstone. He was wearing a Wearing red and black clothes, he looks so tall and arrogant. What kind of power can he have such power? This is not a power that humans can possess. Only the Flower of Destruction can have this level of power. !

Jiang Zizai was confused.

“I open up a world and let you see it for what it really is.”

the man said to himself.

At this moment, it was like a bolt from the blue. He suddenly remembered many things, the Curse of Destruction, the Flower of Destruction, and the Nine Immortals who risked death to get themselves to this point. She was an incredible person. As a woman, he was heartbroken when he thought that he had destroyed so many totem worlds and killed tens of millions of peak dragons.

how so!

Before he had time to regret or tremble, he was standing on a ship. It was a shabby wooden ship that could break at any time. In front of him was the gray sea, endless, with no end in sight. Jiang Zizai knew somehow that this was the original space.

So what exactly is this ship?

He understood that the center of the ship was the place of origin, surrounded by the forty-nine divine realms, and countless totem worlds surrounding it. This ship was the entire universe! Heaven, earth, and the universe move forward within this original space.

What does this mean?

What exactly is this place?

Jiang Zizai suddenly realized that he seemed to have returned to the time before he was fifteen years old, when he had no awakening totem at all. At that time, he was a complete mortal with no ability at all and could only catch a few pheasants.

He still remembered that it was the voice that sent him here.

That man stands on the millstone of heaven and earth. He is so strange. Who is he?

Why would I lose all my strength and stand on this ship?

And why, even though this is clearly a ship, he can see that this is the universe that contains the place of origin?

There are too many doubts and no time to think.

But Jiang Zizai knew clearly that he had destroyed several totem worlds, killed ten million peak dragons, and had committed a heinous crime!

This is something I will never be able to forgive myself for in my entire life.

He was wide awake.

He almost killed the Nine Immortals.

Fortunately, he got confused in the end and did not break her neck, otherwise, his current mood would only be even more miserable!

At this moment, his life is really too chaotic. Everything he just showed, the so-called great mission and destiny, is that really him?

Jiang Zizai was stunned.

His heart was too chaotic. He felt that his escape was definitely due to the Nine Immortals. She was very smart and did the opposite. She did not fail to understand him, but on the basis of understanding, she truly allowed herself to pity him. They remind me of love!

He had no time to think about such things.

Because something new has appeared on this ship.

That's a plant.

This plant is completely black, with black roots and leaves. The most important thing is that there is a black flower growing on the top.

The black flower was so delicate and beautiful, and now it was blooming very brightly. Jiang Zizai took a look and found that this black flower was extremely familiar. It was something in his body. He would never mistake it. A plant, this black flower is the flower of destruction!

A ship is the universe, and a plant is rooted in the ship. The rhizome of the black flower can be seen to have penetrated the entire ship, tightly entwining the ship. Its rhizome is absorbing everything about this ship, that is, everything in the heaven, earth and universe, and then it is driving extremely enchantingly!

It can be clearly seen that this ship has begun to decay and collapse. After absorbing everything from this ship, the black flowers are even more delicate and beautiful. This black flower is like a vampire, destroying the ship. The ship is absorbed into an empty shell!

If it becomes an empty shell, then the whole world will really be destroyed.

After seeing such a scene, Jiang Zizai suddenly remembered what that person said.

He said he was deceived.

There is no new world at all!

After the destruction of the world, only the Flower of Destruction has grown unprecedentedly. It will become extremely powerful and replace the world.

Only by destroying the world, the Flower of Destruction can replace the Divine Flower of Origin, replace the entire world, and become a magic flower within the entire original space!

It became a magic flower, and the magic flower is not a new world. There will be no new world at all. All destruction is destruction. Jiang Zizai helped it destroy everything. In the end, even Jiang Zizai himself will become the nutrient of this flower, for Sacrifice to the magic flower!

He was stunned.

This is the real truth!

Therefore, the world is not sick at all. The world is sick because the Flower of Destruction was born, and it absorbed the foundation of the world! It will make the heaven, earth and universe wither. It is what causes the heaven, earth and universe to become sick.

It has to work harder and let Jiang Zizai help it completely destroy all of this. In this case, it can more easily turn the entire world into its own nutrients. It can surpass its limits and grow to the extreme!

