Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 181 The Destined Devil

"I don't know." She quickly took Jiang Zizai's hand and said, "Don't leave, I'm scared."

"What are you afraid of?"

"Afraid of my mother, afraid that she will scold me." She trembled and put her arms around Jiang Zizai's waist, wanting to stick to it, and then burst into tears.

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid she'll say she'll die to show me, I'm afraid..." Her claws grabbed Jiang Zizai's back tightly, scratching a few bloody marks on it.

The fragrance was so strong that Jiang Zizai lowered his head and looked at her pretty face, which looked like a ripe apple. His mind exploded all of a sudden, and for some reason, he completely entered a whirlpool.

The collision of dry wood and fierce fire, raging and burning, like an explosion, how could this feeling be so crazy.

His palms traveled to all corners, tearing apart everything that could be blocked. Neither he nor the Nine Immortals have ever reached this point.

"Don't..." Shen Xiao was left with nothing but gossamer breath, and her charming eyes were dim.

Almost, only the last step remains.

He was covered in fire and couldn't stop it at all.

But at this moment, Jiang Zizai suddenly saw a gray rune on his chest, which was only a little green.


He suddenly remembered that she had harmed him so much!

Then I remembered that she was not the Nine Immortals, she was Princess Shenxiao!

This is completely impossible! This is simply impossible to happen!

Why does it happen! Someone must be up to something!

However, even if you know this, so what, at this point, how can you still control yourself?

In the light of the calcium carbide fire, he thought of the Soul Calming Talisman.

He took out two soul-suppressing charms, gave one to Princess Shenxiao, and gave one to himself.

"Ah!" The two of them screamed at the same time. This was the first time Jiang Zizai attacked him. He didn't expect the soul-suppressing charm to be so painful. The tingling feeling in his soul instantly cooled the heat all over his body.

This time, I am so awake!

I believe Princess Shenxiao has also woken up.

Then, the two people, who were just short of completing the last step, looked at each other.

"Ah!" Princess Shenxiao let out a scream that shook the world.

"Put it on quickly." Jiang Zizai was also very embarrassed. He really wanted to cry without tears. Now his mind was confused. What happened just now? Was it still him?

In the panic, the two of them were finally able to stand decently, but Princess Shenxiao had already collapsed. She squatted on the ground and looked at Jiang Zizai with a miserable face. Her body was still red. She looked at Jiang Zizai desperately. He struggled and said, "Jiang Zizai, I didn't expect you to be so despicable and shameless. You actually used ecstasy drugs to harm me!"

"Fuck you, it was you who seduced me! I almost lost my virginity!" He clearly remembered that it was the scent of her body that caused the trouble. "Fortunately, I had the Soul Calming Talisman, so I stopped the tragedy in time. I almost lost your virginity!" This pervert succeeded."

He was really scared. If he penetrated the last step today, how would he explain it to the Nine Immortals?

"Are you crazy? I'm here to hallucinate you!" She gritted her teeth, but her mind was still blank. Suddenly, she remembered something, "My mind was so tingling just now, was it you who attacked me?"

"Won't I attack you and let you taint me?" Jiang Zizai was so angry, how could there be a shameless woman coveting her beauty!

"I definitely didn't!" She recovered a little, and probably remembered that if he was the one responsible, there was no need to attack herself at this time to rule out the possibility of him, which would be terrible.

"Someone wants to harm us! I must have drank something I shouldn't have at the National Protection Banquet!" She widened her eyes and thought about the truth, with a look of fear on her face.

"You're right." Jiang Zizai also regained some sense. He frowned and said, "Someone wants you and me to have a relationship."

"It must be him!" Princess Shenxiao knew who it was. She knew that her mother had warned her so, and she also knew that this person definitely wanted her to mix with Jiang Zizai.

"Despicable and shameless!" she cried in anger, she could be so cruel.

"Haha, this method is almost comparable to your Zhaoyu." Jiang Zizai sneered.

Unexpectedly, she was still not angry. The effects of the medicine had not yet worn off. She struggled to stand up and said, "Jiang Zizai, give me another talisman."

