Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 243 The Gift of the Ancient God

"Moon-level magic weapon! Wind-breaking axe and mountain-breaking hammer! Two were given directly! Who is this guy? He looks quite old, and his luck is so good!"

Lu Dingxing got two totem magic weapons at once. Judging from his luck, it should be the best so far today!

When he struggled to carry the two weapons down, people were discussing and asking about him. It seemed that he would be famous in the Divine Sect today.

However, these two heavyweight weapons were very huge. When he transformed into a divine demon panda, they should be just right for use. If you think about it carefully, this monster is really scary with a hammer in one hand and an axe in the other. Then it was Jiang Zizai's turn. Seeing that the four of them had such good luck, Jiang Zizai was very pleased. But he thought that his luck would not be too good. If it was good, he would not have awakened the totem at the age of fifteen.

When he was about to step onto the origin altar, he suddenly felt some palpitating eyes. He turned his head to the side and saw a familiar person.

It was the Holy Servant Xuan Cang.

He was standing not far from Jiang Zizai. Beside him, there was an old man in a brown robe. Xuan Cang had white hair, but this old man had black hair. It was just from his face that he looked quite old.

This man's face was even more old-fashioned. His whole face looked like tree bark, cold and dry.

"Xuan Cang, Lin Mu, why are you staring at my disciple like this? You are so old, but you still like fair and tender young men?" Just when Jiang Zizai felt some pressure, a teasing voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Jiang Zizai knew why they were looking at him. It was obvious that they saw that he had a good relationship with Jiuxian yesterday. It turned out that this other old man was another enemy of Jiuxian, Lin Mu of the Wood God Palace, and his son Lin Xiaoyun was also dead.

"Shut up, you are saying such dirty words in such a serious occasion. If the Palace Master knew, would he let you go wild?" Xuan Cang said angrily.

"Go away, I'm not afraid of you." Feng Xiaoyao is a typical lawless person. If they talk to him, these two will be pissed off.

Jiang Zizai didn't bother to care about them. He stepped onto the origin altar and did nothing next. He just waited.

"Ancient God."

He looked around the origin altar. Standing here, it seemed that the people around him became very far away. He raised his head and looked at the sky. He suddenly saw that there seemed to be a vast golden vortex above!

This golden vortex is so magnificent, but when I was outside just now, it seemed that I couldn't see it at all!

"Is it really a miracle!"

He was shocked. Whether it was the origin pillar or the origin altar, it made him feel that he was so close to the ancient god.

"Dad and mom, are you really up there?" Jiang Zizai thought of them.

At this moment, a black egg fell from the sky and landed in his hands. Jiang Zizai immediately smelled a bad smell.

He really wanted to cry but had no tears!

"Jiuxian, you are such a bad mouth! Why is it really a rotten egg! It's over, I'm going to make a sensation in the Divine Sect this time."

Others are all secret evolution sources, but he is good. In this grand occasion, a rotten egg fell from the sky!

"What is that!" Others haven't seen it clearly yet, so they are a little confused.

Jiang Zizai can only put it away quickly and leave sadly. He put a little force on his hand, and the eggshell of the rotten egg broke directly. Suddenly, a black gas came out from it.

It was a breath of death, which was so creepy. The black gas quickly condensed in the air and turned into a skull pattern.

For a while, darkness enveloped the origin altar, and the suffocating gloom swept everyone's heart.

It seemed that the whole world was shrouded in death!

A miserable, terrible sound of ghosts and wolves howling came from the mouth of the skull, making every little priest tremble at this time!

"What is that!"

People were stunned. What on earth was so terrible!

"Level 5 Evolution Source 'Death'!!"

"Oh my god! It's 'Death'!"

Jiang Zizai was still worrying about how to deal with this rotten egg, when he suddenly heard Feng Xiaoyao's earth-shaking scream.

"Five, level 5 evolution source, Death?"

Jiang Zizai stared blankly at the terrifying skull in front of him, and the skull was also looking at him grimly.

He was a little overwhelmed, isn't this a rotten egg?

But at this moment, the skull made of mist turned into mist again, this time it went directly into the totem at the center of his eyebrows.

In an instant, the black dragon totem turned into a vortex, which was a manifestation of totem evolution!

Level 5 evolution source, rare in the world, this is the top treasure between heaven and earth, even the holy servants would be eager to get such a thing that can change fate.

Level 4 evolution source 'God and Demon' is far inferior to this 'Death'.

Jiang Zizai didn't know what kind of evolution source this 'Death' was.

When the totem evolved, he passed out, but his body was still sitting on the origin altar. What he didn't know was that his body was now shrouded in black air, which spread and sealed the entire origin altar.

He had no idea what it would be like to have a level 5 evolution source appear directly on the origin altar.

"From the historical records to the present, there have been tens of thousands of years and 20,000 divine days, and there has never been a treasure like the level 5 evolution source. This Jiang Zizai is the person with the highest divine luck in the past ten thousand years!"

"He was originally a wild-level totem. If the totem evolves successfully this time, his future is really limitless."

Ling Qingtian and Feng Xiaoyao were both shocked.

Everyone was looking at the black air on the origin altar, their eyes full of envy.

Just as Jiang Zizai expected, he would cause a sensation in the Divine Sect on the second day after he came to the Divine Sect, not because of rotten eggs, but because of the "God of Death".

The news will spread soon.

The new priests were unable to move their feet now, looking at Jiang Zizai with exaggerated eyes.

Even the Divine Servant and the Holy Servant were stunned at this time.

"On the Divine Fortune Day, he could actually get the fifth-level evolution source, which is really a miracle! This young man is called Jiang Zizai. How could his Divine Fortune be so high!"

Even Lu Dingxing and others had to admit at this time that their boss was really a complete pervert.

Other people's Divine Fortune Day only tested a Divine Fortune, but he was good, a fifth-level evolution source came directly, which ancient god arranged this?

"I now believe that his parents are gods and gave it to him directly, right?" Beishan Jin said enviously.

Even Ling Qingtian couldn't answer this question.

Now, everyone was waiting for his totem to evolve, and even the God's Fortune Day was interrupted because he was still up there and no one else could get in.

An hour later...

The scene remained the same.

Some of the priests looked at the time and panicked.

"Master God Servant, the time for the totem to evolve cannot be determined. If he doesn't come down, won't we be unable to go up? We have been waiting for several months for this God's Fortune Day."

Some people have already started asking.

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