The truth is that there has never been any bullshit mission, there has never been destruction or creation, there is only destruction. The so-called great mission, all the sacrifices in the world, are all for the rise of a real devil!

But now, on this ship, Jiang Zizai finally saw the devil's true face clearly.

It turns out that the devil has always been in his heart. The dead soul master is nothing. The guy in front of him is the most terrifying existence since the birth of the world. It is not a part of the God of Origin Flower. The seventh petal is the enemy of the God of Origin Flower. !

It is the parasite of the divine flower of origin!

It absorbs nutrients from the heaven, earth and universe, nourishes itself, feeds on the way of heaven, and feeds on all life!

It seemed that it had never appeared before. It was hidden in Jiang Zizai's body. Only when he came here did Jiang Zizai see his true face!

The truth finally came out.

The Flower of Destruction and the Curse of Destruction reunited. With the help of Jiang Zizai, it took control of Jiang Zizai and deceived him into embarking on the path of destruction. It never expected that a smart woman with a little girl would... Just save Jiang Zizai from the abyss!

Otherwise, Jiang Zizai would never have a chance!

He understands...

Under the control of the Flower of Destruction, mistakes had been made.

However, now that I am here, can I watch helplessly as this flower of destruction continues to destroy the entire world?

Jiang Zizai's eyes turned red.

The people he loves and the people he wants to protect are all on this ship. The destruction of a single plank is the destruction of a world.

It is the destruction of countless sentient beings.

"This is one of my supreme rules, a rule that can be walked in the original space, called 'one flower, one world'. The world is this ship. You and this flower, return to the most primitive era, with the most primitive Confrontation of forces, this is my power of rules. I once defeated a fierce tiger on another ship with my bare hands, so it’s up to you, young man.”

That voice rang in my ears again.

"This is your world. I can't interfere, and I can't save your world. If you fail, then your world and universe will become this magic flower. All the people here are the nourishment of this flower. , it is very similar to the tiger I defeated. Your fate depends only on you."

He said something again, which made Jiang Zizai enlightened. He knew that this person was helping him. With his strength, he had no way to defeat the Flower of Destruction, but this person could give him a way. This flower could make the world , is the supreme rule that allows you to see the original space and see the true face of the Flower of Destruction!

That is definitely the power above heaven!

That, perhaps, is the highest realm Jiang Yunting pursues!

"Senior, who are you?" Jiang Zizai asked tremblingly.

"Me? I am the master of Zulong Pagoda. In addition, I am also someone who wants to beat you up, if you can survive." His voice with a smile echoed in Jiang Zizai's ears, Then completely disappeared.

Sure enough, it was the owner of Zulong Tower.

The origin of Zulong Tower is finally clear.

Of course Jiang Zizai knew that since the earth exists, there must be other worlds in this original space. All worlds are ships on the vast sea of ​​this original space. This sound must come from another ship.

The truth is revealed!

He understands everything!

He has committed a crime, he is sorry for the world, sorry for the common people, and sorry for the Peak Dragon Clan.

However, he at least still had a chance to fight desperately. The voice said that as long as he killed this flower, he could resolve this unprecedented crisis.

Compared with this flower, what is the deceased soul master? The real devil is in your own heart.

Jiang Zizai stared at this flower, and this black flower also stared at him. The black flower had no eyes, but Jiang Zizai did feel like he was being stared at.

Then, he saw ten vines with poisonous stings appearing among the branches and leaves of the black flower. They were like human arms and began to move, as if dancing crazily, and this Flower of Destruction , looked at himself contemptuously, and suddenly, Jiang Zizai heard his voice.

"He can't save you. This person exists. His world is in the original space of too long ago. He can remind you, but he can't come here, Jiang Zizai."

Sure enough, it spoke.

It is not just a flower, it is also a life! A life that has existed in Jiang Zizai's totem for a long time. I am afraid that Jiang Yunting and the soul master of the past life have never thought of this.

"Awesome." Jiang Zizai took a deep breath and looked at it.

"Are you talking about me?" The flower of destruction smiled slightly and said, "This is destined. Since I was born, I have been a life higher than the origin flower. It differentiated and evolved, creating the world and the universe, just to provide me with nutrients. The two of us created each other. I helped it create the world, and it helped me transform with the world. It has nothing to do with you tiny parasites."

