Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 164: Concubine Su

"Brother, wake up quickly!"

The familiar and urgent voice came to mind in a blur.

"It's sister and Xiaoyue..." Jiang Zizi gained some consciousness in a hazy state.

"After I died, I could still hear their voices. Maybe they saw my body..."

Jiang Zizai felt bitter in his heart. He knew that they would definitely be sad for a long time. Living people are more painful than dead people.

"There are no scars on his body, he is not dead, and he is still breathing..." Faintly, Jiang Yaning's voice crying with joy was heard again.

Jiang Zizai smiled helplessly: "This sister is so sad that she has lost her mind. How could there be no wounds when it passed through her heart?"

"There is really no wound, but why is there so much blood..." Ruo Xiaoyue's trembling voice was heard again.

Jiang Zizai was speechless. These two were so inconsiderate. He really wanted to get up and tell them that the wound was on his chest. It was so big that they couldn't see it!

"Let's go to the town ahead quickly and let him rest on my carriage." Faintly, Princess Lingxuan's voice was heard. Her voice was thin and soft, like coming from a deep valley, ethereal and out of the dust.

"Thank you princess."

Just like that, Jiang Zizai felt that his body was jolting, and someone was carrying him. He was wondering why death could be felt so clearly. Suddenly, he felt that he had regained some energy and strength. He opened his eyes, I found someone was carrying me.

There was a dark night in front of him, but Lu Dingxing's head and his hair were so clear!

Jiang Zizai was very weak, but he was confused.

"Are you all dead?" he struggled to ask.

"Brother!" If Xiaoyue was nearby, she heard the sound and screamed.

Several people gathered around him, and everyone looked at him in surprise.

"We are not dead, and neither are you, boss." Lu Dingxing said loudly, with surprise in his eyes.

Jiang Zizai laughed dumbly and said, "How could I not be dead? I..."

He looked down and saw that his clothes were stained red with blood. But at this time, he suddenly remembered something.

"Put me down."

He struggled for a while, and Lu Dingxing asked him to come down, but at this moment, maybe because he had lost too much blood, he could not stand firmly. He could only sit on the ground, and then he couldn't wait to tear open the shirt on his chest!

The mysterious talisman on the chest turned gray! Dark again!

In fact, just after Jiang Zizai set off from Yanlong Ruins, the mysterious talisman completely returned to green, but during the whole process, Jiang Zizai never expected that this talisman could save him from such a fatal injury.

He now somewhat believes that this is the immortal talisman that the Nine Immortals said was one of the "six great talismans" from the ancient gods!

The sword that pierced through the heart was definitely real! But looking at it now, there really weren't any scars on his chest, only a lot of remaining blood around it.

"I'm not dead! I'm not dead!" Jiang Zizai burst into tears from laughter. How wonderful it feels to have hope and a false alarm in the midst of despair.

After dying once, his state of mind actually changed. He believed that not many people in this world could have a death experience like his.

"I'm not dead, so I must rebel against this world."

After reliving and experiencing death, he has a better understanding of what is important in this life and what is worth pursuing.

He smiled even more like crazy.

There were two women holding him, his elder sister and younger sister. They must have been worried.

"We all thought we would lose you forever."

"Brother, you can never die."

Jiang Zizai hugged their weak shoulders, his eyes became firm, he knew how important he was.

He was very happy now that he was right in luring the woman away. She had no intention of killing Jiang Yaning and the others, but if she didn't leave, she would definitely kill them along the way.

Maybe he didn't die in the end, but his sisters, sisters, and brothers were all dead, so how miserable he must be!

"You didn't die this time, and you won't die in the future, don't worry." Jiang Zizai patted them on the shoulders.

He looked around. Only Princess Lingxuan stood in the darkness in the distance, watching them silently. The guards were gone.

"Have all the Imperial Guards run away?" Jiang Zizai was still dizzy.

They nodded.

He said: "Hurry to Nanling City and buy some homing pigeons. The Imperial Guard will definitely send a message saying that I am dead. Please report to my mother that I am safe first."

