Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 246 Sun, Moon, and Star Holy Dragon Body Building Technique [Update 11]

The Yuanshi Holy Dragon Sutra has three parts.

Among them, the 'Nine Extreme Dragon Drilling Technique' appeared directly, while the 'Nine Heavenly Dragon Pulse Fixing Technique' took some effort.

Now his Nine Heavenly Dragon Pulse Fixing Technique has been perfected, and the nine heavenly dragons are connected to form a perfect dragon outline in the body, which is the 'Martial Arts Totem'.

The Holy Body Realm is a higher level above the Mysterious Veins Realm.

It is a subversion in martial arts practice.

To reach the Holy Body Realm, it is necessary to shatter the intact 'Martial Arts Totem' in the body. After the Martial Arts Totem is shattered, the true energy will be completely scattered, and together with the fragments of the Martial Arts Totem, it will flow into the muscles, bones, flesh, skin, hair, internal organs, etc., forming a 'Totem Holy Body'.

This realm is to integrate the imprint of the totem into the flesh, bones, internal organs, and internal organs of the whole body, so that the whole body is completely covered by the totem. In this way, the power of the totem can be perfectly combined with the human body.

The majestic true qi is also integrated into every corner of the body, making the true qi omnipresent in the body, rather than confined to the martial arts totem.

The physical body of the cultivator at this level will be very terrifying. The 'Nine Heavens Flame Dragon Holy Body' of the prince defeated by Jiang Zizai before is the complete holy body realm.

In this realm, the divine body is forged with the exercises, and the true qi gathers all over the body, grows together with the divine body, and merges into one. When the body is strong, the qi is sufficient.

At this level, the physical body that integrates the true qi and the fragments of the martial arts totem is extremely powerful, and can break rivers and mountains, and is known as the 'martial arts god'.

Each totem holy body has nine levels of realms, which are the nine changes of the physical body. Each change is the fusion and transformation of the totem power and itself.

The first level, the true qi and the martial arts totem fragments, forge the skin of the whole body, starting from the outside, the skin of the warriors in this realm is extremely tough.

The second level, forging the muscles of the whole body, the muscles are the largest part of the body, the muscles are strong, and the totem warrior can be copper head and iron arm.

The third level is to forge the bones of the whole body. The bones are the support of the whole body. The stronger the bones, the stronger the body.

The fourth level is to forge the tendons of the whole body. The tendons are all over the body. The stronger the tendons, the stronger the whole body.

The fifth level: forging the heart and surrounding blood, which is the strengthening of the blood system of the whole body. After strengthening, the blood is vigorous, comparable to the source beast.

The sixth level: rebuilding the surrounding acupoints. The human body has 409 acupoints. This time it is not to find the spiritual acupoints, but to integrate the totem fragments and true qi into all the acupoints to form countless power cores of the body.

The seventh level is to forge the internal organs of the whole body. The strong internal organs are the foundation of the holy body.

The eighth level is the more important part, forging the brain. The brain is the center of the human body. It is said that after forging, the soul realm can be improved.

As for the ninth level, it is more mysterious. It is to open up the "totem sea" in the body. It is said that once the totem sea is completed, the holy body realm is completely completed.

When the holy body is fully completed, it has the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth.

First practice Qi, then break and then establish, and use Qi to forge the body, which is the experience summarized by the ancient ancestors. There used to be a practice method that first forged the body and then practiced Qi, but it was basically eliminated because of many defects.

It can be said that the Holy Body Realm is a very important stage for laying the foundation.

Jiang Zizai dared not use other methods of forging the Holy Body casually. Next, he concentrated on visualizing the totem to find the method of forging the Holy Body of the Yuanshi Shenglong Sutra.

There are levels of Tiandi Xuanhuang, which are higher than Tian level, and there are also Huang level and Hong level. He doesn't know what level this Yuanshi Shenglong Sutra is.

However, he thinks it is definitely stronger than everyone's practice. After all, this practice comes from the "God Box"!

That is something sent from heaven.

