Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 197 Adding fuel to the flames (14 chapters will be updated in the evening)

These days, the crown prince Long Yun often went to see Dongyang Jing.

He called it cultivating feelings.

He actually thought of many ideas to get a chance to spend time alone with Dongyang Jing.

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However, Dongyang Jing was with her senior and junior sisters in the Huguo Mansion every day, and refused on the grounds of cultivation.

Even Dongyang Jing directly said: "I know you have the Lirenxiang in your hand, do you want to use it against me?"

The purpose was directly revealed. Long Yun originally wanted to make her obedient before getting married, but the plan failed.

"Dongyang Jing, the time is almost up. Your father has high expectations for you. My father has already granted the marriage. You have to give me some face." The crown prince has been very proud recently.

All the powerful people in Yanlongxu know that Princess Shenxiao was suppressed as soon as she showed up.

The biggest backer behind him, Concubine Su, was completely ruined. Although Concubine Su was confused for a while, even the people can see that the prince has almost no competitors.

Dongyang Jing is also from a prominent family. When she really becomes the crown princess, the position of the crown prince will undoubtedly be more stable and there will be no suspense.

He doesn't want anything to go wrong at this critical moment.

Now that he is in control of everything, he naturally doesn't think that there is anything that can stop him.

The only thing that is not so reassuring is that Princess Shenxiao has shifted her attention to cultivation.

"Although Concubine Su ruined herself and Xiao Zhao has a bad reputation now, she chose to endure and focus on cultivation. Once she continues to show talent beyond me in the future, it is very likely that she will be much stronger than me in ten years, and I will still be in trouble at that time. For father, strength is very important."

"Father is really partial. The source of evolution of 'Shenxiao' was actually given to her..."

Thinking of it, he still hated it in his heart. If it was given to him, he could also achieve the wild-level totem

"Besides, who knows how many years father will be the emperor? He is now over 40 years old. If he wants to be the emperor for another 20 years, I will be 40 when it is my turn. At that time, Xiao Zhao will be the best age. I am afraid that she will be much stronger than me by then!"

He is not worried about the talents of other princes. The best ones are worse than him. Only Princess Shenxiao makes him wary of her talent.

"No, I can't let her practice with peace of mind. I must let her fall into despair."

It is quite dangerous to let a genius focus on cultivation.

When he returned to Changle Palace in the imperial city from the Huguo Mansion, he had already made a decision.

As soon as he came back, the palace maids reported: "Your Highness, Princess Lingxuan is waiting for you."

What is she doing here?

The prince was in high spirits. When he returned to the hall, he saw a girl sitting quietly in the corner.

"All retreat." He called the servants away and stood in front of Princess Lingxuan.

"Your goal has been achieved. Can you tell me where they are?" Princess Lingxuan took out a complete map, which was very detailed and even recorded the geography outside the Yanlong Dynasty.

"I have achieved it, but it can only be said that it is half successful. Concubine Su is seeking death by herself, and it is not your credit." The prince said.

"Sister can no longer compete with you for the throne!" She bit her red lips.

"Yan'er, don't be angry first. Let's do this. Try harder. Now you have done very well. I promise you that I will tell you the address when you get married." His attitude became better and he pretended to be gentle.

"How should I try?"

"I know that you and Jiang Zizai haven't seen each other since the hunting in Longshan. This won't do. You have to be more proactive. You can go to the temple to find him when you have nothing to do. No matter how you get along with Jiang Zizai, you just need to let others see that you are sweet."

"Sister won't care. She has already put her mind on cultivation." Lingxuan said.

Her hand holding the map trembled slightly. She longed so much for him to draw a dot on it so that she would know where her fate and destination were.

"Don't worry about it now. Just do what I say."

"You promised me that you would tell me when you get married, for sure, right?" Lingxuan looked at him hopefully.

"Don't worry. You have helped me so much. I will never fool you with this little thing. It won't do me any good." The prince said sincerely.

"Is it enough to just go find him?"

"Yes, go ahead."

"You can't break your promise. Otherwise, I will entangle with you to the end." Princess Lingxuan stood up, her eyes were red and red, and occasionally a little scary.

The prince smiled and said, "Silly boy, you are my benefactor now, I really don't need to, I have been honest with you."

Jiang Zizai didn't know about their conversation.

But the next day, he was stunned.

Heard someone clamoring outside, saying that the princess was coming, he wondered, Shen Xiao was already so miserable, why would he come to trouble him?

It turned out that it was Princess Lingxuan who came.

She entered Jiang Zizai's room, sat in the corner, took out a book and started reading.

"What are you doing here?" Jiang Zizai asked.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about me, just pretend I'm not here." Princess Lingxuan said.

Jiang Zizai was busy, and since she didn't say a word, he didn't bother to pay attention to her. After all, she was his fiancée, and it was normal for the two of them to be alone in the same room. The priests in the temple gradually got used to it.

Anyway, she would go back at night, so it wouldn't affect his and Jiuxian's wonderful "double cultivation".

As a result, she came again early the next morning, but she didn't say anything when she came. She just played with herself in the corner. Sometimes she brought a little bear doll with her and could stay there for half a day.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

After that, every day, she came more frequently than the Flame Dragon Emperor's morning court. She came at sunrise and left at sunset. It was so frequent that people wondered what they were doing in there.

"You are so happy. You have different people to serve you during the day and night." In the end, Jiuxian was jealous.

"You saw it. She came here to complete the task."

Jiang Zizai knew that Shenxiao would definitely know that she came so frequently, but she seemed to have grown up now, and she didn't make trouble again.

The prince was also paying attention to the progress here.

