Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 177 Wuji, Fantasy

Jiang Zizai put the black box on the glacier.

Although Jiuxian still doubted, he was 100% sure in his heart.

Level 4 evolution source, his father was really generous.

However, Jiang Zizai could understand his desire to make up for his regrets and help the son of an old friend have a brighter future.

Jiang Zizai's hands were shaking a little, and he opened the box. After opening it, he found that there were three boxes in the box!

"No, there was only one in the dream." Lu Dingxing asked in confusion.

In the dream, there was only one box, but here it turned into three.

"Really, maybe it's three boxes of lunch." Jiuxian said with a chuckle.

Jiang Zizai picked up the box on the far left, and before he opened it, he found that there was a piece of paper under the box.

He quickly picked it up, and saw that it was written: Level 3 evolution source 'Wuji', your friend named Beishan Jin should be able to use it.

"This is my father's handwriting!" Jiang Zizai shouted excitedly, he was too familiar with it.

"Wuji?" Jiuxian was stunned for a moment, took the box from Jiang Zizai, and closed it as soon as she opened it. She had a wonderful expression and said, "It's really Wuji..."

Jiang Zizai had learned about this evolution source 'Wuji'. Its properties are relatively narrow and it is difficult to find a suitable one. It sounds like it has nothing to do with Beishan Jin, but this is prepared by Jiang Yunting. He is probably more evolution source than anyone else. Since he said so, the problem is obviously not big.

"Wuji's characteristics seem to be able to confuse the environment and make the true qi have a great ability to reverse. This is a domain-type evolution source. Maybe it can really strengthen Beishan Jin's wind and fire domain." Jiuxian was a little surprised.

She looked at Jiang Zizai and gritted her teeth and said, "Your father is too generous. Why is he so partial? I have served his son for so long, but I didn't get a gift. Beishan Jin just flattered me a few times. Why is he partial?"

She was envious when she saw it.

"Maybe he doesn't have much stock now. Don't worry, there will be one for you in the future. If he doesn't give it to you, I will." Jiang Zizai patted his chest and said confidently.

He knew that the one in the middle must be the 'fourth-level evolution source'-god and demon.

So, he picked up the box on the right, and there was a note underneath, which read: Level 3 evolution source 'Dream', for Wanqian.

This is simple and direct. Obviously, he is absolutely sure that the evolution source 'Dream' is absolutely suitable for Wanqian.

"Your father is really good at choosing. This is simply an evolution source born for little bugs. The characteristics of 'Dream' can increase the psychedelic effect of his pupil technique. In the future, he will directly practice illusion with his eyes. There is a bright future." Jiuxian sighed.

Jiang Zizai didn't expect that he gave the evolution source left for Jiang Junjian to Lu Dingxing and gave it to Jiang Zizai's two new friends. Such a gift that can change his life!

He is so generous, so careful, and so courageous. No wonder Lu Yuan would follow him like this.

Jiang Zizai originally thought that he would disappear forever, but he did not expect that he would appear at the Six Prefectures Grand Meeting, and now, he reappeared.

Perhaps, he has been guarding them in the dark all the time.

He lifted the box in the middle, and sure enough, there was a note with only two words: God and Demon.

Jiuxian opened it and saw a stone inside, black on the left and white on the right, a mixture of black and white, weird, deep, ancient, and terrifyingly powerful.

Just a glance, although it is just a stone, it can make people imagine it as a terrifying ancient beast roaring at the sky.

"The value of this evolution source is higher than Tai Chi. If Lu Dingxing is really suitable, then his cultivation talent may be higher than yours in a short time." Lian Jiuxian looked at the 'God and Demon' and her voice trembled a little when she spoke.

"This is an evolution source that can make the gods and their level tremble with their hands. Your father is really... When can I wait for him to give me a gift. It makes me want to marry you now." Jiuxian really can't hide her envy.

She looked at Jiang Zizai, really disappointed.

"Why is your father so awesome, but you can't produce anything?" She wanted to cry but had no tears.

"My father has been around for decades, I'm still young, when I reach his age, believe it or not, I will give you the evolution source of the whole world?" Jiang Zizai said.

"You can say it, panda as a witness, if you can't do it by then, you know what the end will be, hehe."

In fact, if it were someone with selfish desires, maybe they would want to kill them at this time, take the treasure and leave. Jiuxian, just grumbled a few words of envy.

"Put it away quickly." Jiang Zizai put it in the space jade pendant for safety.

Lu Dingxing was still dreaming, and asked: "Boss, I'm not still in the dream last night, am I?"

