Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 208: Prosperity

On the day before the God-worshipping Day, Jiang Zi was in the King Jiang's mansion, and the eunuch Qian rehearsed all the etiquette details of tomorrow's grand ceremony for him.

Of course, Jiang Zi's mind was not on this etiquette, he only cared about when Jiang Junjian would come out. He also cared about what his brother and Dongyang Jing would face tomorrow.

On the eve of the God-worshipping Day, Yanlongxu stayed up all night.

The annual God-worshipping Day is the most grand festival of the Yanlong Dynasty. This year, there is a princess getting married and the crown prince appointing a crown princess, so it is even more grand.

At night, Yanlongxu was full of festive lanterns and ribbons, and paper-cuts were pasted everywhere. The whole city was shrouded in a sea of ​​red. There was also a lantern festival that night. The streets of Yanlongxu were very lively, and the people were welcoming the arrival of tomorrow's grand festival.

Children ran around, actors performed on the streets, and strange people from all sides performed their unique skills, attracting bursts of cheers. The people loved to watch these mysterious things.

The lively atmosphere lasted until dawn. Instead of weakening, it became even more enthusiastic, because people knew that a series of grand events would be held in the imperial city soon.

Yesterday morning, Emperor Yanlong said that he would grant amnesty to the whole world today. Those prisoners who had repented and behaved well in prisons across the dynasty would have the opportunity to be reborn.

The grand event of the dynasty, the whole world celebrates together!

Dongyang Jing was born in the Qingluan clan of the nine major clans of the dynasty. She was the eldest daughter of the Qingluan King and had a prominent status. With the honor of being the first in the national defense banquet, she deserved the status of the crown princess. The people of the world had no objection.

People just heard that Dongyang Jing had been good friends with Jiang Junjian and had disobeyed the Qingluan King at the Six Prefectures Grand Meeting. Obviously, she did not like the crown prince and had someone in her heart. Whether she would really surrender today was also a point of concern for the people.

"Comparing the prince with Jiang Junjian, Jiang Junjian was really excellent in the past, but now is different. One is the future emperor, and the other is a prisoner. I believe that under the guidance of the elders, Dongyang Jing will make a choice."

"So-called love is really insignificant compared to the real future and the pressure of the family. No one will not want his future and life for the so-called true love."

Such discussions are endless in all parts of the dynasty.

Of course, they don't know that just when Eunuch Qian was preparing for Jiang Zizai, in the cold Tai'e Prison in the corner of the imperial city, a tall man in prison clothes and a group of other pardoned criminals walked out of the gate of Tai'e Prison.

After a year, he finally saw the sun.

At that moment, he could only close his eyes, the sun was too dazzling.

He was a little unsteady, and only he knew how much the torture of the disaster had destroyed him in this year.

After a long time, he opened his eyes a little.

"Hurry up, don't block the road here, you're not dead yet, why don't you get out of here!" The jailer behind them was already urging them.

A group of people who hadn't seen the sun for who knows how long, walked forward in a daze.

The light actually hurt their eyes.

What can be heard is that there are noisy and festive sounds everywhere, especially in the direction of the dynasty, with gongs and drums and firecrackers.

Looking over there, there are lights and decorations all the way, and children are running happily.

"Xiao Jing." He knew that she had gone there.

"Jun Jian." There was a middle-aged man in a yellow robe standing in front. The middle-aged man lowered his head and his face was a little decadent. He saw the tall man and said, "The princess asked me to take you out of the city. Come with me and get out of this sea of ​​suffering first."

"Where is Xiao Jing?" Jiang Junjian asked.

"At noon, she will marry the prince first, and then the princess will find a way to bring her out. At that time, you can go as far as you want." Jiang Yuan, the lord of Huanglin Mansion, said.

Jiang Junjian stood for a moment.

He suddenly turned around and headed towards the direction of the imperial city.

"Junjian, what are you doing?" Jiang Yuan had a headache.