She was definitely falling into it again.

"Let's go! This is not cheap. Thirty fourth-grade spiritual stones, bring them!" Another soul-suppressing talisman was wasted, and his heart ached.

"I don't need money, but I need my life." Shen Xiao covered her head in pain, but this allowed her to gradually recover.

"How can you, the noble princess, be such a rogue?" Jiang Zizai was depressed.

"Fortunately, nothing happened. Otherwise, I would be ruined in my life if I were exposed to you." Jiang Zizai said.

"You dare to say that nothing happened! Don't you know what you just did?" Shen Xiao remembered, and she took a few steps back, her eyes a little confused.

She knew that except for the last step, everything had been done, not only him, but also her hands were not idle. She finally came to the conclusion that her Zhao Yu was really unsuccessful. The smell still lingers on her hands.

Jiang Zizai also knew it in his heart.

In fact, the prince's plan was more than half successful. Now that Jiang Zizai thought of the scene just now, it was hard to speak. Both are so crazy.

Maybe after today, it will be really difficult to maintain the relationship that was only filled with hatred before.

And the more she thought about it, the effect of the medicine was still taking effect, and she was out of breath again after a while. Jiang Zizai could only contribute another soul-soothing charm in pain.

"Get out of here and remember to pay back the money!" Jiang Zizai said.

"I can't leave, I'm afraid of meeting other men." Shen Xiao suddenly said in fear.

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"Then I'll go to the head office. You can find a place here to bury yourself and sleep for one night. It won't be a problem."

"No, you can't leave either!" She stretched out her hand to stop Jiang Zizai.

"What are you doing? Do you want to be the overlord?" Jiang Zizai was angry.

"I...I'm afraid..."

"Don't pretend to be pitiful to win my sympathy. That's what you did just now. Maybe you administered the medicine yourself." Jiang Zizai said.

After she finished speaking, she shed tears just by looking at her.

"I'll give you three. If you find something wrong with you, just hit it on the head. You'll be fine." Jiang Zizai could only throw out three soul-suppressing charms, and he would probably be able to hold her until the end.

"Painting is very expensive, you have to remember to pay!"

"Okay, let's go." After collecting the soul talisman, she finally felt a little more at ease. She was really afraid of meeting other men here.

"By the way, since you are leaving, don't go back to the Temple of Sacrifice. Go back to the Protector's Mansion and see Dongyang Jing. He has such a magical medicine, and he may not be able to use it tonight." She suddenly said.

Jiang Zi was shocked.

He did know that this medicine was really scary.

He doesn't worry about Dongyang Jing, because King Qingluan is still around, and the prince should not mess around.

But he knew that there was a Xiang Liushu on Jiang Yaning's side, who had been eyeing her covetously for a long time!

This thing may not belong to Xiang Liushu, because today, Jiang Zizai had seen the two of them chatting and laughing happily, and also saw Xiang Liushu, and secretly glanced at Jiang Yaning several times!

His eyes turned red immediately.

The lightning storm flashed past, and he disappeared from Princess Shenxiao's eyes.

When he disappeared, Princess Shenxiao silently sat on the ground and looked around blankly.

"Mother, Prince..."

"Jiang Zizai, Lingxuan..."

She oscillated between the four.

The prince is very cruel. She clearly knows that this is a whirlpool, but she wants to get out of it, but it is so heartbreaking. She is already a little crazy. She feels that she may not be able to fight him...

Her body didn't seem to belong to her, but was being pulled by everyone from all sides.

The feeling just now is still vivid in my mind, how could I forget it, knowing that he is the devil in my destiny, but even moths will fly into the fire, let alone myself.

However, when I look at the dragon chair, aren't I also filled with admiration?

"If you don't succeed, I will die in front of you!"

Her words echoed in his mind, making Shen Xiao's hair stand on end.

She knew she couldn't cry, but she couldn't control her tears. She wanted to cut herself in half, and use one half to pursue her ambitions, or in other words, to live for her mother, to dominate the world, and to dominate the world with the sun and moon in the sky.

The other half, go and live a carefree life.

There is one,

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