"Do you want me to slap you in the face, so that you can feel whether it is a dream or reality now?" Jiang Zizai asked.

He nodded and said, "Come on, I'm afraid I'll wake up in bed while laughing."


This slap made him dizzy.

He laughed until his face turned red, and finally believed it.

On the way back, Jiang Zi was thinking about another problem.

"If the totems of the three of you evolve successfully, especially the panda, whose totem suddenly reaches such a high level, will the Flame Dragon Emperor suspect that only my father can take out such a totem and target you three? In this case, you three will have trouble in the future."

He didn't want to involve them in his own affairs. The totem level was too high, which was indeed too annoying. If the Flame Dragon Emperor knew that it was arranged by Jiang Yunting, he might take some precautions.

For example, assassinate him casually to prevent Lu Dingxing from growing up and seeking revenge on him.

Jiuxian said: "This is simple. After you go back, you should try to evolve immediately. After the end, I will find the God Servant. When the dust settles, I will let her say that she gave it to you. After all, the two third-level evolution sources are not full attributes, so they are not too precious. The Sacrifice Temple can afford it. As for the "God and Demon", she can probably make up a reason."

"Is the God Servant willing to do this?"

"Your father gave geniuses to the Sacrifice Temple for free. She would laugh in her dreams. Why not? Of course, the premise is that you should evolve first to prevent her from snatching it."

Act first and report later, it is foolproof.

"Sacrifice Master, please trouble you." Lu Dingxing said.

"You're welcome. Use more evolution sources to honor me in the future."

After returning to the temple, Jiuxian asked them to try to evolve first, and Jiang Zizai summoned Beishan Jin and Wanqian.

Jiang Zizai said it directly, this was a gift from his father.

Ruo Xiaoyue was here too, although she didn't have hers, she was still very happy. After all, she was still young, and Jiang Yunting probably didn't have a suitable one, not even Jiang Yuning, who was still a Xuan-level totem.

A Tian-level totem at this age is quite rare in itself.

"Can we also have a Tian-level totem?" Beishan Jin was stunned, his expression exaggerated, and said: "Boss, don't joke with me, if you do this again, I will take away your virginity."

"Take it, this is a gaseous evolution source, if you let it run away, I will kill you." Jiang Zizai said.

He opened it and his eyes widened. Then he prostrated himself and shouted, "Boss, where is your father? From now on, your father is my father. If you pass away, I will take good care of him for you."

"Fuck you!" Jiang Zizai kicked him out while he was screaming with excitement.

"I... how can I receive a gift like King Zilin..." Wan Qian held the box with a very tangled expression.

"You don't want it? Give it to me, so I can pick up girls." Bei Shan Jin reached out to grab it.

"Get lost!" Wan Qian quickly put it away.

"Don't be polite to the boss. Anyway, I've made up my mind. If someone in this world treats me so well, then my cheap life, including my ass, will belong to him, right, boss?"

"Get lost. I'm not interested in your ass." Jiang Zizai said disdainfully.

"Don't, I might be more tender and delicious than the priest. Wouldn't you consider getting to know me?" Bei Shan Jin looked at him hopefully.

"Fuck you, my sister is here, don't talk nonsense." Jiang Zizai wanted to hold him down and beat him up.

Poor Ruo Xiaoyue, she tilted her head beside him and had no idea what they were talking about.

"Take it." Jiang Zizai patted Wanqian on the shoulder.

"Okay." Wanqian took it, his eyes were firm, although not as exaggerated as Beishan Jin said, but he was a grateful person. He remembered clearly who had been kind to him over the years.

He also remembered who had humiliated him.

The Heaven-level Totem, that was a life-changing favor, he would remember it for the rest of his life.

They each returned to their own room, Jiang Zizai asked Ruo Xiaoyue to keep watch and not let others go in to disturb them.

An evolution, not knowing whether it would succeed, and not knowing when it would take. I once heard that someone's totem evolution took a year, which was indeed a bit scary.

After all, it was not a full-attribute evolution source, and there was still a great possibility of failure. Among them, the most suitable should be Wanqian, Lu Dingxing and Beishan Jin, both had about half the possibility of failure.

This was analyzed by Jiuxian through their situation.

Therefore, treasures are treasures, and whether you can enjoy them depends on your luck.

For two or three days, the three of them had not made any moves. One day, when night fell, Jiang Zizai remembered that Jiang Yuning asked him to go to the Huguo Mansion to attend the Huguo Banquet.

"I almost forgot." He hurried out and arrived at the Huguo Banquet when night fell completely.

The grand Huguo Banquet was about to begin.

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