He had spies to listen to people's reactions, but Princess Shenxiao, who had been very enthusiastic before, seemed to be silent and had not responded. He thought it might not be enough.

So the prince said to Princess Lingxuan: "It's not enough for you to just meet him. You have to ask him out so that people all over the world can see you show your affection and let her see your sweetness."

Princess Lingxuan shook her head and said: "Sister will really not pay attention to Jiang Zizai's affairs anymore. You are doing this in vain."

"Don't worry about it. Just do what I say. It's best to bring him to the imperial city and let the whole royal family see that you have a good relationship."

Princess Lingxuan hesitated for a moment. She was not particularly good at it.

"Yan'er, I made such a deal with you for my own selfish desires. It's really hard for you. But you will definitely get what you want. In fact, I can't bear to see you live a meaningless life." The prince comforted.

"I know."

She knew that the prince didn't know Princess Shenxiao that well.

In fact, she just didn't know about the Li Ren Fragrance. The prince thought that Princess Shen Xiao's Li Ren Fragrance had been successful, so he didn't worry at all that Princess Shen Xiao wouldn't care about the growing relationship between Jiang Zizai and her sister.

She felt that her sister didn't care anymore, but she forced herself to do these futile things just for that place, but the prince was sure that Princess Shen Xiao would care.

So on this day, she still plucked up the courage and asked Jiang Zizai when she left in the evening: "Can you go out with me?"

Jiang Zizai was a little surprised that this taciturn guy actually wanted to ask him out. It happened that he had completely mastered the Jielong Sword Technique, so he said: "Let's go, and talk about what you want to do during this period of time?"

It's time to ask why she forced herself to do things that are not good for Shen Xiao.

After leaving the Sacrifice Temple, she walked and walked without saying a word, but headed towards the direction of the Imperial City.

"Can you come to my place? Your mother has made a lot of delicious food for me. I will also treat you to a meal. I can cook." She said a little clumsily, pinching the corner of her clothes with her fingers, obviously a little nervous.

"Go, go, go."

Seeing that she wanted to cook for him so pitifully, how could he refuse.

How could he have expected that this simple invitation would lead to a major event that could change his life...


Remarks on the release

Two good news and one 'bad news'.

Let me first talk about the first good news. At 12 o'clock tonight, this book will be updated with 14 chapters.

The second good news is that at the same time at 12 o'clock, the madman will send a 1,000 yuan red envelope on WeChat.

The 'bad news' is that starting at 12 o'clock in the evening, this book will be charged for being put on the shelves.

Maybe for some readers, charging for being put on the shelves is indeed 'bad news'. Here, the madman must explain it.

Many old readers know that online writing needs to charge a small fee to support the operation of the website, the salary of the staff, the living fee of the madman, etc. If there is no fee, no one will write online writing, and we authors will not have a platform to write books for everyone to read...

"Holy Dragon Totem" has been updated with 500,000 words. In the past two months, the madman has not received any labor remuneration at all. I am now the pillar of the family, and the whole family depends on me to make money, so I hope everyone can understand the charges for online writing. After all, everyone goes out to buy books and read, which also requires consumption. However, the charges for online writing are really cheap and very kind.

It is natural to work hard and get benefits, not to rob or steal.

Here I would like to tell new readers about the difference between genuine and pirated.

The genuine version is the content published by 17k Novel Network, the only first release and contracted website of "Holy Dragon Totem". . The difference between genuine websites and pirated websites is that pirated websites do not have many employees who need to eat, do not have to pay authors' royalties, and do not have to pay various expenses. They mainly earn GG fees. The legitimate websites need to continue to operate, and if the authors want to make a living while writing books, they can only rely on readers to pay. Of course, the money is not much. The author spends several hours and works hard to write 3,000 words, but only charges a few cents. There is nothing that can be bought for a few cents in China now. It costs about 30 cents to update 10,000 words a day. .

It can be said that even a few-year-old child doesn't need this 30 cents.

But for any author, writing a book is not an easy thing. There are no holidays, huge work pressure, unreasonable insults from some garbage readers, chaotic work and rest, lack of sleep, etc.

I want to say a word to every programmer who sticks to the computer. It is not easy for everyone. They use their youth and blood to sway in this online world, and suffer the cold eyes of reality. Everyone knows how much blood and tears are involved.

If everyone loves online literature, they should not be stingy with these few cents. Piracy is still rampant in China now. The readers are the most in the dark and easily deceived. There are always people who think that reading a book is a gift to the author. In fact, it is not. You even give the most basic clicks to pirated websites. Unless you introduce the novel to others everywhere, reading pirated books will really have no practical effect on the author.

For the listing, I want to say that if it is not financial difficulties and you can't come up with a few dollars a month, I would like to ask all brothers and sisters to support it.

It is not easy for everyone, and I can understand it. Now it is so easy to consume online. I hope everyone can give real support to the books they like. After all, many people now watch live broadcasts and give gifts. It is easier for the anchors to give gifts than for us to rack our brains in front of the computer and waste our youth...

The recharge method is very simple, but you need to register an account first. You can use the computer or mobile phone page. If you want to read books most conveniently, I suggest you download a client app of [17k novel]. After logging in, you can pay with WeChat and Alipay. Recharge 5 yuan and you can read for a month. It's only about 30 cents a day.

I have some hope for the future.

I hope that we online writers can get enough respect.

I hope that one day, charging for listing will be a normal process in everyone's mind, not "bad news".

I hope that by then, I will still persist, pursue my dreams, do the career I like, and focus on writing good books.

Thank you for your support. I am not young anymore. I will write this book well.

Remember, at 12 o'clock tonight, Chapter 14 will be updated! There is also a 1,000 yuan red envelope!

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