Jiang Junjian walked faster and faster.

"Junjian, you have to listen to the princess's arrangement. If you go there now, it will not be good for both of you. If you make trouble there, the princess will take Dongyang Jing out next, which will only cause more trouble!"

Jiang Yuan had already admitted his mistakes in the past, and Ruohua gave him a chance.

This time, he was arranged to take Jiang Junjian away, and she still trusted him.

However, Ruohua herself probably didn't expect that Jiang Yuan couldn't stop Jiang Junjian at all. In this lively Yanlong Ruins, Jiang Junjian flashed a few times and disappeared in the crowd and disappeared in front of him.

"This is bad, strange, Jun Jian used to be a calm person, why is he so uncalm today?"

"It's no wonder, who can watch the person they like get married with someone else, and in front of the world, but they can't lose their minds..."

"I have to tell the princess quickly."

In fact, he also watched Jiang Junjian grow up.

He knew his character better, he couldn't hide and wait, letting the person he wanted to protect take risks alone.

He knew very well what choice she would make if she failed. He knew her too well.


Flame Dragon Imperial City!

The most lively place now is naturally the origin pillar of the royal family.

The origin pillar exclusive to the royal family is also called: Flame Dragon Pillar!

That is the cradle of the totem warriors of the Flame Dragon Royal Family. All the Flame Dragon Royal Family got the dragon totem here.

It is said that the probability of getting the dragon totem here is very high, so it is directly called the 'Flame Dragon Pillar'.

The Flame Dragon Pillar stands on the huge Flame Dragon Altar, which is so large that it can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

Today, the Flame Dragon Emperor first led the royal family to worship their ancestors in front of the princes and ministers, and then let the young men of the royal family who were of the right age obtain the totem here!

There were not many young men of the royal family, so it was over in almost an hour.

People knew that the grand event was about to begin. The marriage of the royal family was different from that of ordinary people. They were all married under the Flame Dragon Pillar and witnessed by the ancient gods.

In the morning, Jiang Zizai and other people from the Jiang Palace had already arrived at the Flame Dragon Altar. He was dressed up all night and now he was dressed in red and dressed up. There were a lot of hair accessories on his head. Today, he was indeed handsome and majestic, but he was tired of these decorations. When the event was over, he would get rid of those ghost things on his head as soon as possible.

Now he has not seen Princess Lingxuan or Dongyang Jing. The crown prince Long Yun had already appeared. Today, he was in high spirits and chatting and laughing with people from all walks of life.

His outfit was naturally more domineering than Jiang Zizai's, but after all, in terms of temperament, he looked much more vulgar than Jiang Zizai. When the two were compared, there was actually a difference in superiority, which people did not expect.

After the ancestor worship was over, tens of thousands of people gathered at the Yanlong Altar. These were high-ranking officials and strong men invited from all over the country. For example, the patriarchs of the nine major clans, the three dragon kings and their families, as well as the prime minister's mansion, the state-guarding Taiwei mansion, the censor Taiwei mansion and other princes and ministers.

The generals guarding the four directions, as long as they did not have important tasks, had already arrived. There were dozens of generals of the same level as Jiang Junjian alone.

In the past few days, many big figures from all over the country have been going to Yanlongxu to congratulate the Yanlong Emperor, and they have to send two gifts, one for the princess and one for the prince, which is equivalent to a tribute. It is said that the gifts have been received so much that they are soft. After all, the city lords and governors of various parties are all powerful figures in the local area, and they have a lot of treasures.

It is said that the Yanlong Emperor was very happy and announced on the spot that all these gifts would be given to Jiang Zizai and the prince.

It can be said that the most important figures in the entire dynasty have gathered here.

These are all well-known figures. When they come here, they can have a grand social event. No one wants to be isolated, so they start talking before the wedding ceremony.

At this time, the Yanlong Emperor came out again, and for a time, the whole world came to pay homage.

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