"Are you talking nonsense?" Jiang Zizai didn't believe it.

"In the end, the Origin Flower is my elder brother. What's the point? You just can't touch it. We complement each other and achieve each other. For each other, it is just a perfect process. I lend him power to create, and he finally returns the power to me. For us, this is a very ordinary thing. Only you boring parasites define good and evil for this matter. How boring."

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It couldn't help laughing.

"Let me ask you, you planted a tree, when the fruit was ripe, you picked the fruit, and when you washed the fruit, you pinched the ants crawling on the fruit to death. Those ants and insects came to enjoy the fruits of your labor, right? If you finally eat this fruit, are you a sin?" It said, waving the vines.

"By the same token, the universe is my fruit. Now I just wash off the ants and insects on it, and then eat the fruit I planted to solve my food and clothing problems. May I ask, am I wrong?"

Its tone was calm and plain, and it asked Jiang Zizai easily.

"In fact, it is true. Only the ignorant ants on the fruit will think that I am rebellious and that I am harming the common people. However, these poor little things do not know that if I had not planted this fruit, they would not exist at all, let alone survive and reproduce. I created them so that they can eat the flesh and become strong."

It makes sense.

In his words, all the common people are parasites in the fruit he planted.

Without this fruit, no parasites will survive.

However, if he chooses to take the fruit, kill the insects, and enjoy the fruit, it is indeed not a sin.

It cannot be described as a devil.

"Jiang Zizai, do you think I am wrong?" It asked Jiang Zizai in a showy manner.

"Does the origin flower still have will?" Jiang Zizai suddenly asked.

"No, the price of creating the world is to become the world, and there is no will anymore." The flower of destruction said.

"Then there is no evidence. Who knows if you are lying to me? Who knows where you are from? Maybe you are the parasite and we are the original owner." Jiang Zizai said.

"Your angle is quite imaginative."

"Also, why do you talk so much to me?" Jiang Zizai asked.

"Haha..." He laughed, "As the villain in your eyes, in order to enrich the script of your legendary experience, I didn't say a few more words and killed you directly. Wouldn't it be a sudden end of the climax? This does not conform to the rules of drama."

"I think you are afraid of me, you are delaying time. So that you can absorb more nutrients and make you stronger. Because, you know nothing about this supreme rule!" Jiang Zizai said.

"Ignorance is also a kind of laugh, and you have a lot of laughs." The Flower of Destruction said.

"Really? When I crush your dog head, you won't say that."

The original power?

That existence, he killed a tiger on the boat, he was very fierce.

As a man of integrity, it is not easy to kill a flower! Jiang Zizai can't do anything else now, but he thinks it's not that difficult to pull up this flower!

He went towards the flower. The place where the flower took root was the most stable position of the ship, the place of origin!

"I just feel sad." The black flower drooped down, and his voice became regretful.

"I am not wrong. Why can't I pick the fruit I planted? I spent countless energy and paid so much for this fruit. Why can't I take what belongs to me? It's really sad. What is the real moral concept in the original space?"

The flower of destruction said with regret and pain.

"Why do you think so much? For me, the truth is very simple?"

"How simple?"

"You don't need to care about good and evil. For the two of us, if you want to kill me, kill my relatives, and destroy my home, I will kill you. It's that simple. Who cares who planted this world? You are almost dead, should I still support your rights?" Jiang Zizai said speechlessly.

"It makes sense. You solved my doubts." It suddenly laughed.

"Then what?"

"Without doubts, I am stronger. You can't understand it." It continued to laugh.

"Get lost! Fuck your ass, fuck!" Jiang Zizai couldn't help it. He rushed up directly. He had no weapons in his hands. Everything about martial arts disappeared. He could only rush up and tear the flower apart.

"You are a flower, I picked you." Jiang Zizai said.

"You are wrong. I am a flower, but you are just a speck of dust. You are not even a parasite or an ant." The voice of the Flower of Destruction was filled with a smile. When Jiang Zizai rushed up, At that moment, ten of his vines suddenly stabbed out at a speed that Jiang Zizai could not dodge at this moment. In an instant, the barbed vines penetrated his body in an instant!


The sound was quite crisp.

This pain is actually refreshing.

When I lowered my head and looked at it, my heart felt cold and ice-cold.

