Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 253 Baili Tianjie

Based on the current situation, Jiang Zizai set a goal for himself to catch up with the ‘sons’ of the Origin Shen Sect within two years.

This is actually tough.

Even if it takes two years, he can cultivate to the peak of the Holy Body Realm.

But the key point is that they are also Hong-level totems, and they are also growing rapidly. In two years, they may grow to a higher realm.

Above the Shenzong, there are people who break through to new realms every day, and it is not him who is making progress.

However, he does have confidence that his growth rate will actually exceed that of the Sons of God. After all, he still has the Nine Immortals to protect him.

To be honest, since his cultivation till now, the effect of his dual cultivation with the Nine Immortals should have increased his overall cultivation speed by 30%.

If he hadn't put so much thought into the talisman, it would have been even stronger.

However, the Talisman is a long-term plan. He has the inheritance of the Life and Death Talisman Sect. If he doesn't make good use of it now, he will definitely regret it in the future.

It's just that it's too expensive to draw talismans, and now he is really so poor that he doesn't even have any spiritual stones.

He knew that the Nine Immortals were rich, but how could a man ask for money from a woman? She was just a freeloader, so he came to the 'Qingtian Temple' next door and found Beishan Jin, who had made a fortune on the Divine Luck Day, and got straight to the point. : "Brother, money is a bit tight recently. I have to buy some talisman paper and talisman ink. Can it be convenient for me to borrow some money to spend."

When Beishan Jin heard this, he was shocked and said: "No, talking about money between brothers hurts feelings. I have already spent most of this money on picking up girls."

Jiang Zizai was ready to beat up this stingy guy and rob him.

"Brother, I was just joking." Seeing that Jiang Zizai was about to come up and grab him, he quickly gave in and said, "That's not right. You are a totem talisman master. I sold the talisman on your body and got a big spiritual stone." Then buy the materials and draw the talisman, and it will snowball. You can buy whatever weapons you want and pick up whatever girls you want."

"In the Beast God Palace, is there a place where talismans can be sold?" Jiang Zizai vaguely knew that there was a place called 'Baili Tianjie'. There are many things to buy. Those shops were all opened by people from the Shenzong, either quasi-godly attendants, or directly divine attendants, and some were older high-level priests.

But in Baili Tianjie, you can basically only buy it. How can you sell it if you don’t have a store?

Beishan Jin said: "Don't worry, I've already asked you about it. There are many talisman shops that accept talismans. I'll take you to one with a better reputation."

He grew up on the streets of Yanlongxu. His parents were businessmen, so he easily became familiar with Baili Tianjie.

Jiang Zizai still has a lot of soul-soothing charms on him that can be sold.

They left the Qingtian Palace and arrived at Baili Tianjie a quarter of an hour later. This was simply a street shrouded in clouds and mist. It was not an exaggeration to say it was a 'Heavenly Street'. Although it was not a hundred miles away, it was at least ten miles away. .

There are various shops on both sides of the ten-mile street. This is Shenzong's commercial base, and Shenzong's priests basically spend their money here.

Everything from all over the world is sold here.

It is said that whether it is spiritual mines, elixirs or various rare treasures, you can buy them here, not to mention talismans and totem weapons.

Everything is clearly priced.

However, things are rare, and good things must be very expensive.

There are even some high-end shops that sell evolutionary sources. The quantity is definitely very small and hard to come by.

In addition, there are actually some clothes, daily necessities and so on. It seems that the Nine Immortals have come here often before.

She hasn't come here much recently, probably because she doesn't want to face those strange looks.

Jiang Zizai passed by a very beautiful clothing store. There was a very beautiful skirt at the door. It was a great test for one's figure. Jiu Xian would definitely be able to wear it beautifully.

"Brother, this is top-notch silk fabric. The silkworms are fed with elixirs and are painted with totem patterns. They are absolutely impervious to water and fire. They only require one thousand and four levels of spiritual stones. Do you consider it?" A young man in his twenties asked with a smile at the door.

Beishan Jin was frightened and fainted, and said: "Why don't you go and grab it? It's just a piece of clothing and it costs one thousand and four grade spiritual stones."

"You don't understand the goods. This is the work of the top designer from mainland China. It's called a cheongsam. Give it to the person you like. She will definitely fall in love with you. What do you think? Do you consider it?" the young man asked.

"Don't fool me, it's worth at most thirty fourth-grade spiritual stones."

When Beishan Jin said this, the young man became a little angry and sneered: "If you can't afford it, get out and don't block my customers. This is the style that was just launched today. There is only one in the entire Shenzong!"

Jiang Zizai took a few more glances and realized that it was indeed beautiful. Nine Immortals would definitely like it. However, he turned around and left because he had no money.

"Boss, don't be like this villain." Beishan Jin said.

"Haha." Jiang Zizai smiled. Beishan Jin was completely confused as to what he meant. In fact, he was thinking about how happy the Nine Immortals would be when they saw this dress.

That woman just likes her beauty and the way she confuses all sentient beings.

In a blink of an eye, Fu Bao Pavilion arrived. The store was very large, very grand, and looked very authoritative.

Standing at the door was a young man in green clothes, an ordinary priest. When he saw the two young people arriving, he knew that he had little spending power, but he still asked: "Do you two want to buy talismans?"

Beishan Jin said: "No, he is here to sell."

"Are you a totem talisman master? We don't accept Chen-level talismans." The young man shook his head.

"Not Chen level."

"If the quantity is small, I won't accept it."

"There are one hundred."

After hearing one hundred, the young man thought for a moment and said, "Okay, I'll take you to see Senior Sister Su."

After entering, the decoration inside was very simple and quaint. Jiang Zizai saw at a glance that there were many talismans inside, and of course there were also various materials such as pens, ink, paper and inkstones that talisman masters needed.

There were several priests entertaining guests.

They came to sell, so they entered a special side hall. In the side hall, a woman was lazily lying on a recliner. She was wearing extremely revealing clothes, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin. Her surging figure was really blood-spurting.

"Senior Sister Su, they are here to sell talismans." The priest said, then lowered his head and retreated, not daring to look more.

"Wow." The hot figure of this woman made Beishan Jin couldn't help but exclaim.

At this time, she had stood up. She was really a tall and slender woman, about the same age as Jiuxian, like a ripe red apple, gentle as water.

She glanced at Jiang Zizai and the other man and said, "You two young guys, are you here to play a trick on me?"


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