Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 223 Holy Day Servant

Tianlong Holy Dynasty and Shenzong, these two unfamiliar terms made Jiang Zizai a little confused.

To the east of the Yanlong Dynasty is an endless sea, to the north is an uninhabited glacier, and to the south is a barbaric area where origin beasts are rampant.

To the northwest is Xia Ming Kingdom, which has been against the dynasty for generations.

The territory of Xia Ming Kingdom is said to be comparable to that of the Imperial Dynasty, but compared with the thousands of miles of fertile land of the Dynasty, the territory of Xia Ming Kingdom is barren, with desert occupying at least half of it, and the living conditions are harsh.

I heard from people who have been to Xia Ming Kingdom that there are some small countries in the northwest of Xia Ming Kingdom, which are not as big as Xia Ming Kingdom, and they are often rebuilt and destroyed.

Some people are walking to the west. It is said that there is an endless desert. Many strong people cannot walk through such a desert. There are still storms sweeping through the desert.

The Yanlong Dynasty has a beautiful environment and a suitable climate, and no one wants to explore the unknown world.

But Jiang Yunting has long told his children that the world is much bigger than you think, and the dynasty is just a drop in the ocean. At that time, Jiang Zizai thought he was seeing a joke, but now it seems that maybe the Holy Son and the Ancient Venerable are figures from the far west.

Perhaps, there is fertile soil like the Yanlong Dynasty over there, which nourishes strong men.

For example, this ancient sage is actually stronger than Yanlong Emperor and Jiang Yunting. He might be the most powerful person in the world.

But why does this ‘Holy Son’ have such a high status? Is it because his talent is even more exaggerated than Jiang Zizai's?

There were many questions in his mind.

At this time, he was only worried about Jiang Yunting's life or death.

It’s like one wave after another.

The sounds of the battlefield in the distance were already very quiet. Because of the presence of the 'Holy Son', the entire Flame Dragon Altar was silent.

The Holy Son glanced at everyone with cold eyes, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he shook his head and said: "In a barbarian land, there are really no characters."

The Yanlong Dynasty claimed to be a supreme kingdom, and the civilized world turned out to be a barbarian land in his words.

"Arrogant." Jiang Zizai said contemptuously.

"He didn't. In his eyes, this is indeed a barbarian land." Unexpectedly, Nine Immortals said it seriously.

"You don't want to embolden other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige." Jiang Zizai said.

"Fool, you are still too young and don't know how high the sky is and how high it is."

"Hey, do you know a lot?" Jiang Zizai had known for a long time that her origins were mysterious. Could it be that she also came from such a far away place?

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Zizai saw the ancient venerable coming back menacingly, his face ashen. Behind him were the two divine attendants who followed him closely. Jiang Yunting had disappeared.

"Holy Son, forgive me, Jiang Yunting is really good at running, and these two people intercepted him, but I couldn't catch him." The ancient venerable was furious and glanced at the Yueyin Divine Attendant and Xingyao Divine Attendant.

The Holy Son's expression was indifferent. He glanced at the Yanlong Emperor and said, "Who are Jiang Yunting's relatives? Capture them all and escort them back. Let Jiang Yunting deliver the divine box to the Yanlong Saint Clan."

Unexpectedly, after chasing Jiang Yunting, he would be so domineering.

Emperor Yanlong understood. With a smile on his face, he first pointed at Princess Ruohua and said, "This is his wife."

"These are his son and daughter." He pointed at Jiang Junjian and Jiang Yaning. When he saw Jiang Zizai, he hesitated slightly and did not identify Jiang Zizai. Obviously, he didn't want these two people to know that the divine box was already in Jiang Zizai's possession.

"Just these three, catch them and take them back." The Holy Son ordered the ancient venerable.

The ancient venerable nodded quickly, and then glanced at Princess Ruohua. Without saying a word, he stretched out his hand and grabbed her here.

Unexpectedly, at this time, both Yueyin Divine Attendant and Xingyao Divine Attendant were standing in front of him.

The ancient venerable was furious and said: "You two, it will do no good to offend our Holy Son! Believe it or not, I will shovel your sacrificial temple!"

Yueyin Divine Attendant smiled and said: "The ancient venerable can try it. Shenzong has two hundred and seventy-three sacrificial temples, and not one of them can be missing."

"What does my capturing these people have to do with you offering sacrifices to the temple?" asked the ancient venerable.

Yueyin God Attendant said: "We also want the God Box. This is the order from above. These people are now under our control. How can you snatch them away if you want?"

The ancient venerable sneered and said: "So you guys want to get a share of the pie. In that case, it's easy to handle. Just rely on your ability to speak."

With that said, he was about to take action.

Even the Yanlong Emperor and others are no match for this ancient venerable. Obviously, the two divine attendants will definitely not be able to stop him. Ruohua and Jiang Junjian should be considered very dangerous at this time.

Jiang Zizai was naturally disgusted by the fact that these two men acted so domineeringly. However, the Holy Son was young and could only be regarded as a genius. The key was that the ancient venerable was indeed powerful, and he was afraid that the two divine attendants would be defeated!

Sure enough, the ancient venerable didn't want to talk nonsense, he just said it out loud. Last time he captured Jiang Yunting, this time he directly attacked the two divine attendants!


As soon as they started, the world shook. They fought directly at the Flame Dragon Altar. The onlookers immediately retreated. Otherwise, if they were affected, even Jiang Zizai himself might die instantly.

"Mom, what should I do?" Jiang Zizai asked quickly.

He could see that the ancient sage with the dragon totem was indeed quite domineering. His moves were wide open and closed, and the two divine attendants could only restrain him but could not stop him at all.

The Yanlong Emperor is not willing to expose Jiang Zizai yet. He is not in danger, but his mother and brothers and sisters are in danger!

Ruohua glanced at the chaotic battlefield. The battle between the three people was so chaotic that the entire Flame Dragon Altar was almost destroyed, with ruins everywhere.

"They can hold on. That person will be back soon."

Just when Jiang Zizai wanted to ask who 'that person' was, a golden figure suddenly appeared and joined the battlefield. The golden figure was shining all over, just like the scorching sun, bursting out with thousands of feet of light.

The Moon Hidden Divine Servant was like a black moon, appearing and disappearing from time to time, while the Star Divine Servant was like a sky full of stars, bright and shining.

The sun, moon and stars gathered again!

If Jiang Zizai guessed correctly, it should be the 'Holy Sun Divine Servant' who appeared!

From what they said, it turned out that the Holy Sun Divine Servant and the Moon Hidden Divine Servant had not been there all the time. It was not until this time that the Holy Sun Divine Servant came back.

For some reason, the three of them joined forces, and their power seemed to be very huge. For a while, they actually suppressed the Ancient Venerable.

This shocked Jiang Zizai!

"No wonder the Sacrifice Temple has such a big say. It turns out that the combined strength of the three of them is stronger than that of the Flame Dragon King and my father!"

No wonder the Flame Dragon King is so afraid of the Sacrifice Temple.

Especially the Holy Sun Servant, his fighting style is very explosive. His whole body is shrouded in the light of the scorching sun, and it is completely unclear what he looks like.

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