The blood stained the vines and the ship red.

"This is unscientific. Isn't your flower more terrifying than other people's tigers?"

Jiang Zizai was stunned.

Before he could move, ten vines passed through his body and nailed him to the boat. Then they entangled him back and forth and tied him to death. He completely turned into a rice dumpling. It was difficult to even move. What a slap in the face. !

Even a tiger can at least deal with it. This flower is so terrifying that it can't move at all. It's like a hornet's nest now. It's a miracle that he's not dead yet. His internal organs have been penetrated, and blood is flowing out without mercy. , everything in front of him began to become blurred, only the flower of destruction was still looking at him indifferently. In front of him, he was really insignificant.

"You just said so much, weren't you delaying time?" Jiang Zizai asked.

"No, it's because I'm reluctant to kill you. You are my child." Destruction Flower said.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading!

"...I am your father." Jiang Zizai said depressedly.



In fact, it was joy in suffering. At this time, real life was disappearing. He could clearly feel that he would not live long at all. He was killed by the flower of destruction.

The other party had complete control over him and looked at him condescendingly.

It has no eyes, and it has no emotions at the moment, maybe a little, but it can't stop it from killing Jiang Zizai. This is its only obstacle. It is a bit regretful, but in such an important matter, it is now trapped in this supreme level. Among the rules, it will not give you a chance to breathe.

"After you die, I will remember you. A mote of dust remembered by me is the greatest honor of your life." it said.

"What level of glory would that be if I killed you?" Jiang Zizai said with a smile, his mouth full of blood.

"Oh, that's a dream level."

"You're quite humorous," Jiang Zizai said, "And it's quite delicious."

He is dead.

No hope, no future.

He dared to do anything. For example, the vine in front of him looked fresh and delicious. He couldn't help but open his mouth and took a bite. After tearing it into pieces, he bit out the juice. He opened his mouth and it was very delicious. .

The black juice spread all over his body in an instant, and a huge change occurred in that instant. Jiang Zizai suddenly discovered that his body had extremely majestic vitality. It was a terrifying vitality that could kill even half-dead people. He returned to a state of vitality and vitality. This feeling was so good. Even though there were still many vines stuck on his body, as long as these vines were pulled out, the wounds would heal immediately!

Jiang Zizai was startled.

The other party was also startled.

The next moment, Jiang Zizai went crazy. He grabbed a vine in front of him and bit into it. He swallowed the dates in one gulp. It was like eating a watermelon. He opened his mouth and took a big, swishing mouthful. He ate it all in a short time. Clean, and then endless power ran into his body crazily. This is all the nutrients of the Flower of Destruction!

Jiang Zizai laughed. After he became stronger, he pulled out the vines from his body like crazy and ate them without saying a word.

"Jiang Zizai!!" The Flower of Destruction roared and pulled back all the vines. It could be seen that it was trembling slightly. The parts of it that were eaten by Jiang Zizai could no longer be recovered. And now Jiang Zizai's hand He also took a piece of it and twisted off the vine, then ate it directly without any juice flowing down.

"Why are you so fierce? Are you scared?" Jiang Zizai looked at it with a smile.

The Flower of Destruction said in a serious voice: "I wanted to save your life, but don't 'force' me. Don't 'force' me."

"Your threats are so weak, you can't scare me anymore, little flower." Jiang Zizai walked towards it step by step.

"You are wrong, so wrong, Flower of Destruction. If you are trapped here, you are doomed. Do you know why?" Jiang Zizai smiled and approached it.

Flower of Destruction did not answer.

Jiang Zi said one word at a time: "That's because you are a plant and I am an animal. We animals are born to eat plants like yours! No matter how big your flower is, I, this little bug, will kill you sooner or later. Eat clean, and you are so nutritious. If you take one bite, I can become stronger, and if you take one bite, I can live longer. In the level of life, even if you can move, you are still lower than me! The higher it is!”

"Shut up?" said the Flower of Destruction. I heard it, and there was fear in its voice.

If it were an ordinary plant, Jiang Zizai wouldn't be like this if he ate it, but it was a flower of destruction, and Jiang Zizai would almost survive after taking a bite.

The stronger it is, the more dangerous it is.

There are 2 chapters in the finale, and each chapter has the usual word count of 4 chapters.

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