He paused, thought of her, and added: "Let the Temple of Sacrifice be safe as well."

This was the most urgent thing to do as quickly as possible. He was unwilling to let his mother suffer the slightest harm.


After finishing speaking, he was still a little dizzy. In fact, he was quite pale at the moment. It must be because he had lost too much blood. For the time being, he still needed some time to recuperate.

When Jiang Zizai gradually fainted, he vaguely heard Jiang Yaning say: "Princess Lingxuan, please excuse me."

Then, he lost consciousness again and fell into a deep sleep. However, if the news of safety could reach his mother and the Nine Immortals as soon as possible, he would be relieved.

"Princess Shenxiao, Qin Qin..."

Before Jiang Ziyu lost consciousness, two people appeared in his mind.

Qin Qin and the woman holding the sword completely overlap.

Jiang Zizai never expected that Princess Shenxiao would kill him in such a way!

Zhaoyu's account has not yet been settled, and there is still such a life-and-death feud!

Next, let's wait and see, he will definitely avenge himself!

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!


Imperial City, Suxi Palace.

This is the bedroom of the imperial concubine 'Sufei'.

The current empress is not favored by the emperor, and there are several concubines in the harem who are favored, among which Sufei is the most respected.

No one thought that a weak woman could be so successful in the harem, and she didn't even give birth to a son for Emperor Yanlong.

The concubines of emperors of all dynasties are honored by their sons, but she is good, honoring her daughters, and gave Emperor Yanlong the only little princess.

It is said that Emperor Yanlong spent more time in Suxi Palace than in other harems, which actually shows that in this harem, Sufei is the most proud person.

Late at night, a beautiful woman in a soft palace dress sat lazily, with a chessboard in front of her, and opposite the chessboard sat the supreme emperor of the dynasty - Emperor Yanlong.

"Your Majesty, you lost again." Sufei smiled.

"Smart, you are still one step ahead." Emperor Yanlong smiled.

They have played chess like this countless times. She has the ability to suppress him in this aspect, so she has the capital to be valued by him.

Other concubines only know how to dress themselves up beautifully, but they don't know that he only likes people who can talk.

"Another game?" Su Fei asked.

"No." Emperor Yanlong sat upright, staring at this beautiful woman, and asked: "Did you arrange the matter of the Dragon Soul Jade?"

Su Fei lowered her head and said: "Yes, I was wrong."

"Next time, don't let Yan'er do something smart, it will easily make her lose her inner balance. Especially after the Six Mansions Festival, she has a demonic barrier in her heart."

"I know." Su Fei looked worried, "I have been trying to comfort her these days. However, I didn't expect that Jiang Yunting, the youngest son, has this ability."

As soon as the voice fell, a voice that was neither positive nor negative suddenly sounded outside.

"Your Majesty, there is an urgent report."

"Go ahead." Yanlong Emperor said.

"The team escorting Princess Lingxuan to the Great Jiang King City was intercepted and killed. Someone saw Jiang Zizai dead."

Yanlong Emperor nodded and said, "Withdraw."

Su Fei thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty, no matter how stupid Yan'er is, he will not do such a stupid thing."

Yanlong Emperor smiled coldly and said, "I know that someone is too smart. He is really useless."

He seemed a little angry: "A good chess piece was ruined for me!"

Su Fei was happy.

"You are happy. Yan'er's demon barrier is gone, and there are still people who ruin their future." Yanlong Emperor glanced at her.

"I dare not."

"Let's play another game." Yanlong Emperor said.

It seems that this urgent report is also irrelevant to him.

"By the way, why does Lingxuan stay now?" Su Fei suddenly asked.

"Don't worry about things that you shouldn't worry about. Don't you understand this principle better than anyone else?" Yanlong Emperor raised his head and looked at her.

Concubine Su lowered her head and said no more.

A quarter of an hour later.

"Your Majesty, you lost again."

The chessboard had just been put away when the eunuch outside reported: "Your Majesty, Madam, Princess Shenxiao wants to see you."

Emperor Yanlong waved his hand and said: "Let her go back to practice."

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