In the sea of ​​life, the evolved little black dragon is already the Death God Nether Dragon. It squinted its eyes, and Jiang Zizai looked at it and talked to it.

He didn't know how to get a new practice method anyway, so he could only mess around.

Anyway, he remembered that when the Yuanshi Shenglong Sutra first appeared, there was a method of forging the holy body, but it flashed too fast at that time, and his realm was too low, so he couldn't remember it at all.

After a long time of visualization, the whole person tends to be drowsy.

Occasionally, he would withdraw to rest for a while, and then continue. Jiuxian had already decorated their new home very beautifully outside.

"The advantage of your place is that the land is vast and the population is sparse. Even the land on this sky island is not valuable. Such a large villa can only be bought for hundreds of millions, but it is easy to get it here."

She didn't know what she was mumbling again.

Jiang Zizai smiled and watched her busy. It was really good to have only two people in the whole world. However, in order to keep this beauty going, he had to continue to work hard.

In a daze, the words were actually clear!

"This is the "Sun, Moon and Star Shenglong Body Forging Technique."

Jiang Zizai recalled the name.

Then, the details gradually emerged, and he began to remember this top-level cultivation method. Anyway, it surpassed the heaven level.

"Attracting the essence of the sun, moon and stars, guiding the essence of the Star Holy Dragon, the Dark Moon Holy Dragon and the Sun Holy Dragon to forge the holy body is a method of absorption and also a method of plunder."

"The essence of heaven and earth is originally plundered by all things, but this method transcends heaven and earth, guides the sun, moon and stars, and the holy body forged is the holy of the holy."

Jiang Zizai was still very shocked when he pondered those words.

"In the first three levels, draw the power of the stars to forge the skin, muscles and bones, and forge the power of the star holy body. The skin, muscles and bones are like stars, shining and endless."

"In the middle three levels, draw the power of the dark moon to forge the tendons, heart and acupoints, and forge the power of the dark moon holy body. It is like a bright moon in the sky, planted in the heart."

"In the last three levels, the power of the sun is imprinted, the five internal organs and six brains are forged, the totem sea is opened up, and the power of the sun holy body is released. If there is a scorching sun on the body, the holy body will be unprecedentedly magnificent. Between heaven and earth, as long as there are sun, moon and stars, the fighting power will be endless."

Jiang Zizai's Tai Chi evolution source already has the totem shadow and double endurance. Coupled with the absorption ability of this holy body forging method, his sustained fighting ability can be said to be difficult to have an opponent.

From then on, Jiang Zizai sat cross-legged on the roof directly. Every night, he attracted the starlight in the sky to illuminate himself and began to forge the skin around his body.

This is just the beginning. When forging to a certain extent, he can break the martial arts totem and enter the holy body realm from then on.

This 'Sun, Moon and Star Holy Dragon Body Forging Technique' can be said to be quite powerful. On the first day of Jiang Zizai's practice, there was a sky full of starlight covering his body. At that moment, he felt that many star points were integrated into his skin. A lot of them condensed in one night.

Jiuxian was always by his side, so when the two of them were together, Jiang Zizai could even condense the starlight in the sky much more easily. This was indeed amazing.

She said that her totem was called: Devouring Fox.

Jiang Zizai asked what was so powerful about her totem, and she smiled and said, you will know soon.

The two of them bathed in the starlight, like a couple of gods and immortals.

These days, the news that Jiang Zizai had obtained the fifth-level evolution source on the day of divine luck had spread throughout the Divine Sect, and for a time, everyone in the Divine Sect knew him.

Some people wanted to visit here, but Jiang Zizai refused on the grounds of closed-door cultivation.

However, some people saw Jiuxian here and spread the news.

Now, everyone knew that the person with the highest divine luck in history was actually with the divine spell caster.

Many rumors came to mind. They might not be so nice.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there is sophistication.

Jiang Zizai didn't care about these things. He began to enter the sprint stage. After absorbing starlight for half a month, he could almost open up the holy body.

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